Don't Hate Me

[ONE-SHOT] Me and You, We Fall In Love



{Luhan P.O.V}

I can feel warm sunlight poured onto my face, I shift a little and think it's time for wake up. But I groan before I really open my eyes, i can still feel dizzy.

I finally open my eyes, and i startle at Tao's presence beside me,

"Zitao, what are you doing here?!" My eyes widen, as his also widen, "errr... the geges just told me to wake you up. I tried, but you won't open your eyes, and if i get out i might get scolded so i decided to..." I cut his words,

"staring at me sleeping? Aish, no wonder why i can't sleep peacefully." I press my palm against my forehead, "sorry ge..." Tao frowns. I nod in understood and shoo him to go, and he obidiently walks out of my room.

I cup my cheeks with my own hands, I feel warm.

I jump off of my bed and walk to my bathroom, I look at my messy appearance at the mirror.

My eyes almost look like Tao's, and my hair is a total mess. 

*Only if you can see me do no good after you left.* I sigh in mind, looking glazed at my own reflection in the mirror,

then I was my face and fix my hair and after my face look better I go out from my room and see EXO's dorm as peaceful as usual.

I actually want a dramatic scene, like Kris and the rest of EXO members wait worrily in front of my room -3- but since it doesn't happen, that's okay...


"Good morning" I greet as low as possible. Kris who is lounging in the kitchen with Suho, Gaehwa and Lulu while eating chips made by Gaehwa, notices my presence and he waves his hand, "ow gege! Good morning!" Instead of me go to him, Kris walks after me.

"Are you okay, ge?" he asks and pats my shoulder, "err... can't you see?" I raise my eyebrow, and he lifts the corner of his lips.

"Listen, ge... I want you to know that you were drunk last night."

"I know, duizhang."

".... And also i want to ask you, what's happening with you? You can share with us, you know?" Kris gently says, but instead of thank him I shake off his hand from my shoulder,

"Kris, stop it... You know my problem and how much I hate to talk about that. Just let me be, and i'm sorry for ruining our group's image." I shrug.

I am really sorry for my atittude, but I'm not in the mood to talk about my problem.

Kris places his hand on my shoulder again, "It's mostly not about the group, but about your own good." Kris smiles, the thing he rarely do, i smile back.

"Thanks Kris, Thanks a lot."



"Oppa, do you have schedule?" she asked me with impatient tone, i chuckled, "just have to record for our next album... Why? Miss me much?" I teased but she didn't answer my tease and say "let's meet up" instead.

"Oh, you really miss me... hehehe... Let's go, where should we meet?"

"Anywhere's fine."

I wrinkled my eyebrows at her answer, what kind of answer is that?

"Okay, Han Park? Is that okay?" [A/N:This park's name is just my imagination ><]

"Fine, it's settled then." then she hung up before I could speak another word, her atittude was just... strange


We finally met in Han Park like we had planned. I bought a bouquet of flower for her, she usually love flower, especially when they're from me.

But, when i gave the flower for her, she received it with a wry smile. And i noticed that even if i know she was trying to hide it from me.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked carefully, thought she was in her bad mood

"I'm just..." her gaze looked empty, "okay... I'm okay." she mumbled and i just nodded although I knew something was still wrong,

"good to hear that... Shall we go get lunch?" I asked jovially and grabbed her hand.

But for my shock, she refused my hand and looked down desperately

"Ey, are you really okay? We can go back if..." Before i finished my sentence, she lifted her head and I could see her eyes burning in tears but i had no idea why the hell she cried.


"Let's just over it." She said under her breath, my eyes widen in shock,

"what? What are you saying? You're not drunk, are you?" I shook her shoulder roughly, i just couldn't believe she just said that to me.


We had never been in such a big fight, even after i debuted she always support me... But why? When i finally could see her, why she casually said that?

Well, okay... Not that casual because, she was tearing.


"I'm tired, I'm tired of you go back and forth to China and Korea. I'm tired Lu, my mother been asking about our relationship and when will us decide to married and stuff... My ears hurt!" She yelled emotionally.

That was actually not the first time seeing her like that, she yelled to at our big fight in our 13 months anniversary. And damn it, WE HAPPEN TO BE 3 YEARS NOW!


"We are just 20! Doesn't your mom understand?" I still gripped her shoulder,

"That's the point Luhan, my mom has been arranging a marriage for me... We should break up. I'm tired and my mom tell me to get married, such a coincident right?" She wiped her tears,

"you don't want this, i know you don't want it!" I yelled but instead of answering, she released herself from my grip.


"Luhan, please go back to your sense! My marriage is going to be held in 5 months from now... please prepare yourself." She bit her bottom lip and walked away, but for the last time i distracted her by grab her arm,

"does it mean?" I asked, just in case it's just dream,

"I really hate to say this Luhan... But, we're done." She released my grip again, and  walked away. I wasn't bother to ask her to stay, anymore.



I shake my head, try to get over from the image of the past.

I pull a glass of water and drink it until the last drop of it.


Suddenly, someone bumps to my shoulder and I turn my head to see who is it, and for my shock, it's Song Lulu.

"I'm sorry, but can you please step aside, i want to take my drink." She synically commands, and I instantly step aside nervously,

but when I look at her, my mind suddenly goes blurry, I'm not sure why but piece by piece of last night accident ome into my mind in puzzlement.

"Did you do something to me last night?" I ask bluntly,

and Lulu almost spit out water from , "MWO?! What kind of girl do you think i am Xi Luhan, are you crazy?!" She yells and her eyes widen in disbelief,

"sorry, but... I don't know, it feels like you were doing something to me lastnight."

"Still dreaming, eh?" She raises her eyebrow and walks away while shaking her head.

*She's right Luhan and you are a total delusional for thinking she was doing anything to you since she hates you... so much.*

I sigh.


Yeah, Song Lulu always hates me since her first day at EXO dorm, I don't exactly know why but... She hates me.

She's always avoiding me whenever I try to get close.



{Lulu P.O.V}


"Aish, that boy is crazy, really!" I curse as i enter my room and slam it shut, Gaehwa onnie is sitting on my bed while reading a magazine.

"What's up, Lu?" She ask, putting down her magazine

"That boy, he said that I did something to him last night when he drunk, is he going nuts?!" I place my hands on my hips,

"That boy is Luhan, right?" Gaehwa giggles,

"Nothing's funny, onnie!" I protest,

"But you were doing something to him, Lulu-ah..." Gaehwa says,

"But it wasn't something bad!"

"He said 'something', he didn't say 'something wrong'. He has no idea about last night, Lu..."



I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't sleep.

I terribly forced myself to sleep, but my feelings and brain just didn't want to obey me.


Suddenly, I heard someone knock on the door brutally. I wrapped myself tightly with blanket.

"OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE ANYONE!" The person outside the apartment yelled, and I knew that voice, that annoying cute voice.

Yes, Luhan wasn't home yet and it was his voice, so i decided to open the door for him. Instead of found 'Exhausted Luhan', i found 'Drunk Luhan' and i was not grateful at all.

When I opened the door, Luhan's body fell onto mine immediately. I could smell the nasty smell of alcohol from his mouth that murmured nonsense words.

I pulled his body to the sofa in living room.

"Luhan, what's happening with you?" I worrily asked (Well, can you just ignore someone who drunk without asking things with worried feelings?-_-)

"Jagiya.... You're back?" Luhan hugged me tightly,

"Lu....han... get off!" I tried to release myself, but no working.

"Jagiya, do you know how hard my life been after you left? Do you know? Ah, i really am going crazy... I love you, and I know you love me too." He whispered in my ear,

"why you even leave me Jagiya?" he cried,

"I love you, is it not enough?"

"Jagiya...." he searched for my lips, but I prevent him to go further.


"No, Luhan... You're drunk." I softly said,

"What do you mean about i'm drunk? I'm not, jagiya..." Luhan succeesfully placed his lips against mine,

to be honest I was fluttered with it at the first time.

He pulled away from the kiss, I could feel my cheeks burn in blush.

"Jagiya..." he whispered,

I got back to my sense, he kissed me but imagined of his ex.


" Luhan... !" I muttered in husky voice, I stood up and headed to Kris' room.




"You helped him lastnight, but... Did something really happen between you?" Gaehwa asks,

"Nothing happened Onnie, i told you!"


[NEXT DAY]{Narrator's P.O.V}


"Gosh i'm late!!! total late.... Aaaaaaa!!!!" Lulu rushes to the bathroom, washes her face and brushes her teeth. And back to her room to change and combs her hair.

"Luhan!" She shouts when she finds only Luhan in the living room,


"Where's everybody? Where's Kris? Where's Tao? Where's Gaehwa Onnie?"

"Kris and Tao have their own schedule, Gaehwa is going to grocery shopping with Suho. Wae?"

"Oh my gosh. I'm gonna die! I'm late and no one will take me to campus, that means i should take a bus... My life is official over now." Lulu sighs.


Luhan wrinkles his eyebrows, "what do you mean about 'no one will take me to campus'? You can always ask my help, you know that..." Luhan smiles,

Lulu isn't sure about Luhan's idea, but she cleares ,

"Just go to the point Luhan, won't you take me to campus?"

"My pleasure, Lulu-ssi." Luhan smiles and grabs his key.


If she is not terribly late like that day, She possibly won't let Luhan take her to campus.

But now, there are they. In the car.

Luhan casually turns on the radio, while Lulu always feels goosebump in every move he makes, and Luhan notices the heavy atmosphere between Lulu and him.

"Lighten up, Lu... I'm not going to bite you!" Luhan chuckles,

Lulu doesn't give response and looks outside the window outside, Luhan clears his throat and asked,

"Lu... do you hate me?" Luhan asks, he isn't too brave to look at Lulu, and also he is driving.

Lulu's body gets tensed, and she straighten up her body to the back of the chair and clears , "you think so?"

Luhan chuckles awkwardly, "I don't know, it's just... just... you're always avoiding me."

*maybe he's not bad* Lulu thinks and speaks, "no... don't think that way. I was just, awkward. You are stranger in my life. You are new, and I can't just fit in with you."

"funny, you say that while you easily fit in with Kris and the others." Luhan puts a wry smile on his face.

Without Lulu knowing, they arrived at her campus.

"We're here." Luhan says under his breath,

"Luhan, do you.... mad at me?" Lulu tries to search Luhan's face because he looks down and she cannot see his face,

"I'm fine, let's talk about this later? I'll pick you up in lunch." Luhan lifts his head and smiles,

"settled then."




"So, tell me why you always avoiding me?" Luhan crosses his legs manly, Lulu rolls her eyes and mocks his atittude in her mind.

"Hey, tell me!" Luhan insists softly,

"okay okay... chillax!" Lulu barks, Luhan chuckles.


"Okay, honestly I was, and until this morning, hate you."

Luhan's eyes slightly widen in disbelief, "the reason is?"


Lulu unable to answer that question. She also is not sure about why she hates Luhan.

She possibly can't tell him that she hates him because he kissed her and imagining his ex girlfriend instead.

And also, long before he kissed her.... She already hates him from the pit of her stomach.


"I'm not sure." Lulu finally answer, Luhan gasps,

"are you kidding me, Lu? You hate me but you don't know why you hate me? Really?" Luhan tches in annoyance.

Lulu's face fall, Luhan glances at her, "you know Lu, friend of mine... Okay, well... Sehun. He told me that hate and love have a small differences. And are you sure you hate me? Have you ever think of loving me?" Luhan teases and smirks.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" Lulu yells and make some people at the cafe to look at her and Luhan,

Luhan laughes and says, "well... Chill miss Song, i was just kidding." 


"I know i'm wrong, and i want to apologize." Lulu blushed and head down.


"Okay, I forgive you. Friends?" Luhan pulls his hand to shakes Lulu's,

*This boy... easily forgive me?* Lulu whispers mentally in disbelief, but she welcomes Luhan's hand and they both shaking hands.



After having lunch together, two of them go back to home together.

Preventing questions from the others, Lulu walks straight to her room and immediately sinks on her bed and she hugs her bolster tightly with happiness.

*I'm happy to be friends with Luhan?* Lulu releases her bolster as he think of that, she gets up and sit on her bed, *Why am i so happy?*

Someone is knocking Lulu's door all in sudden, Lulu jolted at the sound of the knock.

"Geez, come in!" Lulu fixes her clothes, just in case Luhan or the other boys whom knocked the door, but it's Gaehwa.


"Gaehwa Onnie? What's up? Why bother knocking?" Lulu asks.

Her sister's smile is enough to make her know about what's up in her sister's mind,

"Did you and Luhan went out together without me knowing?" Gaehwa tickles Lulu,

Lulu laughs in agony and tells her sister to stop.

"It was actually a coincident! I was late for campus, and Luhan was there and he offered to take me to school, And he wanted to pick me up too. I can't just refuse a person's kindness!" Lulu explains, Gaehwa's eyebrows wrinkled,

"but the person is Xi Luhan... The person who you hate the most under this roof!" Gaehwa excitedly says.


"I don't think i ever hate him..." Lulu suddenly says under her breath,

"what did you say? Why you suddenly think that way?" Gaehwa asks and her eyes widen.


Lulu tells her everything... Also about what Sehun told Luhan about Love and Hate and how Lulu's feeling responded to quote words from Sehun.


"So, now you think... You were in love with Luhan all along?" Gaehwa asks,

and Lulu worrily nods, "then maybe you're right." Gaehwa adds.

Lulu is shocked by her sister's word, "what? You said that you're in love and from Sehun's quotes i found it pretty possible." Gaehwa shrugs.

"So, what should i do now?"

"Try to get him... Maybe?"


Feels that her sister's idea wouldn't helped at all. Lulu will just go with her own plan.

She will make sure first about her feelings.


When she and Luhan have planned to spend their holiday with Movie Marathon, a mailman gives him a mail from Lulu-Have-No-Idea-Who.


"Who is it from?" Lulu asks, carefully not to sound interrogating

"My ex-girlfriend, her wedding will come up soon." Luhan tosses the invitation to the dining table.


Something strange creepes into her cheeks and stomach, she grabs the invitation.


{Luhan's P.O.V}


"Leave it, or if you don't mind just put it to the trash." I say synically when she takes the invitation,

The wound opens again, and it's wet like the first time i got it.

This wound in my heart, how can i fix it?

Do i need someone or something to fix it?

I put my palm on my chest and feel my heartbeat, it is still beating but it's meaningless without her.


"You thinking about her again" Lulu sits beside me.

Since my break up incident, she always be beside me and support me, but i never really tell her about the detail of my break up. No need, indeed.

"I just.... Just..." i really want to cry. But cry in front of a girl? A big no.


"If you wanna cry, then just do. Don't keep your pride in front of me. You have no pride in my eyes." Lulu says, i know she just want to comfort me, so i cry.

And i mutter about nonsense stuff she might doesn't know.

But, even if she's just silently listening to me crying, I really feel grateful.

Her presence, and the fact that she's here for healing my broken heart make me comfortable.


{Lulu P.O.V}


It's kind of weird, having a boy beside you, crying because of his past love.

Especially when that boy is the boy you love, the boy who senselessly kissed you.

It is total weird.


"Luhan?" I call, Luhan who just finishes with his cry turns his head.


"I know, it's kind of stupid but can I?" I let my face fell,

"Can you what?" Luhan asks in puzzlement,

"can I heal your wound? At least, can I give it a try?" I can feel my face blushed, I don't know what has gotten into me, but that's the best line i can come up with.

"I was just about to ask you that..." Luhan smiles, and his words make my face instantly lift up and glance at him with hopeful gaze,

"What? Ask me what?" I ask, pretend not to hear his words.


Luhan smiles again and cups my face, "I think you are the right person to heal my wound, can you do me the favor? I promise you I will change and move on. And be someone perfect for you." Luhan pulls my face closer to him, I close my eyes.

It will be the real kiss...

I can feel his lips' surface....


"WE'RE HOME!" I open my eyes urgently, shocked by the sudden noise and we pull ourselves away from each other.


"Chanyeol? Baekhyun? D.O? errr... Why so early?" Luhan casually shoves his hands to his pocket and acts calm, while my face is  burried in my palms.

"How dare you said that hyung, we're exhausted!" Baekhyun hits Luhan's arm, playfully.

"Ey, Lulu! What are you doing?" Chanyeol tilts his head looking at me,

"errr... nothing, i have to go to my room." I stand up and walk to my room, but suddenly Luhan stops me, and whispers,

"let's go together to the wedding." Luhan winks,

"you and me as a couple." he adds, and i weakly nod in happiness.


[THE WEDDING]{Narrator's P.O.V}


"Lulu, are you ready?" Luhan knocked Lulu's door, "wait, Han! Just 2 more minutes!" Lulu yells inside.


"Omo, this girl... You even have a pet name now?" Gaehwa who is fixing Lulu's hair sighs and teases, "yah Onnie, we're just friends!"

"You think so? I don't think Luhan think so, too." Gaehwa teases again,

"Onnie, jinjja! Ppali wa!" Lulu's face flushes in red and Gaehwa laughs.


"Lulu, are you done?" Luhan who can't handle girls nature sighed,

"Okay, geez... I'm going out."

Finally, Lulu's door opened and from there appears Lulu with her dress.

Luhan holds his breath, Lulu is especially beautiful that day.


"Han? It's too much, isn't it? Told ya Onnie, i should just wear the simple one!"

"But this is the simplest dress you have!" Gaehwa rolls her eyes.


Luhan grabs Lulu's hand all in sudden, "that's okay... You're pretty." Luhan tighten his grip in your hand and Lulu's face flushes in nervous.

Gaehwa widene her eyes at Luhan's action to her sister,

"We're going!" Luhan waves at Gaehwa and so does Lulu, and they both leave.




"Lu, can you sit first? I'm going to the toilet." Luhan says pushing Lulu to sit first, Lulu obediently nods and goes to search for two seats.

Luhan walks to the toilet, but unfortunately, the bridge's room places exactly 2 rooms away from the men toilet.

Suddenly, Luhan feels wavering. *Where should i go?*


He doesn't mean about the toilet and the bride's room. What he meant is about Lulu and his ex girlfriend.

He has never asked Lulu to be his girlfriend anyway, and their relationship is still... unknown.


Luhan slowly walks to the bridge's room, making sure that no one see him, he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

"What... Luhan?" his ex girlfriend's jaw drops when she sees Luhan's sneaking, Luhan places his fore finger on his lips.

"So, you're happy now?" Luhan calmly shoves his hands to his pocket.


His ex tries hard to not yell, so she just mutters under her breath, "Luhan, i moved on... You should too. Sometimes, two people who loves each other not meant to be together." She squeezes her own hand nervously on her dress,

"I don't want this... This shouldn't be like this. It can happen in others story, but not in mine! I know you still love me!" Luhan walks toward her and shakes her shoulders,

her eyes don't  look at Luhan's.


Suddenly, someone barges in. Luhan and his ex widen their eyes.


"I.... I didn't mean to..." Lulu speechless at the scene in front of her eyes,

"Lu...." Luhan widen his eyes,

"you know her, Luhan?" the bridge asks.

"I... I... I.... Don't... I mean..." Lulu holds her tears, she doesn't hear Luhan's answer,


"I wanted to congratulate you, but i didn't know another guest is in. I thought Luhan is in the toilet so i went in." Lulu says and bites her lower lips, she walks toward the bridge and gives the wedding gift she bought for her.

"Congratulation Onnie, for you wedding... Hope you and your future husband will longlast... I want you to know something, Onnie..." Lulu takes a deep breath, and widen her eyes in order to prevent tears dropping,

"I envy you Onnie." Then bows and leave without glancing at Luhan, and she wipes a drop of tears that fall accidentally.


"!" Luhan hisses, he runs after Lulu but she is nowhere to see.

He searches everywhere, and finally he finds Lulu crying in the parking lot in front of his car.

Luhan shakes his head, exhausted. He walks toward her, but she notices his presence, so she stands up and tries to walk away but Luhan stops her by holding her hand.


"Where do you think you're going?" Luhan asks,

"AWAY from you." She yells.


Luhan who can't handle another yell, speaks "I will tell you something... I like you, but i don't know why, deep in my heart i still want her back."

as Luhan finishes his words, a slap flies to his cheeks, makes him jolted in horror.

Luhan groans in pain, Lulu's chest pant hard.

"You should just let her go!" Lulu yells,

"Do you think it's that easy?! And why would i follow your advice, while you never like anyone?!" Luhan yells back,

and his words stab right in Lulu's heart, and Lulu feels paralyzed, but in the end she speaks,

"That's not easy, but at least... I know i was in love with you all along, and i was dying seeing you with someone else, and that someone is that Onnie. I've mistaken my love as hate before. After you told me that love and hate have small differences, i finally realized i love you. I even heard all your problem in the night you drunk, you even kissed me, Han... But you imagined that girl who you kissed, that was painful night Luhan... And you treat me like this, make me expect much from you and you make my heart sink like this? Even i can't call you jerk because i'm too love you so much." Lulu cries painfully, Luhan's heart feels something strange as that words come out from Lulu's mouth.

Luhan's gaze soften, he grabs Lulu's hands but Lulu shakes it off.

"And now, i'm afraid i mistaken hate as love. I hate you Luhan." Her voice becomes husky,

"I'm done with this bull of you, Han... I give up." Lulu walks away and stops a taxi.


{Luhan's P.O.V}


*So, she does know about everything all along.*

*Luhan you are a total jerk.*


I ruffle my hair desperately, and suddenly someone barges in to my room.

"Han hyung?!" Sehun eyes widen in shock,

"What?" I reply synically,

"I can't belive you sitting here!"

"What do you mean?"

"Lulu is moving to her own apartment and why the hell you're still sitting here and do nothing to stop her?!"


What? Lulu is moving? But why? Why?

Is it all because of me? Does she really hurt?

I'm a total jerk!


I jump off of my bed and run to her room, but i find her sitting on her bed while reading a magazine. When i barg in, she scowls at me.

"What are you doing in here?" Lulu hisses,

"I'm... Sehun... Errr... You're not leaving?" I scratch the back of my neck,

"actually not until tomorrow, but if you burdened with me in this apartment i could move today." Lulu synically answers.


"Lu..." I call, but she doesn't answer.

"Just go away, and closed the door from the outside." she says instead, with a husky voice, her face is buried in the magazine,

"Lulu, i'm sorry...." I say with a soft voice,

"I told you to go!"


"Lu..." I seize the magazine and put it down, and for my shock, she is crying all along.

"What?! Happy to see me crying for you again, mister stupid jerk?" Lulu stands up and tries to walk away again, but I hug her from behind.


"Listen Lu, i'm sorry... Very sorry... I'm very stupid to yearn something impossible." I whisper,

"if this apology just last for months, you better take it back." She replies synically,

"Lu... please... What should i do to make you believe me?"

"You don't have to do anything since nothing will make that up."

"Please Lulu.... Please......" My voice turns huskier.


"She left me.... I don't want you to leave too..." I release her from my hug, and sit on her bed.


She still won't turn around to face me, and i finally arrived at the top of my guilty.


"Okay, you can not forgive me... Sorry, you know, for everything." I say,

"what did you say?" she finally turns around and face me,

i wrinkle my eyebrow in puzzlement.


"You said that i can to not forgive you? Tch, are you really think it's that easy?" She pouts, her eyes still reddish because she is crying,

"what?" I still can't get what she said,

"Luhan i love you.... I really didn't think you would give up on me this easy." She hugs me, "you should try harder, Han..." She continue.


"Y... You forgive me?" I ask in disbelief,

"Yes, it's amazing right? Love power?" She tries to laugh, i know deep in her heart she's still buried in pain.




"Would you be my girlfriend?"


"Would you be my girlfriend?"






"Answer me!"


"Aish, jinjja.... Would you be my girlfriend?"


Instead of answering, Lulu kisses Luhan on lips.


"Did the answer fascinate you?" Lulu asks and smirks,


instead of answering, i pushe her to the bed and bombard her with kisses.



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Thank you!
I was done with the foreword before my lappy decided to suddenly turned off ;_; i'm exhausted D': i'll make the prologue later T_T i'm sorry


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sheesia #1
Chapter 1: Awesome story
HaeHoChen_Jolynn #2
I'm gonna cry:( Luhan ah!
Awww, shooo cuteeeeeeeee~~~ <33333333333
EunKyung90 #5
Sounds INTERESTING! Can't wait to read your story XD
I'm really excited to read your story. Please, update soon :)
Uhh, I hope Song Lulu wont be confused coz I call for Luhannie~~ XD LOLs. Bhahahaha.