Chapter 1

Anytime, Everytime.



"Come on!" I called out for KyuHyun. MY BOYFRIEND. Yeah, that right. I'm dating the maknae of Super Junior. I'm so lucky to have him.
It's already been a month since we went out, although I'm not too happy that we go out on dates when he's in disguises, I want to show him off to show the girls that he's mine. And mine only.
"We might not make it!" I ran towards the entrance of the ferris wheel, trying to get the open space for us.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I can hear him chuckle.
We both stepped on the ride and soon got lifted off the ground. I leaned on the window, trying to get a better view of the place. 
"KyuHyun oppa! Look out here!" I pointed out.
"Where?" He leaned towards me, when I looked up, I saw an angel right in front of me. 
*OH MAI GAWD HE'S HANDSOME* I turned bright red.
When he sat back to his seat, I got upset. The silence was awkward, but then he says something.
"ChinMae.. I have something for you." he reaches into his pocket of the black coat that I helped pick out last week. 
"This necklace, belonged to my mother. She gave it to me, so I can pass it to the girl I want to be with my whole life."
My heart started to speed up, getting me to turn hot.
"KyuHyun oppa.." tears start to form, I felt so happy.
He took off his hat and sunglasses. 
"From now on, I want to be with you."
He gave me such a smile. A smile I have never seen before.
"Anytime, Everytime." He pulls me closer to put the necklace on me. 
And ending it with a kiss.
The wheel stops, the ride is over. He puts his hat on my head, and sunglasses on me as well. 
"Your turn to hide." He smirks at me.
When we left the ferris wheel. I was all red. I gripped on tight to the necklace.
We walked out, people were staring. Girls were gossiping.
All he wanted people to see, is that we were holding hands.
Indeed. I am his.
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0////////0 kyupta!!!
babymichiie #2
Woahh, one word. Sweet!
Super sweet story! :)
Thanks for reading >//u//< I thought I didn't do good on this story.

You have given me hope :'D
well, i love Kyuhyun a lot~~ hihi and indeed his is my bias. so gotta love this story. kyaaa~~ <3