Chapter 3.

All because of Latte

Chapter 3.

From that moment on, it felt that your world came crashing down. You have just humiliated yourself in front of your biggest idols ever. And what makes it worse is that, you practically gave out that clumsy aura to your major bias. 

"Oh my god, oh my god. I'm so sorry! I really am! Here let me get a napkin or something. I'm really really sorry. Oh go-" You started to ramble on and on about how sorry you were that you didn't notice that Xiumin was reaching out to you. He gently grabbed your hand which made you froze on the spot, causing you to stop your rambling. 

"Listen, it's okay. It's not as if the latte was burning hot. 'Cause if it is, i would have died. It's okay. That thunder shocked me too." Xiumin said, giving you a sincere smile that made your heart flutter. 

"I still feel bad. I'm so sorry. Hold on, i'll go and make you another drink. I am so.. so sorry." You bowed and hurrily walked away to make another hot latte for Xiumin. 

That moment on, Mrs Choi and Hyosung came in from the back after their break. They saw you suddenly mumbling to yourself and hitting your forehead. They raised their eyebrows and Hyosung walked towards you. You on the other hand, didn't notice that Hyosung and Mrs Choi was in the room. As Hyosung tapped your shoulder, you shot up in surprise. 

"Ah! Oh my god Unnie! Please don't do that again. I'm in a hurry. No time to waste~!" You said all in one breath, leaving Hyosung speechless. Mrs Choi took a look around the cafe and saw a strangely familiar group. 

"I swear i've seen them before somewhere. But where?" She mumbled to herself, tapping her chin. 



Xiumin got the napkins from the table and started to wipe his shirt clean. He was smiling instead of frowning, which in turn surprised the other members. Luhan looked at him and said,"Hyung, are you okay? Any burns anywhere?" Xiumin shook his head. "Nah, i'm alright. I'm a man that can take all these burns~!" 

The rest of the members laughed at Xiumin's remark. Xiumin was seen smiling to himself. Luhan seems to notice his sudden strange behaviour but didn't want to question him.

You came in so suddenly, with Xiumin's drink on the tray. Beads of perspiration were seen on your forehead. You kneeled down beside his table, carefully placed the drink on the table. You bow as you stand up, apologizing profusely.  

"I am so sorry, Xiu Min sshi, i didn't mean-" 

Xiu Min looked at you and you instantly shut up. You were staring deep into his brown eyes, too deeply in fact, till someone had to disturb that moment by coughing out loud. Xiu Min smiled at you and assured that it was fine. You nodded, not because you were comforted, but in fact the Xiu Min said it was alright. You were supposed to spazzing to over the fact that EXO-M, is here, at your workplace, drinking the drinks that YOU made, but the feeling crashed when you spilled that drink on Xiu Min's shirt. 

"Look, uhm.." Xiu Min looked at you, expecting an answer. 

"Lee Jina." You answered right away. 

"Look Jina sshi, it's fine. I'm okay, like i said. You shouldn't worry too much, it's fine. And i don't hold grudges." Xiu Min assured for the nth time, but this time, you finally told yourself to believe him and you nodded slowly. 

"I'll, uhm, I'll just go. And d-do my work at the back." You stuttered, as you quickly walked to the counter , away from the eyes of Exo-M. 

As soon you were in the safety of the kitchen, you smiled and jumped around. 

"He talked to me. He knows my name." You started, leaning against the wall, staring into the ceiling with dreamy eyes. "He knows i exist. Oh my god!" You spazzed. 

Suddenly Mrs Choi came into the kitchen, but you were too busy dreaming and spazzing that you didn't realise that she was staring at you, laughing at your sudden spazz attack as you smiled like there's no tomorrow. She cleared , catching your attention right away. You immediately straightened up and put on a straight face. 

"Yes Mrs Choi? Is there anything you need me to do?" You asked. 

Mrs Choi shook her head in amusement. "I just need you to take care the counter for me and clean up when it's closing time, okay? My son is down with a high fever and i have to get home right away. You can do that, right?" 

You nodded and playfully saluted. "Ne Mrs Choi! You can count on me!" You smiled cheekily. 

Mrs Choi smiled. "Aigoo, i trust that you won't oogle your eyes out at those pretty boys." 

You flushed and shook your head. "As much as i want to, i have work to do~ And i won't let you down, Mrs Choi!" 

Mrs Choi nodded and took her handbag. "I know. I'm going now, take care Jina dear~" 




Annyeong~ It's been a reaaaaaaally long time since i updated this huh? I know that this is a short update, im apologising on my part as well, sorry for taking too long to update. and also how this update is short one. I'm gonna try to update this at least once in two weeks, or if i'm not busy, once a week :) Therefore, please continue to support me, alright? 


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whyhellobunny #1
Chapter 2: omg. talk about bad luck! i'd probably die on the spot if that happened to me! D:
monday2sunday #2
monday2sunday #3
YAY! Unnie finally posted the story kekeke ^^ <3