Runaway Groom and Steamed Buns

EXO Oneshot Collection


Title: Runaway Groom and Steamed Buns (oneshot)

Pairing: Chen / XiuMin

Rating: K

Length: 4,100+ words



I have a confession.



It is something that I shouldn’t be saying, thinking or actually feeling right now, or ever, but I just naturally do. I’m in love…



            I’m in love with my fiancé’s brother.






I have a confession.



It is something that I shouldn’t be saying, thinking or actually feeling right now, or ever, but I just naturally do. I’m in love…



            I’m in love with my fiancé’s brother.





My dearest mother, who would be classed under the category of the number one biggest , had arranged a marriage for me one year ago. She loved wealth, fame and power more than she loved her own son, or more specifically, her family. My father, who was wrapped around her sharp nasty talons, had no say to help me at all.



I pitied the old fool.



I felt sorry he had to be tied with someone such as her.



She betrothed me to a young woman that I had met only once in my life during a dinner party for my parent's company's 10th year of success. Yes, she was beautiful. Beautiful to the point men would swoon for her and literally do anything for her attention. But I wasn’t interested in that, not one bit. Innocent and quiet on the outside, but I could sense she was exactly like my dear mother from the inside. One could tell by living with one for all his life. I hated anyone that hid a scheming motive, especially for money and power. People that wore a mask are definitely someone I don’t want to associate myself with. They are all lying, manipulative, scheming demons.


I wanted someone who was truly pure and innocent, inside and out. Someone that is very impossible to come across, until now. It was not until the fateful day of the arranged marriage meeting that I met him. Yes, him. He stumbled through the doors with baggy dull clothes, a steam bun in his mouth and two in each hand. The latter apologized for coming late, claiming he was my fiancés older brother, who also stated to be two years older than me.


If other people were to see this, they would definitely not believe that someone who looked as rugged like him to be fitted as the son of the father that owned the second largest renowned company in Korea. He looked like someone who came off the streets. It amused me a lot, definitely a first impression that I would never forget, ever. Thinking about that very day still made me smile.


            “Why are you dressed like that?” I remembered asking him when we were left alone in my room while my mother, my fiancé’s mother and she were down stairs talking in the living room.

“I don’t want to be like them.” Was his reply while munching on his steam bun.

            “What do you mean not like them?” I asked curiously, leaning slightly closer towards him.

“It’s hard to explain.” He chewed as he looked at his food.

            “Try me.”

“I may have the money and the life most people dream about.” He began, turning his eyes to me. “You would understand since you own the largest company in all of Korea. But that’s not what I wish for… I don’t need the money and I don’t need the luxurious life. I want a normal life. A life where I could go wherever I want and do whatever I want without people tailing me 24/7.” The latter looked at me if I was still listening to his rambling.


I nodded slowly. His very words still stuck with me today like they were just said yesterday. I definitely understood where he was coming from. He was exactly like me. We were no different people who had dreamt and hoped the same thing and that made me smile.



  We both dreamt of freedom.



  Now I knew I wasn’t alone in this world.



            “People say we have it easy and have a totally great life." He continued while taking the last bite. "But it’s the other way around. They have it easy and have a totally great life. I dress like this because I don’t want to look apart. It makes me seem like I am living a life I want, though mum truly opposes to this. She says this dream will soon phase out as I inherit the damn company.”

            “I totally see what you mean, bro.” I smiled.

He looked at me and smiled back. “I never thought I would meet someone like you. I thought you’d be a total prick or something.”

A small chuckle escaped my mouth. “I’d rather die than be like them. I’ve had enough of it from my mother to be like her.”

            “Oh God,” He groaned as he face palmed himself, “Me too! My sister is a total . I love her and everything, but damn… I want to shoot her sometimes, same with my mother…”

            “Thank the lord I am a single child.” I laughed feeling sympathetic towards Xiumin.

He rested his hand on my shoulder while looking at me with a genuine smile, “If you have any problems come to me. We are in this together.”


I couldn’t help it but to smile as well. Somewhere in my heart felt...lighter. Honestly, I would never expect someone like him to exist right in from of me. From the look in his eyes, he was sincere. He didn’t need to hide behind a façade because everything he felt showed on his unblemished complexion. I have never seen that look for who knows how long. Looking at him, I could tell he was definitely not like any other person in this world. He was that truly impossible number of people that were innocent, pure and an added bonus was that he spoke from the heart.


And I definitely had to laugh at his childish actions. I don’t know how it got in there, but he pulled another bun from his back pocket and began eating it as I watched him in shock. This male was someone I needed, someone that I couldn’t loose.



That day was when I first met Xiumin.




And that was the day when I first fell in love.






We got closer and bonded till we were inseparable, a little exaggerated but nonetheless. I enjoyed his company and he enjoyed mine. Xiumin would always treat me to food, and what I liked most about him is that he could eat a truck full and the way his cheeks puffed up when he was annoyed or hungry.



He said, and I quote, “Food is my life. I live for food and I love food.” They were definitely meaningful, yet hilarious words I had ever heard in my years of living. However, I couldn’t help but become a bit jealous with his overly love on food.




One a special sunny day, Xiumin made a visit early then usual to my house.


            “Where are we going today, Baozi?” I asked wearily when he dragged me into his car, after waking me up and shouting at me to hurry up to wash up, and drove us away in the early morning.

“It’s a secret, ChenChen.” He looked at me with a mischievous grin.


A sigh slipped through my lips as I leaned against the car window. Xiumin was always like this. He would always pull me around with him and never tell me where we are going. I couldn’t help but sulk when I pictured myself as his dog. The older was like an owner pulling his own dog around everywhere, while the cute and y dog just had to follow along without arguing.


The car halted to a complete stop in front of… “Everland?” I turned my confused stare to him.

            “Ta-dah~~” Xiumin squealed in the car, “Happy birthday ChenChen!”


The steamed bun lunged himself at me and started planting millions of tiny kisses onto my cheeks, which felt really abused and sore. I swore that every ounce of blood in my body had travelled into my cheeks, staining it a noticeable dark magenta red.


            “Wow,” He exclaimed, trying to suppress a laugh, “You’re red as a tomato!”

“Be quiet.” I muttered and quickly threw myself out of the car to cool my head down.


Making his way over to me, the latter latched his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his body as we made our way inside. Once again, I couldn’t stop the blood from travelling up to my face. On another note, I didn’t know how he knew today was my birthday, but I let the thought slip as I enjoyed his hold and warmth. This day would be an unforgettable birthday.


The morning of fun had gradually turned to night, and here we sat in the large Ferris wheel both looking down on the city of Seoul covered in many dots of lights in different colours. I sat across from him, quietly staring out the window with a smile. How long has it been since I’ve been out and had so much fun? It was especially more fun with Xiumin.


"I have a suprise for you in 1...2...3!"


And immediately explosions of fireworks blasted through the jet black sky. A large smile plastered itself on my face, my heart was beating wildly and I felt all warm and fluflly inside for some reason. It was a beautiful sight. The rim of my eyes began to build up with hot tears. I bit down hard on my lips to suppress them from falling as I continued to watch the many sparks travel across the night. Finally the last of the fireworks died down, and that's when I couldn't help but to break down and cry. So many emotions were building up that eventually it came crashing over. No one had ever went this far for me, no one ever showed they cared. Xiumin was the first, he was the first for everything. 


"Chen, are you crying?" Xiumin asked as he put his hand on my knee.

I angrily wiped away the tears. Why of all times must I cry?  "... No" I managed to choke out between streaks of salty tears.

"You at lying..." He sighed, and smiled, "But I hope those are happy tears."


I nodded without a saying a word. If I did, I would start crying like a baby even more and probably do something to him that I would regret later because I love him even more with each spark and light of the fireworks. After a few minutes of cooling down my tears, we sat in total silence, just staring outside the window of the booth.

“I’m tired of living this life, Chen.” Xiumin stated out of the blue.

“What life is that?” I turned to him, tilting my head slightly.

“The rich snobby life, obviously…” He rolled his eyes.

“Then why not run away?” I joked.

“That’s an awesome idea!” Xiumin beamed, jumping up and down in his seat.

“You better stop if you don’t want us to fall from this Ferris wheel.”

He immediately stopped and pouted, “I’m not that fat, am I?”

I smirked as I poked his pouty cheeks. “You don’t want me to answer…”

            “How dare you! Do you want me to really kill us?” He threatened with a smirk.

“I’m sorry… Let me say that properly… You aren’t fat…” He smiled only to pout again when I said, “You just have excess fat.” I poked him again with a chuckle.

            “Let’s stop talking about my weight. About that run away idea…” He

“Go on...” I motioned him to continue.

            “Would you really run away if you had the chance?” The male questioned.

“Definitely.” I firmly answered.

            “There’s something I also need to tell you.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around, and from the looks of things I could tell he would not look me in the eyes.

“What?” I raised my eyebrows.

He bit down on his lips, and quietly muttered,“I’m getting married off…”

I half chocked as I jumped up onto my feet, making the booth violently rock from side to side, “You are what!?”

            “My dearest mother wants me to marry someone.” He pouted slightly.

“NO FREAKIN’ WAY!” I exclaimed. My heart felt like it was sinking down to the endless bottomless pit of despair.

Xiumin held his hands up in the air. “Calm your .”

“Be quiet.” I hissed to him after sitting down, heaving in and out.

            “I really want to run far away from this place, Chen.” Xiumin whined, crossing his arms over his chest.

“D-do you love her?” I managed to spit out.

            “OF COURSE NOT! OH EM GEE NOOOO!” He flailed his hands in the air like a crazy man.

“Oh…” Was all I could say, not knowing whether to be happy that he doesn’t love this girl he is marrying, or cry because he would soon be taken away from me.

            “I only love you, ChenChen.” He smiled and winked to me.


I rolled my eyes and pinched his puffy cheeks before poking them with a lot of pressure, only to get a slap and groan from the latter. Deep down I was relieved Xiumin had told me he didn’t love this person he was going to be married off too. But what happens after they are wedded, he was bound to fall in love with her… I dreaded for that day to come.


Pushing out all the bad thoughts, I just focused on Xiumin. Focusing on that face, those adorably red cheeks after abusing it and that bright smile, it would really make any bad thoughts disappear like they were nothing to begin with.



Damn, I really have fallen hard for this steamed bun.







Everyday after my birthday he would pick me up in the morning, we would go out around Seoul till the day was over, and then he’d drive me back home. It was the routine of my life that I had grew accustomed too. Out of habit now as well, I would poke his cheeks at least a hundred times a day just to see him puff up and cutely pout.


We never mentioned or remembered about our engagement. The two of us only cared and thought about each other. Time with Xiumin was priceless. Our moments were bound to end when the day of the wedding was to come. Time never stopped, and it doesn’t stop for no one.


Our outtings had occurred for over the past months, but somehow it had stopped a few weeks before the grand day of my dreaded wedding drew near. I couldn’t deny the fact that I missed him terribly, and I would also be lying if I said I didn’t check my phone every single second waiting for that person’s call.



Xiumin doesn’t know it.



He doesn’t know that I love him.



It was a secret that would die with me in my grave.



And so I kept quiet about it all. I tried to be oblivious to my feelings and brush it off like it was nothing. I doubt Xiumin was gay. If he was gay, he’d be gay for food and food only. And damn, I never thought I would label myself as gay. But who could resist that adorably steam bun full of fluff and love?



            Definitely not me…






No, matter how many times I had argued with my mother about the marriage, she would never waver. This basically continued from the first day she announced it to me without my consent. It was final and no turning back. I don’t even know one single thing about this girl called “Yuna”! And hell, I didn’t even love her. My mind had only focused on Xiumin, and only Xiumin.


She wasn’t someone I wanted, at all. But there is one thing she possessed that I needed and wanted, that was her brother, Xiumin. If I married her I could stay by Xiumin’s side forever, right? If she wanted money, then I could give her all the money she wanted in the world, but in exchange I get to be by Xiumin… That was a fair trade, no?


Hell, I would give her my enitre wealth and property to see Xiumin everyday. But he didn’t know that. No matter how hard I tried to destroy off these unnecessary feelings, I just couldn’t. My feelings became a shackle that locked around both my feet and never letting go of its grasp.



The latter had turned me upside down with his steamed buns.





So here I stood in my private dresser room getting prepped for the wedding. Nervous and very queasy, I felt sick to my stomach. There was a huge urge for me to vomit right now and my head felt dizzy with buzzing sounds ringing through my ears. I could see from the reflection of the door being opened up and from behind it popped Xiumin’s head.


            “Hey there, groom.” He smiled while throwing me a wink.

I sighed, now he decided to talk to me? “Go away, Xiumin.”

He pouted, showing his expanded puffy cheeks. “Don’t be like that.Its been awhile since we've talked.” As he entered, Xiumin closed the door behind him.

            “Xiumin, if you were to marry someone you didn’t love, what would you do?” I turned around to look at him dead straight in the eyes.

He tilted his head slightly, “I would oppose to it?”

I heavily sighed. Xiumin didn’t get it. Of course he wouldn’t. He wasn’t stuck in my position. “What if you couldn’t?”

            “You don’t want to marry my sister, right?”

My eyes shifted from side to side, a habit I did when I always lied, “Of course not…”

            “You , Chen.” He rolled his eyes, while pulling a candy bar from the inner pocket of his black tuxedo.

“Fine,” I huffed, and said, “I don’t want to marry your sister… I don’t love her. I’m sorry.”

A loud knock hit against the door, “10 more minutes and we need you out by altar.”

            “Okay!” I shouted back and groaned.


I walked over the couch and slumped down like a sack of potatoes. Ten more minutes and I’m getting married. Ten more minutes before my life is controlled by a conniving . I wished timed would just stop right now. Couldn’t God do this one tiny favour for me at least?


Xiumin walked up to me holding his hand out. I looked at it then up to him and then back to the hand stretched out in front. “I don’t have steam buns, Baozi.”

            “Let’s run away.” He smiled to me.

I stared at him with my eyes widened, “What?”

            “Run away with me.” Xiumin repeated.

“Why?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

            “Just take my hand and run away with me!” He shook his empty hand in front of my face.

I narrowed my eyes into two tiny slits, “Give me one good reason why I should?”

            “Because this is not the life you and I desire for.” The latter answered.

This wasn’t the answer I wanted, and that somehow gave a gut wrenching pang in my heart. “Not good enough.”

            “Fine,” He sighed as he dropped his hand back down to his side, “I love you more than food. Happy?”

Is this guy joking? “What are you on about? You love me more than food? Am I supposed to be happy about that?”

Xiumun laughed, “Of course you should be happy. You should know food is my life.”

            “Please enlighten me, Baozi. I’m still not getting the message here…”

The older male knelt down onto one knee and firmly cupped my face between his fingers, looking at me dead in the eye, unwavering and truthful. “I am freaking in love with you!”

As an idiot I was, all my mouth could do was turn into a perfect circle. “Oh…”

            “Do you get it now, you idiot?” I nodded slowly, still letting the fact that he confessed to me sink in my thick skull. “Now let’s run before we get murdered.”


He let go of my face and stood up again while holding out his hand for me to take it. After a few seconds of the conflicting war in my head, I hesitantly took his hand. He squeezed it tightly and gave me his adorable smile that made all my troubles go away.


We headed out for the door with no plans whatsoever and without thinking much of the consequences this runaway might lead us to. What were important were this moment and the hand that held onto mine. All we thought about was holding firmly onto each other and running somewhere far away from here, somewhere only we could go.


The two of us ran for the stairs, knowing full well it would not be heavily guarded. Xiumin pulled me with him, leading us to our freedom. Each step we took, I held onto his hand tighter and tighter. My heart was beating furiously against my rib cage. This was exhilarating. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we made our way out the entrance door of the venue.


            “Stop there, son.” A deep voice echoed our thoughts.

We immediately stopped and both gulped before turning around to face our consequence and we hadn't even made it past teh gates yet. “Dad…” I breathed.

            “The altar is inside not outside, Chen.” My father raised his right eyebrow and questionably looked at mine and Xiumin's hand entwined itghtly together. "I must say, Yuna grew more...plumper than last time I have meet her, and that was no more than five minutes ago... Care to explain?"

I inhaled a lungful of cold air, and began, “I’m not going to get married.” I stopped to look at his expressionless face to turn raging red, but surprising it was the same. “I’m going to live my own life now, Papa. I won’t be inheriting the company either. I’m sorry that I can not be a good son.”

A smile curved up my father’s face. “I see… Live well then, son. This is the only time I can help you. So once I turn my back, you better sprint for the stars, Chen.”


Looking at each other with disbelieving looks, we just complied and ran. Not looking back behind us but ahead now as we ran. Thank you, Dad. I smiled while fighting the tears from falling down my face. I swore I heard my father yell once we reached the gates of the building, “Do show me your wedding photos with your Baozi.” With that remark, I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly as we continued to head further and further away from the venue. Liek my father had said, we ran for the stars together.



My father was truly an old fool.



He was a pitiful old fool, but I loved him nonetheless.



My father, too, was the impossible proportion of people to come by.




After running for who knows how long, we reached a beach set in front the setting sun in the horizon. The waves were calm and the gentle breeze lightly tapped our faces. I inhaled the air. The saltiness of the sea water travelled up my noise, and something else was there… Something I couldn’t quite describe but… It smelt like freedom.


Xiumin cupped my face and pulled my head to look at him directly in his enticing chocolate orbs. His cheeks puffed up as he grinned at me. Without much thought and time wasted, not knowing who took the initiative first, but we caught ourselves into a gentle and passionate kiss.


A feeling that I probably would not have felt if I stayed and married myself to someone I didn’t love. A feeling that I probably would not have felt if I had never met her brother. I would most definitely not have felt them if I didn’t meet him. I sometimes wonder that if I wasn’t rich, would we still be here, standing in front of the sunset right now like we are, kissing till our lips felt sore. We were fated, weren’t we? Most definitely, I thought with a smile.


            “Let’s go.” Xiumin pulled away from the kiss.

I pouted with the loss of contact, and asked, “To where?”

            “To buy us some steamed buns.” He smiled and once again, pulled me along with him.


I didn’t bother arguing because I most enjoyed him when he ate food. I also didn’t mind when he dragged me around everywhere. It was for sure that I knew I would be following him to the ends of this Earth, whether he pulled me along or not. I would continue to follow and love him even in the pits of hell together.


And who cares if we are making the biggest mistake of our lives?



What does it matter if we are throwing our whole lives away?



Who cares if we are going to go broke and poor?






As long as we have each other then nothing else matters.



That and steamed buns too.




I had a sudden urge to write a sequel or something for this since I really enjoyed writing this... I wanted to give them a wedding or something nice. Kekeke.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story ! ^^

Thank you for subbing and commenting~ (:

** Pictures are not owned by me. Credit goes to the owner. ^^ **

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Chapter 14: Oh my god, the HunHan one>.<
xoxobaozi #2
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