The Doll Maker and His Beloved Doll

EXO Oneshot Collection


Title: The Dollmaker and His Beloved Doll (oneshot)


Pairing: Sehun / Luhan


Genre: Angst, Sad, Tragedy, Romance


Rating: K


Length: 8,700+ words




He was in love with his doll.



 Sehun didn’t want to admit it, but it just came out unconsciously.




“As if I’m walking on top of a cloud,

 I still can’t believe it,

 From the beginning and the end of all of our stories,

 You became my everything.”

- Angel by Se7en




An amateur doll maker sat in the back of his decreased father’s run down workshop. The 26 year old has been at it for years, trying to complete his first ever doll using the faint remnants of his beloved father’s teaching. Truthfully he ; he didn't possess the fingers and ways of creating a beautiful living doll. This was the reason why it took way longer for him to finish one master piece in comparison to his father, who by now could have created 20. However, he was patient and stuck with it.


In any second now his dream would come true, and if his dear father was alive he too would have been proud of his son’s hard work and accomplishment.


A bead of sweat trekked down the side of his temple as he carefully worked the joints and limbs. He smiled as he finished carving the final touches and joined the doll’s last part of its body. Sehun wiped away the invisible speck of dirt off the doll’s perfectly sculptured face with his thumb. Another smile formed on his lips. Staring at the doll, he felt content with his work. Truly these years of living on nothing but canned food and forever being glued onto his chair surely paid off.


            “Finally,” He held the doll up, and grinned in satisfaction, “You’re finally done!”



The doll maker checked his clock as the sky behind the window in front of him was inked black. 11.49 p.m. The male let out a yawn as he gently placed his doll back onto the table, sitting it neatly down beside the old dusty photo frame that held a picture of him and his father. With a light kiss on the forehead, the doll maker bid his new creation good night before he headed off to bed.







The bright early morning greeted him as the rays of the blazing sun landed on his face. He quickly threw his arm over his eyes as he groaned. Sehun hated the mornings. Why on Earth did the sun have to be so blinding? It was one of the things he disliked about the early mornings. He never really was the morning person to begin with because it was just the start of the many things he probably wasn’t prepared for, and that’s the reason why he definitely preferred the end of things.


Rolling over onto his side, his weary eyes landed upon a life-size porcelain doll. Blink, blink, blink. No, wait… It wasn’t a doll, but a beautifully modeled porcelain man lying next to him and staring at the male. The doll maker’s eyes bulged and a deafening scream ripped through the morning air, “Oh my buffaloes!” Damn it, he thought, Kris has got him saying that now out of bad habit.


The stranger knotted his eyebrows together as he mumbled incoherent words, and then he slowly sat up. The latter stretched out his limbs with a few loud cracks like he’s never moved his body since the day he was born, and then smiled to the doll maker. Scratch that, he thought, this smile is way more blinding than the sun. Right then and there the male swore his heart nearly leapt out his chest. He had never once seen a delicate and blinding smile in his 26 years of living.


The male quickly covered his eyes as they roamed down the latter’s body, “Why don’t you have any clothes on? And who in the world are you?!”

The latter pouted as he swung his arms around the doll maker’s neck, “That hurts! How could you not recognize your own doll?”

            “What?” Sehun asked, confused and bewildered.

“It’s me!” He smiled again, and once again Sehun’s heart leapt out of his chest, “Your master piece.”

            “My master piece is a doll…” Sehun eyed the latter, “Not a human…”

“I am a doll,” He let go of the hold around the male’s neck. “I just take the form of a human when given enough love.”

            “You are joking right?” Sehun began, “Please tell me you are just come beautiful ert that entered my house during the night and me… It would have been so less confusing than this.” Sehun rubbed his temple with a frown.


He truly hated mornings. It was even weirder to find a beautiful stranger and lying next to you claiming he’s your doll that turned human with enough love. Whatever ‘enough love’ is meant. Why couldn’t he be given one day of peace? One day where the sun never shone. Just one quiet and peaceful day was all he would beg for.


Sehun took a closer examination of the stranger sitting on his bed who peering at him with his doe like eyes. He gasped, “Oh my buffaloes, you are a doll… I mean you are my doll.” The features, the eyes, the nose, those delicate light pink lips, it was all the features on his first and only creation. No way could anyone possess those alluring and perfect aspects.

            “Indeed I am! 100% genuine.” His giggles echoed and chimed in the small bedroom. And damn, were those giggles addictive to the ears.

“So,” The doll maker said awkwardly, trying hard not to let his eyes drift further down than the face region, “How about you put on some clothes first before we sort this mess out.”

“What are clothes?” The doll tilted his head.


Somehow, Sehun had the urge to jump out the window. Unfortunately for him, it was only a one story house. Who on Earth would have known why he thought like that... He thought it would be a simple way out. Plain and easy. End his life right then and there and he wouldn’t have dealt with all this drama. This was one of the reasons why he preferred the end of things. He knew that from this day foreword, unwillingly as he was, he would have to spend hours teaching his little doll human habits and way life works, the way human’s live.


But he let that thought slip for a moment because putting clothes on the latter was more important. Sehun jumped off the bed and dug through his closet located on the opposite side of the bed. The doll maker gave his newly sewed clothes for the latter that he recently bought but never had the chance to wear. He slowly played an hour of one sided charade teaching the doll how to put on clothes.


Once the doll nodded and understood, he waited for the latter in the living. Sehun sunk onto the couch. He felt like this was all just a dream. He felt delirious. Maybe the few years of being closed up and alone were getting to his mind. The porcelain doll finally joined him after a few minutes wearing the fitted clothes. The male felt proud as it suited his doll oh-so very much. [A/N: What Luhan looks like]


            “You look good.” The male nodded to himself, then his eyes drifted to the latter’s pale complexion.


Unconsciously, Sehun’s hand reached up and softly caressed the doll’s somewhat cold and soft porcelain face. The boy that stood in front of him looked so real, so life like. He reached down and placed his hands against the doll’s chest.



No heart beat.



Though his doll that stood in front him possessed every aspect of a human’s, he was icy cold and no heart pumped in his chest. It was as if he was dead, nothing but a body that held a conscience. Yet something was there cloaking the doll. Sehun wasn't sure what it was but the beauty and mysterious aura around the boy somehow pulled the doll maker in.


After shockingly realized what he was doing, the male pulled away. He cussed under his breath as he still felt the lingering cold touch of the latter’s skin, and cussed at himself more when he wanted to feel the doll again.


Sehun sat back down onto the couch and patted the spot next to him. The doll understood and immediately sat down beside him, smiling without a care in the world.


                        “Let’s introduce ourselves first. I’m Sehun, Oh Sehun, your creator. And you are?” He questioned.

“I have no name… You didn’t give me one.” The latter answered.

            “Oh right,” Sehun sunk back onto the couch, deep in thought, “Luhan.”

“Luhan?” The doll repeated, staring at the doll maker with his doe like eyes.

            “Yeah, Luhan… That’s a fitting name for you.” The doll maker smiled, patting his doll Luhan on the shoulder.

“Luhan~” He grinned, bouncing up and down of the couch. “Luhan and Sehun~”

Sehun let out a chuckle at his hyped up doll. Then he looked at Luhan seriously, “How did you become… this?”

            “This?” Luhan tilted his head slightly. He had to admit that it was the cutest thing Sehun had ever seen in his life.

“I meant as a doll in a human form.”

            “I’m not sure myself… But the voices tell me it’s because I received enough love from my creator.”

“Voices? Enough love?”

            “Your kiss last night was proof of your love for me. And the voices are the other dolls. They are very friendly.”

“So if I never kissed you, you wouldn’t be alive now, is that right?” The male asked, slowly piecing the information together.

            “I guess so…” The doll continued, “You need to continue giving me love every day, apparently. If you don’t I’ll turn back into a doll and possibly not reawaken if I’m not showered in love for a period of time.”

Sehun slowly nodded, somewhat understanding the doll, “How do I show you this love?”

            “A kiss or any form of affection.”

“Is there a time limit to how long you last?” He asked.

            “Yes.” And immediately the human sized doll poof back into his original size.


Sehun stared at him, eyes widened. It was like some kind of magic show or illusion that doll maker was being shown in front of his eyes. One minute Luhan was normal sized then the next he went back into the form he created his doll to be, however he was still moving. This must have been one of those days he needed more sleep, way more in fact.


            “Can you kiss me now?” The doll reached up with his two tiny hands, hoping his creator would oblige with the request.


The male exhaled and inhaled slowly before he picked up Luhan in his hands. He stared at him for a moment and then he closed his eyes. Gently he brushed his lips against the cold surfaces of the doll’s lips. Without noticing it, the doll had changed back. Luhan deepened the innocent peck that his creator gave him into a deeper affectionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around the doll maker’s torso, pulling him closer. Sehun had no idea what was going on, or what was going on in his head. Everything was spiraling around; swirls and random colours appeared in one giant mess in his brain.



But one thought that stuck out like a sore thumb in that giant chaos was that he wanted more.



            He wanted more of his doll.





            Maybe life with Luhan wouldn’t be so bad...







From the many hours of their 101 human simulation classes, Sehun had taught the basic natural habits of human living. Day after day he taught it over and over again. From wearing clothes, bathing, reading, writing and the basics of cooking two minute noodles. Never in Sehun’s life as he has taken an oath to not let Luhan cook anything other than two minute noodles. The memories of that fateful day made goose bumps and shivers run down his spine as he recollected them. It was a disaster. Let’s just say he should have never given Luhan a knife and fire to play with.


There was one thing Sehun found that Luhan enjoyed very much. It was singing. The male absolutely adored Luhan’s angelic melodic voice. He taught the doll many songs to enjoy and strengthen his skill because he didn’t want his doll to loose his voice, the voice that was descended from heaven. For teaching him songs, Luhan would sing to him every night before he curled up and drifted off into sleep.


He could see Luhan trying his best to grasp the ways of a normal human. Though half the time what the boy did was wrong, he was still happy Luhan was trying. However as time passed, Sehun has concluded that the two things the doll will never able to possess were: sleeping and emotions.


Luhan didn’t seem to mind as long as he got to lie in the same bed. One time Sehun had kicked the boy out and Luhan just whimpered throughout the whole night, earning an angry Sehun the next day. This was when he learnt that his doll was quite clingy and attached to him, even to the point of showering with him.


The nights were spent the same. Sehun would sleep in Luhan’s arms as the doll combed his fingers through Sehun’s brown locks. Sleep became more comforting and the dreams were sweeter. Luhan somehow miraculously made morning a bit better too and he enjoyed them a little more. Now he appreciated the things he did not before and it was all thanks to one person. Sehun would wake up in Luhan’s hold, the same way as he slept in it. He would be greeted with a blinding smile, a kiss and a simple “I love you”.




            Life with Luhan really wasn’t so bad, and mornings became heavenly.







Spring had just approached them. Sehun couldn’t believe it’s been a week since Luhan had woken up next to him. This whole week seemed like a blur to him. But each moment stuck to him like glue. Having someone else’s company wasn’t so bad, especially when they can cook something decent compared to canned food.



            “Noodles are ready,” Luhan called from the kitchen.



Sehun happily plopped the novel down on the coffee table. He walked into the kitchen where Luhan placed two large bowls of hot steaming noodles and his all time favourite, Luhan’s specialty drink. It was the only thing Luhan got right by himself.



            The only thing he ever did.



Night after night when he was sleeping, Luhan would always secretly cook by himself to enhance his skills in hopes to please the doll maker. Though Sehun had said there was no need too, Luhan continued to do it anyway. The thought and efforts made him happy, truly ecstatic. And his efforts weren’t wasted because Sehun really enjoyed his meals.


            “Smells good,” Sehun complemented, sitting himself down.

“I’m glad.” He beamed a smile. “Now eat up.”

            “Luhan, I’m going out today. Stay at home, okay?” Sehun informed as he began to eat.

“Okay,” His doll pouted, and said, “Come back home soon.”

Sehun smiled, “I will.”


Luhan cleaned and packed away the dishes as Sehun was located in his bedroom changing. A few days ago, the doll maker got in touch with his friend again. He told him of his accomplishment of creating his first doll. Sehun was quite excited to meet him again, after all it has been a few years, and to tell him about his doll. He promised himself not to tell any details concerning the part where his doll turns into a human and talks like an actual living person.


            “I’m going now, Lulu.” Sehun called from the front door.

“Okay,” His doll said in a tone that Sehun thought was gloomy and somewhat sad. “I love you, Sehun-ah.”





Upon reaching the designated park that they planned to meet out, Sehun saw a figure waving his hands frantically in the air like a mad man. The male laughed as he got closer. His friend is and will always be a child.


            “It’s been awhile, and you haven’t changed at all. Well, only tanner I see.” Sehun chuckled as his friend glared at him.

“After all these years and you’re still alive.” Disappointment plastered on the latter’s tanned face.

            “Gee, thanks a lot, Jongin. It’s so good to find that my best friend cares for me enough that he thinks I’m dead.” Sehun joked.

He laughed, and swung his arms over Sehun’s neck, “Love you too, buddy.”

            “Whatever.” The male rolled his eyes.

“I’ll treat you to ice-cream, like old times.”

            “Can’t you treat me to something more expensive?” Sehun whined.

“Hey! I’m not made out of money. It’s ice-cream or air.” Jongin huffed.

The male pouted, and sighed, “Ice-cream it is, cheapskate.”


As they began making their way to the ice-cream shop located across the street from the park, a voice that the doll maker hoped he was just imagining in his mind was calling out to him from the distant, “Sehun?”



The two males both froze in their footsteps and turned around.



            “Luhan-ah,” Sehun said shocked and surprised, “I told you to stay at home.”

“Home?” Jongin asked as his eyebrows knitted together when he let the word home slip from his mouth.

            “I’ll explain later, Jongin-ah.”

“You left me for him, Sehun?” Luhan sadly said as he eyed the latter’s arm wrapped around his doll maker’s neck. Finally noticing where Luhan was looking at, Sehun quickly stepped away from his friend’s lock.

            “Luhan, please go home. I’m out with a friend now.” Sehun coaxed.

“Then let me come along if he’s just a friend.” He looked at the male, which Luhan received a glare back.

            “Fine.” The male sighed.

“What?” Jongin shouted as he grabbed Sehun’s shoulder, making the male jump.

            “What’s wrong?” Sehun asked.

“Why is he tagging along with us?” Jongin angrily hissed.

            “What’s wrong if Lulu comes?” Sehun looked at his friend confused.

“Oh great, nicknames now? Don’t tell me you guys sleep on the same bed as-” Jongin’s eyes bulged, “You- you don’t, r-right?”

Sehun looked away. He could feel a dark shade of pink flush his milky cheeks.

Jongin pushed him away, and said bitterly, “I’m going home. Go enjoy your date with him.”


Sehun just silently watched as Jongin’s slouched back drifted further and further into the distant. He shook his head and sighed.


            “Let’s go home, Lulu.”







Two weeks had past after the incident where Jongin had stormed off. Sehun had lost contact with him, or he just couldn’t bring himself to call him, feeling guilty. Luhan apologized profusely that it was his fault, but Sehun only smiled and kissed him saying it wasn’t. It was his fault. Sehun knew of Jongin’s growing feelings for him, and he hoped they would have disappeared in the years that he stuck himself in his father’s workshop to make Luhan.


Maybe Jongin grew feelings for him because of that one accident. It was an accident that wasn’t supposed to occur. Foolish and young, they didn’t understand the meaning of consequences till it was too late.







“Hey Sehun,” Jongin wrapped his arm around the boy’s neck, smiling. “Let’s go partying tonight.”

            “Jongin, I’m not going to party! We are too young.” Sehun argued, trying to loosen the grip around his neck.

“You just turned 18 two and a half weeks ago. And last time I checked, I turned 18 in January.” Jongin rebutted.

            “No, I-”

Jongin cut in as he whined, “Come on! Just this once. It’s just for the experience.”

Sehun rolled his eyes, “Fine, fine. I’ll go.”

            “Yes!” The boy jumped and squealed.

“But,” Sehun began, “One and only one time.”

            “Party pooper.” Jongin muttered, which earned him a slap on the back of his head. 

“What time are we getting this party started?” Sehun asked.

            “I’ll come get you at 8 sharp. You better look snazzy, because this will be a memory you will never forget.”



Little did they both know, it was really a memory that the will never forget. It became a scar that was deeply engraved on the both of them.



As Jongin said, he arrived at 8 sharp to pick him up. Sehun tried to wear something casual but didn’t label him as a hobo from the streets. The boy wore a sleeveless white shirt that had was black rimmed around the collar and inked black skinny jeans along with his black converse shoes. Jongin, on the other hand, wore a white thin tight singlet that outlined his finely proportioned abs. He also wore a silver skull printed baggy jumper, white baggy stretch pants and Nike shoes.


            “You wore that singlet to show off your abs, didn’t you?” Sehun laughed.

“Know me too well, buddy.” Jongin winked. “Ready?”

            “Yeah, let’s go.”




The two of them travelled to the party that was located at EXO Club. The club was the most renowned club in all of Seoul, mainly for the celebrities that came looking for a good time and the party itself. Even as they were a few meters away, they could hear the loud booming of the music, people talking and the faint smell of alcohol lingering in the cold night winter’s air. The vibes of the pounding music vibrated through out their body from their feet and upwards. They were excited, very excited for the night to come.


They got inside and the music went full blast into their ear drum. People were dancing and some of the strangers happened to grind themselves against them, be it a female or male. A few asked the boys to dance with them, offer to buy them a drink, or the most shocking one was to come home with them.


First experiences were always the most surprising and most nervous feelings around. Not once had they ever been asked those things, only tonight had they experienced the feeling. And much to their shock, they enjoyed the feeling of attention. However, their mothers taught them to never accept offers from strangers.


Walking up to the bar as they moved their bodies along the way to the music, they ordered drinks.


            “Two beers, please.” Jongin said to the bartender.

Sehun quickly tugged on Jongin’s jumper, “We are underage.” He hissed.

            “It’s a party. Loosen up, Sehun.” Jongin snapped.

“Damn it, Jongin. If I knew we were drinking I wouldn’t have come.”

            “Just one or two drinks, that’s all.” Jongin coaxed.

“Just one?” Sehun raised his eyebrows.

            “Just one then.” Jongin nodded.


The bartender placed their ordered drinks in front of them. They both grabbed it and chugged it all down. The boys winced at the unfamiliar and bitter taste of the beer. It left a painful scorching feeling at the back of their throats. Without the boys realizing it, one drink became two, then four and before they knew it they both lost track. The boys were drunk and out of their minds.


Sehun had lost Jongin as he was eaten by the crowd on the dance floor. He wanted to go home. His head was unbearably aching and the music wasn’t helping the pain to go away. It just made it worse. Sehun squeezed himself through the strangers that were dancing, hoping to find his friend somewhere near by. The boy’s vision was getting blurry and hazy as he reached the middle of the crowd, and he couldn’t even remember why he was here in the first place.


A hand slid around his waist from behind. He felt the hot breath breathe into his ears making him shiver. “Dance with me, baby.” The voice beckoned him, making his legs weak.


Sehun turned around. He didn’t care anymore. His brain was swimming in alcohol and his body felt loose. The boy automatically began grinding his body against the stranger to the beat of the new song, and the stranger did so back. Eventually, they exchanged a sloppy kiss the midst of the havoc around them. It was Sehun’s first sloppy kiss that was mixed with sweat and alcohol. The kiss deepened until he was trying to find his breath again.


            “Come home with me tonight.” And Sehun nodded without realizing what the latter was saying to him.




The next morning, Sehun woke up to the biggest hangover and aching body. Nothing could compare to the pain of his head throbbing. It was as if someone grabbed his brain, used it as a punching bag and threw it back into his skull.  As his head began to stop throbbing a little bit and his thoughts began to process. The boy had concluded three horrifying things: He was , Jongin was sleeping beside him ( too) and worst of it all was, he had lost his ity at 18 two weeks and a half.



After that, things changed and spiraled out of control.



Once done, you can never change the past, no matter how much you wished for it.






Sehun heavily sighed as he reminisced about the memory. He couldn’t bring himself to feel the same way as him, he just didn’t. They were best friends, brothers and nothing more. Young and truly foolish were what they both were at the age of 18. He wished there was a time machine that could change everything that occured. The male felt sympathetic towards the latter because he loved someone that couldn’t love him back. And he understood what Jongin was going through, he understood it very well.


Something that wasn’t given to Sehun that he could give Jongin was he didn’t want to give his best friend hope. And hell he didn’t want Jongin, who stuck by him during all the rough and dark times in his 26 years of life, to be heartbroken over him. But it was too late; Sehun was in love with someone else.



            He was in love with his doll.



            Sehun didn’t want to admit it, but it just came out unconsciously.



            No matter how much he didn’t want to feel this way, he just couldn’t help himself.



Everyday they would exchange kisses, hugs and sweet words. However, the doll maker knew that the words that escaped the doll’s lips were just empty unfelt words. How could they not? Luhan was a doll. How could a doll possibly understand love? Sehun knew Luhan didn’t have a heart. He knew it the first time the doll woke up next to him, the time he first made him. Luhan couldn’t feel that’s what he concluded. And for sure, the boy couldn’t love him back. What was more sickening is that he was in love with his doll.



            He loved an object.




His phone rang, breaking his trains of thought. Sehun quickly flipped it open, and answered, “Hello?”






            “Sure thing, I’ll see you there.”


Luhan sat down onto the space next to Sehun, “Who’s that?”

            “A friend.” Pushing himself up from the couch, he walked out of the living room.

“Are you going to meet that person now?” Luhan asked as he followed behind.

            “Yeah.” Sehun replied, turning the corner to enter his bedroom.

“Can I come along?” The doll sat on the bed.

Sehuns eyebrows burrowed together, “Please stay at home.”

            “Why can’t I come along? I want to meet your friends too!” Luhan whined, kicking his legs in the air like the five year old looking child he is.

“Please Luhan.” The male begged, which Luhan gave in with a pout, “Thank you.”

            “I love you, Sehun-ah.”

He felt his heart break a little, “I love you too.”





Upon arriving at the restaurant he promised to meet his friend at, he spotted two males sitting at a table in front of the place. The two men looked like models, handsome models with their knee-high jeans, one wore a blue and white stripped shirt and the other wore a red and black plaited long sleeve one. The male in the stripped shirt wore sunglasses and the other wore a straw fedora.


When they made eye contact with him, the one with the glasses immediately waved at him, “Hello there! Did you rise from the dead?”

            “Not you too, Chanyeol.” He rolled his eyes.

“So you met with Jongin?” The other asked.

            “Sure did, Baekhyun.” Sehun sighed, putting his backpack down as he recalled the memories of his best friend storming off again.

“Oh my,” Chanyeol beamed as he looked through the male’s bag, “What’s this?”

Sehun looked at what he was going on about, “What in the world…”

            “I never knew you played with dolls.” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, and realized, “Oh that’s right, your dad passed down his workshop to you.”

 “He-he was the first doll I made,” Sehun felt sweats were leaking like a waterfall out of him, and his hands began to get clammy, “I think I accidently misplaced him in my bag…”


Sehun glared at Luhan. He knew should have just locked him up in his bedroom. Who would have figured that he snuck into his bag? His doll was cunning, he had to admit that.


“What’s up guys?” A voice called out from behind, which made Sehun freeze in his seat, “I was-”

Then their eyes met, “Hey Jongin.”

“Sehun.” He nodded coldly.

            “Look Jongin, Sehun’s doll that he made!” Baekhyun held Luhan up to Jongin’s face, which he just stared at it in disbelief.

“It looks like Luhan…”

            “Who’s Luhan?” Chanyeol perked up.

“Don’t tell me it’s your lover you didn’t tell us about.” Baekhyun eyed him.

            “Did you make your first doll to be him?” Chanyeol asked, staring at Luhan oh-so creepily.

“I guess…” Sehun sunk back into his seat.

            “Did you name the doll after him?” Baekhyun asked curiously.

“Yeah…” He replied.

            “He must be pretty if it was his clone.” Chanyeol grinned as he touched Luhan’s face.

“He is.” Sehun nodded slowly. He wondered when they would stop hoarding him with all these questions. The male just wanted to run home with Luhan and lock himself up forever.

            “Can we meet him?” Baekhyun requested.

“No!” Sehun shouted. Maybe it was a little too loud as the people around them looked at their group oddly.

            “Why not? Don’t be selfish!” Chanyeol whined, pouting.

“No one get’s to see Lulu.”

            “Lulu?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, as a creepy smile formed on his face.

“Oh my God! You guys are sleeping together!” Chanyeol screamed in shock.

            “We only sleep on the same bed!” Sehun corrected him. He felt his checks become flushed and hot.

“Oh, don’t be shy!” The male laughed.

            “Oh shut up, Chanyeol.” Sehun hissed.


Jongin abruptly grabbed Sehun’s arm, and pulled him away into the empty alleyway two blocks awayfr om the restuarant. The latter pushed him onto the wall, trapping him between his arms. Sehun couldn’t bring himself to look into Jongin’s eyes and scream at him ‘what the hell do you think you are doing’. Instead he just looked at the ground and kept silent.


“Sehun, I love you.” The latter confessed.

Sehun snapped up at him, “What?” He asked dryly.

“I love you.” Jongin wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist.

            “Jongin-ah…” He airily called the said boy’s name.

“I always have since our first time.” And he crushed his lips onto Sehun’s lips.


With all his might, he tried pushing Jongin off of him, but to no avail. Jongin was much stronger than he was. And the feeling of someone else’s lips touching his, he didn’t like it. Not a single bit. Be it Jongin or anyone else, he would hate it. Except for one person and only that person he would not hate to have their lips against his.


The doll maker felt a pair of hand yanking him away from Jongin.


“Don’t you dare touch my Sehun. If you love him, you shouldn’t force him to do something he doesn’t like!” With the words said, Luhan pulled his doll maker away, far away from Jongin.





They quietly reached home. Luhan just stood silently in the middle of the house. His body was violently trembling, which really scared Sehun to the core. Was he going to break down? Is he going to disappear because Jongin kissed him? He prayed not.


“Lulu, are you okay?” Sehun asked, worried.

“I don’t like it…” Luhan muttered.

            “What don’t you like?” He held onto Luhan’s shaky hand. Can dolls become sick? But he let the thought slid.

“How he kissed you... It should be me… Only I am supposed to kiss you.” He cried, but no tears came out.

Sehun relaxed his shoulders, and smiled, “Will you disinfect it for me?”

Luhan turned around, and then he gently pecked him on the lips.

            “I love you, Sehun-ah.” His doll whispered to him.

“I love you too, Lulu.” And he pecked him on the lips again.


Then a light bulb flashed in the doll maker’s mind. He pushed Luhan back, “How did you change back?”

            “I can change whenever I want.” He smiled.

“Oh my buffaloes, Lulu!” Sehun cried, and panicked, “Did they see you change back?”

Luhan shook his head, “They left somewhere. I faintly listened into their conversation but I heard they were going to the toilet together for some fun time.”

Relief washed over Sehun, “Thank heavens they didn’t find out you can change. And thank the heavens for making Chanyeol .”

Luhan leaned his head onto Sehun’s chest, “I love you.”


Something clutched onto Sehun’s heart. It tightened its squeeze as the words replayed over. Never did he think the three words would pain this much. Whenever his father spoke of those words to him, he’d feel bubbly inside. Maybe the reason was because it was Luhan who said them. It was his doll who could not possess emotions to feel them.


He didn’t reply, instead he just held onto Luhan in silence. Painfully holding him as he knew happiness does not last forever.






As night draped over them, they laid in bed together cuddling in each other’s arm. The night was long for the both of them as they just laid in utter silence. The faint smell of Luhan’s hair travelled up Sehun’s nose. He smelt like lemons from his shampoo, a sweet tingling scent of lemons.


However scents don’t last long. They were bound to drift and fade away like everything doesn’t last forever. Sehun wondered how long will he still be able to smell Luhan. Not long maybe...And the thought still pained Sehun even though he knew it all too clearly.


Luhan broke the silence as he asked, “Do you truly love me?”

Sehun’s body stiffened at the question. The doll arched up on one shoulder, and looked at him with his chocolate brown doe eyes, “Do you truly, truly love me, Sehun-ah?”

The doll maker slowly nodded, and questioned, “Why do you ask?”

            “The other dolls say we can’t have feelings, that we are just empty objects that move. But I’m sure my feelings for you are love…”

“Then it is love.” Sehun flippantly answered. He wanted this conversation to end because it was bound to hurt one of them. Scratch that, it was bound to hurt him.

            “What is love?” Luhan asked.

“It’s hard to explain, Lulu,” Sehun began, “There are many strings attached to love. It’s not always the greatest feeling, but if you stick by that fated person to the end, then you can find true happiness. I guess that is love…”

            “Then, can I stick by you till the end?” Luhan slumped back down, and snuggled in closer next to him.

“I would love that,” He said, and repeated, “I’d really love that...”

            “Good night, Sehun.” Luhan sweetly whispered to him.

“Night, Lulu.” And he leaned down to kiss him on the head before he slept, dreaming of Luhan and him together. Something he always did when he slept since the beginning of the time Luhan and he shared their first fated kiss.


Luhan cleared his throat and began to sing like he always does every night. His sweet voice casted Sehun off to sleep as if an angel had pulled him away with its voice.



It’s over, all the moments exhausted by waiting,

 Forever by your side, now I will tell you, you’re my last -

 You are my one and only beautiful,

 Breath-stopping beautiful,

 You’re my angel,

Baby, you’re my angel to me.”





The angel that pulled him away in his sleep, fingers entwined with each other, was Luhan. Sehun smiled and embraced every sleeping moment of his sweet dream. He wished that he could stay in this dimension forever because in his sleep there was forever, there was eternity with Luhan.






A few days had past them both surprising fast. Sehun had left to get food from the nearby supermarket and especially ordered Luhan to stay at home and that he’d be back in five minutes. To Luhan, five minutes seemed like a long time. It seemed long without his beloved doll maker by his side.


From Sehun’s room, Luhan heard a knock at the front door. The doll ran as fast as his legs could take him and quickly unlocked the door, “Se-”

            “Sorry, I’m not Sehun…” The latter began as he rolled his eyes, and continued as he glared at Luhan, “So I’m guessing he isn’t here?”

“No, he went to the supermarket to buy a few things. He’ll be back soon though.” Luhan replied.

            “I see…” Jongin said, and asked, “Can I come in? I need to talk to you.”

“Uh- sure…” Luhan opened the door wider, and the latter slipped through. Sehun has specifically told him not to let any strangers in. However Jongin doesn’t fall in that category… does he?

As Luhan closed the door, the latter spat, “It’s disgusting.”

Luhan looked at Jongin, “I’m sorry?”

            “It’s disgusting how someone like you, who only came into his life for a few years since the day he locked himself in that damn workshop could win his heart. I’ve been with him for god knows how long, and I couldn’t get him to look at me.”

“I’m sorry…”

            “You’re not, aren’t you? You are probably laughing on the inside at me, looking down on me.” He shouted with hot tears in his eyes.

“I would ne-” Luhan tried to argue back.

Jongin quickly injected, biting back his tears, “You don’t deserve to be with Sehun. I can’t believe he even made a doll of you. It’s absolutely disgusting. I deserve to be by his side. I love him more than you will ever! He only looks at you because you look like a doll!”

“Sehun loves me and I love him.” Luhan rebutted.


Jongin’s words were bound to hurt him, yet why doesn’t he feel angry? Why doesn’t he feel anything at all? The other dolls must be right, he can’t feel… Then what was the tingly sensation he felt in his hollow body when he is with Sehun? It was love, right? It must be.



            He loved Sehun.



            Sehun loved him.



            “What will happen if I destroy your pretty face? Will he look at you the same?” Kai slowly stalked up to Luhan. He reached for his back pocket and held out a hammer.

“What are you doing, Jongin?” Luhan stared blankly at the object arched above the male’s head.

            “Getting rid of you.” He devilishly smirked.


The doll froze in his spot. He watched as the hammer drew nearer and closer to him, then suddenly everything turned black. Somehow in that darkness, he heard the screams of his name. The voice, the oh-so beautiful voice that he loved so much was screaming his name, and then everything disappeared.



            He prayed with his the last fragment of his existence to see his precious Sehun once again.



            Just once more...







Where is this place? Luhan thought. All he could see was pitch black. I died right? He could see the memories of an outraged Kai barging into Sehun’s house with a hammer, then with one swing the darkness engulfed his body.


Was this a doll’s punishment for loving his creator? Did God despise their love so much, he had to break the little doll? Luhan just hoped that wherever Sehun was now, that he would still know that his precious doll still loved him very much. Or whatever the tingly feeling was that held for Sehun only.




A chime of a bell was heard. Faint, but clear enough to awaken his dead mind. Luhan could hear footsteps walking closer his way till the stopped dead in their tracks.


            “Luhan-ah,” A familiar voice called out to him, “How are you doing today? Are you sleeping well?”

Luhan stayed still, motionless and unmoving was what he was best at. After all, he was a doll.

“I made you clothes today. Look it’s your favourite-”

“Sehun?” The doll immediately opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the bright lights.


“Is that you Sehun?” The doll squinted, after adjusting his eyes; he looked up to meet the eyes of a stranger. Though he was a stranger, he possessed the same voice and eyes as his doll maker.

A tear leaked from the man’s eyes as he held Luhan up, “You’ve come back to me.”

            “It’s you right, Sehun-ah?” Luhan asked again.

“Who else do you think it is?” Sehun smiled his usual smile. Immediately, Luhan knew it was his beloved doll maker right in front of him. He squirmed out of Sehun’s hold and jumped onto Sehun’s chest, hugging him with all his might that his small doll body could possess.

            “I missed you.” Sehun whispered, lightly kissed Luhan’s head.

“What happened to me? Why am I alive?” Luhan looked up at Sehun with curiosity.

            “I fixed you, of course. For these past 30 years I tried to refine my skills and fix you up. Plus, I rebuilt my dad’s shop and made more dolls.”

“Why?” Luhan asked.

“I decided to continue in my father’s line of work, so I rebuilt this place up.” He answered.

Luhan’s eyebrows creased, this wasn’t the answer he wanted, “Why did you fix me up?”

“Because I love you, silly.” The male laughed, hugging his little doll tighter.

            “Me too,” He smiled, and then pushed away to look up at Sehun, “If you make other dolls, you are only allowed to love me!”

“Sure thing, captain.” Sehun laughed.


The doll maker held Luhan’s body up to eye height. With a big smile, he leaned in and pecked Luhan’s lips. For these 30 years, he had waited for this moment to come, the moment to once again hold his beloved doll, his beloved Luhan. Though there was no eternity for the two of them, he was still happy that with whatever time he had left, it would be spent with his beloved doll.


            “You’ve changed…” The boy stated staring at his beloved doll maker’s aged face.

“I’m sorry for growing old,” He lightly joked, and said, “You are lucky you get to live for eternity, Luhan. I only get to live a measly 100 years. It’s a shame I’ve already used up 60 of those years.”

            “But there is no eternity without you.” Luhan pouted.

“Did I create you to be this cheesy, mister?” He eyed him with a playful smile.

            “No, but you created me to love you.” The doll grinned.

“I did no such thing!” Sehun laughed, a laughed that Luhan seemed to not have heard in decades. Only this laugh was a bit different. It was more airy and weak.


After a few silent minutes, Sehun looked out into the distant of the window that sat in front of the desk where it all began. The memories came flooding back like a video taped being replayed in his mind. The years when he first started creating Luhan, the day his beloved doll woke up, the days they shared sweet words, the day he never woke up again (which scared Sehun to the wits of his bones), the years that he restudied doll making to now. Now, Luhan was back into his arms. The love of his was alive once again.


Back then he had contemplated with his decision on his course of life. Will he use all his effort in vain to reawaken his doll again, which might not actually awaken? Yet he still went along with it. Holding onto the small hope of reuniting with Luhan, he wilted away one third of his life refining his skill and fixing Luhan.


One thing that still bothered Sehun was that, did he make the right decision? Did he do right by reassembling his doll? Still, Luhan was a doll. He was a doll that can’t possibly possess feelings.


            “Ah-” Sehun sighed.

“What’s wrong?” His doll asked.

            “Everything seemed like it was yesterday.” He answered.

“If only time could stop for us.” Luhan sighed.

            “If only…” His words drifted off into silence.

“I’ll be with you forever, Sehun.” The doll stated with a smile.


Sehun’s lips curved upwards at the corner, but only slightly, into a sad smile. He then pecked Luhan on the lips gently as he was afraid that the fragile doll in front of him might crack.


Now that he thought about it, he didn’t like the end as much now. He preferred the start because the start didn’t mean things had to finish, that it wasn’t over. Though what might lie ahead of the beginning is scary and there are many possibilities and outcomes, the ending was already set. There would be only one outcome, and as much as the male use to love it, he hated it now.



            “There is no forever, Lulu.” Luhan could hear the faint sadness in Sehun’s voice as he smiled to him.

“There is!” Luhan argued.

            “But I can’t live forever. Nor, can I live with you forever.” The elderly male admitted sadly.

“But I’ll love you forever. We’ll love each other forever, till the day heaven and hell breaks loose.” Luhan held his doll maker’s face in his tiny palms.

Sehun croaked a small laughter, “Promise?”

            “Promise.” His doll beamed a smile to him.







As the many years went by, the two had created priceless memories that could never be replaced or forgotten. And as they both promised, they continued to love each other to no end. Something that the both prayed for every day was for time to stop for them. They both concluded that God wasn’t as giving.


As the years continued to roll by, Luhan starts to notice a change in Sehun. His doll maker’s newest creations weren’t like him or the others. They became incomplete, irregular and most importantly they didn’t have life.



One quiet morning during the harsh cold winter, Luhan watched Sehun continue to work. His doll maker’s hand violently trembled as he picked up his chisel, only to drop it again. The feeble male let out a faint sigh. The doll didn’t want to take notice, he didn’t want to believe it, but the signs were so clear that it stood out like bright flashing neon signs. The heavy dark wrinkles beneath his doll maker’s eyes, his black hair turned into ashes and his once beautiful eyes turned lifeless. His creator was quickly aging, while the doll just watched him age, forever young. The site broke Luhan’s imaginary heart, it broke his soul.



Sehun was slowly dying.



And with the time he had left, it wasn’t long.






In the small years the sickly doll maker had left, his loyal doll stayed by him on his bed, looking after him to the best of his ability as a doll. He cooked, made him his special drink that he loved so much, sang to him. Never once did he leave Sehun alone, because any moment his doll maker would leave for Heaven’s gate.


The doll maker reached out his frail bony hands up to his forever young doll with a lifeless smile. A single teardrop left Sehun’s eyes. Though it was believed that an object could not harbor feelings, but the love was so strong that tears seeped from the brim of Luhan’s eyes. It was something that surprised them both.


Sehun wiped the dampness away with his shaking fingers. “God is cruel, isn’t he?” The sickly male half-heartedly chuckled. “He gave you feelings… He gave my Lulu pain.”


Why of all times did his doll have to feel now? It would have been better if Luhan didn’t feel at all, if he didn’t hold emotions. Luhan looked more beautiful when he smiled, he didn’t suite this damp tears. He was an angel, and he deserved to smile not to cry.


The doll maker held Luhan’s hand, icy like the first day he touched his beloved doll. It was his way of comforting him in this weak ugly state. Baby, don’t cry, he prayed, don’t cry for me.


“Luhan-ah, speak to me,” Sehun breathed as he violently coughed again, “Let me hear your voice one last time.”


However, no words could escape his trembling scared lips. They were all stuck in the back of his throat.


            “Don’t cry, Lulu.” He breathed, squeezing lightly on the hand hold, “Do me one last favour to smile, and to never forget me. You are much more beautiful when you smile, Lulu.”


A disappointed smile slowly and weakly formed on Sehun’s old face. The distorted breathing and bloody coughs of the doll’s beloved master had both told them that it was finally time.



It was time for Sehun’s last breath.



“Lulu,” His voice weak and inaudible, “I can finally dream now. I can finally dream of us together forever.”



The boy only stared at Sehun, as he got paler and paler and colder as the seconds ticked by. Soon he gradually closed his eyes one last time, to never be reopened again. Never in his beloved Sehun’s eyes would he see Luhan’s young face again.



            Because there was no such thing as forever for humans and Luhan had concluded that.


Luhan held tightly onto Sehun’s hand. He never released his grip, but only held even tighter after the last second that Death took his doll maker away. He hoped that the tighter he held on, the longer he could hold Sehun to the Earth, to live just a bit longer. Frantically grasping onto that hope, he held so tight he heard a slight snap. Sehun’s hand went limp, which caused Luhan leak more tears. He purposely believed it was his fault that Sehun died, like he broke the thin thread to Sehun’s life and now the doll maker’s soul had drifted away leaving his empty frail body behind with Luhan.


The boy forced down his tears, biting down hard on his lips. He tried his best to fulfill the last wish of his doll master. The memories of Sehun’s wish replied in the back of his empty head, ‘to always smile, and to never forget me’.



Was Sehun crazy?



How could he possibly forget him?



After all, he had eternity to live with the memories. Memories filled with love and happiness, however they were nothing compared to having Sehun by his side, to be able to feel his every touch. Even the silver rings and vowels that were exchanged in the same room could not hold them together in the end. Where their love started became their tragic end.



The silent words that choked him never escaped his soft lips.



            And he regretted that he could not let Sehun hear those words last words.



            But he hoped that Sehun knew his silent words in his final minutes, after all they had been repeated since the very first day.



One last time, Luhan sang. He sang for his beloved doll maker as he imagined him drifting on a fluffy cloud to heaven, smiling and young. Though there was no eternity for life, there will always be eternity for love, which is what the doll concluded.



   “I have come to love you now,

                 There is no place for me to go back to

                 My wings have been taken away, oh no,

 Even if I have lost eternal life, the reason why I’m happy,

 Is because my forever is you, eternally love.”






Ever since the day the doll maker had taken his last breath, his beloved doll never awakened from his deep slumber. The forever young boy had turned back into his original form beside his creator’s death bed. He turned into an unmoving and lifeless doll.


No love could match or be remotely close to the love his doll maker gave and felt for the little porcelain doll. Maybe and hopefully in their next life, the red string of fate would reconnect them once again is what he prayed. If another doll maker was so kind enough to create Sehun for him, they could be together forever.



A love drowned in eternity.





            The silent words of the doll that he repeated over and over again, he hoped that they would slowly make their way to the Heavens in hopes to reach his other half.




“I love you, Sehun. Forever and always, you are my eternity.”



;;;;;; ^ ;;;;;;

Sorry for the really long oneshot and the tragic ending.... But like Luhan said, "Though there was no eternity for life, there will always be eternity for love."

They will love eachother forever !!! TT___TT HUNHAN FOR LIFE.

& please don't hate Kai.. LOL. I didn't mean to make him into a bad guy that basically killed Luhan. D;


Song lyrics that I have used is Angel by Se7en & Into Your World (Angel) by EXO.

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Chapter 14: Oh my god, the HunHan one>.<
xoxobaozi #2
Chapter 11: Dayum that Xiuchen and Sulay oneshot ;AAA; Lemme keuraiiii
Chapter 11: Yes. I am rereading again. I just can't help it. Wae you write such beautiful stories? ;A;
Chapter 1: Haha perfect... I nearly cried... But I'm in public
Chapter 11: omg the sulay.
so beautiful omg
Chapter 13: HE GROWLS! XD
I don't know why but it caught my attention. xD
It's a good change tho, crack, because the rest were kind of very serious ;A; some even make me cry. /throws more love.
Chapter 12: I'm in love with every single word existed in this fic. Not just this chapter. I don't even know how many times had I come back. ~__~