October 15th

Tears of December

“Chanyeol, I need help.” Kris said, standing at Chanyeol’s doorstep. Sehun peeked over the tree’s shoulder. “What can we do for you, sir?” Sehun said cheekily.  Baekhyun and Luhan were at class, so it was just the ‘guys’.


The two were pigging out on large amounts of Chinese food, such as dumplings, fried rice, friend tofu, and BBQ pork. Chanyeol invited him to have some. Kris ate quietly and neatly, unlike the other two who stuffed their faces.


“Okay, D!” Chanyeol yelled. Sehun stood up, still holding his bowl and chopsticks. . “DARA 2NE1! I JUST WANNA KISS! I NEVER WANNA MISS~~~” He sang and did a funny little dance. Chanyeol clapped and laughed madly, grains of rice flying off his chopsticks.


Sehun sat down and thought. “C!” he said at last. Chanyeol put his bowl down. “CL 2NE1! Cause I’m the baddest female Seoul City ever had~~~” Chanyeol screamed, with his mouth full of rice. The he did a strange, funky dance where he swayed his hips back and forth while pumping his fists in the air. “That was way too easy.” He grinned, sitting back down again.


Kris looked at them with mild disgust. “Is this what you guys do when you’re not kissing or having with your boyfriends?” Sehun shrugged, while Chanyeol blushed and laughed awkwardly. “Why are you blushing? Its not like you haven’t done it with him.” Sehun snickered.


Chanyeol threw a dumpling at the younger male. “I’m not going to do something he doesn’t want me to do.” Sehun dodged the flying Chinese food, still snickering.


Kris rolled his eyes. “I need help.” Chanyeol took this as an opportunity to insult the taller male. “With your brain? I can’t do much about that, sorry.” Sehun burst out laughing, while Chanyeol forced a straight face.


Kris had the overwhelming urge to stab the devil boy with his chopsticks. He pushed the urge away and decided to just give him blue balls later. “I think I have feelings for Tao.”


Sehun and Chanyeol became quiet. Then at the exact same time, they both said, “Did you just realize?” Kris’s eyes became wide and he blushed. “W-What do you mean?”


Chanyeol grinned. “Its pretty obvious.” He said, taking a huge bite out of a baozi. “The way you look at him gives it away, and how you treat him too.” Sehun nodded in agreement. “The Kris I used to know wasn’t like this. Then you met Tao and you changed.”


Kris thought for a moment. It was true what Sehun pointed out. He also noticed how he smiles more often, and can open up more easily. Chanyeol shoved the rest of the baozi in his mouth. “We’re your best friends! How can we not know?” He said, grinning.


Sehun laughed and punched Kris in the shoulder. “Welcome to the gay club, Kris.” Kris half smiled half grimaced. He still didn’t really understand the concept of being gay but he pushed that away.


Kris thanked his friends in that awkward manner of his, and stood to leave. Then he frowned. “How can you guys eat so much?” He asked. Chanyeol and Sehun exchanged looks and smiled. “It comes with being dead.” Sehun said. “Do you want to know where the food goes? Cause it goes down our throats, and then---”


“Pretend I didn’t ask.” Kris said, turning and leaving. He had better things to do than listen to the two derps explain devil anatomy.


Better things like finding Tao and telling him about his feelings.






Tao was balancing a tray of sandwiches in his lap as he wheel himself through the hospital. It was around lunchtime and he volunteered to make and give out lunch. Kris found him near the children’s ward, where the younger sick children lived.


“Hey.” Kris said, walking towards Tao as if he were in a fashion show. Tao grinned. “Kris!” He waved enthusiastically, almost knocking the tray over. Kris smiled at his child-like demeanor. “Help me hand out lunch!” Tao said, coughing a little at the end of his sentence. Kris frowned. “Are you okay?” Tao smiled and nodded.


Kris handed out juice boxes to the children that flocked him. Kris liked children because they didn’t care about how scary he looked. He smiled slightly at the children who looked so happy just to be together and eating. He wondered why couldn’t he be like that. Carefree and happy.


When he was done, he walked over to Tao. His heart beat a little faster as he saw Tao’s relationship with the children. They seemed to love him, asking to sit on his lap and stuff. Tao didn’t seem to mind, playing with them to the best of his abilities. Tao coughed again and smiled at him. “Hey kids! This is my best friend, Kris.”


All the children chimed, “Hi Kris!” at the same time. Kris nodded and said a polite, “Hello.” One of the kids suddenly said, “He looks like a big meanie!” Kris wanted to punch the kid, but that would just confirm how mean he actually is.


Tao laughed. “I agree. But he’s really nice *cough* once you get to know him!” A little girl nodded in agreement and grinned at Kris. Kris felt happy inside, but the fact that Tao was coughing worried him.


Kris stayed with Tao while he entertained the children, sometimes helping him in playing with the kids. Kris loved it, and didn’t want to leave. But he came here to do something.


After the nurses had told the kids to go back to their rooms, Kris finally had Tao to himself. “Can I talk to you?” Kris said. Tao blinked. “Okay.” They went to the coffee shop that Chen worked at, and wasn’t surprised to see Xiumin there flirting with him and others. Tao and Kris avoided Xiumin and quickly ordered from Chen.


“So what did you want to tell me?” Tao said, with a slight curious tilt of his head. Kris rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well, its kind of hard to say, cause I’m not really good at this kind of thing. You know how people don’t know how they feel until it’s too late? See I don’t think its too late yet, but I don’t want it to be too late, so I’m going to tell you now, but I’m not sure how to word it, and I want to tell you straight forward, but I’m too shy, and----”


“I love you.” Tao blurted, cutting him off.


They both blushed, looking away for a little bit. Then Kris chuckled awkwardly. “That’s what I was trying to say.” Tao went even redder. “I’m so sorry!! I just needed to say it out, since I had been holding it in for so long.”


Kris blinked. “Y-You mean you’ve like me for a long time?” That was a first. Usually people stayed at least 5 meters from him. Walking down the hallways during break at school was like parting the red sea for him.


Tao nodded. “Remember the first time when we played basketball together? I couldn’t sleep all that well, and I thought it was just because it was one of those nights again.” Tao paused to cough, and took a sip of his drink to calm his throat.


“Hey are you okay? You’ve been coughing a lot.” Kris asked. “I’ll take you back to the hospital, if you aren’t feeling well. I don’t want you ge---” Tao held up his hand and glared. “Shh! I’m not done talking.”


 “Then when I saw you again, my heart just wouldn’t calm down.” He continued. I asked the nurses and they told me about those dramas, which made me want to watch them, and now I understand.” Tao nodded eagerly.


Kris blinked, then burst out laughing. Tao pouted. “Why are you laughing?” Kris wiped his eyes and grinned at Tao. “I thought you would reject me. I thought there was no way you could ever like me back, but I guess it isn’t so.”


“Say it then.” Tao giggled. Kris blinked. “Say what?” Tao rolled his eyes. This guy is an idiot. He thought. “Say you love me, of course!”


Kris blushed and gulped. “I-I love you.”


A/N: Hiyas!!! So Taoris is together now, and Baekyeol is coming up next chapter!! So much fluff for a while OTL I'm not that good at writing fluff OTL Angst is easier for me that's all OTL OTL

I know I said quadruple update last time but I couldn't finish this chapter before my parents stared yelling at me to go to bed OTL Anyways, double update to make up for it, neh? ^_^

Wow!!! I have 37 subbies!!! 7 people from just one update ;~; I love you all so much!!! *ice cream for you all* I'm so grateful for all your support, and you guys and your comments are what makes me want to update!! :D

I hope you like how the story is so far! Leave me a comment telling me how I did please!! I will be forever grateful :D

Thanks for reading and next chapter will be up soon :)

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Chapter 30: no tao ;-;
Chapter 18: the feels :')
so cute ^ ^
Wonderful, just beautiful (:
Chapter 32: Awwww, what a sweet ending! I'm glad that they all ended up with happily ever afters <3
Awww that was so cute!!
Chapter 32: awwwww weeee~ kris has his angel back! yaya~!
baekhyun and chanyeol, they're meeting again. happy ending!!!
Chapter 32: glorious. squee tao angel~ <33
keke~ loved itt~ ^^ lookin forward to your new stories as well :)
JennyLovesRIce #10
Chapter 32: yay~ happy ending ^^