Letters of Remembrance


I had everything going for me; the perfect life complete with an acceptance letter from the most prestigious university in Korea and my boyfriend of three years, Chansik. It seemed like for once, fate was on my side. Finally, I was content.

But when you're only nineteen years old and on the brink of death, nothing is enough anymore.


I wanted so desperately to escape, to live and breathe the sweet spring air and enjoy the golden rays of the summer sun. But there was no escaping my reality. 


It's inevitable, the circle of life. We live and we die. It's only the fortunate ones that find a bit of time in-between to enjoy all that's out there.


The door swung closed behind me, clicking shut with a soft thud that reverberated throughout the empty hallway. I staggered forward, leaning my body tiredly against the adjacent wall, glad that for once, I was alone with my thoughts.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

I had everything already planned out; a happy marriage with a lovely man, a cozy home in the countryside and two beautiful children. And now, it was disappearing rapidly, right before my eyes. My whole future, erased, like an innocent child's chalk drawing vanquished by an unpredicted storm.


Ewing's Sarcoma; a type of cancer that starts in the bones then gradually travels throughout the body. There weren't many people that suffered from it, but I guess I was one of the lucky few. I had found out months ago, but now that I had stopped responding to treatment, there wasn't anything more I could hold on to. The tumors had spread to other tissues as well as my lungs. It would only be a matter of time before I would lose all functioning and movement. I was dying and I knew it.


So, with nothing else to wait for besides the impending end, I reached for a pen and paper, gingerly touching the tip to the smooth canvas in front of me. 


Dear Chansik...



Hi everyone ~

Even my first story FLIGHT is still unfinished, I'm taking a short break from it to quickly write a short entry for ebbiechan's Writing Contest, Illusion of Perfection. I'm planning for about 6-8 chapters so it should hopefully be finished before the deadline next week. 


Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it! ^^



A big thanks to Lumière Shop — graphic & review shop and chichichi24 for my review!




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Chapter 5: Almost in tears, and I don't cry easily, especially the Gongchan part, my eyes are watering great job~!
This story definitely did not disappoint. You write so well and you conveyed the meaning of the story really well too. I love this story and it made my throat hurt from all the crying I did T.T writer-nim 대박(daebak)!!
I love the story so far! Please update once again~!