Chapter 2- A Normal Day at School

A Heart Full of Love

Other Characters

Kai-Kingka Leader






Chanyeol-Kingka and Jaehwa's Past Best Friend

Lay-Luhan's New Friend

Baekhyun-Luhan's New Friend

Sehun-Luhan's New Friend

Sooyoung-Jaehwa's Friend

Victoria-Jaehwa's Friend



(Jaehwa's POV)

The light hit my face. I was on my bed. I looked at the clock. I only have 15 minutes left to change and eat breakfast. I took a quick 5 minute shower and changed into my uniform.

I headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning Jaehwa," my parents said. I went to kiss them on the cheek and replied back, "Good morning." I see L is still asleep. He's gonna be late. "Where's L?" I asked mom. "He's in the restroom," she said. Oh, so Mr. Always-Late is finally waking up early. L came back from the bathroom. He saw me and didn't say anything, but go to his seat. I rolled my eyes. He took a piece of bread and went. "Bye. Huanyue's probably waiting for me," he bragged. I rolled my eyes again. He walked out the door. I ate my breakfast really fast and took my backpack. "Thank you for the food," I said. "You're leaving already?" my dad questioned. "Yes. Bye," I hastily said. I walked to the school bus, which was a few feet away from my house, closer to Luhan's. The bus was still not there. I saw Luhan and ran to him. He turned around and saw me. "Good morning," he waved his hand. "Good morning," I waved back. "So... you have a good picture of the school?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks to someone," he smiled. I blushed. The bus came. "Wanna sit together?" Luhan asked me. "Yeah, sure," I said. "I'm new, so I don't even have anyone to sit with anyway," he giggled. I giggled, "You'll eventually make new friends." He smiled. We went inside the bus. I saw the queenkas, always in the front. They rolled their eyes and looked away. They always hate my guts because I turned them down when they asked me to be one. I don't want to be like them: mean, ty , and conceited. I saw Hyuna wink at Luhan. Luhan just smiled and kept on walked down to the amost last seat. "Wanna sit next to the window?" he politely asked. "It doesn't really matter," I answered. He let me go first. Then the bus started to move. I accidentally slipped and almost fell, but Luhan caught me in his arms. "Umm... thank you," I murmured. We met each others' eyes. Luhan's eyes seemed like htey sparkled. How cute! We stared at each other for like a whole minute. I got off his arms even though I didn't want to. I sat down to my sit. I saw everyone staring at us. I blushed. The queenkas gave me an angry face like they were going to kill me.  OMG! The next bus stop was- Uhhgh great! The kingkas are here: Kai, Chanyeol, Kris, Tao, Suho, Chen, and D.O. "What's up, baby?" Kai said to Tiffany. Well they are both the leaders of their group. I was just spying on them. Then Kai noticed me and sat in the seat in front of me. Ahh!!! I should've looked away. Luhan whispered to me, "Who are they?" "Kingkas," I answered. "Oh, ok," he replied. Chanyeol stared at me for the whole ride. I hate what he's become.


"Good morning~" Chanyeol said to me at the bus stop. "Morning~," I said back. Back then, everyone thought of Chanyeol as the biggest nerd because of his glasses, but when Kai bumped into him, he wasn't known as the nerd anymore. Chanyeol bumped into Kai. "Sorry," he mumbled. Kai grabbed his collar. "Sorry isn't gonna cut it," he exclaimed. Then he gave Chanyeol a hit on the face. His glasses flew off, which revealed his handsome face. "Whoah," the girls were surprised. "He's not a nerd after all," Suho told Kai, who took his hand back. "Wanna be with us?" Kris smirked. "S-s-s-sure," he stuttered. After that, he kept hanging out with the kingkas and stopped hanging out with me. Now a days, he just hits on me, saying, "baby, honey, and other erted things."

I don't want Luhan to be like them: traitors and flirts. "Luhan, want to walk home together after school?" I asked. "Yeah, sure," he smiled. I smiled back. I saw Chanyeol stop staring at me. Ha ha! Beat that Chanyeol!

We arrived at school Luhan just followed me. "What classroom are you going?" I asked. "2-B," he answered. "The same as me. Come on," I said and grabbed his arm. We went inside the classroom. The teacher, Mrs. Lee, saw Luhan, the new student and greeted him.

(Luhan's POV)

"Good morning. You must be the new student," the teacher said. "Neh. Good morning. My name is Xi Luhan," I greeted. "I'm Mrs. Lee. For today, I want you to introduce yourselves to your new classmates when the starting bell rings," she politely mentioned. "Neh," I answered. "Oh, did you want to join any clubs or extracurricular activities?" she mentioned. "Yes. I would like to join piano and tennis," I replied. "You have the same as Jaehwa, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Yixing. Go to them at lunch and talk to them about the activities," Mrs. Lee said. "Ok. Thank you," I bowed repectfully. Yixing? Good. Another Chinese. I've been waiting for one. The bell rang and school started. 

It's lunchtime. I forgot about that talk with Jaehwa, so I just followed her. She was with her friends. I completely forgot their names, their her friends she's talking about. They look like they're having fun. The teacher told me who Yixing, Sehun, and Baekhyun were. I went to the cafeteriawith Jaehwa and her friends, just following them behind. One of her friends noticed me and said, "Go away new kid." That kind of hurt my feelings. Jaehwa saw me and told her, "Oh, Victoria. This is the guy I told you about." "Umm... sorry. Luhan, is it?" Victoria apologized. "It's ok," I nodded. "Why don't we all go to the cafeteria, no duh," her other friend said. "I'm Sooyoung and she's Victoria. We're Jaehwa's friends," Sooyoung stated. "Are you Chinese/" Victoria asked as we were walking to the cafeteria." Yes. I moved here because my dad's company tranferred here," I began.

(Jaehwa's POV)

I was just watching Luhan and Victoria while we went to the cafeteria. They both said something. I think in Chinese, but I don't really know what. After talking in another language, Luhan told us, "The teacher told me to ask you, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Yixing to take me to piano and tennis." "Why me, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Yixing?" I pouted. "Because you guys picked the same activities I picked," he explained. "Ok. Let's go to them then," I said. We went  to get our lunch and walked to their table. "H. The teacher told me to ask you about piano and tennis. I want to join and she told me to ask you since we have the same activities," Luhan said. "Ok. Luhan, right?" Baekhyun said. Yixing said something in Chinese. Luhan responded also in Chinese. I went to him and asked him, "What are you guys talking about?" "Oh. He just asked me if I'm Chinese," he answered. We sat down. "So... Where's the tennis court?" Luhan broke the long, awkward silence. "Near the oval," Sehun answered. "Do you guys even know each other? You don't talk," Luhan uttered. "Umm... We just don't get along," Yixing said. Which was true. I remember the time when we were 10 in elementary and they put bugs on our head when we were on our science field trip. Ugh! How I hated those bugs. "Ok then," Luhan answered awkwardly. The long, awkward silence continues. We finished our lunch just in time when the bell rang next period. We have have piano in this period and tennis in the next one," I stated. "Ok. I'll just follow you for piano and follow Baekhyun, Yixing, and Sehun for tennis," he said. "Ok, but do you have clothes for tennis," I informed. "Yeah. I brought them just in case," he smiled. "Luhan, Jaehwa. You can just call me Lay. I know it's hard saying Yixing in Korean," he insisted. "Neh," I nodded. "Let's go to piano," I said.

We entered the piano room. There were only 15 people in the piano group. It's not as big as the orchestra or the band, which both have like 30, 20 players.They're really good since Krystal and Victoria are there. Victoria plays the flute and Sooyoung plays the violin. 

We sat down in the chairs. Our teacher, Ms. Kang, was giving us an announcement. "Ok, class. We have a new player in our group. His name is Luhan. Treat him nicely." "Why don't you play us something?" Kai smirked. "Yes. Why don't you play something Luhan?" Ms. Kang insisted. "Y-yeah, sure," Luhan answered with a stutter. He walked over to the grand piano and played "Tarantella." Wow! So good! "You're very good Luhan. You're better than Jaehwa," she blurted. I crossed my arms and looked away. I can't believe she said that. I made a surprised face. Luhan was just smiling thankfully. "Just kidding, Jaehwa. You're both amazing," she joked. We continued our day with learning new songs in the piano.

The bell rang for the next period. "Tennis time," Baekhyun said cutely. He's always acting cute and it annoys me."I'll go change," I walked to the locker room. We went our separate ways.

We met each other again. The boys waited for me outside the girls' locker room. How sweet of them! We walked to the tennis court. "So, it's here," Luhan said. "Yep. It's just around the corner," Lay noted. Luhan intorduced himself to the coach once we got to the court. "Team! Over here!" Coach Kwon called. "We have a new player on our team. Please introduce yourself," he continued. "I'm Luhan. I'll do my best for the team," he politely bowed. "No need to do that son. You can act whatever you want here," Coach patted his back, making Luhan look startled. "You may go practice now," Coach Kwon dismissed us. We quickly went back to work and practiced. "Wait! Jaehwa, can you play a game with Luhan. I want to see his skills," coach instructed. "If you say so," I smirked as I walked to the closest court to Luhan and Coach Kwon. I saw Luhan eye at me. I mocked him and eyed him back. The coach gave me a ball. I started the game with a rough and fast serve. He managed to hit it, but it was an out. "Yah! Don't do that! What happened to the serve you taught me yesterday?" he pouted. I heard everyone gasp and whisper. I ignored it and answered Luhan. "Fine," I giggled. I did an easier serve.

Our game took about 20/30 minutes. I went easy on him, but I still beat him. "Haha! I won fair and square," I bragged. "Whatever," he mumbled. "Good job, Luhan!" Coach Kwon congratulated him. He smiled and patted Luhan's back. I made a confused face. "Why are you congratulating him? I'm the one who won here," I said. "Yeah, but he's the first one to ever take this long to play with you," he continued. "Whatever coach," I said folding my arms. I walked away to get a bottle of water. Luhan accompanied me. "Hmm... You are really perfect at everything you do," he observed, getting water. "Well thanks. I'll take that as a compliment. Isn't this what all company daughters are like?" I said. We started a converstation. "Hey! Couple over there! Stop talking and more practicing," the coach teased. "We're just friends, coach," I responded. "Doesn't look like it," he teased again. I was speachless. We ignored what he said and continued practicing.

The day ended when me and Luhan walked home together.


Hope you like the chapter ☺


Please read this awesome fanfic also about Luhan. It's better than mine. It's more popular and it has a wonderful story. Please read Summer Vacation With a Jerk. I think you all know this fanfic already ☺


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Do you happen to know what the songs are in the trailer??
Chapter 6: Update soon :)
I really like it :D
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Aww so cute! subscribing!
c: cool... interesting plot
Ooooh.. what a cute family hihi. How old are they in here?
Luhan being a father is just so adorable.....
Daebak! Update soon ;) ^^
Nice Story, cousin. Keep updating soon^^
Update soon! ^u^