Of an Ex-Classmate and a Bunch of Handsome Strangers



It all started with a "Kris, go pick up the newcomer from Incheon airport. Her flight arrives at 9am tomorrow morning."

He agreed only because he felt obligated to say yes, and refusing wasn't really an option.


Thoughts/monologue will be written in italics.

Assume all characters are speaking in Korean unless:

Red - Chinese

Blue - English


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mangocandy #1
I imagine Baekyhun would be very sweet in real life, haha. And Kris, what can I say..? XD Thanks for subscribing!
I love how sweet you make Baek's character. And goodness. Kris is so oblivious to everything.
mangocandy #3
I'm glad you think that way! Thank you for reading and commenting as always. <<333
The chapters are fine! I wonder where this story goes!!
mangocandy #5
Thanks for reading!! :D I'll try to update soon. ^^ (sorry if the chapters are coming out a bit short, or rushed)
I love chapter 4! Please update soon!!
mangocandy #7
I was worried she was coming out a bit boring or the conversations weren't flowing properly, haha. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! :)
mangocandy #8
Thanks for reading! ;~~~;/touched It's great to know they didn't turn out awkward,haha.
Lol, I'm loving chapter 3. It's hilarious with the boys!