Part 2/5 of Episode 1

Hello Baby!:Super Junior edition!

Mass chaos broke out, following only seconds after Soo Man's announcement.

Everyone was talking at once, while Leeteuk, the managers and some of the older members tried screaming for everyone to quiet down, which of course did nothing but add to the noise.

"HEY! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Heechul screamed as loud as he could, making several of the members around him flinch away and at their ears.

"Yah!" Shindong protested, his hands over his ears, but Heechul ignored him.

Instead, he glared at them all, one-by-one.

"Why don't you all be quiet and listen to Soo Man-shi! You're being rude!" He grumbled. Leeteuk patted him on the back sympateticlly, as they all turned back towards Lee Soo Man, who looked pleased that Heechul had gotten them all to be quiet.

"Now, listen up all of you." Their boss said, walking closer towards them now that they were quiet. "You will be the fathers of two children. I will not tell you anything about them. You will figure that out later." He paused, making sure that he had their full attention. "Since you are having two other people live with you, we are temporarily, or maybe permanently, it is not decided with the company as of yet, be moving you all to another, larger dorm."

Super Junior's eyes lit up in excitement, whispering amongst each other again.

"Finally! We've been needing a bigger dorm ever since Kyuhyun-ah joined!" Kangin exclaimed, thumping Kyuhyun on the back.

Lee Soo Man cleared his throat and continued speaking, raising his voice so it traveled over the still excited whispering amongst the members.

"All of your belongings have already been moved to the new dorm." Soo Man dug a yellow piece of paper from his pocket and passed it to Seunghwan. "These are the directions." Soo Man returned his attention back to Super Junior once he saw Seunghwan put the paper in his pocket. "You also will all be receiving a fifteen percent addition to your monthly paycheck for doing this. You will air Hello Baby in the mornings, then head over to the company to practice, then film Hello Baby again. You won't have many other schedules besides that, except for the occasional radio show and variety show, though Leeteuk and Eunhyuk will still be maintaining Sukira daily and KRY will need to practice individually once a week as well."

The Super Junior members were quiet for a long time after Soo Man finished speaking.

It was hard to take in.

They were going to be taking care of two children...

"Alright," Seunghwan broke the silence. "Kids, get in the vans again. Let's go see your new dorm."

Super Junior nodded and all bowed to Soo Man.

"Thank you, Lee Soo Man-shi! We will continue to work hard!"

Soo Man chuckled and waved them away.

"Go on. Seunghwan, call me as soon as the boys get settled into their dorm. I will give you the remaining schedules then."




Leeteuk, Yesung, Siwon, Donghae, and Kyuhyun were sitting together in the same van again, though this time, Ryeowook tagged along with them.

They could hardly sit still because they were so excited and kept talking to one another animatedly through the entire ride, despite the fact that they were still very tired.

“What do you think the kids are like?” Donghae asked, sitting up and peeking up over the seat to look at the others behind him. 

"Donghae! Sit down." The manager chided, making Donghae pout slightly and slide back down in his seat.

"I bet they're adorable!" Ryeowook cried, bouncing slightly in his seat with excitement.

"Why are you so excited? You look like a kid yourself, Wookie!"  Kyuhyun grinned, removing the headphones from his ears and stuffing his IPod (which was impossible to listen to since everyone was talking so loudly) back into his pocket.

Leeteuk smiled. They were all very excited and they were all bouncing around in their seats.

"How could you not be excited?" Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun shrugged.

"It's a kid. We're babysitting it. It's no big deal, right?"

"Kid-s!" Yesung poked Kyuhyun in the back of the head. 

"'s not just babysitting," Siwon said from the second to last seat this time, having traded seats with Leeteuk. "We're being their parents!"

"For a whole year!" Ryeowook added. "Isn't that great?" 

Kyuhyun's eyes bugged out.

"What?! A whole year?!"

Everyone looked at one another, then back at their maknae.

"You didn't know?" Siwon blinked at him, genuinely confused.

Kyuhyun shook his head, a tiny frown playing at his lips."No idea...I've never watched Hello Baby or anything before. I've heard of it, sure...but...I figured it was watching a kid for a couple of weeks."

"...Have you been living inside of a box your whole life Cho Kyuhyun?" Leeteuk laughed. 

Kyuhyun glared at him. "No. I, unlike some of you, studied hard in school and hardly had the time to screw around and watch silly things like that!"

"Girl's Generation finished their Hello Baby in 2009! You weren't in school then!" Yesung chuckled, shaking his head at Kyuhyun before turning to look out the window, trying to get a feel for where they were going.

Everyone but Kyuhyun laughed, patting their maknae on the back or head, teasing him, or telling them that they loved him anyway.

"Junghoon-hyung! Are we almost there?" Donghae asked.

Their manager smiled. "Almost. Are you guys excited?"

"Yes!" Everyone but Kyuhyun screamed. Kyuhyun made a sarcastic comment that everyone decided to ignore.

"I can't believe that you're not excited!" Leeteuk patted Kyuhyun's knee fondly. "We've been waiting to do a Hello Baby forever!"

Kyuhyun shrugged again. "I'm...just not really too good with kids, hyung."

Leeteuk just nodded and focused on the view outside. It was raining, but it was still pretty. He enjoyed watching the scenery fly past.

The van passed by a restaurant and several of the members groaned when they smelled the food from Siwon's open window.

"Aaaah, it smells so good!" Yesung screamed, opening up his own window and sticking his head out, closing his eyes and taking a long sniff of the air.

"It smells like Gogigui!" Kyuhyun groaned, holding his stomach. 

"Guys! Roll the windows up! I don't want to smell anymore!" Leeteuk told Siwon and Yesung, who regretfully rolled the windows up. Everyone, even the manager, was practically drooling over the smell.

"...We haven't eaten since breakfast..." Donghae murmured. 

"I know..." 

"I'm so hungry!"

"Junghoon-hyung! Since we're starting Hello Baby, can we go celebrate?" Ryeowook asked, making the other members look up at their manager, hardly contained hope in their eyes.

Junghoon bit his lip, but nodded, causing cheers through out the van.

"...I suppose you can. BUT -" Super Junior stopped cheering for long enough to hear what he had to say. "You're going to be limited on what you can eat. We have promotions in a couple of weeks. Arasso?"

"Ne, hyung." They nodded, smiling. Donghae and Kyuhyun high-fived, grinning.

"This is the best day ever!"



It took about an hour to get to their new dorm, though, with the added excitement of their promise to dinner, the ride didn't seem as long as it really was.

They met up in another circle, but inside the building this time, since it was beginning to rain harder outdoors.

"Alright guys," Seunghwan said. "It'll be similar to your old dorm, where you all will be living together. Junghoon and I will not be staying with you, since you aren't allowed any help from us in raising the children. We will be staying in the rooms at the company."

Super Junior wasn't sure whether or not they liked the fact that their managers would be staying somewhere else or not. For Leeteuk, it was nice to have them at the dorm with them, because it took some of the responsibility off his shoulders.

"Now go up and see your new rooms, guys!" Junghoon interupted before any of them could really begin to feel sad over the fact, grinning, and waving them up the stairs. 

They sounded like a herd of elephants, running up to see their new rooms, laughing and screaming.

It reminded Leeteuk of himself when he was much younger, racing up to see his new room when his family moved.

He couldn't help but smile at the comparison.

"Hyung! Hyung, hurry up!" Sungmin yelled, grabbing his hand and yanking him up the stairs. Leeteuk laughed. "Sungmin! Calm down! You're going to rip my arm off!"

Siwon and Heechul were the first two members to reach the door. Siwon looked back eagerly at the managers, who were walking up the stairs at a slower pace.

"Palli, palli!" Kyuhyun cried, running around behind the Seunghwan and pushing him foreword, causing the manager to laugh.

"You're all so excited! I've hardly ever seen you so happy to do anything!"

"We're still kids, hyung." Hankyung reminded with a smile.

"Open the door, hyung!" Sungmin cried, jiggling the doorknob inpatiently. 

Seunghwan smiled, shaking his head with disbelief, and pulled the key out of his pocket. 

"You sure you want me to open it?" He asked the boys, raising an eyebrow.

He laughed when he got an enthusiastic: "YES!" 

He opened the door and almost immediately got mauled by the thirteen boys as they rushed into their new dorm.

"Whaa!" Hyukjae cried, stunned, as he entered the room, quickly followed by Leeteuk. Leeteuk's eyes widened.

"Everything is so big!" Kangin raced around the living room, his arms spread out at his side. 

"Okay guys, go find your rooms. Enjoy your new dorm for a couple of minutes."

"Why only a couple of minutes?" Hankyung asked in his broken Korean.

"We have somewhere else to go." Junghoon grinned at the boys. "You'll see later."




Leeteuk groaned when he felt someone shake him awake.

He didn't want to wake up yet. It had taken him forever to find a comfortable spot in his chair and even longer to actually fall asleep. He opened his eyes reluctantly and saw Siwon there, smiling down at him.

"Come on, hyung. Wake up."

Leeteuk groaned again and covered his eyes with his hand for a couple of seconds, building up the resolve to actually get up.

After a while, and some urging from Siwon, Leeteuk forced himself to get up. He sat up slowly and Siwon helped him up the rest of the way, taking his elbow gently and leading him off of the bus, meeting up with the other Super Junior members who were waiting for them.

Leeteuk frowned in confusion when he saw the run-down, old building in front of them.

"Where are we?" He asked no one in particular, hoping someone had the answer. By the looks on their faces, everyone else was asking themselves the same thing.

"An orphanage." Seunghwan said simply, already walking towards the door. "Let's go inside."

"Um..." Shindong scratched the back of his head. Hankyung shrugged and followed after Seunghwan, quickly followed by Heechul.

The others followed shortly after, still trying to figure out why they were there.

"Hey...Sungmin-hyung." Leeteuk heard Kyuhyun whisper behind him. "You...You don't think Seunghwan hyung is planning on leaving us at the orphanage, do you?"

Leeteuk could hear the laugh in Kyuhyun's voice, and had to chuckle as well. 

He heard Sungmin gasp in mock surprise. "What? Really?! He's going to leave us here? mommy said she will always love me and never send me to one of these!" Leeteuk could almost see Sungmin's pout and smiled, listening to Kyuhyun's joyous laugh.

Sometimes it was hard to tell who was the real maknae around here.



They stepped inside the orphanage, Kangin being the last one inside. Kangin closed the door behind him and the first thing everyone was concious of was the fact that everything was so dark in here. Their weren't many windows, and that ones that were there were small and almost so dirty that they didn't give the room much light. There was only enough light for them to see eachother and bairly make out one-anothers features.

"" Eunhyuk's voice spoke up through the darkness, his question directed to Seunghwan. "What exactly are we doing here?"

Seunghwan didn't answer right away, tilting his head to the side.

That's when they all realized what was troubling Seunghwan.

There were no children around. There was no laughter.

"Is this place abanondoned?" Kibum asked, voicing all of their thoughts.

"...It shouldn't be." Junghoon frowned, making his way over to Seunghwan. "Are we in the right place?"

Seunghwan pulled out the yellow, crumpled paper Soo Man had given him earlier and scrutinized it.

"...Yes." He said slowly. "It has to be."

"Should we walk around -" Junghoon started saying but was interupted by a quiet voice.

"Hello? May I help you?" A female voice asked tentativly, stepping outside a room to their left.

At her sudden appearance, everyone jumped - but jumped even farther when Ryeowook and Donghae had screamed in fright, both of them clinging to the person nearest to them. Ryeowook had somehow jumped onto Yesung's shoulders, disorienting their main singer, and Donghae had jumped into Siwon's arms. Siwon yelped with surprise and nearly fell, but luckily caught his balance before he and Donghae fell.

The Super Junior members couldn't help but laugh at the two, leaving the poor woman who had startled Donghae and Ryeowook confused.

Donghae laughed and joked his embarrasement off, climbing off of Siwon, but Ryeowook blushed and hid behind his hands, even after Yesung had lifted him off his shoulder and wrapped his arms around him.

"Aah, that was so embarassing..." Ryeowook whispered while Yesung held him, telling him it was alright.

The rest of Super Junior tried not to laugh anymore, though evil sounding chuckles came from Kyuhyun's end, and instead focused their attention back to the lady, bowing and apologizing for being rude.

The woman, who looked the be in her late fourties, wiped her dirty hands on an equally dirty apron nervously, blushing slightly at the fact that Super Junior was at her orphanage. Seunghwan told the boys that he would be back soon and asked led the lady to another room to tell her why they were there, his hand placed warmly on the small of her back.

Figuring that it would be a while, Super Junior spread out and examined the place, a few of them wandering the building to try and find the kids. 

Leeteuk and a few of the others, along with Junghoon, stayed by the front of the door where Seunghwan had left them, standing around a little awkwardly.

"Junghoon-hyung?" Leeteuk took Junghoon's attention away from his Iphone. "What exactly are we doing here?"

Junghoon slid his phone back into his pocket with a sigh, shifting his weight. "Well...the film crew will be here soon to begin filming Hello Baby. They -"

"Wait a minute, hyung." Hyukjae interupted as politley as he could. "We're filming already?"

Junghoon nodded. "Yes. The director just texted me a couple of minutes ago. They're on their way now."

"...What will we be filming in an orphanage as crappy as this?" Heechul asked, scrutinizing the room. Leeteuk lightly smacked him, glowering at him.

"Stop it! That was rude, Heechul. You shouldn't say things like that."

Heechul scowled but didn't say anything, instead focusing his attention on the ground, scuffing his shoe across the dusty ground.

Junghoon ignored Heechul and continued speaking.

"They want to see how good you are with children." The remaining Super Junior members nodded slowly, wondering if they could do well with this assignment. Junghoon seemed to want to say more, but clamped his mouth shut and refused to tell them what it was, even after they pressed him for answers.

He just shook his head and told them: "I've said too much already."

Seunghwan came out of the room a couple minutes later, smiling at them. 

"The others are already with the kids, you should come meet them too."  

A/N: Hello~ :D Sorry for the wait. I had written and re-written this chapter a couple times. I wasn't very satisfied with it, but hopefully you guys will still like it. I'm trying to give all the Super Junior members an even amount of 'screen time', but it's hard with thirteen of them~ X3 I don't really have a time-frame for this story but if I had to name a specific time, it would be a little after 'U'. I'm planning on having a poster made for this story, and already sent the request, so hopefully it should be up soon. ^^ Also, if anyone would like to, I would gratefully appreciate any of you making me a trailer for this. Thank you for reading~ hopefully I'll have another update soon!






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Chapter 3: leeteuk oppa read me a story too :)
update soon authernim :)
love it <3
soneELF001 #2
Chapter 3: Hahaha! Now Leeteuk is gonna have to read to everyone at bedtime XD! Update soon!
Chapter 3: so funny... xD!!!!
Super Junior are so adorable! What cuties! UPDATE SOON ~
Matrix31 #5
This is an awesome story please update soon
Matrix31 #6
This is an awesome story please update soon
This is awesome ^^ update soon! (: ♥