Missing the Rain


It was on a rainy day that Myungsoo met someone by the name of Sungyeol.


Title: Missing the Rain
Pairing: MyungYeol
Rated: PG
Genre: Supernatural, Romance, mild Angst
Length: Two-shot
Comment: =u= I'm a baaad girl. This one won't be long.
Also, I have a gift to Sungyeol fans (I made it myself \o/ <3) -> go here



It started with a heavy rainy day. He was sitting beneath a small tree by edge of the elementary school wall in the rain for more than an hour already, his wet, teary face tilted up to glance at the mid-gray sky. He had been waiting for his mother to pick him up from school today but he guessed she had forgotten all about him. Again.

He pulled his knees up together and wrapped his arms around his legs before pressing his chin against it. Why couldn't he have parents who actually cared for him like the rest of his classmates and the rest of the school population? What had he done wrong? For as much as he knew, he had been nothing but a good student. The teachers praised him for good manners as well as making efforts for everything that he had done. He just didn't understand at all.

The sky suddenly gave a low rumble, shaking him out of his stupor. It was then that sharp needles of fear pierced his heart. He was afraid of thunder and lightning.

Scooting back against the skinny trunk of the tree, he let out a short whimper when another rumble echoed through the air. He didn't know what to do at this point. Eventually, he hid his face into his knees, hoping that the storm would pass through without causing him any difficulties. 


A sharp gasp left his lips when he heard a gentle voice nearby, followed by the soft taps of footsteps. Gradually, he peered up, his eyes wide and his lips slightly parted. There was a young male (in his late teens, it seemed) standing before him, adorned completely in white, save for a flash of a silver chain by his hips and a bright pink umbrella in his right hand. He looked friendly enough; his hair was a soft chocolate brown colour, his large eyes, dark and shined with gentleness, and his skin as white as porcelain.

He couldn't tell whether the person before him was human or an ethereal being.

His eyes sparked with hesitance as he watched the male give him a smile. "Looks like you could use some company." Then, he paused for a moment before adding. "And dry clothes, by the looks of it. Where's your umbrella?"

"...I don't have one." He eventually responded, his voice soft and barely audible enough for his own ears. But it seemed the other heard him because a sigh left his lips before the pink umbrella was tilted over this his direction and above his head. "You'll get sick that way. And I don't have any...wait. I think I have something."

He watched as the male pulled out something from his backpack (he didn't even know the other had one)- a white coat, much like the one he was adorning now. The older ruffled it out of its wrinkles before placing it over his small frame.

"Sorry, this is all I have." The other gave a sheepish grin as he sat beside him, not caring about the wet dirt staining his clothes.

Slowly, he gave an appreciative smile, thankful for the warmth the coat brought as well as the comfort of having another person beside him.

He had forgotten all about the upcoming storm.


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Oh gosh, the ending was unarguably bittersweet and I loved it! Somehow, I had been hoping for an ending with rainbows and unicorns and they could be together forever, but hey, that rarely ever happens in real life anyways xD
It was an awesome story and I had not been expecting the spirit thing (even though there were clues and I really should have noticed lol). It's really cute and sweet~
I really did love it! <3
;___; i love this story
this is sad yet beautiful

write more please xD
deliciousyou #3
Omg! I love this! Write more about Myungyeol author-nim :)
wow i think i'll like rain after this hahahaha.
how about summer?? summer is in months :(
mother of nature, let them be together please.......
Very unique story! I like it~
He made him wait 10 years . Woahhh . O_O
Very beautiful fic !!! Wuv it ! :'DDD
I cried while i smiling non stop._. Kinda weird i know.
Nice story author-nim :D
whoaaah this is cool!!! sungyeol remember him too ><