My Confession


This is my confession over my life through some rps


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Chapter 1: I know exactly how you feel —wanting just one, at least, by the very least, just one good friend, like all those best friends in movies and dramas and some fanfics, those who stick together no matter what, those who will still accept you even if you did something wrong, those who supported what you do uneven if it's wrong— but in the end, I still haven't meet one. It's either yet, or I'm destined to never have one. So don't think you're the only one suffering from this depression, we all are, it's just that, some haven't yet, maybe their current life is too happy to make them cry, to make them sad. So that's what we need to do. Try and find ways, thousand of ways to make ourselves happy, instead of feeling sad. But honestly, easy to say but hard to do. I, myself, find it hard to find reasons to smile about. If you're willing, talk to me, or something. We might mix well. “I still need a friend.” is what we're thinking.