I'l See You Soon, Maybe

It's Finally my Turn


"Now don't do anyhting stupid while I'm gone," Minho said to Taemin's older brother, Taesung, while glaring at him. "He's already been through enough because of you."

"Aish hyung," Taemin wined "Leave before you miss your plane"

Minho gave Taemin a peck on the lips and smiled "I love you Minnie, I'll be back before you know it, ok?"

Taemin wrapped his arms around his hyung before replying , "I love you too hyung, I'm going to miss you."

He then watched his love walk out the door and mumbled to himself "I'll see you soon." He was actually dying on the inside, not wanting him  go and wondering how he was going to survive this hell he called his life without the only person that could be there for him.


"Shut up you !" Taemins father screamed from the kitchen, ""I told you not to touch my beer!"

Taemin was only eight but he wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on, his father's drunk again. But he was use to this already, it's part of his life, even though children shouldn't be burdened with these kind of petty fights. And he a use to his older brother climbing in to is bed at night while this was going on.

"It's ok Taemin it'll end soon," Taesung said in a shaky voice "It always does, right?" He patted his younger brothers head.

But Taemin was alright, he always is, he knew that his brother only did this because he was scared. The younger brother needed to be there for the older one. Taemin never even gave his situation a second thought.

"Fine, then leave, you drunk! And don't come back!" Taemin's mother yelled. "Fine! I wont come back!" His father slammed the door shut and left.

That was the last time the two boys heard of their father.

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I can't stand any pairing in SHINee except JongKey and 2min... soIskippedtheOnTae. OTL *hides in a corner* I love the story so far. ^^ Update soon, neh? :D
great job, wow, really really HOT OnTae, keke, can't wait for more.
Kyaa~! ASGJFJL;KL I WANT MORE. OTL This is really good for a bs chappy~ TwT Please update soon, i cant wait to see what happens with 2min & ontae! ㅋㅋㅋ..
Hahaha so Taemin is a bed- I mean bad boy huh? lol Veeeeery nice :D
Wow this sounds like me but I don't cut... deep anyways xp
Whoa o:
I love this! It's amazing!! :D
;A; Poor Taemin.
taetastic #7
Soooo good >w<
But such short chapters, I'm craving for more~!