A Surprise Visit

What Are We Waiting For?




Amber lounged around the apartment as she tries to find ways to kill some time. The company finally gave them a free day so everyone except Amber has plans. Sulli was starting to film Beautiful You, Victoria decided to see some friends, Luna went on a date with this guy that no one knows about. She declared she wasn’t ready to spill yet but promised the girls she will when they are serious. For Krystal, she also stayed home with Amber. She wanted to hang out with her sister, but Jessica was unfortunately busied, having to take a midnight plane to Japan for SNSD’s Japnanese promotion. Amber suggested to her to give Minho a call but Krystal didn’t response and walked away with a sigh. Amber eyed her, wondering what was going on between Minho and Krystal. Amber wondered if she should call Minho but decided not to for Krystal.

Amber left Krystal alone and decided to continue reading the novel that Myungsoo loves again. She opened the book to where she left off. She was halfway into the book when her phone buzzed. She reached for it as she inserted a bookmark on her page. She smiled when she saw the name of the caller.

“Hello stranger.”

“Hi, are you busy right now?”

Amber smiled brightly hearing his voice. She missed it, even though they talked the day before. Now she understands why Hyoyeon was always so giddy when Eunhyuk called her.

“Nope just reading a book…the company finally gave us a day-off.” Amber answered. Amber was hoping Myungsoo was free as well but she didn’t dare to ask him because she scared of the disappointment that would folow if he is indeed busy.

While she was hoping for some free time together, it dawn on her that the whole week, Myungsoo and the rest of Infinite was promoting in Japan. She pouted at the realization.

“Really, is it a book I know?”

“Maybe…maybe not.” Amber replied playfully.

Myungsoo smirked, missing Amber more and more as she spoke. “If today your free day, do you have plans with anyone?”

“Maybe.” Amber teased, just hoping and waiting for him to be free.

Myungsoo didn’t answer right away. He was doing something else that was taking his attention.

“Myungsoo?” Amber called out, not hearing him for some time.

“Sorry, I was getting off a cab. What were we talking about?”

“If I have plans, and I stated maybe.”

“Maybe huh…then I shouldn’t take much of your time if you have plans with other people.”

Amber wasn’t sure if he was annoyed, maybe she shouldn’t have said maybe but she heard from her unni that girl should sometime play hard to get. She was regretting taking that stupid advice.



Before Amber could respond, a knock on the door startled her. “Myungsoo can you hold on, someone is at the door.”

“Oh really…” HE said with a smirk on the other line.

“Yeah….” Amber walked toward the door and saw Krystal watching tv in the living room. She threw a pillow at Krystal and pointed at the door. Krystal just looked at her and shrugged.

 “Who could it be?”Amber mumbled on through the phone. “Maybe Krystal ordered takeout.”

“That could be a possibility or maybe…” Myungsoo said.

The knock continued. “Coming!” Amber yelled. “Myungsoo, hold on this person is being impatient.” Amber opened the door slowly, asking who it is and a huge shocking smile appeared on her face.

Amber lowered her phone from her ear and stared at him with her big eyes.

“Like I said on the phone, maybe it could be something amazing on the other side.” Myungsoo smirked with a wink.

“What are you doing here?” Amber uttered, completely surprised.

“I’m here to see my girlfriend of course. I missed you.” Myungsoo moved closer to Amber, pulling her into his arms, hugging her as if he hasn't seen her in years.

“Yah, I thought you were in Japan. What are you doing here?”

“I was but there was something I needed back home.”


“You, I missed seeing your smile every day.” He confessed with a sweet smile.

“You came here because of that…Myungsoo there are reasons why people have photos on their phone….wasn't that the reason I gave you that…." Amber cut herself off and looked at Myungsoo before continuing. "Don’t abandon your work because you missed me, I feel bad for the rest of your members now.”

“Hey, I thought you would be happy to see me…” Myungsoo uttered disappointedly.

“I am but missing with work is something I can’t tolerant.”

“I’m not missing work. I was driving everyone crazy so the Hyungs brought me a plane ticket and send me here after I finished my part. I was free and was dying of loneliness in Japan so I came.”

Amber felt relieve about that. She wouldn't like it if Myungsoo just ditched his work for her.

“So do you really have plans with other people?” Myungsoo asked.

Amber looked at him. “Maybe.”

“Call them to cancel it. You’re spending the day with a very handsome man.”

Amber snorted at the handsome part. How Myungsoo could say that with a straight face amazed Amber sometime.

Myungsoo gave her a cold stare, speechless at his girlfriend for snorting at him. Amber just laughed it out and immediately stopped when she saw that he was mad.

She quickly saved herself by sneaking a kiss on his cheek, thinking it would soften him. Amber pouted as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Forgive me.” she asked in a cute voice. "Mr. Handsome."

Myungsoo looked at her, was she really using the ace card to win over him?

“You’re lucky I love you.” Myungsoo stated, leaning down for a kiss. Amber kissed back, pressing her lips tenderly against his.

“Are you alone?” He whispered as they both allowed themselves to take in the air. Amber felt his breath on her ear as she gazed upon his chocolate brown eyes.

“No, Krystal’s here with me.” Amber said in a whisper.

Myungsoo scanned for Krystal and didn’t see anyone. “No one is here.”

Amber glanced around and saw that Krystal was in the living room. “That’s weird. She was here when I went to open the door.”

“Maybe she’s giving us space….cuz you know she is our biggest shipper.” Myungsoo stated with a proud smile as he leaned in for another kiss. “Happy I came?”

“Yes, I missed this.”

“The kissing?”

Amber hit Myungsoo's arm playfully. “No silly….I missed having you in my arms.”

Myungsoo smiled as he pulled Amber into another kiss.

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Chapter 7: Thank you for this beautiful story
Chapter 7: very beautiful story. myungber is perfect! i like how you describe their affection towards eachother. maybe i'll read this again and again without getting bored. thank you for such sweet story and please do make another (/tons) of myungber. lol
Chapter 7: Great story!
Chapter 7: Great story!
WhiteFlower #5
Chapter 7: I love your story , it's one of the best stories I ever read .
Myungber are so beautiful together <333
KimPossible21 #6
That's cute.
I wish it's real :(
Thank you for sharing this story :)
And I second what nana said down there. Go write another one! ;P
Omg, this is good. I love the ending ! Please make another MyungBer story or KrisBer ^^
Very nice ending~!! Now go write another MyungBer story LOL
Finally! Yeah! I hope everything goes well. Update soon!!
waw actualy i'm thinking this real,are they for real? *onlyhope slap my cheek aww kekekeke :D