Love Team

Love Team (oneshot)


I don’t know how or why it started. All I know is that fans are crazy about the two of us being all touchy and feely onstage. Take note. ONSTAGE. Yeah, sadly, it’s just onstage and sadly he doesn’t like it, even if the fans are screaming on his face that we look good together. His hugs, his –near- kisses, and the holding of hands, those are just his acts. FANSERVICE as what they call it. And he’s pretty good in it.

                It’s not really like he hates it but he also doesn’t like it. *sigh* I don’t know what to do. Sometimes I get envious of BaekYeol. Why? Because they’re official. REAL. Unlike me and him. No one knows that I also love it, whatever he’s doing to me whenever the fans ask for it. No one knows that I love Sehun like crazy. And it’s hard that we’re –always- apart.

                Sehun and I aren’t really in good terms. I don’t even know where the rumor that we are best friends came from. Ever since we were put into EXO, he’s acting cold towards me –and only me- and I don’t know why. And it frustrates me! What are you doing to me?! Whenever we’re surrounded by fans, he would cling onto me as if he’s afraid that the horde of fans would swallow me alive and then once we’re out of their sight, he’ll go back to being cold, go back to treating me as if I’m air.

                “Luhan, get ready. We’ll leave in an hour.” Duizhang poked his head through the slightly opened door. I snapped back to present.

                “O-okay. I replied, somewhat startled by his sudden appearance. He gave me a disbelieving-slash-worried face before nodding and disappearing again.

                I forgot, we have a flight to Europe for an extended EXO Showcase. I didn’t know that we’re already that famous XD. But at last, we’re going to be EXO again, not just EXO-K or EXO-M but EXO. ONE. Whole and complete. But I’ll get to experience Sehun’s cold treatment again. Seriously, what is wrong with him? Or maybe it’s me? -_____- I shall go get ready.

                We arrived there at midnight. Manager-hyung told us that K arrived 3 hours earlier than us and they’re already sleeping. We have 2 rest days before we start the rehearsals. Good, cause I’m so tired now. I really want to sleep. We were given our designated rooms; Tao and duizhang, Xiumin and Lay, Chen and I will be rooming with a K member. As we walked to the elevator, I started to feel nervous. Half of me want Sehun to be my roommate but the other half doesn’t. I fidgeted on my place and it caught duizhang’s attention.

                “Luhan are you okay? You’ve been acting strange today.” He calmly asked. The others’ attentions are on mine now,

                “It’s nothing, I’m just tired.” I replied. He seems unconvinced by my answer but he didn’t question any further. We arrived at our floor and went to our respective rooms. Mine’s on the very last room of the floor, beside is Chen’s and his roommate.

                “Night hyung.” He said. I smiled at him before we both slid in.

                The room is dimly lit. The only source of light available is from the lampshade on the nightstand. There’s a figure lying on the bed, probably already asleep. I could already feel my heart hammering loudly against my chest. This guy should not better be Sehun. I couldn’t see who it was because he’s facing the opposite side. I glanced around the room and noticed that something’s off. THERE’S. ONLY. ONE. BED. One queen-sized bed! I took a deep breath and approached the bed. I slowly and quietly climbed on the other side. He’s covered in sheets so I gently pulled the comforter off his face. He grunted and squirmed and I quickly withdrew my hand and lied down and closed my eyes. When the movement stopped, I peered at him and this time I could clearly see his face. Thank God it’s just Suho! I sighed in relief and felt all the nervousness alleviate. I closed my tired eyes and drifted to oblivion.

                The two-day break and rehearsals passed by in a blur. The showcase is currently nearing its end. And we’re just getting ready for our last performance for tonight.






                The song ended, also signaling the end of our showcase. The enthusiastic screams of the fans really hyped me up! We are now lined up on the stage, voicing out how grateful we are for all who came. Suddenly…

                “BAEKYEOL! BAEKYEOL! BAEKYEOL!...”

                “LAYLU! LAYLU! LAYLU! LAYLU!...”

                At first, the only words I could make out are BaekYeol. And it was only when Baekhyun and Chanyeol were pushed forward by Xiumin. Then I was pushed forward too, along with Lay. Then it clicked, they were screaming LAYLU. I was shocked at first because for all I know, I was always paired up with Sehun. The members made us do some crazy things –let’s not talk about what it all was- and after that, the showcase officially ended.

                When I got out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Suho is nowhere in sight. I also noticed that his belongings are gone. I frowned in puzzlement before trudging the room to where my clothes are, still in my half- –glorious- form. I was rummaging through my things when the door burst open. I swear, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest in shock. I thought that some fangirl found out what floor we’re staying at and luckily found mine and Suho’s door unlock. Great Suho, you almost had me killed by not locking the door.

                I swiftly turned around to face the intruder. Earlier, I said that my heart nearly jumped out, well now, it really did. The figure by the door is none other than Sehun, with a duffel bag slumped over his shoulder.

                “What are you doing here?” I asked, swallowing a big lump in my throat.

                “I’ll sleep here.” He said matter-of-factly with a shrug of shoulders as he approached the bed.

                “What? Why?”

                “Suho wanted to room with Kai. And being the good maknae that I am, I agreed to exchange rooms with him…” I turned around and got back to my clothes as he kept on blabbering about making Suho and Kai do bbuing-bbuing. Good maknae? If you’re a good maknae, you wouldn’t play with your hyungs, or you’ll at least call them ‘hyung’. When he was done blabbering, I was already fully clothed. He glanced at me and gave me an once-over.

                “Say hyung…” He said as he slowly climbed out of bed, his eyes never leaving mine. And…wait –did he just call me hyung? When has Mr.-I-don’t-give-a-damn-about-formalities ever called me that? He was approaching me and I was rooted to where I’m standing. With my heart hammering loudly against my chest.


                “Who’s better in doing skinship, me or Lay?” he said huskily. I didn’t realized that we were advancing towards the wall until my back hit the cold concrete and he trapped me in, both his arms on the either side of my head.

                “W-w-wae? Why are you asking this?” Why is he even talking to me? I looked away from his gaze. I feel as if I’ll melt any minute now under his stare. God, why is he even doing this? He’s supposed to be ignoring me like he always does.

                “I’m just curious. So who’s better?” He carried on. I looked back at him.

                “You’re just tired. Go rest.” I tried to escape but he caught my arm and turned me around to face him. He pulled me even closer. So much closer that our chest nearly touched. I looked at him in disbelief.

                “Come on hyung, tell me. Who is better, me or him?” he asked again as his slid his arms around me.

                “Fine!” I snapped at him and pulled away. “It’s Lay! Lay is better than you. Are you happy now?!” I could tell that he was shocked at my reaction though I couldn’t care less. Does he know about my feelings for him and he’s using that to play with me? “Why are you even talking to me? First you act cold and then ignore me. And now you’re asking me who heck is better in skinship! Well then, it’s Lay for you!” I walked briskly towards the door. I need to get out of here. Fast.

                “Wait! Hyung-“ He caught my hand this time but I quickly slapped it away. I glared at him.

                “Stop playing with my feelings Oh Sehun!” And those were my last words before I left the room. I was relieved that he didn’t follow me. I spent the night in Lay and Xiumin’s room and only came back in our room very early the next morning. He was still asleep and I used this as a chance to get all of my belongings and go back to Lay and Xiumin’s room.

                The three of us have just finished eating brunch when we heard a knock on the door.

                “I’ll get it.” Xiumin said and approached the door. “Sehun-a, you need anything?” My head quickly snapped in their direction at the mention of the name.

                “Is Luhan here?” I heard him ask.

                “Yeah.” Xiumin replied then turned to me and Lay who was sprawled on the bed. “Hyung, Sehun’s looking for you.” He called then went back to his bed, leaving Sehun by the door. Our gaze met and I saw him frown. I climbed out of bed and approached him.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked and I could tell that he was holding something back. Though I don’t know what it was. I gave him a quick nod and ushered him out of the room. In all honesty, I don’t know how I should face him after what happened last night.

He led me into our room. “I’m sorry for what I did last night. “ He started as we both sat on the couch. “Even I don’t know why I did that but I really want to say sorry.” He said sincerely, at least that’s what I’m seeing in his eyes.

I took a deep breath. “It’s nothing, let’s just forget about it but don’t do that again. I’m sorry too for shouting at you.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

An awkward silence stretched for a minute until I decided to break it. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” He looked at me expectantly.

“When we’re onstage, you act so good to me but when no one else is looking or if it’s just us EXO, you ignore me, as if I’m the member you hate the most.” He lightly chuckled and I frowned at him.

“So you noticed that?” he said, as if he can’t believe it and I took it seriously.

“Hey, I wasn’t born yesterday!” I retorted.

He stopped giggling and faced me. “Sorry. He apologized again. “Actually it’s not you that I hate but it’s what you do to me.”

I looked at him quizzically. “What did I ever do to you? We don’t even hang out.”

“See, you’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

And his following actions caught me off guard. He slightly leaned his face in mine. Our foreheads touching and he was looking straight into my eyes, boring right into my soul. I could feel my cheeks burn at the contact.

“You’re being too beautiful that you’re making me question my own uality. You’re always in my mind that I stay up way too late at night. That my heart always skips a beat whenever you’re around and that I almost wanted to beat the hell out of Lay when I saw you two on the bed.” He closed his eyes. His head slipped onto my shoulder, nuzzling it on my neck. “Why Luhan? Why are you doing this to me?”

I could feel his breath and it sent shivers down my spine. I could feel my heart banging loudly against chest, as if wanting to escape its cage. His words rendered me speechless and I was left staring straight into the ivory wall.

“Now it’s my turn to ask.” He said as he straightened himself and appeared in my line of vision again. “What do you mean last night when you told me not to play with your feelings?”

I looked down at my hands, suddenly finding them interesting. “I thought that you knew about my feelings for you and you were playing with it since you hate me.” I heard a soft chuckle and I looked at him.

He caught my hand and intertwined it in his. “I won’t do that, ever. I didn’t even know that you feel something for me.”

“You mean-“ I gawked and nearly slapped myself from my idiotic act. So last night, I just foolishly assumed things and ended up almost confessing.

“So does that mean…” his voice pulled me out of my musings. “… we’re a couple now?”

“Aren’t we a couple even before this?” I jeered a little. He gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Why’d you do that?!”

“What? We’re a couple now. I could molest you anytime I want. “ He said then pushed me down. I struggled –a little- but he kept me still.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked when I noticed that he’s doing nothing except staring at me, in very affectionate –affectionate okay? Not lustful or passionate or anything else along those lines- way.

“You’re just so beautiful. Do you know that?”

The way he said it just makes my stomach turn –in a good way. Maybe this is what they call butterflies in the stomach. I pulled him close and this time, initiated the kiss. And he responded.

My mind drifted back to the time when I was just silently wishing for this to come. And now it did. This Love Team, OUR LOVE  TEAM came true..


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Chapter 1: Awww sehun was jealous! Cute fic!