Chapter 2

Hardly Platonic

Geography. The most boring and pointless subject that had ever been invented.

Mina yawned for the umpteenth time that minute; bored out of her absolute wits. However, this time, the teacher at the front of the class caught her indulging in her boredom, and slid her round frames down the bridge of her nose to glare at Mina reprimandingly.
''Kim Mina! Am I boring you?'' the Geography teacher, Miss. Yeom, bellowed.

Mina shook her head animatedly, ''N-No Miss. Yeom. I just.. I'm just a little..''
''Off task, maybe?'' Miss. Yeom cut in; her voice an abrasive knife, ''I will not under any circumstances allow you to yawn throughout my lesson! You need to pay attention! Your finals are coming up soon and yet you've spent nearly the whole lesson yawning and looking out of the window. Enough is enough, Kim Mina! I think that sitting alone isn't really helping your learning..''

''What? N-No Miss. Yeom. I-I'm sorry. Please don't move me!'' Mina beseeched.
She really didn't want to get moved. As odd as it sounds, Mina actually revelled in the fact that she could sit on her own in Geography. It was the only lesson in which she got to have her own space and learn at her own pace, without having someone else talking to her and constantly pestering her to share answers. She liked to be alone whilst learning, and even though she didn't learn much in Geography - she still wished to stay alone. 

''No. I don't wish to accept your apology, Mina. Please get your things and move next to..'' Miss. Yeom's steady gaze began to wander over the spacious class room; searching for a suitable partner for Mina to sit with and once she'd found one; she said, ''Moon Jongup. Please go and move next to him in the far corner.''

Mina visibly paled. It seemed as if everything was working against her today. First, Daehyun had found out about Jongup liking her and had then walked off with his fists balled up, as if he were ready to throw a punch at any random stranger walking by. Then, Jongup had randomly appeared in front of Mina when she was making her way to her first lesson, earlier on that day, and had given her a threatening look which screamed: 'There's no way out.' And now this. Mina didn't usually let any stranger affect her enough to render her so helpless and terrified, but this Moon Jongup really was something else and his advances never seemed to lessen. 

Mina cleared , as everyone in the class now eyed her speculatively, and said, ''Miss. Yeom. I don't like sitting at the back of the class. I find that it's hard for me to concentrate. If you are moving me.. can't you move me next to someone at the front of the class?''
Miss. Yeom scoffed and let her arms cross themselves together at the front of her chest, ''Did I mention that you had a say in where you were moved? Did I? I don't remember saying anything like that. Wrong-doers don't get to negotiate what punishment they get. Besides, you've been sitting at the front of the class for a long time, but you still don't manage to concentrate and so moving to the back may just be a nice change of setting for you. Moon Jongup is one of the brightest in the class anyway, so it doesn't matter if you find it hard concentrating.. he'll help you. Won't you, Jongup?''

Mina slowly steered her head to the back to see an overly-excited Jongup nodding and grinning alongside, ''Of course, Miss. Yeom. It would be my absolute pleasure in helping out a fellow student of mine. I'll take good care of Mina.''
''Thank you Jongup! I knew I could have faith in you!'' Miss. Yeom smiled.

Mina watched the scene in pure disgust. Miss. Yeom was obviously too stupid and moronic to actually realise how sadistic Jongup really was. So what if he was bright? He was still one of the most rebellious under-cover rebels the school had, and it made Mina's blood boil to see just how much Miss. Yeom praised him and liked him. 

''Come on now, Mina. Get up and move. You're holding the class up.'' Miss. Yeom threw Mina an icy glare.
''Y-Yes, Miss. Yeom,'' Mina mumbled in annoyance, whilst grabbing all her things and moving towards her new seat next to Jongup. 
As she moved, Miss. Yeom turned to the projector once more and began to label all the landmarks in America whilst explaining how they originated. Mina completely tuned out as her eyes locked with Jongup's. She involuntarily gulped as she sat herself down next to Jongup and could feel smugness literally rolling off of him in constant waves. What a jerk.

''Hi love,'' Jongup turned his head ever so slightly to face Mina, ''Fancy seeing you here, ey?''
Mina turned to face Jongup and shot him the coldest glare she could manage.
''Aww. C'mon. Don't do that! Give me a nice little smile, hmm? You look beautiful when you smile,'' Jongup leered, as he clasped his hands together and stretched his arms out before him.

Without even wanting to, Mina found herself staring at the taut muscles beneath the white sleeves of his uniform, which were rippling manically in response to the stretching exercise they were going through. It looked like Jongup worked out a lot. His muscles were drool-worthy even if his persona was far from it.

Jongup caught Mina gazing at his muscles in an awe-struck fashion and couldn't help but chuckle lowly in response.
''If you like what you see then why do you play so hard to get?''
Mina huffed in annoyance. She had been avoiding Jongup so well for the past few weeks, and now because of her stupid habit of zoning out during Geography lessons, she had ended up being partnered up with the devil admirer from hell. She couldn't ignore him or move away from him - even if she tried. But that wasn't even half of her pain.

To add to the frustration, Geography was the only lesson in which she wasn't in the same class as Daehyun. Mina was, indeed, quite glad that Daehyun wasn't around at this very moment, because knowing him he would create an uneccessary scene in the middle of the lesson. But Mina still craved for the protection and security she always felt whenever Daehyun was around. Without him.. she felt so vulnerable and exposed.

Jongup was now outright staring at Mina as she remained silent and pretended to listen to Miss. Yeom's boring lesson. Jongup's steady stare was irking Mina to no end, as she could sense it in her peripheral vision. The way the boy was staring at her raised goosebumps on the porcelain of her skin, and made her heart beat instinctively faster with fear. She had to act indifferent, but inside she was freaking out. She was freaking out because she knew Jongup wouldn't give up.

''You're going to come to the basketball courts after school, aren't you?'' Jongup asked.
Mina mustered up her courage and turned to look Jongup dead on in the eyes. Mina had to admit that the guy was actually pretty good looking. He had an undeniable charm and such lovely eyes that sparkled with mischief. His lips held a natural tint of pretty rose. Mina found herself thinking about just how those lips would feel against her's in a passionate kiss. The thoughts clouded her mind out of the absolute blue and she really wasn't intending to let her mind steer in that direction. This was wrong. She mentally reprimanded herself for letting herself think such wrong thoughts and then opened to reply to Jongup, ''I'm sorry, Jongup. But I..''

Mina hadn't even finished speaking when she felt a callous hand snake in between her legs and felt it massage her inner thighs softly. She really couldn't believe this. Jongup was stooping low once again to gain her approval and affections. Mina bit down on her lip and tried to hold back the tears that were now stupidly forming in her eyes as Jongup's wandering hand roamed into dangerous territory.
''P-Please..'' Mina whimpered, as she tried to wrench Jongup's hand away from her legs; but to no avail, ''Please.''

''Please. Just give me a chance, Mina? Please..'' Jongup whispered, as his hand now found its way to the mound between Mina's legs. He began to palm it softly as Mina clutched at the edge of the table in front of her in anguish, ''One chance..''
Mina felt her palms becoming dangerously slippery with sweat as her whole being began to tremble with fear. She found it surreal how the rest of the class could continue writing their notes and Miss. Yeom could continue droning on about America's landmarks, while she was getting publically assaulted in the middle of a Geography lesson. 

It suddenly became too much for Mina and her tears betrayed her emotions and let themselves loose on her cheeks. Mina fought to control her building sobs, in fear of being too loud, and continued to reason with the demonic admirer beside her, ''Jongup. This isn't the way to gain my affections. Please. Why.. Why..''
''Just give me a chance, Mina..''

The amount of helplessness and frustration that was surging through Mina's system could no longer be kept in at that point and so she decided it would be best to just get away from Jongup as soon as possible. She pulled herself away from Jongup's steady hold and stood up - her hands clenched into fists and her cheeks stained with tears. Miss. Yeom looked up from her teaching notes to stare at Mina with a mixture of dismay and curiosity dancing within her orbs. The rest of Mina's classmates just stared in blank boredom, as Mina opened to explain, ''I.. I don't feel too well, M-Miss. Yeom. I n-need to go..''

Miss. Yeom would have retorted back at Mina's stupid excuse for getting out of lesson, but when she saw just how pained Mina looked and detected the tracks of her tears running down her cheeks, she couldn't find it in herself to stop her. Miss. Yeom found her motherly instincts overpowering her as she observed just how shaken Mina looked and then turned to see that Jongup looked too smug for his own good. This didn't seem right.

''You may leave.'' Miss. Yeom nodded.
Mina bowed deeply and then scrambled to gather her things. She could sense Jongup's probing gaze upon her but decided to ignore it. She had to get out of the class room before she fell apart at the seams. Mina was just about to move away from the table when Jongup whispered, ''There's more where that came from.''

'' you,'' Mina cursed, uncharateristically; her voice breaking ever so slightly as she spoke.
Before Jongup had a chance to say anything else, Mina hauled her bag on to her shoulder and hurried out of the class room and out into the empty corridor.


Daehyun smirked as the girl - that was alledgedly the iest in the school- advanced upon him and began to his shirt hastily.
''Calm down, babe,'' Daehyun pushed her off, ''We can leave that stuff till later..''
''Let's not, oppa,'' the girl named Yumi drawled, annoyingly, ''Let's ..''

Daehyun moaned as Yumi's mouth found purchase on his neck and began to on it feverishly, whilst letting her nimble fingers his shirt in a careless manner. He let his hormones take over as his hands placed themselves on her s and began to knead them roughly. His whole being now desperately needed her.
''Urgh,'' Daehyun groaned, as Yumi began to invisible patterns on to Daehyun's torso that was now exposed, ''Damn..''

Daehyun let his hands fall to Yumi's firm and he squeezed it gently as he spoke, ''Come. We need to get out of this corridor. Someone might see us..''
''Isn't that more thrilling though, oppa? The fact that someone might see us?'' Yumi's eyes held a mischevious sparkle in them as she carressed the planes of Daehyun's chest, ''Hmm?''
Daehyun smirked once more, ''You're so naughty, babe. What am I going to do with you?''

''Anything you want to do with me,'' Yumi snickered, and then pulled away from Daehyun and began to her own shirt.
Daehyun stared hungrily as she ed her white uniform shirt until her cleavage was exposed. Daehyun felt liquid desire pooling below his waist as Yumi took her whole shirt off and stood there in the middle of the corridor with just her school skirt and bra on. She looked so damn good.
''Come here,'' Daehyun growled and slammed Yumi into the wall, before ravishing her cleavage with moan-inducing and kisses.

''Ahh, oppa,'' Yumi whined, as Daehyun slipped his hands into Yumi's bra to toy with her s.
Daehyun would have completely ripped Yumi's bra off of her in the next second, if a familiar voice hadn't cut through his ual reverie and jolted him into immediate attention.


Daehyun pulled away from a discontented Yumi to see Mina standing before him. Daehyun straightened himself up immediately and then stooped down to catch Yumi's discarded shirt in his hand and then threw it at the disgruntled girl so that she could cover herself up. Daehyun then turned to gaze at his best friend and saw something there that completely shook him to the core. Her orbs emmited such hurt and such sorrow that it left him breathless. He forgot all about the arousal he had been feeling and even forgot that Yumi was still standing there and only saw Mina. Only felt her hurt. Only saw her dishevelled state. Only heard her imminent sobs. 

''Mina?'' Daehyun took an unsteady step towards Mina, but his advance was instantly halted by a hand grabbing his arm and pulling him back.
''How can you leave me hanging for her, oppa?'' Yumi interjected.
''Yumi,'' Daehyun sighed, ''Please. It wasn't like I was going to you or anything. It's not my fault you got all excited. Go sort yourself out or watch some or something, alright?'' 

Yumi's mouth hung open in astonishment at the biting words that had slipped past Daehyun's lips. 
''What the hell, oppa?''
''Get lost.'' Daehyun shook Yumi's hand off of him and then walked up to Mina, who was still silently stood in the same position.

''D-Daehyun,'' Mina broke out into full-scale sobbing, as she flung her arms around Daehyun's neck and pulled him close.
''Hey.. hey hun,'' Daehyun carressed Mina's back softly, as he spoke in a coaxing manner, ''What's wrong? Why're you crying?''
Daehyun heard Yumi let out one final scoff before she finally walked away. Daehyun couldn't care less.
''Mina?'' Daehyun pulled away from his best friend and cradled her paint-stricken face in his hands, gently, ''Tell me. What happened? Did someone shout at you? What are you doing out of lesson at this time?''

''D-D-Dae,'' Mina stammered, as images of Jongup assaulting her clouded her mind once more, ''I.. I..''
''Come on,'' Daehyun took Mina's hand in hers and began to drag her out of the school building and out into the fields, ''Let's get some fresh air.''

Mina let herself get dragged out and when Daehyun sat down on a patch of grass, Mina sat down on her usual spot on Daehyun's lap and enveloped her arms around Daehyun's neck instinctively. Daehyun smiled and wound his arms around Mina's dainty waist; pulling her close and getting her into a more comfortable position on his lap. He then began to rock back and forth as he gazed into Mina's beautiful, round eyes with an unreadable expression bubbling under the surface of his own calm orbs. Mina's sobs had now receded as she snuggled her face into Daehyun's chest, and let her ear rest against the spot on Daehyun's chest under which his heart was beating softly. The sound of it soothed Mina profoundly.

Daehyun was about to probe Mina about her sobbing stunt once more - when Mina let out a rather abrupt fit of giggles. They consumed her completely and Daehyun watched in mock frustration as Mina's eyes began to water from how much she was giggling. Her giggles were music to his ears. An effortless smile graced his lovely lips as he watched Mina's face light up with warmth. It was so nice to watch.

''Care to tell me why you're laughing now, you bipolar bundle of joy?'' Daehyun teased.
''I was just laughing at how you had that girl so whipped. What was her name? Yumi?'' Mina asked; her eyes sparkling with curiosity, ''What's her story?''
''Hmm,'' Daehyun continued to rock them back and forth, as he spoke, ''She was the one that messed Youngjae up. Remember a few months ago when Youngjae was hung up over some golddigger who blackmailed money out of him in the name of love and then dumped him?''

''Oh!'' realisation dawned upon Mina's face, ''So it was her?''
''Yeah. I thought I'd let her know how it felt to be used, abused and then thrown away. She was so easy to charm,'' Daehyun smirked, as he looked up at the clear azure of the spring sky above him.
''I guess I ruined your plan by appearing, huh?'' Mina asked, as her fingers weaved themselves into Daehyun's silken hair, unconsciously.

''Not at all,'' Daehyun shook his head; gazing at Mina lovingly, ''You're the No. 1 girl in my life, hun. You're my priority. It's you before everyone else! I can carry out that plan later. But for now.. you've got to tell me.. why were you crying?''
Mina shook her head. It didn't matter now. If she told Daehyun what exactly Jongup had done to her, then Daehyun would get more angry than he already was and that would be deadly. Mina didn't want Daehyun to lose control due to how protective he was of her and end up getting into a fight with Jongup. She didn't want him to get into unecessary trouble with the teachers. She wanted him to maintain a good reputation at school, without using his powerful parents and his endless money to buy that reputation for him.

''Nothing,'' Mina smiled, ''It doesn't matter now.''
''Seriously. It doesn't matter.'' Mina reassured.

At that moment, the school bell began to ring incessantly and brought Daehyun and Mina out of their personal paradise. Its annoyingly loud clamour was then joined by the raucous screams and laughter of the students that were milling out of the school building in a hurry to get out of their educational prison. Mina stood up hurriedly. She didn't want anyone to see her sitting so comfortably in Daehyun's lap. She didn't want any baseless rumours to start circulating.

Daehyun shook his head at Mina's abrupt behaviour and also stood up. He ruffled her hair lovingly; before taking her hand in his.
''Let's go..''
''Go where?'' Mina inquired.
''To the basketball courts..''


''Move out of the way, Jung,'' Jongup spat; his eyes throwing flames at Daehyun, ''I want to be able to talk to Mina properly..''
Mina cowered almost instantly behind Daehyun at the sound of Jongup's demanding tone. She clutched at Daehyun's back in a means to calm herself, as Daehyun stiffened under her touch; sensing her discomfort.

''Why don't you talk to me?'' Daehyun offered; his soft voice holding a strong resemblance to rich velvet.
Jongup snorted, ''What? Are you her lawyer or something? She has a voice of her own. So I'd like to speak to her..''

''I'm going to say this once and only once, you ,'' Daehyun seethed, as he advanced towards Jongup until they were nearly chest to chest, ''Leave Mina alone.''
''And what if I don't?'' Jongup threatened.

Daehyun smirked in defiance, ''You really have a death wish, don't you?''
''I don't know about me, but I think you definitely do. Now get the hell out of the way..''
Jongup tried to move past Daehyun to get to Mina, but Daehyun easily intercepted him and stared him down with fury engulfing his chocolate orbs.
''. You don't understand, do you? Stay the hell away from her.''

''What the hell is it to you?'' Jongup's voice was now raising in volume.
Mina winced. She was scared this was going to turn ugly. She looked around to see some teachers on the other side of the basketball courts. They were watching the exchange between Jongup and Daehyun speculatively. It seemed as if they were waiting for a fight to break out.
''She's my best friend.'' Daehyun answered.

''Well, she'll soon be my girl friend.. so why don't you just back the off?'' Jongup returned.
Daehyun scoffed and rolled his eyes, ''You dream high, don't you? It's good. Maybe if you dream high then you'll start to do something with your life and stop living off of my dad's leftovers!''

The blood instantly froze in Mina's veins as she looked past Daehyun to see Jongup tremble in a mixture of shock and pain. Wow. Mina knew that Daehyun loved her deeply and that he would do and say anything to protect her, but she really didn't expect him to say something so ruthless.

''My dear brother,'' Jongup spoke through gritted teeth; his tone laced with heavy sarcasm, ''I do not live off of your dad's leftovers..''
''Well, if you don't.. then your mum definitely does. That cheap !''

''Daehyun!'' Mina shouted; but it was too late. Jongup had already delivered the first blow to Daehyun's jaw.
Daehyun took a few instinctive steps backwards as the blow messed with his equilibrium.

''Well, if my mum's a .. then I'll be sure to make a out of your precious best friend,'' Jongup's enraged form turned to face a startled Mina, ''Mina will soon be my and a dirty one at that.''
Mina's jaw slackened of its own accord as Jongup's words began to sink into her brain.
''What the did you just say?'' Daehyun screeched, and then threw a strong punch at Jongup's unsuspecting face.

Mina looked to the other side of the basketball courts to see if the teachers that had been there before were still there - but they weren't. No one was around to stop this. How could the teachers have left just before the real fight had commenced? They were such nuisances.

''Stop! Please! Daehyun! Don't!'' Mina shouted, frantically, as the two boys continued to throw punches at each other.
''I'm going to kill you! You bastard!'' Daehyun thundered, as he pushed Jongup on to the floor and completely straddled him. He then began to throw constant punches at Jongup's face, as he lay in a paralysed state under him.
''Daehyun!'' Mina pulled at Daehyun's shirt, ''Stop. Please.''

''Give me one reason why I should stop, Mina?'' Daehyun asked; whilst he continued to batter the living daylights out of Jongup.
Jongup got some punches in as well, here and there, but Daehyun still had the upper hand. Both the guys had bruises alighting on their beautiful features and had blood oozing out of some wounds as well. Mina couldn't take this anymore. She had to stop it somehow. Even if she had to lie.

''I like him, Daehyun!'' Mina screamed.
Daehyun's fist froze in the air - before it could make contact with Jongup's face once more. Jongup also stopped struggling and stared at Mina with an awestruck expression on his face.

''W-What?'' Daehyun turned to gaze at Mina in utter disbelief.
''I.. I like him. Please. Please don't hurt him.'' Mina didn't like lying to Daehyun. It tore her apart, but she had to stop the fight.

Daehyun got off Jongup and staggered in a non-drunken manner. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
''You really know how to keep people in the dark, don't you Mina?'' Daehyun mumbled; his words a sharp dagger that went straight to Mina's heart.

Jongup also stood up and couldn't help but let his bruised lips fall into a smug smirk.
''I knew you'd come around, Mina,'' Jongup leered.

Mina looked towards Daehyun and she felt her heart physically breaking, as she gauged the look of absolute betrayal and hurt on Daehyun's beautiful face.
''Go ahead. Go ahead and her now. She's your after all,'' Daehyun spat at Jongup - before staggering away in slow, agonising steps.

The day really couldn't get worse.. or so Mina thought.

A/N: This chapter turned out freakishly long! Hope you guys enjoyed it though! 

OMG GUYS! BAP'S 'NEW MERCY'! OVARIES EXPLOSION! WOO! & Daehyun just looks too fine!


'Till next time.. <3

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In the process of writing Chapter 3 at the moment! Should be up soon! xo


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danvinguyen24 #1
Chapter 2: Please author nim come back to this story when Imprisoned in your Love is done!! >__<
>.> Daehyunnie said some rough things at the end :( but-but why is jonguppie the bad guy here :(( I can't even start picturing him like that!
Anyway, I like this ff so far! Update soon, understood? :D
mint31 #3
kyaa~ love the story so far..;D keep on updating~~
i love Jongup though. :L
how dare you MINA?

hahah get it?
good start; love ya.

btw ... a missing 's' when you spelt embarrassing. ;)))


get it? <3