Best Friend

Best Friend


Jessica Jung, seventeen, opened the door to her favorite place, Starbucks, and walked to one of the nearby tables. She then took out her laptop from her bag and powered it on. She sighed in content as she waited for her computer to boot. There was something about this place that attracted her, maybe it was her love for coffee, or maybe it was the warm atmosphere of people just hanging around.

She stood up from her seat to get in line. She gazed around the room, noticing the eyes of many people on her. This was common. She was blessed with good looks and a great personality, as she’s been told from other people. Though, she did not agree with them. She wasn’t any different from any other female on the planet and did not know why she receives all of the attention. On numerous occasions, did many people try to get near her, try to introduce themselves to her, but she simply rejected. She didn’t hate them, nor did she believe she had the ability to hate, she just thought that this wasn’t the place. This wasn’t the place for people to ‘hit’ on her or try to ‘get at her’. This was a place for her to write. A place to write to her heart’s content.

“What would you like miss? As if I had to ask” the cashier named ‘Ellen’ smiled.

“The usual, a venti Green Tea Frappuccino with whipped cream please” she responded while looking at the other employees working furiously. She pondered whether she saw herself working here, but then she quickly dismissed the thought. She would rather work somewhere else as a part time job, especially since college was around the corner.

“Okay that will be $4.75. If you don’t mind me asking, I’ve been wondering about this for a while, but don’t you get tired of ordering the same thing? It’s nothing, but I’m quite curious.”

Jessica fished for the money in her wallet and pulled out a ten dollar bill. She gave it to the cashier and responded. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. I guess I have this unusual liking towards Green Tea flavored items. I don’t know, maybe I’m weird. Maybe one day I’ll try something new” she laughed slightly.

“Hopefully that one day will be tomorrow” she replied as she put the bill into the slot and gave Jessica her change back.

“Mmm, we’ll see” Jessica went back to her seat as she waited for her name to be called. She went on Tumblr, looking for things to reblog or like. She knew it was a bad habit to be on one of those sites, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t use tumblr to communicate with others; she just saw it as a site that had things she could easily relate to. Hardly any of her friends knew she had one, and she preferred to keep it that way. There was no point in her becoming ‘tumblr famous’ because it was just the internet.

About 6 minutes later, one of the baristas called her name. “Jessica! Green Tea Frappuccino, Jessica!” The barista placed the Green Tea Frappuccino on the counter, ready for pickup. She stood up, and walked to the counter to pick up her drink. She made sure to get some napkins as well, just in case she spilled. She made her way back to her seat and sat down. She scrolled down; chuckling at the some of the posts as she happily took a sip.

She heard the door open, and directed her eyes toward the entrance. A girl with a backpack and books in her hand walked towards the counter. She had dark brown hair, and black framed glasses. Jessica just shrugged and continued to what she was doing. Though, she couldn’t suppress the urge to look at the girl who was standing in line. She swore she’s seen her around somewhere. Maybe she goes to the same school? Jessica shook her head. Why does she care? A lot of people come by here, why should be so different? Needless to say, the girl carried a certain aura around her.

Jessica took occasional sips of her drink so she could concentrate on something else. She signed onto her email, looking if any of the college she’s applied to sent her anything. She hoped that she could get into one of the nation’s top colleges, UCLA. She wouldn’t mind going to UC Irvine if that plan didn’t work out though. When she was young, her mom always told her to aim for the stars, and ever since then that has been her goal. She still needed to work on the supplemental material that UCLA sent her earlier this week. It was due in 4 days, so she definitely needed to start.

She took out her Ipod and put on her earphones. She searched for her Gabe Bondoc playlist, her homework music. She knew that a lot of people listened to Yiruma, but she preferred hearing a person’s vocals rather than just an instrument. However, she didn’t deny that Yiruma’s music made it easier to concentrate. She started working on the first question, which was to expand on her information regarding extracurricular activities. She found this rather easy, knowing what to focus on almost automatically.

She was in a groove; ideas flowed through her mind freely and constantly. She was determined to get half of it done here, before she goes home to finish it later. Surprisingly, she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. Normally, she would have lashed out for bothering her while she had her earphones but when she found out who the person was, she restrained herself. She was the same girl from earlier. She took off her earphones to listen.

“Umm sorry to bother you, but can I sit here?” she timidly asked. “The rest of the tables are taken and I have nowhere to sit. I really need to get started on this report too.” Jessica contemplated her before nodding slowly. The rest of the people there, mainly the guys, just scoffed at her decision.

“Thank you very much. My name is Tiffany by the way, Tiffany Hwang. It’s nice to meet you” she extended her hand. Jessica smiled and gladly shook the girl’s hand before sitting down. Her hand was surprisingly soft, almost like a baby’s.

“Nice to meet you as well, my name is Jessica Jung.” After she said that, awkwardness filled the air. Jessica silently cursed for not having great social skills, especially when it came to dealing with strangers. She didn’t want to look straight into her eyes, or else she might feel embarrassed of the situation. She just looked around, as if she was searching for something. Tiffany set her bag down and brought out her laptop as if nothing happened. She had a Macbook Pro, a really expensive laptop designed by Apple.

“So Jessica” Tiffany thought she should break the ice. “Do you usually come by here?” she asked with her eyes still glued to the screen.

“Yeah I do, probably about 4 to 5 times a week. I don’t stay here the whole day though. I usually go here after lunch or after dinner. I don’t know how anyone could stay here for the whole day, not unless you worked here. What about you?”

“Hmm I go to Starbucks about twice a month. I used to come here all the time like you, but then my coach told me that I needed to cut down. He told me that running can help lessen your cravings, did you know that? Anyways, I’m allowed to have one of these once in a while” she grasped the Frappuccino firmly.

“Oh you’re coach told you? What kind of sport do you play?” She was curious about this girl named Tiffany Hwang, the girl that caught her attention in a matter of seconds.

“I’m on the swim team. How about you? For someone who goes to Starbucks 4 to 5 times a week, you look pretty fit” she laughed. Jessica, in truth, was a bit skinny. She looked frail, but she was really stronger than one would think. Others would tell her to eat more, but in reality she did. She was one of those people who ate a lot, yet barely gained any weight, or fat.

“I’m on the soccer team. I know I know, an Asian on a soccer team, what a surprise” she joked.

“I actually am surprised; it’s rare to see an Asian playing well, that type of sport. I’m not trying to be racist by the way, I’m just saying.” Tiffany looked around, just in case anyone else was listening to their conversation.

“It’s fine. I get that whenever I mention I play soccer. I’ve never seen you around school before. Are you a junior?”

“Actually I’m a senior. I go to Kamilia High, how about you?”

“Oh, now it makes sense. I go to Jidai High, your school’s cross town rival. Wait, why do you go to the Starbucks here then? I’m sure you have a Starbucks over there.”

“That’s because I live here” she laughed once more. “I just go to Kamilia because of tradition. All of my cousins, and sisters, went there. It’s sort of a family thing, you know what I mean?” Jessica felt stupid for not thinking of that reason before.

“Yeah I understand you. Sorry if I was being so brash, I should have thought of the possibility of you being here. I know a lot of people who do the same thing as you.”

“No need to apologize Jessica, it’s fine. What colleges have you applied to?”

“ UC-Irvine, LA, Riverside, San Diego, and Santa Barbara. You?”

“Oh, I applied to Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT, UCLA, UCI, and USC. I didn’t want to apply to some of those places but my parents forced me. I had no choice. “

“Well at least your parents want you to get into a good school. My parents don’t really pay attention to me that much. They’re always concerned about what my sister does. They always tell me, ‘Jessica did you know that Krystal did this’. I try to not let it affect me, but it does every time.”

“Yeah, I’m thankful for that too. My sister told me I had a chance to get into Stanford so why not? You never know until you try. Who knows, maybe I’ll even get into MIT, even though that’s the least likely. I’m sorry to hear that Jessica. It must hurt, knowing that you practically dwell in her shadow. It’s weird too, because you’re the older sibling and she’s the younger one. So what are you working on?” she took a sip of her Java Chip Frappuccino.

“It’s alright Tiffany. I just want to feel like I’m actually making my parents proud. They just don’t seem to give a damn, no matter what I do. Sure, I get the attention from others but that pales in comparison to your own parents. Sorry if I’m burdening you with all of this information, I just need tell someone about this. I’m trying to finish my supplements. Have you finished?”

“You’re not burdening me at all Jessica, in fact, I’m thankful that you’re telling me this, even if we just met a while ago. I finished my supplements yesterday. My sister’s currently checking them for mistakes like grammar or verb use, passive voice etc. It really is a hassle. I’m just glad that I’m done. Sorry if you feel like I’m gloating or something. Good thing it’s due in a couple of days, you have a bit of time. Just make sure you don’t procrastinate and choose to finish it like 3 hours before the deadline.”

“I’ll try not to. It’s just so tempting to procrastinate! Like I have all these distractions around me- face book, tumblr, twitter, aim, all of that. I really need to develop some self-discipline. Do you have a face book, by any chance?”

“No I don’t sorry. I try not to get involved with all of those social networking sites. School has always been first priority for me, then everything else after. “

“….” Jessica was shocked. What teen of this century, decade, millennia, didn’t have a face book? She understood. The girl in front of her was very studious, and devoted to her studies. She admired her work ethic.

“I know I know. You have that ‘are you serious’ expression written all over your face” she giggled and her eyes formed perfect crescents. Jessica had never seen eyes like hers. Her eyes, were special. They complimented her colorful personality. “I have a social life, if that’s what you’re thinking” she gave a smirk.

“Oh no, I wasn’t thinking about that at all! I was just shocked, cause you know how almost every teen has a social networking site profile.”

“It’s alright, it’s not the first time I’ve gotten a response like that. I’m not mad though, so don’t feel guilty.” Jessica ran out of things to say, or ask. She was the best person at conversations, especially with a person she’s never met before. She was sure that this temporary awkwardness would end will more meetings with each other. That is, if they ever got to meet each other again.

“I think we should get back to work. We’ve spent the last 20 minutes talking to each other. Is that okay with you? I don’t want to feel like I’m bothering you, or disrupting your concentration. Besides, there’s another table over there. The couple that was sitting there just left” she gazed at that spot.

“No it’s fine. I actually enjoy your company. It’s better than sitting alone here by myself” Jessica smiled. “I’m happy that you’re here with me.” There was a tint of red on Tiffany’s face but she hid it well, so that Jessica couldn’t see it.

“I enjoy your company too. You’re really nice, even to a stranger that you just met. You know, I wish you went to our school, that way we could spend more time and get to know each other better. We would be the best of friends” Again, Tiffany’s eyes formed into crescents. The girl had a really bubbly and outgoing personality. She was not afraid, nor did she worry about what people thought of her, which Jessica found really admirable.

The two of them would continue to talk for hours on end. They talked about their life, what they liked, all the general topics you ask when you meet someone for the first time. Tiffany was the one who had to leave first, citing that she needed to be home to take care of her grandmother while her parents went out. Of course, they exchanged numbers first before she left. Jessica sighed in content, only to realize that she still far from completing her supplements. She would most likely have to complete an all-nighter, but it was all worth it. Although they only knew each other for a short period of time, you could tell they had chemistry together. This chemistry that they shared would only fuel their friendship further as time passes.

Months Later…

Oh my Super girl, ni shi wo de Baby girl~

Jessica’s phone began to ring while the latter was busy doing homework. The caller ID, read Fany. Over the last couple of months, Jessica and Tiffany gave each other nicknames, Jessi and Fany. They did this to drop the formalities that they once shared. Tiffany would always mess around and call themselves JeTi, whenever they were together. Jessica thought it was ridiculous at first, but her attitude changed as it began to grow on her. She thought it was pretty cute, as it symbolizes their bond together as close friends. She picked up the phone after a few seconds.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Jessi guess what!”


“I got admitted to Stanford. Isn’t that great?!” Tiffany said excitedly. “My mom and dad just told me right now, it was in the mail. I can’t believe it! I thought I was going to get rejected or something and end up going to one of the UC’s, not like there’s anything wrong with that” she giggled. After she heard that, Jessica frowned. She looked at the acceptance letter at the corner of her desk. ‘Congratulations! It has been our great pleasure to offer you admission to UCLA for the quarter 2012’ she read over and over again. She was happy for the girl, but this also meant separation from her. For sure, Jessica was going to UCLA, but Stanford was about 7 hours up north. The distance, was what really bothered Jessica. She didn’t want to be separated from Tiffany. Sure she could web cam, text, and call, but it really wasn’t enough. She wanted to see her in person.

“That’s awesome Fany! I’m really happy for you, you deserve it” she tried to prevent her disappointed tone from becoming obvious to the other girl. She didn’t want to make it seem when she wasn’t happy for her, when she was. Stanford is one of the top schools in the nation, and it is an incredible feat for one to get admitted. Even though Stanford is a private college, like USC, they gave a lot of opportunities for scholarships.

“Did you receive any letters or emails from the UC’s?” she asked.

“Umm yeah, received a letter from UCLA today.”

“Oh, okay. So what’s the result?”

“I got admitted. I was—“

“OMG REALLY? CONGRATS” Jessica grimaced at the loud voice on the phone. She really was going to miss the girl’s hyperactive nature. Whenever Jessica felt crappy, she could always rely on Tiffany to brighten up her mood. Her attitude was contagious, when she laughed, Jessica laughed, when she was happy, Jessica was happy. Jessica felt that she could connect with Tiffany, more than any other of her school friends.

“YAH! Calm down Fany! You’re going to make me turn deaf with that loud voice of yours” she teased.

“Fine” she whispered. “Anyways, that’s great Jessica. I know that you really wanted to get into UCLA and you did it. This is an amazing day for you!” Was it a great day? Of course it was. Jessica had gotten into her dream school, she should be happy. Is she happy? She wasn’t sure. She knew that her parents were happy. It’s like they finally acknowledged what she’s done. They shifted their focus away from Krystal, but only just for a moment. For Jessica, it was too good to be true. Unfortunately, she was true. She was about to gain and lose something important to her at the same time. She just thought it was the balance of life, you win and lose. This whole day, was bittersweet.

“Thank you Tiffany, it really is an amazing day, for both of us” she bit her lip. She had to accept reality. The bridge from high school to college, was a rigid one. Everyone was prone to separation, sometimes for good. The bonds that people have shared during high school could disintegrate in college. Though, there were several cases in which people have remained together.

“It really is.”

“It’s disappointing though, that we’re going to colleges basically seven hours apart. I wish Stanford wasn’t so far, that way I could see you more often” she chuckled, but she knew her heart was hurting. She was trying to make a sad situation, into a happy one, even though it wasn’t necessarily working.

“….Yeah me too, sorry Jessica I have to go.” The next thing that Jessica heard was the dial tone. She knew that Tiffany wasn’t dealing with this well either. The two had become inseparable, trying to see each other whenever they had the chance. Jessica sighed, as she put the phone back on her table. She had to get this homework done quickly, so she could study for her test the next day. All she knew now was, that this friendship that she and Tiffany shared, was about to be put to the test. She only hoped that things would end well for both of them.

2 Years Later….

Things have changed, for Jessica and Tiffany. College has been rough, for both of them. Of course, they expected this. The colleges they were admitted to were a couple of the highest in the nation. The transition from high school to college, was evident and difficult. They only chatted, or webcammed once or twice a week due to college life, but they would take whatever they could get. After they graduated at their individual high schools, they made a promise to keep in touch no matter what the cost. However, it is easier to make a promise, than to keep one.

GorJess22 signed into AIM.

GorJess22: Fany!!!!

itsFanytastic!: Hey Jessi! ^^. Long time no talk/chat/ LOLOL

GorJess22: Yeah I know, sorry about that. Freaking midterms mann. They’re such a pain in the .

itsFanytastic!: I KNOW RIGHT? UGH. I’m freaking struggling over here. Help me…..:[

GorJess22: Pshh you don’t need help. Miss STANFORD over there! Hahaha jp.

itsFanytastic!: Haha shaddap lady bruin. So how was your week.

GorJess22: My week just turned awesome, because I’m talking to you. ;)

itsFanytastic!: Awwww I am so flattered, sike. DISGUSTING.

GorJess22: T_T….how could you! JERKFACE!

itsFanytastic!: MWAHAHAHAA D:<

GorJess22: I hate you….. You’re not my bestie anymore. GTFO!

itsFanytastic!: Nuuuu, don’t say that :O


itsFanytastic: JESSI COME BACK 
GorJess22: *throws towel* Wipe your face. *Leaves*


GorJess22: LOLO just kidding. Love you bestie <3

itsFanytastic!: Forever and ever?

GorJess22: hahaha of course! Forever and ever

itsFanytastic!: <3 :D

GorJess22: <3

GorJess22: So are we still down for the movies this weekend?

itsFanytastic!: Wait this weekend? I thought you meant next weekend…

GorJess22: I can’t go next weekend remember? It’s the little demon’s birthday, Krystal’s.

itsFanytastic!: Oh yeah that’s right, I forgot….

GorJess22: So you can’t go this weekend?

itsFanytastic!: Sorry Jessi, I can’t….

GorJess22: But we’ve been planning it for weeks! You said yourself you were so anxious to see it!

itsFanytastic!: I know I know, but Wooyoung asked me to spend the whole weekend with him.

GorJess22: You could have said no…

itsFanytastic!: Jessi, you know I can’t.

GorJess22: Why can’t you?

itsFanytastic!: He’s my….. boyfriend.

GorJess22: He’s your what….?

itsFanytastic!: He’s my boyfriend Jessica. I was going to tell you sooner or later.

GorJess22: ‘Sooner or Later’ what the does that mean Tiffany?

itsFanytastic!: Jessi please don’t get mad.

GorJess22: How long have you been with him?

itsFanytastic!: ...

GorJess22: Answer me Tiffany Hwang Miyoung.

itsFanytastic!: 6 months okay? There’s your answer….

GorJess22: 5 months. When were you planning to tell me? After your 1 year?!

itsFanytastic!: Why does it matter to you anyway? It’s MY life, not yours. !

GorJess22: It means a lot to me. I know it’s YOUR life, but I’m your BEST FRIEND. If anything one would tell their best friend this, instead of HIDING it from her!



itsFanytastic!: You know what, nevermind. Don’t talk to me Jessica Jung…..

itsFanytastic! has signed out. itsFanytastic! has blocked you.

Jessica’s heart pounded, as a tear rolled down her cheek. She didn’t know why she felt this way. Tiffany was just a friend, right? She didn’t know anymore. She knew that it was pointless to call the latter now. She wouldn’t’ want to talk to her anyway. She wiped the tear away with her left hand, as she struggled to get back to work. What did Tiffany mean? She dismissed the thought, it didn’t matter now. She closed her laptop just as her roommate, Taeyeon walked into the room.

“Jessica, why are you crying?” Taeyeon, asked. Jessica was unresponsive, to Taeyeon’s question. “Did something happen with Tiffany?” the latter nodded her head. Taeyeon sighed “I should have known. Nobody else could leave you in this state. ”

Jessica sniffed. “I’m so confused Taeyeon…”

“What are you confused about?”

“Why did it hurt so bad, when she told me she had a boyfriend? She’s just a friend. I shouldn’t care, I should be happy for her. I should be ecstatic. She finally has someone that could be there for her. She has someone that could do what I couldn’t do.”

“…Jessica what are you getting at?”

“Maybe it’s the fact that she told me 5 months late that irritated me. UGH I don’t know!” She grabbed her head in frustration. She hated feeling lost and helpless. She felt so pathetic at this point.

“Wait, she told you 5 months late that she had a boyfriend? What was her reasoning?”

Jessica ran her hand down her face. “She told me that it wouldn’t matter. I wouldn’t have done anything anyways.” After she said that, Taeyeon’s eyes widened and couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Jessica, think for a second. WHY ELSE would she say that?”


“Oh my goodness, are you really this stupid? Come on honestly.”

Jessica pondered. “I still have nothing. Can you just tell me?” Upon hearing that, Taeyeon grabbed Jessica’s shoulders.

“Listen to me you idiot. SHE LOVES YOU. L.O.V.E. Lalalala. LOVE. Let me put that into terms that you should understand you math major. Tiffany + Jessica equals love! Tiffany loves you, and I’m damn sure you love her back, even if it isn’t clear to you right now.

“How are you so sure that I love her? Heck I don’t even know what love is. I don’t even know how to describe love.”

“Tell me Jessica, do you feel something strange when you see Tiffany in person?”

“I do.”

“Whenever you talk to her, everything and everyone around both of you fades into the background, am I right?”


“She’s all you can think about. Don’t even deny that because every damn time I walk into the room after class, you tell me about Tiffany. Tiffany told me this, Tiffany did that, I really miss Tiffany. You can’t even make an argument about it because you know what I’m saying is true. There’s a fine line between a best friend and more than that. Believe me Jessica, you are way past that line. ”

Jessica sighed “even if you’re right, why does she have a boyfriend then?”

“Maybe because she thought that it would be pointless to wait for the impossible? She thought she could find someone who would see her more than just a friend. Obviously, because of her response, she was wrong. No matter who she dates, who she sees, he or she will never make her feel the same way you can. “

“So what do you want me to do? Magically fly over to San Francisco? I don’t have money Taeyeon. Besides, what if you’re wrong? What if I end up falling on my face? What if she—“

“Stop saying what if, get off your , and actually try. Winter Break starts in two days, so try to do something. Whatever happens, just know that you did all you could.”

First Day of Winter Break…

I know you’re mad at me right now, and probably never want to see me again, but please meet me at Starbucks, I have to tell you something. If our friendship has ever meant anything to you, please show up. Once I’m done, you can banish me from your life for good. –Jessi

Jessica finished typing her message and texted it to Tiffany. She only hoped that the girl would respond. She twirled the straw of her Green Tea Frappuccino, due to boredom. She got up, and threw it in the trash, even though she was only half way done with it. She didn’t have an appetite anymore, not with this Tiffany situation bugging her. She was tired, so she put her head down, letting sleep take over her.


She felt someone’s hand on her arm. She thought it was just one of the workers telling her that she had to leave, so she just ignored it. The tapping continued until she heard a familiar voice.

“You have the nerve, to tell me to come here, yet I find you sleeping.” In an instant, Jessica raised her head, looking at the frustrated girl in front of her. The eye bags under the latter’s eyes, gave evidence that she hasn’t slept in days.

“Tiffany, I—“

“No, you shut up. I don’t want to hear any of your fake apologies. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through? Ever since that day I met you, I knew you were something special. I knew you were going to impact my life, in some way, in some fashion. I never thought that you would impact me in this way. I never thought that you would make me feel this way. I never thought that I would fall for you” she paused. “You know what hurts, Jessica? Is the fact I have to live every day, knowing that you will never feel the same, that you will never see me more than just a best friend. What’s worse, is the fact that I’ve been using someone for 5 months, hoping that he could take your place. I’ve been playing with his emotions, while everything he’s felt for me was genuine. Do you know how that feels? Of course you do, because you’ve been playing with mine ever since you met me. I don’t want you in my life anymore Jessica Jung. I came here to tell you this, and this only. Goodbye” she stood up and was about to leave, only to be pulled back by Jessica.

“I said you could leave after listening to what I have to say” she commanded. Tiffany scoffed and sat down. “You know what’s really weird about all of this Tiffany. What’s weird, is that I never would have imagined we would be where we are now. I never imagined that we would ever become friends, more or less, best friends. The moment you walked through that door, there was something about you that caught my eye. I know that it feels like I’m repeating what you said, but it’s true. Maybe fate is playing with us, I don’t ‘even know. No, I didn’t know what you were going through. I didn’t know that I was the catalyst, to make you feel this much pain. If only, if only I had known sooner, this would have never happened. If only, I had met you years before. If only things, went my way instead of completely blowing up in my face. I could go on and on. If only, I had realized what I had felt for you was more than just a friend.” After hearing Jessica say that, Tiffany had the expression that showed that whatever Jessica was spewing, was straight out bull.

“Look, I don’t know what love is okay. I’ve never been in love before. Sure, I’ve seen love, but I’ve never experienced it myself. Everyone has their own definition of love. I have this habit of pushing people away before they get any closer. I’m still new to this. It was only a few days ago, that made me realize that I do love you. I think about you constantly, whenever I see you, I still get this feeling in my stomach that makes my heart pound faster. Whenever we talk, chat, or web cam, I smile like an idiot at every word that you say. Whenever I’m sad, or depressed, I just look at our old conversations and they cheer me up. On a daily basis, aside from school, all I can think about is you, as cheesy as that sounds. Ugh, what am I saying? This is….why is this so hard!” she smacked her forehead.

“Tiffany Hwang Miyoung, there’s no words to express how much you mean to me. I know I can’t expect you to welcome me back with open arms, but I just want to let you know that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for creating this whole mess. Listen, whatever happens, from now on, just know that I love you Tiffany. I wish you happiness in your future with Wooyoung. Continue to be who you are, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.” With that said, Jessica stood up and pushed her chair in. She exited the café and didn’t look back. She made her way towards her car.

“JESSICA JUNG!” she heard Tiffany’s voice as she gripped the handle of the car door. She knew she had to ignore her. Her heart was ripping to shreds for doing this. She couldn’t stand hurting the girl even further, but she knew she had to do it. She opened the car door, went inside and slammed it shut. She turned her key and started the car.

She saw Tiffany right next to her, at the driver’s window. Tiffany placed her hand on the window, as tears streamed down her face. Jessica saw this clenched her teeth, to prevent her own tears from falling. She had to stay strong, but was failing, fast. She grabbed her key out of the slot and placed her head on the steering wheel, biting her lips as her own tears came out. She slammed her fist on the wheel before exiting the car door.

She looked deep in Tiffany’s eyes, and the latter did the same to her. Unconsciously, she tilted Tiffany’s chin upward and began leaning forward. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she simply followed her brain’s orders. She pressed her lips upon hers. It started out as a peck, but developed into much more. Jessica Tiffany’s bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she provided. Their tongues danced passionately, before they had to pull away due to lack of oxygen.

“I don’t want my future with Wooyoung, I want my future with you” Tiffany said before restarting the process that had previously done all over again.

Last Day of Winter Break

For Jessica and Tiffany, things were getting better even though the road was bumpy as ever. Tiffany ended up breaking up with Wooyoung, who understood after some time alone. She promised that he would find someone better than her, someone that would love him for who he was, just like how Jessica did for her. Jessica and Tiffany, JeTi, spent their last day of winter break together, before going back to college life. It was filled with love, playfulness, and cheesiness. Then again, what else could you expect from them?

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 1: This is amazing! I love it!
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 1: Omg this is simple yet great shot.... I love it... Thank you for sharing... Now i missed jeti more...
Lucky i was able to read this fic.
It was nice really.

This gave me a warm feeling :)

Ahhh!!! I was smiling too much now i think my cheekbones will hurt soon
Job well done in Satisfying a jeti shipper heart!!
Chapter 1: It's nice, love it:D
Hope you'll come up with more stories like this:)
zxhalo #6
cool!!im touched after i red this!!
luv it!!hehe
windyheartsnsd #7
this shot is familiar... Have u posted it on LJ?
Anw, it's nice to read! Hope to read more from u!
WOW! GREAT LOVELY STORY YET SIMPLE BUT... WOW! Felt like a car hit me! XDD good work! LOVE JeTi FOREVER!