Part 2

Fights Before Love

The bass and upbeat music roared through out the sweaty and smoke-full club. Boys and girls grinded each other, ate each other faces up, while he gulped down his fifteenth vodka, wasted himself out. He just wanted to clear his mind, and getting drunk was always the best getaway.

He did curious what had happened to her since she always angry at him everyday. He didn’t really remember when it all started, but he remember the first time she suddenly mad at him because he didn’t wash his own plate after a breakfast. And it led him to this. Clubbing, drinking, while wondering what was bothering her. He didn’t want to yell at her either, but it really got on his nerves day by day. He just couldn’t get why.

When he was about to gulp down his uncountable glass of vodka, his phone buzzed in his jeans. He was going to pick it up, but he ignored it when he saw who was the caller.

“Why suddenly calling? To yell at me crazily again? With no exact reason why? Don’t ever play that with me, baby... Just don’t,” He gulped down his vodka, and get wasted through out the night.


“Why he ain’t picked up? Is he still mad? Oh god... I was really wrong... Why I just realize it now??!!?” She grumbled frustatedly at herself after getting no response after calling him million times.

She started to wander around. Wondering where was he right now.

Oh yeah, club. How could she forget that? He would always go to one of those clubs around the town. Sometimes to that fancy clubs out of town. He even said he went to an oversea club, and came back 2 days after. In 2 months, he did all that. Not even paying attention ti his works.

“AAARRGGGHHH!!! I’m getting crazy!! What should I do??!”

She kept wandering. Thinking about this and that.

And then it hit her head.

Why she always angry at him over stupid little things was because of her woman hormones only. Her pregnant hormones only. She was only nervous around him because of her pregnancy. She didn’t blame the fetus inside her. No, she wouldn’t dare to.


“Aaarrgghh!! about the buts...”

She sat down. Thinking about everything in peace. Then something hit her head. She sighed, feeling better after realizing what was the reason and what to do.

She texted him, her hands trembled with fear and dissapoinment, and became totally worried after clicking the send button.

Could she called it a ‘game over’, by just texting? Well, she had to try more if she wanted to end it happily.

That was what she thought.


A/N : Isn't it too short for a chapter? Do notice me if it is, thanks =]

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iloveuforever #1
It's really good ^^b u should write one about gdragong or taeyang