Maid For Me

Maid For Me


Maid For Me

You-JYJ's maid
-22 years old
-inlove to Yoochun
-please put your name when you see this "_____"

JYJ-A very popular KPOP group. Compose of Junsu, Jaejoong, and Yoochun

Xiah Junsu- 23 years old. kind and friendly

Kim Jaejoong-23 years old. eventhough you are just their maid, he is very close to you and treats you as his dongsaeng

Park Yoochun- 23 years old. very kind and friendly except to you.

JUST A ONESHOT :):) Some details are just made up. ENJOY :))

It's been 5 months since you've started working as JYJ's maid. You accepted the job because you need money for you to sustain your schooling and also, your bias is in that group, Park Yoochun.

If they will give an award to a very loyal fan, It will be given to you. You were his fan since he debuted as a TVXQ member and been inlove to him since that day. It is because he really love his fans and treasures them. He is also a kind hearted and very friendly person. But all of those traits vanished when you started to work for them. Well, he still a kind hearted and friendly person to OTHERS, EXCEPT FROM YOU. And you don't know why.

He always treats you very cold. He never greets you the way Junsu and Jaejoong greets you.He also never smiles at you. You didn't mind his actions and treatment towards you because you accept him from who really he is. But despite of this, you don't feel alone because Jaejoong is always there to make you smile.

Even though it's just 5 months since you became their maid,Jaejoong is very close to you. He treats you as his dongsaeng and not a maid. He is very kind to you and knows your feelings for Yoochun. He also tells you about the girls he dates and likes.Yes, you and Jaejoong are that close. Even Junsu is close to you but not that close as Jaejoong.

One day, Jaejoong asked you to help him find a gift for the girl he likes. He wore a cap and tinted shades as disguise. You went to a jewerly shop to find a necklace. Jaejoong found a very nice necklace. He asked you to try it so he could see if it will look good when it is worn. He is about to put it onto you but find it difficult because of his shades. So, he remove his shades so he can see it clearly. You find Jaejoong funny in having difficulty wearing you the necklace. You laugh as he put it onto you. He asked you why, and you answered that he is very ugly and continue to laugh. He whined because he hates being called ugly. You and Jaejoong look really cute and can be mistaken as couple.

After purchasing that necklace, you went home alone because Jaejoong will have a date with the girl whom he bought the necklace for. Little the two of you did know, there are paparazzi that have been following the both of you and mistaken you as Jaejoong's girl.

That evening, Yoochun is switching the channels of the television continuously but stop because he saw a familiar face in the news. It was a picture of you and Jaejoong in the jewerly shop wherein Jaejoong was wearing you the necklace while the both of you were laughing. The headline is...

"Jaejoong was caught with his Girlfriend inside the Jewerly shop."

He got furious and went to talk to you.

You were in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients you will use in cooking. You were busy getting something in the fridge and didn't notice he is behind you. 
"OHMYGOD!" You shouted in shock and nearly drop the cabbage you were holding when you turned around because he is just a few inches away from you. And it is the first time that you were that near to him.

"So, you and Jaejoong, dating huh?" he asked sarcastically glaring at you. His glares are so scary.

"M-mwoh?" you asked. *What is he talking about? he's scaring me!*

"TSK! Follow me!" he turned around and walk towards the living room. Confuse, yet you followed him to the living room. Then he pointed to the tv. You turned to the television and got shocked of what you saw. It is still the news about you and Jaejoong. The MC wear discussing if it was just an edited picture or a real one. They are also flashing pictures of you and Jaejoong. "What are this?" you mumbled without removing your gaze on the TV.

"What are those?! Isn't that what you want?" Yoochun said sarcastically still glaring at you.

"I don't know what are you talking about." this time you look at him.

"Don't know?! You planned all of these, didn't you?!" he continued looking at you eye to eye. You can see that he is too angry through them.

"Mwoh?" that's just what you answered. You don't know what is he talking all about.

"HUH! I KNEW IT!" He smirked.

"Me and Jaejoong oppa are just friends!" you defended yourself. *that's the truth!*

"Huh! Friends?! The whole world already knew it! Happy? YOU SEDUCED HIM! For what? Money, popularit- PAK!" you can't control yourself anymore and gave him a slap across his face. Yoochun froze.

"Is that what you think of me? A flirt? Social climber?! IS THAT YOU THINK OF ME FOR THE PAST 5 MONTHS?! Huh, I just wasted my time for a nonsense! I QUIT!" you bursted. You were crying. You run to your room to pack all your things leaving Yoochun in the living room still shocked.

*pabo! You just wasted your time with that guy! He sees you as a social climber! You don't know how hurt I am, Yoochun.* you cried as you pack your things. You can't stand living in that house with that guy. You dedicate your life to him and yet, he judge you without knowing your true feelings.

After packing your things, you headed toward the door without glancing at Yoochun. You were still crying. You were about to open the door but someone from the other side opened it. When it opened it was Jaejoong and Junsu who happened to met each other on their way home. They where laughing.

"Oh _____-ah, annyeong!" Junsu greeted as he notice you. You lowered you head so that they won't notice that you were crying but it's too late because Jaejoong already noticed it.

"_____-ah, why are you crying?"Jaejoong asked. His smile faded and become worried. "Is it about the rumors? I'm sorry, you got involve because of me. Just don't mind it okay?" he added. He thought that you were crying because of the rumor/scandal between the two of you.

"No oppa, it is not about that." you forced a smile. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave." you said and started to walk away with your suitcase.

"YAH ______! ODIKKA?" Jaejoong and Junsu shouted in unison. Still confused, they went inside and saw Yoochun in the living room.

"Yah! What did happened?! Why did _____ go?!" Jaejoong first thing asked when he saw Yoochun.

"Wae? Are you mad at me because I had an arguement with your girlfriend?!" Yoochun asked.

"HAHAHAHA! You too, believed on those rumors? It just happened that I asked _____ for help because I need to find a gift for my date, that happened earlier this evening. Besides you're the one she loves." Jaejoong explain in as-a-matter-of-fact tone and stop when he realised what he just said. He put his hand over his mouth *O_O uhh-ohh! Why did I said that! It's just a secret between me and ____* Jaejoong said to himself as he mentally hits himself.

"What did you said?! _____ loves me?" Yoochun was shock of what he heard. He wanted to hear that again.

"Did I say something like that? I don't think so" Jaejoong denied.

"Yes you did! I heard that too" Junsu said innocently. Jaejoong eyed Junsu with a will-you-shutup! look. Jaejoong was about to say something when he heard the door closed. Yoochun is already out.

*YOOCHUN, YOU'RE SUCH A JERK! HOW COULD YOU SAY THOSE KIND OF WORDS TO HER?! AISSH! I NEED TO FIND HER!* Yoochun cursed himself as he runs to catch you.

You were in the bus stop waiting for a bus. You were still crying, alone. "_____, stop crying! He doesn't deserve your tears! Just forget about him!" you said as you talks to yourself.

"NO YOU CAN'T!" Someone shouted. You raised you head and got shocked because Yoochun is standing right infront of you, panting.

"W-why are you here?" you asked.

"You can't forget about me because you love me, right?!" Yoochun asked while looking at you in the eyes. He is serious? Angry? You cant figure it out.
"NO!" You answered and looked to the away.
"JUST ANSWER HONESTLY!!!" Yoochun shouted.

"OKAY! I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU! HAPPY?! BUT I'M STARTING TO FORGET YOU! YOU DON'T D-" you stop because he suddenly hugged you.

"No you can't. I can stand even just a second without you. Please..." He mumbled but it is loud enough for you to hear it. It is more calm and sincere.

"What are you talking about?" you asked. He release you from the hug and looked at you eye to eye.

"I'm sorry. I didn't meant say those words. I just got jealous. I'm so sorry" Yoochun said sincerly.

"Jealous?" you asked. You are too confuse. "Earlier, you're mad at me, judged me, and now, you're jealous? Are you toying me?!" you continue. Your tears started to flow again.

"Yes I got jealous, I'm angry because I thought that you and Jaejoong are now together. Ever since the day I first saw you, I already fell in love with you but I thought you like Jaejoong because your were too close. I can't take it everytime I see you and him together. I got jealous. I want you to be happy so I decided to forget you! That's why I acted cold to you and ignore you. But I failed, when I saw that news, I don't know what happened to me. It seems that there is a volcano inside that just erupted. I though I lose you. And I don't wanna lose you because I LOVE YOU!" he said.

"What did you said?"you asked.

"I said that I love you. Please forgive me." he said with a pleading eyes. Upon hearing this, you didn't control your tears anymore and started to sob.

"Did I really hurt you too much? I'll do anything just for your forgiveness" he said sadly because he too realize that what he said to you earlier are too much. And he is willing to do anything.

"Aniya, I'm just too happy to hear it. You don't have to do anything, I can't be mad of you forever because whatever you do, I'll still love you ...pabo" you said to him still crying. The two of you starred at each other, and without you realizing your's and Yoochun's face are inches apart until you felt his lips. Yes! He kiss you! And then he hug you.

"I wish, this dream will last forever." you weren't still on your true consciousness, and mumbled it.

Yoochun heard what you said. He release the hug and pinch your cheek.

"YAH YAH YAH!" You shouted and immediately remove his hand.
"Why did you do that?!" you asked him while rubbing your cheek.

"See, you're not dreaming" he said innocently.

"Oh! I'm not really dreaming because I can still feel my cheeks stings." you mumbled. 
"Pabo" Yoochun chuckled. You were about to argue but he started to walk with your luggage in his hand.
"YAH! Why are you bringing my luggage?!" you shouted.

"Were going home! Do you want to spend a night here?" he shouted back without even glacing to you.

"Oh!" you realized what he means, it's already late and you don't have to go anymore, now that you and Yoochun already knows the feelings of each other. You run to catch him. *AISSH! Look at this guy, he started to be cold again. He didn't even wait me* you said to yourself while running. As you reach him, you walk beside him. You suddenly feel his free hand on yours. You look at him in shock.

"Wae? Am I not allowed to hold my girlfriend's hand?" he asked innocently. 
"A-aniya, it's okay" you said shyly. Your cheeks heated as you rewind when he said "my girlfriend" 
Yoochun chuckled.

"Saranghae" he said sincerely and smiled at you.

"Nado, saranghae" you said and blushed even more.



Hello :) thank you for reading :) hope you like it... Please don't forget to leave a comment :))

Annyeong :)

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Jeongmal kamsamnida :) i'm happy that you enjoyed reading my story*bow bow*
mitralisa #2
so good
Thank you for sharing
LOL Jaejae was so dumb in here and Junsu was innocent as always. LOL.
I enjoyed this! It was so cute :3
@qgirl91 thank you for spending your time reading my fic :) I really appreciate it.
awww I love this, it was cute and moreover it's rare to see a yoochun fanfic around here <3
Thank you :)
ChristinaGrimmie #7
That's cute!