The Chase till You're Infinitely Mine

The Chase till You're Infinitely Mine
» before; when we could call this romance  

"Anni! Oppa!" Seul laughed trying to get out of her boyfriends' grasp. But Woohyun held her close making sure she didn't escape. They were together at his small but comfortable home. 

At least this was a place Seul could call 'home', unlike hers. Home was where Woohyun was, where Infinite was. The rest of the gang were in their rooms, while Seul and Woohyun were in the living room doing what they usually did. 

Woohyun laughed and wrapped his legs around Seul's waist- holding her down. "What's the magic word?" 

"Saranghae! Neomu saranghae oppa! Please let me go so I can give you a kiss." she squeaked and with one last squeeze he let her go. 

Seul sat up and pouted at her lover. "Wae?" Woohyun looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. Seul pouted even more, then wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "What's wrong?" he asked confused by her sudden action.

"It's just, I'm upset- umma, Jiho oppa, appa. Why won't they approve of us? You're not bad, if they at least try to get to know you... they don't even care about my happiness. I don't want to go back there." she said looking at theclock ticking over there. It was almost six, and before her parents  could get suspicious of where she was; Seul had to leave Woohyun earlier than always. "I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I don't want to leave your side." Seul held onto Woohyun's waist tighter burying her face into his chest trying not to cry but cried anyways. 

This was the hardest in their relationship, none of her family members approved of Woohyun. No matter how many times she tried- they just seemed to hate him more. 

They even banned her from hanging out with him. That's why for the past month they have been secretly meeting one another. It was nothing new- at school no one knew of their relationship either.

"You're such a crybaby you know that?" Woohyun teased. Even though he was feeling down about the subject also. He hated hiding their relationship because it hurted Seul, but he only did this for her sake. 

I mean come on, he's in one of the baddest gangs in Seoul- everyone wanted a piece of him. And if they found out about Seul, who knows what they'd do.

"The baddass Woohyun has a crybaby girlfriend. Aww." he teased some more tickling her sides.

Seul giggled a little and wiped her tears sitting up staring at Woohyun. "You're right, if I want to be Woohyun's girlfriend I have to be tough and mean. So nobody would tease me or mess with me." 

But Woohyun disagreed, his hands s around her waist and pulled her close to him. "Anniyo, I love you just the way you are. You don't need to change, and if anyone makes fun of you or teases you-"

"Then they'll have to go through Inpiniteu!" male voices chided in. Seul and Woohyun turned around and saw some of the guys walk into the living room together. 

"Aish! I'm hungry!" Sungyeol gripped, rubbing his stomach. "Is there anything to nom on?" he went straight to the kitchen, following him went L and Sunggyu- they were also hungry.

"You're still here aein?" Dongwoo asked sitting on the one seater sofa adjacent to the one Woohyun and Seul sat on. Aein meaning; lovely or lover. Out of all the Infinite members, Dongwoo was the closest one to Seul other than Woohyun. He would always joke to Seul, calling her his lover. 

Woohyun would be jealous, but this has been going on for so long- he doesn't even care anymore. Seul was his, and he made sure people knew. And besides, it was only Dongwoo. 

"Neh, I'm about to leave though." she said in a low tone. Everyone could hear the disappointment in her voice. 

Woohyun rubbed her arm, comforting her. "I'll take you home." he kissed her forehead then stood up. "Let's go." 

Sunggyu looked through the little peek space in the kitchen and saw Woohyun and Seul get up. "Seul-ah, you want to eat before you leave?" he called to her.

"Gwenchana Sunggyu oppa. I have to go back to the mansion. See you guys tomorrow!" she smiled and waved like a little kid. 

Woohyun held her lower back and led her to the door. He treated her with so much care love and affection. Seul was his everything- he wouldn't know how to live without her. 

After slipping on her shoes Seul stood up and did her number one peace sign pose that made the members crack up.

They always walked her to the door and bid their goodbyes. Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Sungyeol and L waved bye bye to Seul and went back to eating. Woohyun and Seul hopped onto his motorcycle, and sped through the streets of Seoul. They both always took the long route, that meant more time to be together. 

"See you tomorrow baby." Woohyun took off his helmet and leaned forward to give Seul a kiss. She wished he hadn't pulled away so soon but knew that she had to go before her parents went mad crazy. 

"Annyeong oppa. I'll miss you." she pecked his cheek one last time then turned to go. Seul had at least another 5 minute walk before she reached the mansion. That was the drill, they knew better than to drop her off directly in front of the mansion. 

Woohyun watched Seul turn at the corner, and with one last sigh- he pulled his helmet on and drove back home. So many thoughts flowing through his head.

Seul pressed open the gate and walked over to the door. "Seul! There you are! Where have you been!?" of course that loud shriek came from none other than her mother. 

"Oh! Umma, annyeong. I just came back from Bomi's house. Wae?" she was used to lying to her mother, so every word she spoke came out smoothly. "Is something wrong?" Seul was at the door taking off her shoes. 

Her mom eyed her suspiciously, then shook her head. "Anni, I just thought you were hanging out with that no good kid again." here she goes again about Woohyun- Seul thought. "You know, you should stop seeing him. He's going to be a bad influence on you- we have raised you better than this. I smell nothing but trouble when I am near him." 

Seul took a deep breath, "I haven't seen him for a month now, so you don't have to worry about it." 

Mrs. Park's eyes widen. "Really? Have you really stopped seeing him?" Seul nodded. Abruptly, her mom hugged her. "Oh thank goodness. I thought I would really have to be like those evil moms who try to rip you two apart." she gushed while giving Seul the squeeze of her life.

But Seul gulped, what if her mom really did all that just to break her and Woohyun apart? She couldn't imagine what would happen. "I, I gotta go upstairs to do my homework.." Seul pulled herself away from her mom and  turned around with trembling lips making her way up the stairs. 

"Seul! You're back!" Jiho said aloud. He had walked out of his bedroom just as Seul walked past him. Seul cupped and ran to her room shutting the door, making sure it was lock. She felt wet substances on her cheeks and reached her hands up to touch it- when did her tears fall down? 

Just the thought of having to chose between family and the one you love was the hardest. Why did she have to choose? Why couldn't she just have both? 

"I grew up never being stubborn. I got everything I wanted- even some I didn't want or need. And now when I want something most I won't get it.. I'm sorry umma- but just this once I'm going to be stubborn and stand by what I want and love. Woohyun oppa is my other half, he's my soulmate, he's the reason behind my true self. Please don't take him away from me."  Seul slid down the door and sat on her buns, sobbing. Was she really not going to get the happy ending she wanted with Woohyun? 

your seoulmates' note— awwww, woohyun and seul! asdfghjkl;
i hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! c: comment and subscribe! <3
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this is one of my short stories, so expect at least 10 or more chapters. c: depending on how this story goes- and popularity. thanks! and enjoy!


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ayo_itsmoi #1
AWWWW! I hate the parents already. I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!
oh wow. I like your writting skills lol
I love your fanfic already XDD KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! ^^
ayo_itsmoi #4
Since woohyun's my bias, I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS! UPDATE SOON. :D