
I AM...


Somebody told me you were leavin’ I didn’t know.. somebody told me you're unhappy but it doesn't show

*boogggsssh* *blaggg!...* *boogsh*


*tok tok tok*

“Kris, honey open the door, talk to mama… please” my mom desperately begged me to open the door


“no! I don’t want to see anyone! Leave me alone… a-all of you are going to leave me too! I-I don’t want t-to live anymore!!” I shouted


“ahjuma! Get the spare keys palli!” I heared my mom asked the maid




My mom entered with a worried face.. she came up to me and hugged me..


I kept on crying


“shhhhh my dear son, no one will ever leave you, I promise that.. I will do everything, just trust me …” she smiled at me and suddenly a nurse came in and injected something on me that made me feel sleepy.


“mama… I love her.. I can’t live without her” that was the last thing I said as I drifted to sleep.


-        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 


“madam she is here” The secretary told mrs. Wu


“let her in” –mrs. Wu

A girl with long brown hair entered and bowed to mrs. Wu

“I Know that you’re still puzzled why I asked to meet you” –Mrs. Wu

“neh, what can I do for you mrs. Wu?” –girl

“First I just want to remind you that our company is the largest company in Asia, and with just one snap of my fingers I can take down a small scale company just like what your family owns” –Mrs. Wu

the girl was horrified while trying to figure out the main reason of their topic

“w-what a-a-are you trying to s-say?” –Girl

“Don’t leave him, don’t break up with my son… he needs you, you don’t know how much he will suffer if ever you end things between the both of you ” Mrs. Wu said trying hard not to show her weakness in front of the girl


Tears started to fall from the girl’s eyes

“please Don’t hurt our business, my appa is suffering from heart sickness and if the company goes down it will largely affect his health and I-I don’t want him to die…” – Girl


“Nothing will go wrong if you just do what I instructed you to do…” –Mrs. Wu




“yeoboseyo?” –Kris

“Uh-oppa, I just want to tell you I'm sorry i wasn't in my right mind when i said that we need to break up..” –Girl

“jjinja??  Where are you? ” Happiness can be easily heared in KRIS’s voice but little did he know that on the other line was a girl trying to hold back her tears..

“babe..? are you okay?” –Kris

“babe…?”- kris

“n-n-nehh, K-Kwen-kwenc-chanay-yo” –Girl

“I am asking you where will we meet up..?”-Kris

“I am here at the coffee shop where we first met” –girl

“Okay I’ll go there Asap!.. Wo ai ni!” –Kris he chuckled

“I’m hunging up… bye” -Girl

Kris' POV

 I arrived at the coffeeshop and I saw her sitting there waiting for me silently and looking at nowhere. I stood a few feet away from her and as I look at her face that is full of sorrow the memory of our first encounter started flashingback..



It was 4 in the afternoon, My friends and I decided to grab some snack at this new coffeeshop called "INFINITY"

as far as i know infinity means never ending...


"ayyoh! KRIS since you lost our game, you have to treat us all" chanyeol said as he and the others started laughing while reminscing about what happed during our basketball game

"tsss, I lost because you cheated" I glared at him

he just gave a 'I-Am-Innocent-Look'

"ok since I am the one paying, I'll be the one to decide what to eat" I started to walk towards the counter when I collided with someone

"I'm sorry" she bowed and apologized

"You-.." as she straighten herself and faced me I was suddenly taken aback

I was going to say You should look where you're going! don't be clumsy

"-are you okay?" I asked with concern 

"neh~ " she smiled sweetly at me

I can't help but to smile at her

"well I gotta go to my friends, see you around" before I even noticed it she had joined her friends at their table

I went back at our table

"yah! kris  where's the food??" lay asked me

"uh! yeah! about the food, I forgot about that!" I snapped my fingers

"huh?? yah what happened to you? a few minutes ago you were alright and now this?" chanyeol asked puzzled why i am acting so weird

"ehem! well i think I know why!" chen pointed at the group of girls, well the group of girls where SHE belongs.. 

arrggghhhhh i guess he found out because i was staring at HER

"ooohhhhhh someone is IN LOVE" they teased me

"tsss.. No I'm not" I glared at them

"got ya! who said we were pertaining to you??" I smacked chen's head *pack!*

"yah! that hurts you know!"

"oh!" Lay slammed the table

"WHAT?!?" we all looked at him 

"they go to the same school as OURS!"

we all looked at them and noticed that they're earing our uniform.. ehem.. it's obvious that they're wearing the UNIFORM FOR GIRLS that thingy-- with short skirts.. *cough* *cough*

"okay back to earth people! I am HUNGRY! let's just order something to eat! we can see them again since we go to the same school!" chanyeol yelled at us and we glared at him for ruining THE MOMENT

"oh! COME ON! I was just stating my OPINION! I'm human! too you know! i get HUNGRY!" he started walking towards the counter to order his food.



Where have I been?.. why didn't I realize sooner or later, our love will fade away? I tried to lie to myself for a million of times, but I just end up thinking that I cant I just cant let you suffer no more.. when will I get to see your beautiful smile again.. not a fake one, but a smile that can assure me that you still love me, that you're still willing to hold on?


I approached her

"did you wait long?" I asked her as soon as i was in front of her

"aniyo.." she smiled, a fake one

I hugged her and whispered into her ear

"I love you, I love you so much... and you know that... thank you for making me happy.."

she released her self from my hug

"we should probably get something to eat.." she looked away trying to avoid to meet my questionning eyes

I smiled at her 

"arasso! I dont want my baby to get hungry!" 






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aww D; poor kris!
It's actually quite sad :(
The girl doesn't really love him but he doesn't know.