The Not So Happy Reunion

Private Show

"Are you ing kidding me?!" Daehyun slammed his hands on the kitchen table, the force strong enough to knock over his glass of water. But he didn't care, all he cared about was what his parents have just told him

"Language, Daehyun!" Daehyun's mother hit him on the side of his head with her newspaper, glaring at her rebellious son. 

"Two months?! You're making me stay at your friend's house for two damn months?! Why can't I just stay at home alone while you're on your business trip?!!" Daehyun's voice was slowly rising in pitch and volume. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was the last summer before he moved to America to go to college, and he wanted to spend it in his home town with his friends. But now he was stuck spending his entire summer away from his home, living with his dad's friend, and even worse, his dad's friend's stuck-up son.

"Are you joking? With your behavior, you'll probably burn the house down within two weeks! We don't trust you enough to leave you by yourself, and no one else is willing to let you stay with them on such short notice. You're overreacting."

"How am I overreacting?! This is unfair! It's my last summer in South Korea and I wanted to spend it at home with my friends!"

"You can still visit them-"

"It takes almost three hours by KTX, and it's expensive!"

"I thought you liked staying at their house since it's so close to Seoul, and plus, his son is close to your age. Why don't you make friends with him?"

"Because he's an who doesn't like me because I can't answer math equations as fast as he can." Daehyun received another smack in the head for the comment.

"Jung Daehyun!"

"But it's true!"

"His son is a very nice and intelligent young man, I will not allow you to speak of him in such a way." Daehyun rolled his eyes. His parents didn't see Youngjae when he was alone with Daehyun. They didn't see the uptight little prick who constantly talked down to him just because he wasn't as smart or as adored by everyone. To both his parents and to Daehyun's own parents, he was a prodigy, a genius that managed to skip a year in school and was at the same grade level as Daehyun. While on the other hand, Daehyun didn't have the best grades and constantly got into trouble. 

Daehyun could  just imagine the skinny, nerdy little brat, sneering at him and taunting him. The last time Daehyun saw the kid was when he was 14 , four years ago. And he still remembered clearly Youngjae criticizing him as soon as their parents were out of the room. His dad had told Youngjae's dad about how Daehyun was caught smoking at school, and Daehyun swore he'd never heard a 13 year old nag so much while bragging about himself at the same time. Youngjae was arrogant, sarcastic, and snarky, and  the worst part was, he only seemed to act that harshly towards Daehyun. Daehyun would give his left leg just to find something about Youngjae that he could use to prove to everyone that the kid wasn't as perfect as he seemed to be.

"No more arguing. Get your stuff ready, we're driving you there in two days." Daehyun knew there was no more room left to protest, and resigned himself to having his summer completely destroyed. 

'I hate my life...'


"Try to cheer up, honey! Do you remember how nice their house was? They even have a pool! I'm sure you'll have a good time, try not to be so pessimistic." Daehyun sighed in exasperation at his mom's attempts to cheer him up. It had been a few hours already, and felt dread building up inside him knowing that they were close. 

"Yes, umma, I remember..." 

"And try to be nice to Youngjae, he was so sweet and adorable last time we saw him!"

"He looked like he needed a few candy bars..."


"What? The kid was so thin! If he wasn't such a jackass I would've considered feeding him myself." Daehyun shielded himself as his mom turned around from the front of the car and threatened to smack him with a newspaper again. 

"I don't know why you dislike him so much, he was so nice, though a bit shy." 

"Nice my as-" 

"We're here." Daehyun's jaw dropped as they pulled up in front of the large modern-looking house. Truth be told, all Daehyun could remember from their last visit here was how bratty Youngjae was. He did forget what their house looked like. 

'Maybe I could put up with the demon-spawn if that means I get to stay here for a little while...'


"-and you better not give him any lip. he's my closest friend and he's being extremely generous letting you stay on such short notice." Daehyun droned out his dad's scolding. He may have done some bad things in the past, but he wasn't a total idiot. Daehyun's dad knocked on the door, Daehyun twiddling his fingers from nervousness. He felt his dad place his hand on his shoulder, and was surprised to see the soft look on his face.

"Just try to enjoy, alright? I know it's hard having to spend your last summer here away from your friends but we're doing this for your own good. Mr. Yoo will make sure you stay safe, so be nice to him and his family." Daehyun felt oddly touched by his dad's words, and for the first time that day, let a genuine smile spread across his face. They both heard the door open and were greeted by Mr. Yoo.

"Ah! Daehyun-ah, it's so nice to see you! You've grown so much."

"It's nice to see you, too." Daehyun shook his hand, feeling his nervousness fade away slightly.

"Excuse me for a moment. Youngjae, get up here and greet your guest!"

"Coming!" Daehyun was a bit taken back as he heard the surprisingly deep voice come from inside the house. He remembered Youngjae's voice being very cracky and high-pitched. Youngjae's dad ushered Daehyun into the house before going back outside to talk to his dad. Daehyun looked around, twiddling his fingers again. He heard footsteps coming, and tried to calm himself down.

'Calm down, it's just Youngjae. So what if his voice got a million times lower? He's probably still the same, weird looking, snarky bag of bones tha- Holy. ing. .'

"Oh, Daehyun. It's nice to see you again."


Depressingly short Dx sorry, it's just an intro to set up the whole fic. it's going to be longer than I had first planned xD

I promise to update all of my fics Dx don't worry, I haven't abandoned any of them, I'm just lazy and can't conentrate on anything for more than a few minutes LOL. I still remember all of them, (yes, even "say it" and "Are you jealous"), and will update them eventually.

i hope you enjoyed that intro ^^

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supersz99 #1
Chapter 4: Gahhhhh i just discover this and this is so good O.O
Caramellatecoffee #2
Chapter 4: Omg please please update!!!!
Chapter 4: Please update this T_______T
Chapter 4: I didn't realise that the story wasn't completed. I really like it but since the latest update was 4 years ago I guess you're not gonna update it. But i reaaaally wanna know what happens:(((((
Chapter 4: hey :3 are you going to update one day? ^^
marshmato #6
Chapter 4: pleeeeeease update!!!
Chapter 4: Hope you'll update, though you probably won't since it's been 2 years...
tigosxx #8
When are u going to update?
NaDaeHyun #9
Chapter 4: I hope you will update ㅠㅠ