Things Will Get Better^^

Things Will Get Better^^(sequel to A New Start^^)


about three hours later

"HEECHUL SLOW DOWN"leetuek yells

"CALM DOWN I GOT THIS" i yell bakk

"you dont have to drive this fast hyung" kyuhuyn adds

"hush kyu-sshi do you want to find donghae or not"i repeated bakk

"hyung you dont know where he is" kyuhyun says bakk

"yea but we at least have to try" i say


i take suhae to the couch and lay her down put a blanket on her and talk to her calmly

"there`re going to find him" i tell her

(suhae still  crying)

"but(tear fall) what if they dont(sniff) i wont be able to (sniff) live with out him

"it`ll be alright"i tell her


i wake up in a dark rooom and whoa my head and legs hurt and im tied up all of a sudden the lights come on and i find that i have on no shirt and  i see a black shadow walking toward me and its ?sihyun? (my ex)

"miss me"she says untieing me

i sit up and she throws me my shirt

'your a sick person" i say buttoning my shirt

"aww baby" she continues with a snarling smile

she comes and kisses me on the neck and i scoot away she gives off an evil smile and walks out of thr room

'good luck' she says and then leaves the room

i wait until she leaves to panic i didnt want her to see like that because then she would be satisfied so after she left i begin to look around for the something to let ppl know im in here(why did she leave me untied..i think) then i go to stand up and i fall bakk down (oh thats why) that crazy b!%$h drugged me just then i see a phone diconnected under the coffee table and i use my foot to reach it and pull it and i plug it in and call heechul

'heechul hyung" i whisper


"heechul come get me"

"where" he says

"red building in an alley 2nd floor.....hurry ill be waving"

"which alley" heechul interups

"the one by---" the line goes dead(damm)


"donghae,donghae" i repeat

"damm the lines dead' i continue

"that was donghae" kiyung says

'yea i found him he called" i say making a big u turn in the road

its been about 4 hours and weve gone down 7 alleys then when all hope is lost

'heechul look' leeteuk say suddenly

"on the second floor" he continues

"i know this building thats room 23" kiyung adds

'well we need to make a distraction" i say

so we go in and leetuek and i go to the right and kiyung and kyuhyun goes to the left in the looby floor and kiyung lays in the floor

"AHHHHHHHH' she screams


that was are cue!!

me and leetuek run over to the counter and grab the master key and hurry to room 23 when we get in donghaes sitting on the bed

"donghae!!' leeteuk says

"huyng im so glad to see you" he says

"come on" i tell him

"i cant she drugged me' he says

so leeteuk and i carry him out taking the stairs

"donghae you better be lucky that you cant walk"heechul says with a smile

when we get downstaris and we here kiyung


"maybe we should call the police' a lady says


then we take donghae to the car and leeteuk goes bakk in and kyuhyun and him make eyecontact and leeteuk give him a thumbs up

kyuhyun gives the signal bakk to him and turns toward kiyung

'I CANT BRE--(kyuhyun taps kiyung) OH FALSE ALARM IM ALL BETTER" she says

kyuhyun helps kiyung up and they run out of the building and into heechuls car

"nice job: leeteuk say

'thanks" she continues

heechul takes donghae to the hospital


about 5 hours later

the rest of the super junior members take turns checking on suhae whos sleep

"im going to make oppa some soup for when she wakes up" ryeowook says

'im going to check on her" siwon adds

"what if they dont find donghae" sungmin says

"dont say that there going to find him" kibum replys

"suhaes not on the couch"siwons yells

so everyone starts to search the house with her and about 5 mins later everyone meets in the kitchen

"find her" kangin says

"nope did you" siwon says to sungmin

"nope didnt see her' he says

then siwon face lights up and he walks in the bathroom where he finds me and ryeowook runs up behind him and they see her crying and so they help her up and take me to the kitchen and tryeowook starts crying then he gets a call on his phone

'annyeonsghaseyo" he says
"what chicharo(really)!! where are you guys" he continues wiping his tears

"room 177 well be there" then he hangs up the phone

we rush to the hospital and suhae and i run up to kiyung and give her a big hug

"thank you< so much saranghae" suhae says to kiyung


 then she takes me down a long hallway and into the room where donghaes at and i run up to his side and hes sitting up

he has 3 briused ribs and 1 broken one

just then everyone enters the rom and we began talking

about 15 mins later

"donghae you got lucky' the doctor says

'why' donghae says sitting up

"if who ever drugged you would have given you one more dose you could have died" he continues

then he says donghae can leave in about 15 mins then leaves out of the room

i smile hiding my tears'your okay"

"i could have died suhae" he says

just then ryewook starts crying and heechul takes him out and calms him down

'from now on im going to start living life to the fullest' he says then smiles

about 5 mins later the doctor comes in and releases donghae and we take him home..............


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