Shadow Falls | The story of Kang Family


This is a story based on the rp called Shadow Falls. This is the history of the Kang Family. If you'd like to join the rp please go here


The Character Samuel Kang is played by Tiger JK

Faith Kang is played by ChaeRin Lee.


Faith looked through the old archive of her family history. "There has to be something with more information," She said as she pushed her blond hair out of her eyes. She hadn't told her bothers of what she found. How could she? All that she knew of her family was becoming a lie. From outside she could hear the faint laughter coming from her kids. 

"HURRY USA! WE'RE GOING TO GET CAPTURED!" Little Gent. yelled. Faith walked to the attic window and looked at her young children. Like a movie being clicked to play she was taken back to the journal. To his journal. His real name had been lost when he moved to Shadow Falls, and he took the name, "Samuel Kang." She had always thought he was the bravest, brightest, and cleanest of all the Kang Family. However, as she glanced into his thoughts, she realized he wasn't what he appeared. No, In fact, all that she knew about the Kang Family was starting to become tainted with doubt.

"How can we protect Shadow Falls when we are the very thing we are trying to erase? Filled with lies, evil, and betrayal." She muttered to herself.


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