A Letter From Mom



Mansion 10.00 PM


Knock.. Knock.. Knock.. “Victoria, darling.. Please come out, we need to talk.” My mom voice call me to meet her. Would she change her mind? I hope so. I open my door and go out from my room, no one at the corridor, I want to go to my room again when someone close my mouth with his hands, I try to scream but noone help me. All I see is my mother with her firm face and then this world becoming dark.


Little Alley 11.45 PM


I open my eyes and look around, it’s so dark and narrow. I see three man come to me, “Whoaa… Hyung, guess what I found. I found a pretty girl here.” I don’t know what he was talking about, he speaks in Korean, but all I know that they’re not good man. One of them touch my arm, “Don’t touch me, jerk!” I said that word with my poker face, I stand up and punch him in his face. He touch his nose, it’s bleed. He’s became very angry, his two friends also and they try to hurt me. You know, I’m good at fighting, I finished to learn martial arts when I was 15. One vs three, so unfair, but I know that I would win this. In the middle of the fight, a pretty boy come to help me. We won and that three man run, I see the pretty boys face and my world becoming dark again.


BoyFriend’s Dorm 1.05 AM


“Aaaaahhhh…!” I open my eyes and scream because all I see is a close-up of boy face. He jump away, maybe shocked too. The room become very quiet for a while, “This.” He give me an envelope, I take it and open that envelope.


Dear Victoria,

You will back to us when you’re already have mature attitude. You’ll receive something that you’ll need one by one if you be a good girl. Don’t say to anyone that you’re a rich person or you’ll never be back home, try to lie. Don’t forget that we’ll always monitoring you.




Oh God.. My mom do this to me? I would be a poor people. Back to the world, I look at the boy who sat in front of me, “Who are you?” I ask the him. He just look me back, I think he can’t speak English. I appoint myself with my finger, “Victoria.” I said and then I appoint himself, “You?” He appoint himself and look at me with his wide innocent eye and said, “Jo Kwangmin.”



Chapter 2, hope you all still enjoy this story. If you feel bored, just wait til the story start to be more exciting, I swear you would like them. And thanks for the readers who wait me to continue the story, I would work harder ^^

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YourGirlfriend #1
I'll update it soon.. ^^
And sorry everyone for the very late update, I'm very busy for few weeks..
YourGirlfriend #2
Thank you!! ^^
I'm not too good in writing story, I just good in imagine it.. (:
YourGirlfriend #3
Hello ^^
I'll update more tomorrow, so glad that someone enjoy my story.. :D
I'll work harder.. (9' ')9
I'm BestFriend too, nice to see u.. ^^
hannahstar #4
hello! :) please update soon..
btw im a bestfriend (^_^) .. (share)