Chapter 1

Pay Up



I looked at my watch as I jumped in the cab with my friends, ChinMae, YeonHee, JaeHwa, and Yun.
"You guys!" I called out for them. "We're not too early are we?" 
It was my first time going to such an exclusive club. I don't know what to do.
Yun slightly elbowed me, "Don't worry! We got 2 more minutes till it opens."
Yun is comical. She always puts my mood up. 
"Don't worry, EunMi." ChinMae patted my shoulder. "Just focus on the fun we'll be having." She smiles at me.
I love ChinMae. Not as a friend, but as an older sister.
"Don't forget the cute guys that will be there~" Both JaeHwa and YeonHee joked.
JaeHwa is my cousin and YeonHee was my childhood friend. They both are very similar and they always cheer me up when I'm down.
After a 14 minutes we finally arrived. We all showed our IDs to the man in a black shirt. He's scary.
Upon arriving, we went to the bar first. Because JaeHwa and ChinMae wanted to try the drinks. I looked around and was amazed at the light show. 
When I turned around, I bumped into someone. 
"S-sorry!" I rubbed my forehead before having the chance to see who I hit.
"It's ok, I was the one that ran into you." 
I heard a man's voice. When I looked up, it was Key from SHINee! 
Oh my gosh oh my gosh
I tried to play it cool.
"Are you ok?" I had the chance to touch his face, seeing if he's not hurt of course.
He chuckles at me. "I'm fine." He moves my hand. 
"Let me make it up to you-- I'll buy you a drink." I hesitated.
'Hmm..." He examined me. Head to toe. "Alright." He shrugs.
My mind just exploded. 
When we reached the counter, he got his drink and gulped it down.
I reached for my wallet but realized..
I didn't bring it.
Geez! I'm such a pabo! Where's Yun or ChinMae when you need them? Probably somewhere around the crowd.. I don't have time to look for them!
I whacked myself on the head. Unaware that Key was looking.
"Something wrong?" He tilted his head.
I didn't want to look stupid in front of him.
"I.. I--"
"You forgot your wallet?"
"It's ok." he pulled out his wallet and paid the bartender.
"W-wait! I said I would pay!"
He had already handed the money.
"I know. And you will."
"Huh?" I was confused. "How?"
"You will pay, with a kiss." He chuckled at me.
"W-what?!" My eyes widened.
"Well how else are you gonna pay?"
"..." I looked down. Hiding my blushing face.
He caressed my chin to make me look up. 
And he had his lips on mine.
It was deep... It was passionate...
I woke up.
It was a dream...

[ A/N: Kekeke trolled ya~ she didn't go out, but rather stayed home and slept.. Only to have this awesome dream! Would you wanna have a dream like this? I would... WITH TAEMIN <3 c: ]

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sheesh, you had me going there!