"I'm no longer the little 16 year old..."


[2 years later]

SeoNa POV:

“Flight to Seoul, South Korea is now boarding,”  The lady over the intercom announced.

“That’s my flight,” I said looking back to my parents.

“I can’t believe my little girl is already off to college,” my mom said my hair gently.

“And in a whole different country?!” Her dad exclaimed.

“I’ll be fine dad, I can take care of myself now,” I reassured him. “I’m no longer the little 16 year old, who used to annoy you with Kpop.”

He chuckled lightly. “You were just singing ‘Nothing’s Over’ on our here.”

“Well, I guess I still am,” I said

“Hun, we have to let SeoNa go now or else she’s going miss her flight,” my mom said to my dad.

“Thanks mom, I’ll miss you guys,” I said hugging her tightly.

“Be careful out there. Be sure not to skip any meals and be good to your cousin, okay?”

“Okay, I will mom,” I said pulling away and hugging my dad.

“Bye dad, don’t miss me too much.”

“How can I not?” he said squeezing me tighter. “Don’t fall for any guys over there, they’re all bad,” he playfully scolded. *Too late, I already have my Infinite oppas.* “Don’t get pregnant either.”

“Dad!” I yelled as I pulled away from him.

“Will all passengers for flight to Seoul, South Korea please board the plane.”

“I have to go now,” I said looking at them for the last time. “Bye mom, bye dad,” I waved to them. They waved back with a half hearted smile. As I began to board the plane, tears started to form. *Umma, Appa... I’ll miss you guys.* A teardrop escaped my eye, and I quickly wiped it before it got any further.

As I arrived on the plane listening to Infinite’s newest song ‘Before The Dawn’, I bumped into someone.  “Ah, sorry,”  I apologized.  “It’s okay.”  They said back.  They seemed to have broken english.  But it didn’t bother to me, all I cared right now was that I’m going to miss my parents.  I gave my plane ticket to the flight attendant and I got to my seat.  I sat next to the window, pulled out my iPod and put it on shuffle, listening to Infinite.  

As the plane ride was quiet, I put my volume a bit lower to not disturb anyone.  Someone then tapped on my shoulder.  I pulled out my closest ear bud to the person.  “Yes?”  “Are you listening to Infinite?”  His voice seemed familiar to you.  “Um.  Yes.”  “Do you speak Korean?”  “A little bit.”   “Annyeong haseyo.”  I was surprised.  He spoke perfect Korean.  Is he Korean?  He looked a bit familiar to you now.  “A-Annyeong haseyo.”  He pulled off his mask, showing off his smirk.  It was MyungSoo.  I knew his lips anywhere.  Not that I wasn’t a stalker or anything.  “MyungSoo-sshi.”  “Ah, chinjja.  I got caught.”  He looked surprised that I didn’t fangirl over him.  My face was red, like a tomato.  “Gwenchana?”  I nodded, not knowing what else to say.  Should I confess to him?  Say that, ‘I love him.’  No, that would be too early.  I just met him!  That would be crazy.  

Throughout the plane ride, my couldn’t stop beating.  I wonder if he could hear it.  

MyungSoo’s POV :

After I came back from the facilities, I went back to my seat after visiting my group, who sat in the way back while I sat in the front.  I saw the girl’s head rock back and forth.  I quickly sat down and her head landed on my shoulder.  It looked like a perfect match.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I was a bit annoyed, but softened when I saw how angelic she looked. I guess it won’t be that bad.  As the plane went overnight, I laid a blanket over her and one over me.  I couldn’t go anywhere else, so I laid my head on the girl’s.  

As morning came, I saw the girl gone.  I rubbed my eyes and adjusted my sight with the lighting.  I suddenly felt disappointed.  I don’t know why.  

“MyungSoo-ah.  You awake now?  Come on.  Let’s get off the plane.”  SungGyu said.

No wonder.  The plane didn’t seem that bumpy.  

“Okay.”  I stretched and got my luggage, and got off board.

SeoNa’s POV :

As I got back from the facilities, I found MyungSoo gone.  He never asked for my name.  Maybe I’m not important to him that much anymore.  Well, it was fun meeting him.    I got my backpack and noticed that my phone was missing.  There was a phone laid on the seat where I was standing.  I took it and opened it to see if it was mines.  It wasn’t.

“HoWon”  It read.  My eyes widened.


I was surprised to see so many new subscribers and comments!

So thank you for all the love and support!

Hope to see new subscribers soon!

Don't forget! Silent Reading is a really bad disease that you can catch! So comment lots! ^^

My Unni Lovenee is still a little shy, so we're really glad for all the encouraging comments!



I'm totally in love with 'Day By Day' by T-ara at the moment!

They always have the BEST MVs!


Thank you so much! dearBias-3WordsToSay

For the beautiful poster!

Happy Reading :)



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NOT A STORY UPDATE! Just wanted to put up the poster! Sorry for false update --seayang14 120703


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inspirit-beauty #1
Chapter 9: Oh my G- dragon! Who is that?? *I'm so curious yeah~~* :DD
Chapter 9: OMG ;-; why why why?? ;-; who's the person??? O.O
Dongwoo is so cute again ;-; >.< and awwwwwwwwwww L's moment ;-; >.<
Chapter 8: Waaaaa. There's so much comments.
Thanks. :3
&` Yeeaaahhhh, hopefully we update but we're like hella busy with school. > . <
&` Yes, I haven't been on much to communicate with my lovely Dongsaeng, seayang14. ; - ;
We'll update as soon as possible. So stay tune! <3
Chapter 8: <3 . <3
Dongwoo is so cute!!!!!!! ;-;
Update Soon >o< ^^
xRenee #5
Chapter 8: New reader here ^^.
This story is so cute. I really like reading it.

I'm curious to how the members will respond. Dongwoo is so sweet.
Wouldn't it be embarressing for SeoNa if she knew that Hoya actually read that?

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but take your time. after all, school is more important ^^
SherryLoke #6
Ahhh im really curious who is the guy ??
Is it Dongwoo?
kekeke awww Baekhyun's Character is so cutee
and i got a feelingggggg i know who it issss
Update soon =_)
wxfflemeup #9
gahhh!!!! INFINITE and Baekhyun!!! im like a huge inspirit and EXOtic so seeing them in the same fic makes me really happy!! :D
hellopanda23 #10
Ahhhh I am anticipating omg if I had my ultimate bias read something like on my phone I would freak out.