Time of our lives

Time of our lives


Siwon gulped as he sat down nervously in the couch, he looked down at his sweaty hands and just prayed for this torture to end; he could feel the stare from the man in front of him, who was sitting in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest and a deep frown in his forehead.

His heart was beating fast as the killer silence ate his soul and he resisted the urge to run away from there, he was afraid, no, scratch that, he was terrified of the one in front of him who suddenly smirked making him want to just scream out loud and go away running and crying as a little girl; he gulped nervously once again as he watched how the man in front of him fixed his position into a more comfortable one, that smirk still in his lips.

“So…,” the man started making his heart sink. “What’s your name?” He asked and Siwon had no option but turn up to look at him at the face, purposely avoiding those evil eyes and that damn smirk that made him feel as a little undefended baby.

“C-Choi Siwon sir,” Siwon answered almost instantly, straightening his back and looking now at the floor.

“I see…,” the man said chuckling lightly, “I’m guessing you’re the heir of the Choi companies,” he continued.

“I-I can’t really be sure about that…,” Siwon chuckled nervously.

The man in front of him sighed mockingly. “Birthday date,” he simply said.

“April 7th of 1994 sir,” Siwon answered with a low voice.

“So you’re eighteen…,” the man nodded softly, “What are your plans for your future?”

“Well, I’m going to university next term… International business sir,” Siwon answered biting his lower lip.

“Well, that’s pretty obvious, what I meant is what your personal plans for life are,” the man asked lifting an eyebrow and somehow, making Siwon think of himself as the biggest idiot on earth.

“Well… I-I think-”

“Do you always stutter?” The man asked making Siwon even more nervous and even his thoughts were incoherent; he decided it was wiser to just stay quiet instead of say something as stupid as his thoughts. “How tall are you? How much do you weight?”

Siwon’s words caught on his throat as he tried to answer without shuttering this time. “185 centimeters and 65 kg, sir,” he answered gulping hardly and feeling the eyes of the one in front of him pierce his soul.

“What’s your IQ?” The man asked again, crossing now his legs in a bossily way.

“114 Sir,” Siwon answered trying to sound humble even when he felt proud of himself.

“That’s just a little above from regular people,” the man shook his head lightly, indicating he didn’t like the fact.

It was hell for Siwon, those 40 minutes of his life had been the most awful ones and he couldn’t wait to just get the hell out of there.

“Do you have health or life insurance?”

“How’s your physical condition?”

“Are there some genetic diseases in your family?”

“Do you have any birthmarks?”



“Do you have all the vacuums?”

“Have you been hospitalized?”

“Do you like football? Which team are you going for?”

“How many books do you read in a year? Which one is your favorite?”

“Do you go to church often?”

“What do your parents think about you?”

“Do you like PDA?”

“Have you been arrested?”


“Blood type.”


“How often do you go out to parties?”

“Explain in fifty words or less what’s the meaning for you of the words ‘Do not touch my daughter’,” the man said narrowing his eyes and the already dizzy Siwon gulped.

“Well, it means not to touch your daughter right?” He laughed nervously.

“Are you asking me back?” The man asked frowning. “Do you always do that?”

“N-No, I mean, it means I shouldn’t touch your daughter sir!” Siwon exclaimed scolding himself of how stupid he sounded at that.

“Explain then, what’s the meaning for you of the word ‘late’,” the man asked looking directly through Siwon’s eyes.

Siwon gulped, afraid of his own answer. “From midnight on?” He asked insecure.

“Are you asking me or is it an affirmation?” The man frowned deeply. “Seriously, it’s annoying me.”

That only, made Siwon feel like going down his knees and begging for forgiveness, because truly, he usually is a really confident and cool guy, even in front of his past girlfriends’ and boyfriends’ parents, but the man in front of him, as soon as he saw him, his body froze and he started feeling nervous, Siwon didn’t know what was happening to him but all his coolness faded away as soon as he stepped inside the house.

“I’m sorry sir, I-It’s an affirmation sir,” Siwon said lowering his gaze.

“Midnight huh?” The man in front of him asked. “Not exactly what I wanted to hear,” he said honestly, making Siwon’s heart almost jump out of his body in nervousness. “Tell me, Siwon-shi,” he chuckled at the surname, “what is the most precious thing for you?” He asked observing Siwon carefully.

Siwon gulped, not really knowing what he should answer and scolding his slow mind because he hadn’t answered right away how he was supposed to. “S-Sungmin,” he finally said looking down in nervousness.

The man in front of him chuckled. “That, Siwon-shi, was a good answer,” he said and finally Siwon felt like standing up on the neat white couch he was sitting in and rip his shirt off, screaming in victory because he finally, finally, gave a good answer; a relieved sigh escaped his lips as he relaxed in his position.

“Don’t think I have approved you,” the man in front of him said smirking and he opened his mouth to talk further when he heard someone approaching.

Siwon sighed and felt like kissing whoever came to the living room of that foreign house to finally interrupt his torture.

“You’re not scaring our guest, are you Kyu?” A beautiful man came and Siwon could do nothing but stare at his stunning beauty, he had a sweet smile, gentle and warm eyes, a pale skin, a beautiful body; Siwon wouldn’t possibly look away from him; not even when the pretty male leaned down to back hug Kyuhyun who was sitting on the couch.

“Of course not Hyukkie,” Kyuhyun smirked and turned his head lightly to kiss his wife’s lips softly. “We were just… chatting comfortably,” he said turning again.

Hyukjae smiled. “I’m sorry if he made you feel a little awkward Siwon-shi,” he said softly; his hands rounding Kyuhyun’s neck and intertwining his fingers over Kyuhyun’s chest; the other just staring at Siwon waiting for a wise answer.

“O-Of course not, Mrs. Cho,” Siwon laughed nervously, trying to avoid Kyuhyun’s intense glare and sighing when the latter finally turned away from him.

“It’s okay Siwon-shi,” Hyukjae said smiling softly. “I know how scary my husband can be, and don’t call me Mrs. Cho, call me just Hyukjae,” he smiled and Siwon gasped, suddenly feeling dazed by the other’s smile.

“O-Ok Hyuk-” Siwon gulped when he saw the glare in Kyuhyun’s eyes and he looked down. “I’m more comfortable with Mrs. Cho though…” He giggled nervously, looking at his trembling hands and tapping his feet as if trying to calm down.

Hyukjae smiled softly. “Sungmin should be coming soon, I’m sorry; she had to stay with my mother for a little more time…,” he smiled apologetically at Siwon, his hands still around Kyuhyun’s neck and his cheek rubbing against Kyuhyun’s. “I’m sure Kyuhyun didn’t offer you anything, so, would you like to drink something?”

Siwon smiled idiotically, now he knew where Sungmin got her beauty from. “I’m fine Mrs. Cho, thank you,” he said and he wasn’t sure if he was drooling or now.

Kyuhyun frowned deeply as he saw Siwon’s dreamily eyes, he cleared his throat catching the other’s attention and he glared at him intently. “So, Siwon-shi,” he called dangerously, stressing each syllable in order to make the other tremble in fear. “Where are you taking my daughter to?” he asked and Siwon gulped before smiling shyly.

“Movie theater, Mr. Cho.,” Siwon answered.

Kyuhyun was about to open his mouth to protest but Hyukjae kissed his cheek lovingly. “Let them be Kyu, don’t you remember how you were when we were dating?” he whispered in the other’s ears. “Sungmin really, really, likes him,” he added softly.

“But Hyuk…” Kyuhyun whined lowly, Siwon could only stare at them and frown, clearly, Kyuhyun didn’t deserve having such a beautiful wife; how did he even made the other fall in love with him.

“I’m sure you will have fun Siwon-shi,” Hyukjae said standing up straight. “Sungmin will arrive soon, please make yourself comfortable,” he continued as he squeezed Kyuhyun’s shoulder, saying the other to let him alone.

“Hyuk…” Kyuhyun called turning lightly, but Hyukjae only smiled sweetly at him.

“Please help me with something Kyu,” Hyukjae said making Kyuhyun sigh and stand up reluctantly.

“I’ll be there in a second Hyuk,” Kyuhyun smiled softly before pecking his wife’s lips and waiting until the other went out of the room. “You,” he called dangerously to Siwon when they were finally left alone.

“Y-Yes M-Mr. Cho?” Siwon stuttered nervously; Kyuhyun seemed even more intimidating when he was standing; he suddenly thanked the gods that all his interrogatory was made with Kyuhyun sitting down on a nice living room instead of a dark, cold room with only a blurry light and Kyuhyun sitting on the table asking stuff.

“First,” Kyuhyun started narrowing his eyes. “Do not touch my daughter,” he said firmly. “Second, don’t be late,” he continued. “Third, I hope you don’t miss that handsome, killer and annoying face of yours if I find out something’s wrong with my dear princess,” he said and Siwon could only nod furiously at the statement; he was sure Kyuhyun would skin him alive if he didn’t like him enough. “And lastly,” Kyuhyun frowned even deeper. “If I catch you looking at my wife like that again, I’ll recommend you to run away as fast as you can and never, ever in your lifetime, to come back again and pose your annoyingly handsome face in front of me or else you’ll know what a jealous as hell husband is capable of,” he finished and he smirked when he saw Siwon’s horrified face.

“Kyu...,” Hyukjae called from the other room and Kyuhyun smiled.

“I’m coming Hyuk,” Kyuhyun yelled back smiling, satisfied of the results he got with Siwon. “Now, did you understand?” He then asked the frozen Siwon on the couch.

“Y-Yes Sir!” Siwon yelled diligently.

Kyuhyun smirked. “Good,” he said and walked pass the living room, Siwon standing up and bowing almost ninety degrees, his body shaking from the terror he felt because of his new boyfriend’s father. “Oh,” Kyuhyun stopped when he was about to go out. “And stop stuttering, it’s seriously annoying me,” he said turning around once again and finally leaving Siwon alone in the living room.

Siwon didn’t move for minutes; he froze in his bowing position, his eyes wide open and cold sweat dripping out of his forehead. “If I didn’t like Sungmin this much I would have run away since an hour ago,” he muttered gulping nervously as he remembered Kyuhyun’s stare. “Oh Lord…”


“Kyu…,” Hyukjae called as soon as Kyuhyun entered their room.

“Hyukkie, five more minutes and I would have done better,” Kyuhyun pouted sitting on the bed beside his wife. “He’s the first one to stay this long though,” he admitted.

Hyukjae smiled and rested his head in Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “I like this one as well Kyu,” he said. “He seems to be a nice guy,” he closed his eyes.

Kyuhyun frowned. “I don’t really like him though,” he said wrapping his arm in Hyukjae’s waist. “I don’t like the way he looked at you,” he continued. “I know you’re just the most beautiful person in the world, and I can completely understand if he liked you, but I won’t allow anything further,” he frowned deeply and he sighed when he heard Hyukjae giggling.

“Don’t be jealous of him Kyu, he’s just a kid,” Hyukjae said pushing away lightly and kissing Kyuhyun’s cheek. “And you know I love you, and only you,” he added kissing Kyuhyun’s lips when the other turned around lightly.

Kyuhyun smiled, he couldn’t admit he actually liked Siwon and he seemed as a nice guy, that and considering he was the only one who actually went through the entire interrogatory, well, the young man had to have some guts. “Hyukkie…,” Kyuhyun called softly caressing Hyukjae’s cheeks. “I love you,” he said randomly and Hyukjae smiled.

“I love you too Kyu.” Hyukjae said leaning closer to capture Kyuhyun’s lips with his. “And I love how you take care of our daughter,” he continued smiling softly.

Kyuhyun sighed. “It’s because she’s really beautiful,” he said messing his own hair. “I would have liked it if she weren’t a pretty as you,” he continued. “You two gather too much attention,” he threw himself in the bed while Hyukjae only giggled. “It’s not funny Hyukkie, I’ll go bald any time soon,” he pouted.

Hyukjae chuckled and stood up before crawling on the bed and kissing Kyuhyun’s pout away. “It’s me the one that is supposed to pout Kyu,” he said before fixing his position and lying by his husband’s side, Kyuhyun’s hand automatically wrapping around his body to bring him closer. “Ten minutes Kyu, Sungmin and Henry will be arriving soon,” Hyukjae said as he rested his head in Kyuhyun’s chest and closed his eyes, relaxing himself with Kyuhyun’s scent.

“Ten minutes is perfect for me Hyuk,” Kyuhyun said closing his eyes as well and kissing Hyukjae’s hair lovingly, time passing slowly as they kept on cuddling together.


Siwon gulped again as the pair of eyes that he was so scared of, was looking at him again intently. “Kyu,” Hyukjae called intertwining their fingers together and squeezing Kyuhyun’s hand softly. “It’s like if you would like to dig holes in him with your eyes,” he whispered softly.

Kyuhyun finally turned around and Siwon sighed, seriously, Hyukjae was an angel.

The door of the big house opened and the three males in the living room stood up to receive the newcomers. “Mooom!” A small kid ran to hug Hyukjae and Kyuhyun just chuckled, messing his hair lovingly as he saw his daughter come inside as well; a shock clear in her eyes.

“S-Siwon?” Sungmin asked not believing the latter was still there, a big smiled quickly made its way to her lips. “Siwon!” She exclaimed running to hug the other but stopping when he heard Kyuhyun clearing his throat, she smiled softly before giving Siwon an apologetic smile and walking to where her parents were. “Daddy,” she called giving Kyuhyun a peck in his cheek. “Mommy,” she then did the same with Hyukjae.

“How was your day today Minnie?” Hyukjae asked and Sungmin smiled gently.

“It was fun at grandma’s,” Sungmin said looking down at Henry who switched from hugging Hyukjae’s leg to Kyuhyun’s. “Henry almost got her to give him her beloved cat,” she continued, “Seriously, this kid can ask someone’s life and they would gladly give it to him!” She exclaimed amused.

Henry grinned looking up and Kyuhyun messed his hair as well. “Of course,” he said proudly. “He’s my son,” he said gently.

Siwon looked amused at how perfect the family was and he almost forgot what Kyuhyun was capable of, he gulped, Kyuhyun was a scary man. “Siwon, I’m sorry I couldn’t come before,” Sungmin said approaching the other and smiling warmly at him.

Siwon smiled idiotically before reaching her hand and bringing her closer to peck his lips, he stopped his intentions when he caught a glimpse of Kyuhyun’s eyes on fire and he just laughed nervously. “W-We should get going now Minnie…,” he said awkwardly.

Sungmin looked at Siwon confused. “Shouldn’t I change my clothes first?” She asked looking down at herself.

“N-No!” Siwon exclaimed, afraid to be left alone with Kyuhyun once again. “You look pretty like this already,” he laughed out of his nervousness.

Sungmin got the message and she turned to her parents. “We’re leaving then, I’ll be back soon daddy,” she promised walking once again to Kyuhyun and pecking his cheeks goodbye, the same with Hyukjae and Henry. “I’m going then,” she announced walking towards the nervous Siwon who just bowed deeply before turning around before Sungmin grabbed his hand and smiled sweetly at him, he turned around scared of Kyuhyun and he decided it was wiser not to look back anymore or probably Kyuhyun would murder him with his eyes.

“You,” Kyuhyun called when they were just about to go out and Siwon knew it was him who he was calling.

“Y-Yes Mr. Cho?” Siwon gulped.

“Take care of her,” Kyuhyun said frowning lightly. “And don’t come late,” he added before signaling them with a gesture to just go out already.

“Yes sir!” Siwon exclaimed before bowing lightly once again and going out with a giggling Sungmin grabbing his hand.

“Daddy?” Henry called pushing away from his parents and smiling brightly. “That’s the first one to stay!” He exclaimed happily and Hyukjae laughed softly.

“And he’s handsome,” Hyukjae added nodding at his own comment. “He seems like a really nice son in law, right Henry?” He asked and he laughed at Kyuhyun’s groan of discomfort.



“This is funny,” Hyukjae whispered as he ate some popcorn and passed his to Henry who was by the other side of Kyuhyun, the three of them being the only ones in the last row of the movie theater.

“Shh,” Kyuhyun hissed as he had the binoculars pointed at a certain couple in front of them; he was frowning all the time as his whole attention was dedicating to them.

“Kyu, let them be, don’t you remember one of our dates in a movie theater before?” Hyukjae asked pushing down the binoculars and smiling at Kyuhyun softly. “Enjoy the movie,” he said smiling and Kyuhyun frowned.

“It’s because I remember our dates that I’m being like this Hyukkie,” Kyuhyun said frowning and once again watching the couple carefully. “Pop corn,” he said and Henry quickly reached his arm with pop corn and gave them to Kyuhyun who just ate it, Hyukjae rolled his eyes, Henry and Kyuhyun were just the same, except that now Henry was more like a disciple than a son.

Of course Kyuhyun remembered their dates before; it was fool to assume he didn’t. And that was why he didn’t want the couple to end up having in the bathroom or Sungmin giving Siwon a while everyone was attentive to the movie. No, his princess was way too innocent.

“She’s eighteen Kyu,” Hyukjae said softly. “She can do whatever she wants, I got pregnant when I was her age,” he remembered.

“Yah Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun hissed pouting. “Do you want her to get pregnant?” He asked pouting, “She’s my innocent child!”

Hyukjae snorted softly. “You weren’t innocent at all even before eighteen, you ert,” he mumbled eating pop corn quickly when Kyuhyun gave him a scolding look, because well, Henry was there and the boy didn’t need to know some details of their relationship.

“Don’t worry Daddy, I know you and mommy used to have every time you two had the chance to ever since you started high school,” Henry smiled sweetly at Kyuhyun and he blinked confused at Hyukjae when the latter almost chocked with the pop corn.

“H-Henry!” Hyukjae hissed blushing madly and covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

“Should I tell you the details Henry?” Kyuhyun asked smirking and Henry’s face contorted in discomfort.

“No thanks, daddy,” Henry said. “I want to keep the almost clean image I have of you two,” he said turning once again to the screen. “But if it’s not much asking, I would like you to give me some advice later when I get someone to do it with,”

“Henry!” Hyukjae yelled impressed by Henry’s words.

Kyuhyun opened his eyes widely when people hissed at them to just shut up. “Down!” He hissed pushing Hyukjae’s and Henry’s heads down and waiting there for a few minutes. “Did she saw us?” He asked because he was sure Sungmin looked back to see the ones making noises.

“I’m not sure,” Hyukjae bit his lower lip and looked at Kyuhyun apologetically, still being pushed down with their heads hiding behind the seats of the row in front of them.

“Should I peek?” Henry whispered and Kyuhyun nodded at him. He lifted his head slowly and peeked in between the two seats in front of him, frowning when he saw how Siwon was ‘yawning’. “Dad! He’s making a move!” he hissed in panic.

“What?!” Kyuhyun snorted before straightening his body completely and placing the binoculars on once again, frowning deeply when Siwon passed his arm and posed it on Sungmin’s shoulders, the girl giggling and smiling at Siwon who smiled back at her. “That brat, I told him not to touch my girl,” he hissed clenching on the binoculars and taking them away, ready to stand up and cut Siwon’s arm from his body.

Hyukjae sighed as he too, straightened his body and massaged his temple before looking at Henry who was frowning as well; he was a jealous boy too after all. “Henry,” he called firmly and Kyuhyun, as well as Henry looked at him still frowning. “I’ll make your daddy not to make anything that he can regret later so you better go out now,” he announced and both males looked at him confused.

“What are you going to- ewww mom!” Henry wrenched his nose when he got what his mother meant.

“Out Henry, now,” Hyukjae looked at Henry and said in an authoritarian voice before Henry nodded furiously, grabbing all the stuff he could eat and running away from the back door of the room.

“Yah Hyukkie! I need him here!” Kyuhyun pouted and he stopped when he saw Hyukjae’s slight smirk. “H-Hyuk?” He called nervously as Hyukjae kissed his cheek.

“Don’t do anything that will make Sungmin hate you Kyu,” Hyukjae said as his hand traveled down and grabbed Kyuhyun’s belt firmly.

“Hyuk,” Kyuhyun called firmly. “You won’t stop me from defending my little girl from that ert,” he said determined and Hyukjae chuckled. “Not even if you- oh ,” he hissed when he felt how Hyukjae managed to undo his belt and pants in a record time.

Hyukjae smirked and leaned his body down; Kyuhyun’s hand intertwining with his hair as he did what he had to do.

“Holy Hyuk,” Kyuhyun hissed backing his head and biting his lower lip to prevent his moans from coming out of his mouth.


“That was fun,” Hyukjae exclaimed his lips and smiling brightly, dragging a tired, annoyed, but pleased Kyuhyun with him.

“Eww mom, not in the movie theater!” Henry exclaimed as he followed by Hyukjae’s side. “I won’t be able to sleep properly tonight,” he pouted.

“You better use your earphones later kiddo,” Kyuhyun smirked messing Henry’s hair and making the other pout even deeper.

“I hate you two!” Henry said munching the food he still had left.

Kyuhyun and Hyukjae smiled at each other before pecking their lips and continuing their way to the car.

The three of them returned home even before Sungmin and Siwon did, Kyuhyun looking by the window and ready to shoot Siwon when the latter kissed Sungmin before leaving but stopping because Hyukjae suddenly hugged him from behind. “I’m waiting Kyu,” he said in a seductive voice and he had no option but get away from the window with an annoyed hiss before attacking his wife’s lips; feeling even more annoyed when Hyukjae giggled between their lips.

“I hate myself because I can’t even get mad at you for doing this to me,” Kyuhyun whined before locking the door of their room and approaching a laughing Hyukjae on the bed.


“Look, Siwon hyung,” Henry put down his PSP and looked at Siwon’s puzzled face directly. “I really like you, and you should be proud of it because you have been the only guy Min has dated that I had liked,” he said nodding at himself. “But you’re not advancing quick enough, so I, as the good person that I am, will give you a good advice,” Henry smiled softly.

Siwon and Sungmin had been dating for almost a year already and Henry really liked Siwon.

Siwon raised his eyebrow. “Huh?” He asked confused and Henry rolled his eyes.

“So it was truth that you ask back every time you have been asked something,” Henry said remembering his father’s words.

“W-What?! NO!” Siwon exclaimed frowning deeply.

“Oh! And the stuttering was real as well!” Henry exclaimed. “Daddy is always right, is kind of annoying,” he said nodding again and making Siwon a little frustrated, Henry was just like a mini Kyuhyun, just cuter. “Anyway, since I’m willing to help you should pay attention,” the little boy said grinning widely. “Tell me hyung, how good are you with strategy video games?”


“DAMN IT!” Kyuhyun yelled as he frowned deeply and pressed the buttons of the control hardly.

“YES!” Siwon exclaimed loudly and with a huge grin in his face.

“Hey Kyu…,” Hyukjae called with a cup of lemonade in his hand. “Would you like to-”

“Not now Hyukkie, please,” Kyuhyun said focusing on the screen.

Hyukjae sighed and just sat down on the couch, drinking the lemonade himself. “Siwonnie…,” Sungmin called sweetly as she, as well, took lemonade to Siwon.

“Not now Minnie, I’m winning!” Siwon grinned and she sighed as well as she sat down on the couch, watching the game and she, as well, drinking the lemonade she brought.

Both saw how their respective ones were playing. Siwon frowned because Kyuhyun caught up with him and was taking advantage over. The two males biting their lower lip deeply as they pressed the buttons with quick fingers, their eyes wide while watching the screen attentively. A little Henry just watching bored in the other couch.

“They’re the same,” Sungmin exclaimed a little amused.

Hyukjae smiled softly. “Well, I’m not sure if having two Kyuhyuns will be a good idea,” he said chuckling. “They really like each other, but both of them are way too stubborn to accept that,” he added.

Sungmin hummed in agreement. “They really get along right?” She giggled. “They’re cute,” she said pouting lightly because she didn’t understand what was happening on the screen at all.

“Kyuhyun is playing with your boyfriend’s mind,” Hyukjae said softly, looking at the screen and perfectly knowing what was going on because he had already experience about it. “He’s making Siwon believe he’s winning so when he gives his final attack he will feel worst than just loosing,” he chuckled. “Your father is really childish,” he laughed softly.

Sungmin sighed. “Poor Siwonnie,” she said pouting lightly. “But no one will be able to defeat daddy, I’m almost sure of that,” they both smiled nodding in agreement.

“AHAHAHAHA!” Kyuhyun laughed evilly as the ‘Game Over’ appeared in Siwon’s side of the screen. “You really thought you could defeat me Siwonnie?” He chuckled smirking.

Siwon sighed deeply. “Almost!” He hissed and Sungmin sighed before hugging him from behind to comfort him.

“You wish kiddo!” Kyuhyun exclaimed laughing at the now pouting Siwon.

“You’re the best daddy!” Henry exclaimed happily and Kyuhyun dedicated him a big smile. Of course he was the best.

“Kyu,” Hyukjae called sitting by Kyuhyun’s side and grabbing his hand. “Congratulations, please never lose against him,” he smiled widely.

Sungmin chocked and Siwon pouted at Hyukjae’s words. “Of course I won’t Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun exclaimed happily before pecking Hyukjae’s temple.

“Good,” Hyukjae smiled satisfied, because even when he liked Siwon, he wouldn’t like it if he lost against him, no, Kyuhyun was still his man and he had to support him even in stupid games like those. “I love you Kyu,” he said cuddling against his husband.

“How cheesy mom!” Henry whined but then just stopped and continued with what he was doing.

Siwon and Sungmin stared with idiotic smiled in their faces for minutes, before realizing what they were doing and going out to give them some private time together; dragging a whining Henry with them.


“Henry,” Kyuhyun called narrowing his eyes and the now almost nine years old boy ran to his father. It has been a year and a half since Sungmin started dating Siwon and now they were going on vacation to the beach, Sungmin insisted on bringing Siwon with them and Kyuhyun gave up when Hyukjae told him it was a good idea.

“Yes Sir?!” Henry straightened his back and saluted as if he were a soldier.

“Keep an eye on him okay?” Kyuhyun asked giving Henry a bill.

“Yes Sir!” Henry smiled brightly as he took the bill and saved it in his pocket.

“You go now before Hyuk suspects something,” Kyuhyun warned and Henry looked around narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Remember Henry, don’t let him go out of the room after ten,” Kyuhyun reminded.

“Yes Sir!” Henry exclaimed determined.

“Good,” Kyuhyun smirked. “Now, go,” he dismissed his son with a movement of his hand.

“Yes Sir!” Henry saluted one last time before running to the car and getting inside before anyone else.

“What were you telling him to do now?” Hyukjae came and asked softly, a small box in his hands.

“Nothing,” Kyuhyun shrugged taking the box away from Hyukjae’s hands and pecking his wife’s lips, making the other a little suspicious but not interested enough as to investigate.

“Everyone’s in?” Hyukjae asked as soon as he entered and sat down on the seat by the driver’s side.

“Neh!” The three people exclaimed and Hyukjae smiled at their places; Siwon and Sungmin were in both windows while Henry was in the center, separating them both, he turned to look at Kyuhyun’s happy face and he chuckled softly before placing his safe belt on, it was going to be fun, just like always.

“So, Henry, you go to Siwon’s room, Sungmin will be staying alone,” Kyuhyun commanded as soon as they arrived at the hotel and gave them the keys.

Siwon sighed, of course he wouldn’t get to stay with Sungmin, how could that thought even come up in his mind?

Sungmin smiled sympathetic to Siwon before everyone headed to their respective rooms to unpack and then go out to the beach.

They all played around, throwing water at each other and laughing their brains off; until it was already late and the sky was slightly changing to orange; Siwon and Sungmin sat down on a huge towel, a tired and sleeping Henry resting his head in Sungmin’s lap and the girl resting slightly on Siwon’s strong body.

They both had a soft smile in their faces as they saw how Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were walking slowly by the beach, dragging their feet through the sand and smiling widely when the water reached their feet.

“They really love each other,” Siwon commented slowly.

“Yeah,” Sungmin smiled dreamingly. “They have always been like this, even from the start of the time when I remember,” she continued.

Siwon smiled and kissed Sungmin’s temple. “I hope we can be like that when we grow up,” he said and Sungmin blushed softly before nodding softly. “Though I hope I won’t be exactly as your father,” Siwon joked and Sungmin chuckled. “He’s really scary, truly,” Siwon shivered when he remembered how heavy was Kyuhyun’s glares.

Sungmin smiled widely. “I would love it if you become exactly like him,” she said turning to look at Siwon’s eyes. “If you look now you can’t read how much he has been through, he smiles and protects us with all his heart, he loves my mom, Henry, me, and he’s always there for me when I needed him, even when I said to him that I didn’t,” she looked down and took away the soft locks from Henry’s forehead. “If I get to have some children, I would like my husband to protect them and love me the same way,” she whispered smiling dreamingly.

Siwon smiled at Sungmin and kissed her hair. “I already love you,” he said. “Now we just have to make children,” he grinned at Sungmin’s blush.

The both teenagers looked once again at Kyuhyun and Hyukjae, they sighed contentedly when Kyuhyun rounded his arm around Hyukjae’s waist as they just looked at the horizon, the sun hiding behind the sea.

Siwon couldn’t believe Kyuhyun was such a good husband, deep inside him, he knew the later didn’t deserve such kind and loving wife.

“You know Siwonnie…” Sungmin started softly and she continued when Siwon looked at her as if waiting for her to keep going; Sungmin’s eyes were on Henry’s face and her eyes softened. “When Henry was born my mom suffered post natal depression,” she said and Siwon gasped at the fact. “It’s supposed to be normal, I was ten years old at that time, I didn’t know what was happening at all,” she chuckled and she smiled sweetly when Siwon kissed her temple as to comfort her. “Daddy took care of him all that time, it was almost two years in which mom wouldn’t go out of his room,” she looked at Henry. “He didn’t want to eat, even just seeing Henry would make him cry, he kicked my dad out of their room and told him to not touch him ever again.”

Siwon opened his eyes widely, looking at the couple not so far away from them, they clearly didn’t seem as if having passed for that at all.

“But dad didn’t give up; for almost two years he worked hard for us to have a proper life, he would take me and pick me up from school every day, he would help me with my homework, he would make the food and talk to me sweetly, he even changed Henry’s diapers, feed him, took mom to his therapy… at that time I didn’t have an idea of how hard it was for him…” Sungmin closed her eyes and a warn tear fell down her cheek; Siwon reached for it and took it away lovingly; Sungmin smiled at him. “But he kept it up for two years, he never, not even once got home late from work, he would always repeat my mom how much he loved him, he never had an affair to compensate the lack of attention, that’s love Siwon, pure love,” she smiled sighing deeply.

Siwon hugged Sungmin softly, kissing her forehead to calm her down.

Sungmin sighed. “When I turned eleven I was mad, hormones had me crazy,” she chuckled. “I couldn’t understand how many things were running on my dad’s head and I was mad at myself,” she sighed. “I didn’t even know why,” she pouted. “So I had a boyfriend, well, something like that, my dad always told me that he wasn’t good for me but I always ignored him, I should have listened,” Sungmin looked at Siwon, it was the first time she talked about it to him. “He offered me to take me away and I said yes, Lord, I was only eleven and dad was working so hard, I couldn’t see clearly Siwon, I couldn’t see how much pain my dad was going through, hearing Henry’s first word without even being able to share it with his most beloved one, watching how he started to give small steps without someone to receive him at the other end, and then, there was me, a rebellious girl that ran away from home at such a young age.”

Siwon squeezed Sungmin’s petit body, his eyes softened; there was a side of that family no one would even be able to imagine.

“He looked for me, I was sure of that, he called me so many times Siwon,” Sungmin bit her lower lip and lowered her head in shame, he looked at Henry and smiled weakly, the sleepy face of the other making her a bit calmer. “I had left him a note, saying that I ran away because I wanted, he called me but did no big fuss about it because he knew I would run away even farther,” she chuckled. “He had always known me so well,” she smiled. “After two weeks he stopped calling that frequently and just sent messages to know if I was doing fine, sometimes I would answer but most of the times I would simply ignore them, then I read in the news paper that his company had some troubles, there was mom that was like a zombie, there was a baby he had to take care, there was his company, and there was me, he had more than enough to handle and he still did, he made sure to make everything right…,” she finally smiled softly. “I came back home after almost two months,” Sungmin said and it was clearly that she was shamed.

“It happened already Minnie,” Siwon smiled sweetly and that gave Sungmin the force to continue.

Sungmin sighed deeply and petted Henry’s hair. “I remembered it was almost three in the morning when I arrived home, when I opened the door I went to the dining room where there were some lights on, he was still working,” she gulped trying to clear the knot from . “For almost two years he kept on working up until late hours because he didn’t have the time for everything, Henry was in his cradle by his side sleeping, I couldn’t help myself but cry at that moment, I was feeling so guilty, dad had always been by my side and what did I do Siwon? I added him even more worries, as if he didn’t have enough already,” Sungmin couldn’t help but cry again. “Do you know what he did when he noticed me standing there crying?” She asked.

Siwon shook his head and Sungmin chuckled.

“Of course you wouldn’t know,” the girl scolded herself, she smiled and sighed deeply. “He stood up and hugged me tightly, I still can’t forget his words at that time Siwon,” she bit her lower lip as tears started streaming down her face. “’What took you too long Minnie?’, those were his words at that time, he knew I was going to come back, he wasn’t mad, he just waited for me there and hugged me, he comforted me telling me that everything was okay and he even asked me if I had eaten well,” she chuckled bitterly. “I cried myself to sleep that night in his arms,” she then turned to Siwon with her puffy eyes. “He didn’t let go of me until I woke up,” she laughed softly. “I guess he didn’t finish his work either…”

Siwon smiled warmly and kissed Sungmin’s tears away.

Sungmin sighed deeply before continuing. “He never asked me why, never questioned my decision and just smiled at me every time we were together, he was so attentive that I felt guilty all the way,” she relaxed slightly. “What was I in my past life to deserve someone like him as my father Siwon?” She asked looking directly at Siwon’s eyes, the other not really knowing what to say, Sungmin giggled. “Then mom started getting better, he never told him what had happened with me but I did after a few years, he wasn’t mad at me either, he felt guilty with dad too,” she said softly. “Mom rejected my father for almost two years, he rejected his son and even me, he was always stuck in his room and would cry almost all the time, it was hard for my dad to feed him because he would always say he wanted to die, he even tried to kill himself but dad was always there for him, telling him how much he loved him and that he was going to wait for a lifetime if it was necessary until he accepted him back,” Sungmin closed her eyes for some seconds. “He could have any girl or boy he wished, even younger and with more stability, he could have run away and sign divorce saying mom couldn’t be with him anymore, but he waited, he was patient and he loved mom and us enough as to take care of everyone…”

Sungmin sighed deeply again. “That’s why every time someone wanted to date me, he had to first be accepted by my dad, because he knows what’s the best for me and I will never go against his decision anymore, I want someone who will be like him for me, I want someone with such amount of love to give…”

Sungmin and Siwon turned up and a smile went up to their faces when they saw Kyuhyun and Hyukjae looking at each other lovingly, their both hands intertwined, they felt their heart race when they saw them lean closer and kiss softly on the lips, slowly and lovingly.

“Siwonnie…” Sungmin called still looking at her parents.

“Mmm?” Siwon hummed equally enchanted by the scene, it was different, why did Kyuhyun seem so nice now? Why wasn’t he scary anymore? Why was such a kind aura around him?

“Let’s love each other a lot,” Sungmin said smiling softly.

Siwon wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. “I promise you Minnie, I’ll become someone who’s worth to be in your family,” he said and Sungmin smiled before turning around and kissing Siwon fully on the lips; Henry still sleeping in her lap and not even minding the world.

Ever since then, Siwon couldn’t help but have a secret and huge admiration for Kyuhyun, unconsciously wishing to be like him when he finally had a family with the one he loved, he wanted to be even just half of the man Kyuhyun was; Siwon smiled softly, yes, somehow, he wanted to become exactly as the man that terrified him the first second he stepped into that family’s house.


“So,” Siwon smirked as well as Kyuhyun. “What’s your name?” The younger asked narrowing his eyes at the young man in front of him.

“K-Kibum,” The young male said a little confused of why he was being stared like that by two males, a sudden thought of running away for his life passed by his mind but he decided to better ignore it.

“So Kibum-shi,” Siwon smirked. “Let’s be honest here, I don’t like you, but apparently Hae does so I’m willing to be open minded about this and get to know you better,” he smiled evilly.

Kibum felt his blood rush to every part of his body and his hand starting to tremble because seriously, these two males in front of him were scary, way too scary. “I-I understand,” he mumbled and he flinched when the two of them frowned.

“What?” Siwon asked not satisfied.

“I-I understand! –Sir!” Kibum added this time.

Kyuhyun and Siwon smirked. “Good,” Siwon said as he sat down comfortably. “So what’s your birthday date?”

Sungmin and Hyukjae smiled at the view as they both saw how their respective husbands tortured Donghae’s new boyfriend in the living room, fully knowing it would take a while because they wanted to protect their precious fishy boy Donghae. “We should make some snacks,” Hyukjae suggested and Sungmin smiled.

“Some cookies would be great, Donghae loves them,” Sungmin said turning around to start preparing them, she was sure Siwon was going to find a good way to protect their beloved son Donghae the same way that Kyuhyun did to her.

“He answered even better than you did,” Kyuhyun commented as soon as Donghae and Kibum left the house and they entered the kitchen where the just made cookies were, Kyuhyun going to Hyukjae and pecking his lips.

Siwon pouted. “I did a pretty good job as well!” He exclaimed and Kyuhyun just raised an eyebrow at him questionably. “I once won over you in Starcraft!” he grinned widely.

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. “It was only once, a day before your wedding, you had tried to win over me for months and you weren’t able to, even until now that haven’t repeated” he said mockingly. “And winning when Hyuk kissed me wasn’t really fair,” he narrowed his eyes, remembering how Hyukjae just came in and kissed him softly in the lips, making him all distracted about his game and grinning widely when Siwon yelled in victory.

“Whatever, I won!” Siwon shrugged.

“If I were you, I would be already at the movie theater Siwon,” Kyuhyun said and Siwon opened his eyes widely.

“Minnie! We’re leaving!” Siwon exclaimed dragging the confused Sungmin with him; just giving her the time to wave her hands at her parents.

“Don’t forget the binoculars!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

“I won’t!” Siwon yelled from the outside.

Hyukjae laughed softly. “He’s exactly like you!” He exclaimed turning to Kyuhyun and pecking his lips.

Kyuhyun smiled. “He has grown up well,” he chuckled before circling his hands on Hyukjae’s waist and kissing him again in the lips. “I love you Hyuk,” he whispered before kissing Hyukjae’s slightly wrinkled forehead.

“I love you too Kyu,” Hyukjae closed his eyes, thinking of how happy and lucky he was for finding such a perfect match and having such a beautiful family.

A soft smile appeared in their lips as they leaned forward to kiss once again, love would never grow old.


A/N: kekeke~
I had lots of fun writing this!! xD
Because I have always thought Kyuhyun will be a really jealous and childish but really good dad! >///<
Happy family is happy! :D
Thank you all for reading and I’m so sorry I’ve been lazy on updating lately! ^^’
I was on my parents’ house and they always nag at me because I spend too much time in front of my computer so my childish dad hides it and I don’t like writing on my phone simply because I don’t… *pouts*
So yeah… sorry! ^^’
But now I’m back and I’ll be able to update more often!
Love you all! :D


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971 streak #1
Chapter 1: I'm worming my way into your fics.
I really really love this story.. Kyuhyun is such a beautiful, loving, faithful father and husband. I cried when Sungmin cane back and all Kyu said was "what took you so long?"
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: History really repeats itself hahaha
deadea #3
Chapter 1: Oh I love this story so much... Its funny.thanks erii
pillow4hyukjae #4
Chapter 1: i love this soo much...i would die to have a father like kyuhyun...this is truly amazing...u bring out soo much emotions..
lovekyu85 #5
Chapter 1: this was so beautiful :) you manage to bring sadness happiness and idk everything together so well.
thank you :3
hyukish #6
Chapter 1: ahahahahaha may i make this my favorite? the best, daddy kyu is the best. this remains me to my daddy, i miss him so so so so freakin much... thanks for sharing, really..
Another great story!! And i laughed a alot...especially at henry... I really enjoyed and had fun reading this..
I really have so much fun while reading this story and the prequel..I just cant stop smiling and smirking...^^
renchop #9
This is great, how you put the idea of choosing partner for their kid and talk to their parents for a movie agreement hahaha i don't expect you kind of put until kyuhyuk have their grandson and how siwon follow Kyuhyun's strict rules to interogate Kibum for taking Donghae to a date. It's just lol, i don't know it turned out to be like that in the end and don't forget kyuhyuk's love that lasting forever. They're growing old but their love still the same, aw i just loved it your plot story and everything you put in ther story. More love for kyuhyuk <3
hahahahaa this was so funny xDDD