



Kyuhyun sighed as the train he was in started leaving the station. It wasn’t easy to leave his hometown.  The place where he was born, where he was growing up, where his family in. Moreover it was the first time he left his hometown by his own.

He had earphone plugged in his ears, playing a certain song that brought back his memory. He traced back the memories he had there. Out of all the memories he could remember, there was one memory he liked the most, with a certain someone.


Kyuhyun hummed a song as he walked to his private place. It was under a bridge that crossed a small river in his hometown. He always went there, almost everyday. That was the place where he could be alone, spending some time for himself.

But that day was different. He stopped humming  when he found a blond-haired boy in his place, dancing with earphone plugged in his ears. It wasn’t the first time he saw people dancing, he watched it on TV sometimes. But eventhough he wasn’t really fond about dance, he knew that this boy was different. The blonde’s dance seemed effortless yet powerful at the same time.

Kyuhyun just stood there, watching, but somehow he felt like that boy was talking with his dance. He didn’t know what song the blonde heard to dance, but he could feel what the song was about. He unconsciously hummed the song that he hummed before. And it fitted perfectly on his mind.

The moment when the blonde stopped dancing was when Kyuhyun woke up from his trance. That boy threw himself on the grass. He closed his eyes, smiled to himself, and tried to catch his breath from the breathtaking dance.

Kyuhyun walked closer. “How did you do that?” he asked randomly. He thought the blonde wouldn’t hear him because of his headset.

But to his surprise, the blonde turned at his direction. “What?” he asked, smiled beautifully while sat up.

“Talking with your body.”

The blonde tilted his head, showing that he didn’t understand what Kyuhyun said.

“It’s like you’re talking with your body when you dance,” Kyuhyun sat beside the blonde.

“Did I...?” he asked shyly and turned his gaze to the grass in front of them.

“I’m Kyuhyun.”

The blonde turned to see Kyuhyun again, “I’m Hyukjae.”

“You’re not from here, are you?” Kyuhyun asked after some moment of silence.

“I just came here for summer vacation. I’m from Seoul. You live here?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “This is my private place anyway.”

“What...? Oh, sorry, I didn’t know. I should take my leave then,” Hyukjae almost stood up when Kyuhyun stopped him.

“No, it’s okay. I want... Ah, you can stay here,” Kyuhyun laid on the grass and closed his eyes.

Hyukjae was hesitate a bit before he followed Kyuhyun to laid on the grass, eyes closed and earphone still plugged in his ears.

“What song do you hear?” Kyuhyun asked when he took off one of Hyukjae’s earphone and put it on his ear.

Hyukjae flinched in shock but couldn’t do anything.

“Turn the volume louder, please,” Kyuhyun asked.

Hyukjae quickly took his iPod from his pocket and raise the volume, “Is it enough?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “I like this song.”

“This is the song that I danced to before.”

“Really?” Kyuhyun asked, not really wanting an answer as he closed his eyes again. This is the song he hummed when he walked in and found Hyukjae danced here.

Kyuhyun started to humming the song and Hyukjae didn’t know since when he started to listen to Kyuhyun’s humming instead of listen to the original song. Somehow he found that Kyuhyun’s humming was more beautiful than the original song.


Hyukjae sat on the very last row seat in the bus. When a certain song being played in his cellphone, he stared at the cellphone’s callendar. There was a date marked on it. Today. But there was no note on it. Not because it wasn’t an important date to remember, but because it was too special for him that he wouldn’t forget so he didn’t need any note to make him remember.

He looked outside the window as the bus keep moving, watching people and cars passed by out there. He knew where the bus headed to, where it would bring him today. But he didn’t know why he was going there. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t know whether he could meet that certain someone again or not ―or to be exact, whether that certain someone would be there or not.


Hyukjae hid beside the bridge. He leaned on the bridge with his eyes closed, immersed by Kyuhyun’s beautiful voice.  Kyuhyun was singing under the bridge, in his private place, compeletely clueless about Hyukjae’s presence. He was singing the song they listened together yesterday and Hyukjae swore that it was the best version of the song he ever heard.

Hyukjae knew Kyuhyun had a beautiful voice ―the best he ever heard maybe― the time Kyuhyun spoke to him yesterday. The volume of his music player was a bit loud yesterday. He himself was a bit surprise when he could hear Kyuhyun’s voice despite the loud music on his ears. It was like the music stopped and his ears being filled by Kyuhyun’s voice. And he was sure that he wanted to hear that voice for the rest of his life.

“How could you do that?” Hyukjae asked as he walked out from his hiding place.

Kyuhyun almost jumped in surprise, not knowing Hyukjae’s presence before. “What?” he asked, seated himself on the grass.

“Singing better than the original singer,” Hyukjae sat right beside Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun just smiled. Hyukjae wasn’t the first one who said that Kyuhyun sang better than the original singer, but somehow it felt special when Hyukjae said it.

“I mean it! I like your version much more!” Hyukjae mistaken Kyuhyun’s smile as a refusal.

“Well I’ll take that as a compliment. How long have you been here?”

“Umm...long enough to hear almost the full song.”

“You’re stalking me?”

“Did I get caught?”

Kyuhyun widened his eyes in surprise.

“Haha...I’m just kidding. I just want to hear your voice. Didn’t you do the same thing to me yesterday?”

Kyuhyun threw his body back and laid on the grass. Yes, he did.

“No wonder you said that this is your private place. You often practice singing here, don’t you?”

“It’s not my private place anymore, I shared it with you since yersterday.”

Hyukjae put a sad expression on his face, feeling guilty.

“I thought you wouldn’t come here anymore.”

Hyukjae laid beside Kyuhyun but moved his body to the side so he would face Kyuhyun. “Can’t I?” he asked, looking at Kyuhyun’s face from the side.

Kyuhyun turned and looked at Hyukjae’s eyes. His had moved to Hyukjae’s fluffy hair and caressed it, “Is your hair originally blond?”

Hyukjae flinched by the sudden touch, “N-no, I dyed it. Only for this vacation. I just want to try something new.”

“Oh. I don’t know your original hair, but it suits you perfectly.”

“I’m glad that you like it,” Hyukjae said, almost in whisper, when he turned from Kyuhyun, not wanting the latter to see his blushed face.

Kyuhyun was never like bright colour before, not that kind of bright colour which ask for attention. Especially in someone’s head. But the way that bright blond colour gleaming under the sun was became the colour he liked the most.


Kyuhyun bit his lower lip nervously. That was just a short summer vacation, he knew it. Yet his mind still lingered in that summer even when it was already two years ago. The blonde never came back to Kyuhyun’s hometown and they didn’t get to contact each other since the last time they met.

They never talked about their feelings. They just hang out together for that entire summer vacation. Was that short summer vacation enough to connect their feelings? If it was, then was it strong enough to be kept for years even when they even didn’t contact each other? Kyuhyun didn’t knew the answer. But here he is, on the way to chase after the blonde, like what he promised two years ago.


They sat side by side on the station’s platform. They had earphone plugged in their ears, connected to Hyukjae’s iPod, playing their favorite song. The atmosphere of separation lingered around them. Separation wasn’t something that they wanted.

They spent the entire summer break together. Just watching Hyukjae dancing, listening Kyuhyun singing, talking about anything, or just laying side by side in a comfortable silence. Just those simple memories during a short summer break. But that meant a lot for them, with a reason they didn’t even know. They just felt connected to each other, not wanting a separation.

“Can’t you just stay here?” Kyuhyun finally spoke after the first uncomfortable silence that lingered between them.

Hyukjae turned to face Kyuhyun, “I have to continue my study in Seoul,” and smiled.

The station’s bell rang, signaling a train arrival. Hyukjae looked at his wrist-watch. It was his time to leave, the train would come in seconds.

“It’s time for me to go,” Hyukjae stood up.

Kyuhyun stayed on his seat when Hyukjae pulled his earphone from him. He just watched silently as Hyukjae gathered his belonging. ‘Goodbye’ wasn’t a word he wanted to say to Hyukjae. He wouldn’t say it.

“Well...I guess it’s a goodbye then. Bye, Kyuhyun!”

Seeing Kyuhyun gave him no reaction, Hyukjae pulled his bag and walked toward the train.

“I will come to Seoul!” Kyuhyun finally said, almost shouting.

Hyukjae turned, tilted his head.

“I’ll come to Seoul after I finished my study here. I’ll look for you, at the same date as today,” Kyuhyun looked assured of his words. “I promise.”

“I will wait for you then,” Hyukjae smiled and went in the train.

Hyukjae could still see Kyuhyun from his seat when he was waiting for the train to leave. Kyuhyun still sat there, not moving at all, just looking at Hyukjae intently.

Just when Kyuhyun stood up and walked toward Hyukjae’s window, the train started moving. That was when Hyukjae realized that they didn’t have each other’s contact yet. But he couldn’t do anything because the train started moving further and further, leaving Kyuhyun stood on the platform.

Hyukjae sighed as he leaned on his seat. He smiled remembering Kyuhyun’s words. But somehow he felt unsure about it. Not because he didn’t believe in Kyuhyun, but he realized that it was a long time until they could meet again. Everything could be happened in that time, when they couldn’t contact each other.


When the bus stop, Hyukjae went off the bus and walked along the sidewalk. He knew where his feet would bring him, but he just didn’t know why.  He stopped in front of the station, not sure whether he wanted to go in or not.

It has been two years. Maybe Kyuhyun didn’t remember him. Maybe Kyuhyun wouldn’t come to find him. Hyukjae could just turn back and leave that station. That way maybe he wouldn’t feel stupid ―and a little heart break, maybe― if Kyuhyun didn’t show up.

But yeah, since from the start his body was already betrayed him. So here he was, standing on the platform after checked a train from Kyuhyun’s hometown arrival schedule. His heart beat fast. What if he didn’t come, what if he didn’t come, he kept questioning himself.

A train stopped few feets in front of him and his heart felt like stop. He encouraged himself to look at the train. That was when he saw his reflection on the train’s window. He dyed his hair last year and now it was black-red colour, not blond. Not blond. Not-blond.

Even if Kyuhyun came, how would he recognize him? Hyukjae wasn’t a blonde anymore. He was black-red haired now. Kyuhyun wouldn’t recognize him. Kyuhyun liked his blond, but he wasn’t a blonde anymore. Kyuhyun wouldn’t like him.

Hyukjae almost took a step to leave when he saw Kyuhyun went off the train, few meters away from him. Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun came. Kyuhyun came to find him. ... No, he came to find a blonde he knew in summer break two years ago.

After some seconds that felt like forever of battling with himself about running away or calling Kyuhyun’s name, he ended up shouting Kyuhyun’s name loudly. Kyuhyun, who was looking everywhere to find someone, turned to see him. They stared at each other before walked fast ―almost running― to reach each other.

When they finally stood face-to-face, they just looked at each other’s eyes, tried to believe that they finally faced each other again. Their chests went up and down, mixed of catching breath and excitement.

“You dyed your hair,” Kyuhyun commented, made Hyukjae’s heart sunk of fear whether Kyuhyun would like his new hair or not. “I like it,” Kyuhyun continued and a second later he knew that what he liked wasn’t Hyukjae’s hair colour, but Hyukjae himself.


“Why do you bring so many things?” Hyukjae asked as they walked side by side leaving the station.

“I want to live here,” Kyuhyun answered.

“What? I thought you just came for a visit.”

“I want to live here, with you.”

Hyukjae stopped and looked at Kyuhyun’s eyes, looking for any hint of lie or prank. But there wasn’t. Kyuhyun was serious about his words. “What if I don’t want to live with you?”

“You came here at the date that I promised you. You called my name when I couldn’t find you. That meants you want to be with me, as much as I do.”

Hyukjae smiled, intertwined their fingers and started walking. “I need to talk to my parents first.”




The regular typing is present. The italic typing is past. Hope you didn’t get confused. ^^

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972 streak #1
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I like the movement of the story converging in the train station. I also like the flashbacks interspersed with the present. Just besutiful!
Chapter 1: So sweet and beautiful.
Thanks dear :)
Chapter 1: This is sweet - their love comes slowly yet gently without them realizing. It is one of few fics that manage to put smiles on readers' faces, well, including mine. I truly love your writing style here! Hope to read other fics of yours :)
Chapter 1: *o* sweeeetttt!!!! /puking rainbows/

It just soooo sweet!!!!
I love these cuties even moreeee
Glad no one dying here /sob/

Thank you for sharing!!
Chapter 1: ayiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee :""">
pillow4hyukjae #6
Chapter 1: aww! if only you could make a sequel to this....
love this. so sweet.
being in love eventhough 2 years apart. so sweet
ffloverespukiss #8
KYA!!! I love it~ Also the lines, especially KyuHyun's. ^^