Hands Off, He's Mine


Hey Everyone :D

After being a silent reader for such a long time, i have finally mustered the courage to write and post my first ever fanfic >_< This is a fluffy oneshot i originally wrote for my friend T-Zee whose Kris-biased (^_^)
Do comment and criticisms are welcome :) I hope you like it~


Being married to Kris was never going to be easy, not with his charismatic aura and divine looks. And nothing seems to stop other women from ogling. The question is, how does he respond?


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How cute. ^^
Alwaysx4ever #2
That was soo cute! wahhh~ Appa Kris is so faithful and loving.
I just saw your reply! :D Me loves you too Sunbae! :D
LOOOOL! xP Oh Kris! xP
Ahahahahah! xD
Oooh Sajid, ill always be your Hoobae! ;)
I love it :D
Awwww i love you munchkin *squeezes you so tight*
*Kris stalks over with his long- legs and plucks you from my death grip*
"Can i take back what's mine now?" *one snooty eyebrow raised*
'Take her'
*runs off to complain to BB*
Oh MY Lord! You had me dead at hair 'tousled'!! xD
Of course he's totally oblivious. Whats the need to look eslewhere. ;)

I totally love it! <3 :D
Ahh Komawoh!!Hehe i know, my friend gets so defensive if anyone else takes 'a liking' to her dear dhuizang ;D
Awhhh! So sweet! I can totally understand her feeling. Haha! Not because I'm married to Kris( Virtually, I am) but that always happen when a hot guy is by your side. Lol! ^_^