〈rant #o5〉 ┇ advertising stories

Things that turn me off on aff
This chapter is about people advertising their stories (not roleplays, but fanfics) on others' walls.

When people advertise their stories on my wall, you know what I do? I ignore it, I don't even read the whole thing.

And I won't subscribe, heck, I won't even check out your story.

But unlike others, I don't really find this annoying but this really makes me think; 

Don't you have subscribers to read your story or are you like, desperate for subscribers or something?

And after I think of that, even when I stumble across your story at the latest updated fanfiction section, I wouldn't even click on it.

Yes peeps. Don't advertise your story on others' walls because you may not only annoy people, but you may also give others' a bad impression on your story and you.

So please, if you want more subscribers, advertise it at an advertisement shop or simply just write better.

I honestly don't know what you guys think of people advertising their stories on walls, but this is my opinion on this.

By the way if you check out my wall and it's empty it's because this is not my main account LOL.


Offended? Then gtfo.

Anyways, I would like to thank my thirteen subscribers for subbing to this stupid rant fic.
Honestly, when I created this I didn't think that people would actually sub to this and read my stupid rants. kthxbai
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Chapter 7: you forgot jiyeon there. XD
wait i just realized this was from over a year ago

i'm crying
i'm so dumb omG HAHAHA
Chapter 7: THIS.

and also you forgot jessica eue
Chapter 6: YOU GET ME

and don't even get me started on those click&drag fics cough cough
Chapter 4: there are arranged marriages these days..

..in yemen! o u o
Chapter 3: that's so true. there's a roleplayrepublic.com for a reason, everybody /facepalms/
go advertise and make your rp there, people.
Chapter 2: lmao that gif ;3;
Chapter 1: lol i was literally like nodding my head along until the last sentence. i think it's good for newbies to make graphics so they can have more experience. everyone has to start somewhere haha.
Chapter 4: Bahahaga i love this