The Tale of Avarice


“I wish,” The Queen stayed silent for a moment before speaking silently to herself once again, “I wish, the child I bear will be as lovely as the goddess of beauty, love, pleasure and procreation, Aphrodite, surpassing her beauty if I must say.” The Queen softly placed both of her fragile hands on her stomach, smiling gently, “Lips red as blood, hair black as night,  and fair skin white as snow.” 


After hour of researching about different fairy tales and fantasy stories, I ended up writing one similar to Snow White. Although, the plot and setting does follow Snow White, the German fairy tale, it also includes the plot/setting of Snow White and The Huntsman. The little twists I put in this story are from different kinds of story, especially Alice in Wonderland. This is the first time I’m writing this type of fan fiction. Also, I pretty much know a lot of authors have wrote this kind of story, but I personally just thought that I would like to write this kind of fantasy story out. I hope you enjoy the story that will come!



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breathlessbot #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!! Hope the exo members will appear soon.
nerdybunny1206 #2
Awesome story! Its interesting!
Update soon!!!!!
Evil Queen!!!!!!
AlexNightingale #3
hi! (Again..) Still loving the story. Keep up the good work!! :))
Hello! I watched Snow White and the Huntsman, so I can see the similarities, but I really enjoy the unexpected switches you've made for the story. If Baekhyun is the childhood friend, William, I wonder who the Huntsman is going to be? Hehehhe. You write beautifully and I cannot wait for another update. Please update soon!
wintxry #5
This story is really, truly is amazing. well i hope you update soon
AlexNightingale #6
OMG!! This story is amazing!! :) Update soon please. :DDD