Truth or Dare?

Truth or Dare?


Finally. One night out of the weeks and months of nights where the boys of EXO M could let all their worries go and just be guys. They got one night off to do whatever their hearts desired and all they wanted to do was be together. Of course, they would have liked it and enjoyed it even more if they could be with K in Korea, all twelve of them, but that just wasn't possible. M was in China.  So the one free night was bittersweet in that aspect. However, they still enjoyed one another's company while not having to practice or show up for interviews or shows or fan signings. They could just enjoy a night to relax.
Or go out.
Even though half the members weren't even of age to be drinking, Tao and Chen nowhere near that age, they still managed to get in to the hole-in-the-wall bar that Xiumin said he knew so well.
"Are you sure we should even be here?" Kris heard Tao murmur in a low voice over Xiumin's shoulder, close to his ear.
In response to the maknae's cute worrying, Xiumin just grinned at him, his cute chubby cheeks standing out. "Of course you should be here. What fun would it be without you?" he assured the maknae and in response Tao kept his gaze low and tried not to look at anyone as they slinked into the bar.
Xiumin had told Kris of this place a few days prior to their evening escapade. He'd assured him that it was small and very discreet, rarely getting a lot of customers. Just lonely men that were local and scruffy, men who kept to themselves and didn't ask questions. When the leader asked how they could possibly get the younger members in, Xiumin just chortled and said he used to work there and became friends with the guy who owned the place. Kris didn't bother to ask how he worked there when at the time he wasn't even of age himself. He just left that piece of information a mystery. The leader was always up for some fun, even when the fun was occasionally a bit...illegal. He's said many a time he's easygoing and it wasn't a lie.
The best way Kris could describe the place was antique. Even though it wasn't a run-down place, it had a rustic feel to it. It reminded him of places back west he used to come to, neon signs decorating the walls and weathered wooden tables scattered around the room. How odd, he thought. EXO must look so modern and shiny and brand-new compared to this place. They weren't exactly dressed in the most inconspicuous clothes they could have picked.
He watched as Xiumin scoped out the place and the rest followed. When he scanned the bar, his face lit up when he spotted a young guy on the other side of the counter, cleaning out a cluster of clear glass shot glasses. He wasn't Chinese, or even Korean. He wasn't even Asian. He was white, American from what Kris observed.
"Hey! Xiumin! Long time, no see, man," the guy on the other side of the counter called in perfect Chinese, his face lighting up in a bright smile as him and Xiumin high-fived. He had this amazing, full head of thick, light brown hair that curled in waves on his head. There was also a bit of facial hair, but that just added to his youthful appearance more than detracted from it, that an the many smile lines he had around his light blue eyes. "I hear you guys are pretty big now, huh? Congratulations. What can I get going for you?"
The guy, whose name Kris later learned was Matt, was a pretty chill guy, not asking many questions. He also learned that Matt was in China because of college, studying abroad, and picked up the language pretty easily from his fellow students, something Kris was pretty impressed by. Chinese was not a language westerners tended to want to learn.
They helped themselves to a table that was big enough for all six of them, Kris suddenly feeling a hand that rested on his shoulder. When he turned to see who it was, he looked over his shoulder and saw Lay, his easy smile forcing a nervous smile to take place on Kris's lips. Everyone sat down and so did Kris and Lay, but not before Lay slid his hand down Kris's arm, the former's hand finding purchase in the latter. It wasn't an unusual touch; all of them were very touchy with each other, not shy at all in the physical affection department. Usually it wouldn't be a problem for Kris if it was anyone but Lay. This particular member made the butterflies flurry in the leader's stomach and his skin turn feverish whenever their eyes met. Kris didn't know why. But he didn't feel like it was an unpleasant feeling. No, not at all.
They ordered their drinks and they talked and laughed like rowdy boys that they were, enjoying a couple drinks, some of them hitting their limit before others. The maknae line was a little reluctant at first, but once they had some of the addicting liquid in them that made the shells of their ears turn red and their limbs feel warm, they loosened up and didn't think anything of it. Though none of them got truly drunk enough to impair their actions or decisions terribly, they all felt the looseness in their bodies, the feeling that they would start giggling at the drop of a hat. 
They were all a bit more touchy than usual when they left the bar. Every one of them had at least one other member under their arm or in their hand or cuddled to their side. Kris was no exception and, frankly, he didn't think his heart could stand any more swelling. Lay was the one to initiate the warm gesture as they walked along, all smiles and laughs and jokes. Kris felt a warm arm curl around his slim waist and when he looked to see whose it was, he saw Lay's shorter head of wavy brown hair bury his nose in his chest. Even though Kris's heart skipped with delight, his instinct was to drape his arm around Lay's shoulders, holding him close and, with slightly lethargic movements, run his fingers through the younger's hair. And he did just that. He was met by pleasing heat, most likely elevated from the consumption of alcohol.
"Hey, Laybie," Kris smiled, looking down on Lay with droopy eyes, the nickname coming out of nowhere and surprising even himself.
Even though their position was kind of awkward and made walking difficult, neither of them broke the contact and Kris felt his heart flutter with every through the younger's hair. The butterflies fluttered in his stomach again when Lay looked up again with both arms wrapped tight around the leader's waist. "Heyyy. Some night, huh?"
Kris found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the younger's dark chocolate stare that got droopier the farther the six boys half-walked half-stumbled along back toward their dorm, all of them connected in some way.
Kris nodded and spontaneously poked the younger's nose. "Yes. Isn't it nice? It's so warm...but that's probably just me...or the alcohol..."
Lay grinned and giggled, burying his face back into Kris's chest. "Yeah, you're probably right, hyung."
Kris snorted. "Lay, I think you've had too much to drink. You're speaking Korean."
Lay looked up in confusion and Kris couldn't help but burst out into nearly gut-wrenching laughter at the utterly dumbfounded look on Lay's face. He put one finger to his bottom lip, his eyebrows pulling together, his eyes looking as if they were trying their very hardest to concentrate on something, but he just couldn't. He looked utterly adorable, Kris thought. "I did...?" he said, again in Korean.
All Kris could do was sigh in amusement and hold the younger closer to him. They were almost home, at any rate. "Yes. And you just did it again!" He laughed again. "Babo."
This time they both clasped a hand over their mouths and chortled together in their buzzed state.
"Truth or dare?" Xiumin suddenly challenged with a sly grin around to everyone. "You guys want to play?"
Kris wasn't sure it was such a good idea, now that he was sobering up a bit, but not completely. The feeling of Lay's arm STILL curled around his waist intoxicated him even more than the addictive liquid they'd all consumed did. He felt the shivers starting from the pit in his stomach branch out, warm and seducing, as Lay's fingers curled and uncurled against his left side, his ribs, as they rested back in the soft folds of the couch in the living room of their dorm.
Nevertheless, he went along with it when all band mates agreed enthusiastically.
"Yeah! Let's do it. I haven't played this since middle school," Luhan said in his sweet voice, his eyes turning into cute upside down crescents as he eye smiled. "Can I go first?"
"Sure," Xiumin nodded, scooting a bit closer to Luhan, whom he sat beside.
"Okay..." Luhan thought for a moment. Then his eyes lit up with a good idea. "Chen Chen! Truth or dare?"
Chen thought for a moment, too. Tapping his chin. "Dare," he said, taking on the challenge.
Luhan giggled and half-hid behind Xiumin's shoulder. "Go the toilet."
Chen snorted and rolled his eyes, looking incredulous. "That's the best you can do?" He got up, heading for the bathroom. 
Luhan sprung up, too, to follow him with a slight pout on his cute face. "Oh c'mon! That's disgusting..."
Chen didn't move, just staring the older down. "What are you doing?"
Luhan smiled sickly sweet. "Someone has to make sure you actually do it."
Chen glared at Lu stubbornly, but sighed in defeat and let the older follow him. Pretty soon they both came back and Luhan was laughing silently, his hand clamped over his mouth, behind a Chen with an unmistakeable look of disgust on his handsome face, a grimace screwing up his mouth.
Kris laughed both at the blatantly obvious laughter of Luhan, though the latter thought he was hiding it, and the disgruntled Chen. "Wow, that was really gross, Lu."
They sat back down and Chen still seemed peeved, but he loosened back up at just the slightest touch of Luhan's apologetic lips to his cheek.
"Okay, who's next?" Chen asked, his cheeks slowly pinkening.
"Me!" Xiumin's hand shot up and he literally looked as if he were buzzing with excitement. His usually cute face looked conniving and a bit devious as he rubbed his hands together.
When Kris looked up after a few moments of silence, he realized that Xiumin was eyeing him. He also realized he wasn't only eyeing the leader, but also Lay whose head rested on Kris's shoulder. Nothing good could come of this stare that honestly frightened Kris a bit. With one glance to Lay he confirmed that he, too, noticed the odd look the baozi was giving them. Lay looked up at Kris briefly and the older could only shrug.
"Truth or dare?" he challenged.
"Tr--" but before Kris could get the word out that would keep him safe from whatever Xiumin had brewing in his mind, Lay cut him off.
Xiumin did a hand gesture towards the two of them and smirked slightly. "You two. You've been hanging on each other all evening," he smiled bigger, nodding towards Kris. "Wufan. Kiss him."
Kris felt himself blanch, all the blood and heat draining from his face. He also felt his eyes widen and his jaw drop, just slightly, along with his stomach, whereas his heart shot into his throat. The butterflies all of a sudden turned to bees in his stomach and he couldn't swallow his heart back down. Even at Xiumin's odd request, Lay, not Kris, made a move to disentangle themselves from the warmth of the other.
"What?" Lay was the first to speak, his voice shaking just barely. Thank God, Kris thought. He couldn't have possibly spoken at that moment.
Xiumin chortled a bit. "You heard me. Kiss~"
For the first time their eyes met, soft brown gaze of Lay meeting smoky, intense look of Kris, and almost simultaneously their gazes dropped to the other's lips. The suspense in the air that Kris, could sense with his shoulders and whole being , could be cut with a knife. Not one of them breathed, awaiting Xiumin's outlandish dare.
Without thinking about it, Kris turned his upper body to face Lay more and brought his hand up, gently cupping the younger's face. He tried to ignore how the simple touch jumbled his thoughts and little tingles of electricity were flowing from Lay's cheek into his fingers, Lay's breathing short and hot against his own mouth. He tried to ignore how much he liked the feeling.
Both of their eyes were wide open as Kris brought Lay's face closer, hands gentle and reassuring on the younger's face, Lay's hands fisted feebly into Kris's shirt. The moment their lips met Lay gasped through his nose and both their eyes fluttered closed, Lay leaning absently into the warmth of Kris's mouth. Their lips moved slowly against each other at first, their lips warm and wet, and Kris's thoughts sounded like static on a TV screen, just a buzz in the background. For now he just let himself feel; feel the way Lay's hands tightened on the front of his shirt, the way he was warm and how his mouth tasted good. Tasted better than he'd ever imagined in the deepest parts of his heart.
Kris jumped slightly when Xiumin spoke, forgetting for a moment that they weren't alone. "Tongue," he murmured, his wide eyes watching the two unabashedly. The others were watching them with the same fascination.
Tipping Lay's chin up into the kiss, Kris gently on his lower lip briefly and obeyed Xiumin's request now with no hesitation. He ran the tip of his tongue along Lay's upper lip and the younger submitted without hesitation either, letting a shuddering sigh escape through his mouth as he permitted Kris to taste him. Before, the kiss was innocent and superficial, but no one could deny how deep it got pretty fast, vehement.
Deep down, in no way did Kris want to stop. He oddly liked where he was then, kissing Lay whom he'd subconsciously grew fond off more than just in a brotherly fashion lately. But his lungs were screaming for air.
He reluctantly pulled away with a soft wet sound as their mouths separated. Lay didn't move and he didn't open his eyes, and neither did Kris, just trying to concentrate on getting his breathing under control. Eventually they both opened their eyes and the look in Lay's eyes was one of caution.
"Whoa, guys," Tao murmured, equally as cautious, but then his face broke out into a wide smile. "You must be more drunk than I thought."
The rest of the members laughed, aside from Lay and Kris. "Yeah," Kris dead panned, not knowing what to feel. He wasn't nearly as drunk as the rest thought he was. "Just...drunk."
The two separated a bit more after that and the truth or dare game continued. Even though they'd just kissed, Lay kept the close contact with Kris, his head resting in the taller's shoulder. This is good, Kris thought. At least he didn't feel awkward about it. Kris didn't either, quite the contrary actually. His lips felt tingly and every once in a while he'd feel the ghost of Lay's lips on his moving smoothly and leaning in to his heat. But whenever he'd glance down at the younger on his shoulder, he'd find a faint pink tint to the younger's cheeks that didn't seem to go away. The scary thing to Kris was that he wanted more of that warm feeling in the pit of his stomach he felt when Lay kissed him. He wanted to make Lay's cheeks bloom with more heat and more pink color.
Chen was the first to get up to go to bed and Kris decided to go with him, seeing as they both shared the same room and if Kris came in later, he might wake the younger up.
He considered taking a shower briefly, but decided against it. He'd take one in the morning. By the time he finished getting ready for bed, brushing his teeth and washing his face, Chen was already in his bed. His breathing was slow and his back that was turned to Kris rose and fell slowly, signaling that he was already asleep.
Kris, too, crawled into bed, carefully so he wouldn't wake Chen up, and found he fell asleep quite easily while thinking of all that happened that evening.
At one point in the middle of the night Kris woke up and instantly he could tell that he and his roommate were no longer alone in the room. He could tell someone was watching them.
He rolled over and sat up in the darkness and scanned it briefly to no avail. "Hello?" he whispered.
"I'm sorry," a familiar whisper sounded from near the doorway. "I didn't mean to wake you."
The vague figure sat down on the edge of Kirs's bed and he felt it sink down next to his knee. In the faint light coming in the window from the moon he could make out Lay's sheepish face and his heart skipped. "Oh. Lay. That's okay." He rubbed one eye sleepily. "What's up?"
"I couldn't sleep," Lay sighed and Kris saw his fuzzy figure slouch. "I couldn't stop...thinking." His voice sounded strained, like he had difficulty saying this.
Kris sat there for a second, thinking of what to say. He knew how the younger felt, because even in his dreams Kris saw Lay. He decided to just tell the truth. "I know how you feel," Kris sighed, swallowing thickly.
For a long while, neither of them said anything. It was silent except for the faint rustle of Kris's blankets as Lay moved around to get under them next to Kris, bringing his knees up to his chest. Neither of them knew what to say next. 
"I liked it," Lay whispered. "And I don't know what to make of that." 
Kris then felt Lay's body lean against his, his head resting on the older's shoulder again. Even in the darkness Kris could see the blank look him Lay's eyes, his teeth absently biting on his nail.
Kris didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around the younger's shoulders comfortingly, placing his head atop Lay's. "I know how you feel," he stated again.
Lay suddenly jumped in surprise and looked up at Kris, his eyes wide and scrutinizing. "You do?" he yell-whispered.
Kris sighed, but smiled smally at Lay. "Yes. Is that so hard to believe?"
"Yes, actually. It's just're so--so--YOU," Lay exclaimed exasperatedly, motioning to all of Kris. "You're so tall and confident and y..." the last part Lay whispered especially quiet, avoiding Kris's gaze when he tried to look at the younger.
Kris could have said a lot of things. He could have stuttered through every sentence that popped into his mind at that point, ranging from pure mush that would most likely make Lay puke more than anything to incoherent babbles. But all of them were positive representations of how much Kris approved of what Lay just confessed to him.
Instead of taking the embarrassment that came with these options, he went on instinct and reached over, cradling Lay's face between his palms as he brought their mouths together for the second time that night. This time Kris didn't focus on the confusing emotions that ran through him, but instead concentrated on how good the dancer's lips felt, moving in unison with his. This kiss was immensely different from the first. It was gentle and silently wanting and needy, for it consumed the both of them. They both smiled against the other's lips and Lay didn't hesitate this time to let his hands glide up into the leader's blonde hair, letting himself be taken over by Kris's body that easily made the younger's submit. Kris's legs straddled Lay's as he pressed him into the soft mattress and the unfamiliarity of the whole situation just sent thrills of excitement through him as he experimentally let his hands fan out on either side of Lay's rib cage. He smiled in delight as a shuddering breath of pleasure gushed out from the younger into Kris's mouth.
"I knew it." They both jumped nearly clean out of their skins when Chen's groggy voice spoke out in the darkness across the room. The younger chuckled sleepily. "I knew you two wouldn't be able to keep your hands off each other after that first kiss."
They steadily helped each other's breathing get back to normal after the fright of Chen discovering them in their compromising position, but both of them grinned nonetheless.
A/N: Well, here this is. I'm not completely happy with it, but I already promised I'd put it here it is. Please stay subscribed because I think there might be more to this~
As always, subscribe and comment. I love you! *flying kiss*
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Hmm...sorry guys. Everything I do on AFF is done from my iPone and I've run out of data for now, so I can't update as soon as I'd like to =( not until the 13th


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omg i love lay!
Seems interesting. New reader here :)
Chapter 2: omo *-* I love the sweet way you write,poor Chen is the one destined to discover them every time xD please a sequel!!!
I loved! Please make a sequel to the member's reaction! Please a sequel! xD
This image was in my head the whole time......
Shirahime #6
This is the reality I wanted~~~ ^___^

Though, maybe not to embarrass Chen-chen so much. ^^

Yes, sequel for the member's reactions... XD
Wahhh cuteee ~
I kinda want a sequel cause I wanna see how the members react ahha
Omfg laybie.....that's what I call lay in my head.....0.0 never thought others would too...D_O
kyuhyunlover3 #9
this was adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeee <333333333333333