Chapter 2

Why did you forget?

Chapter Two:

“Is she even breathing? *smack*

“Yes you idiot. Look, her chest is moving.”

“Why would she sleep here? Its not  safe for a girl. She could get hurt.”

“No duh. Hey, someone should wake her up.”

The boys looked at her, then at each other.

“I wonder what people would say if they saw us and a girl together?”

“Who knows, but we need to at least be nice enough to get her off the street.”

“True. So….who is going to wake her up?”


“ugh, okay I’ll do it.” One of the boys turned towards the girl, took a tentative step towards her and tapped her on her shoulder. “Hey. Um, wake up. It’s not good to sleep out here. Its dangerous and you might catch a cold.”

No movement came from her. Although a sound was produced from .

This time he shook her, a little hard. “Hey? Can you hear me? Are you hurt anywhere?”

The girl groaned. She moved slightly, raising her head and cracked an eye open. She blinked her eyes to get them accustomed to the outside light. She raised herself to a sitting position on the steps. She looked around to see a building behind her, amini garden to her left and a street on her right. Lastly, she looked at the boys standing in front of her.

They were all handsome in her eyes, and she could feel a blush coming to her cheeks. She looked down at herself and checked to make sure she hadn’t embarrassed herself. When she looked back up, she noticed that there were 12 boys, all dressed fashionably. They were giving her a curious look.

The one who woke her up stepped forward, holding his hands out, as if he was calming an animal. “Hello. What’s your name?” he asked her.

The girl gave him a blank stare. He tried again. “Hi? Are you okay?”

She gave no change in her facial expression.

“Does she even speak at all?” a voice mumbled.

She opened and asked a question in English. “Where am i?”

All the boys gave her the look she gave them. They turned to each other, then to the tallest boy there.

“You talk to her.” They said.

He sighed, and stepped forward, allowing the other boy to step back. “Hi, my name is Kris, and you are in front of a building called SM Entertainment. What’s your name?”

“I don’t know.” She said, bewildered that she didn’t know her own name.

“You don’t know? Did you hit your head somewhere? Do you remember anything?”

She shook her head.

The boy named Kris sighed. “is this your stuff?” he gestured to the items next to her.

She followed his gesture, and noticed an object which seemed familiar to her. She lunged for it, and held it tight against her chest. It was a panda pillow pet. She doesn’t remember anything, but she knew that the panda was hers. She looked back at Kris and saw he had an amused expression. His lips were curved upwards. She blushed again.

“what? He feels familiar. So im guessing this stuff is mine.” She said defensively.

“I’m not judging you.” Kris sighed.

Looking at the other members awkwardly standing behind Kris, the girl noticed one in particular, staring at her panda. She narrowed her eyes and shielded it from him. “No” she hissed at him. He gave her a pout and stepped back.

Kris looked at the boy and back to the girl. “He likes pandas too.” He explained to her. “He looks like one as well, don’t you think?” he smiled. “So, you don’t have a name?”

“im sure I have one, but I don’t know what it is.” She replied.

“Hm…well, we have to call you something other than ‘Girl’, ‘Girly’, or ‘You’. Can we give you a name?”

“I guess, it wouldn’t hurt.” She looked at her alarm clock boy. “What language was that guy speaking in?” she pointed to the one who woke her up.

“Who? Suho? Korean. We all speak Korean, some of us speak Chinese too.”

“So, you speak Korean, English, and Chinese?” she asked.

“Yup,” he smiled at her.

“interesting, I only speak English and Spanish.”

“That’s cool too. So I’ll talk to the guys about your name. maybe you should look inside those bags, you might find something like a clue to who you are?” he suggested.

“Sounds good.”

“Okay then. Let me know if you find anything.”


Kris POV:

I walked back to the guys. “So, she doesn’t know who she is, and she doesn’t remember anything. She said we could pick a name for her.” I told them in Korean. I looked at Tao who was looking at her with a sad face. I added, “Tao, don’t worry about the panda thing. She really likes them too, and is very familiar with that one specifically.” He nodded his head.

“She knows nothing about herself? That is so sad. I wonder what happened to her.” Xiumin said, with a sad sigh.

“Yeah, it is, but now that we have her awake, we should try to help her out as much as we can. Right now she is looking for any clues that she could find in her bags. For now, we can help her get a name? what do y’all say?” I asked them.

“What about, MinYoung? Or something? Anyone got any more ideas?” LuHan suggested.

“Hmm…she seems like a JaeMi? I don’t know. I didn’t know it would be hard to decide a name for a human girl.” Chanyeol said.

“Well, we will find one sometime, maybe we have to get to know her before we choose one for her. Or maybe she will find one she likes. She can’t just be called ‘You’ or ‘Girl’ or something ridiculous.” I said to them. “we’ll find on later. Let her decide.”

Just then a gasp was heard, coming from her. We turned around and saw her holding something. “Wow” we all gasped.


LET ME KNOW HOW IT IS~ would really appreciate it :D any mistakes at all? any pointers? critizism?

until next time,


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