

The year is 3339. The Earth is dying and time is running out.

In a post apocalyptic world everything has changed. After a deadly virus was released the human race has been pushed to the brink of extinction. Towns and cities are now graveyards where fire rages and weeds grow. Tribes of half-mad mutants rule these streets killing anyone who still remains.
Or are they?
Deep beneath the earth in an underground citadel are the last of the 'pure-bred' humans. Inoculated from the virus and frozen in time as perfect examples of the human race they slept through it all. Through the disease, famine, disaster and death that swept around the Earth over one thousand years ago.  
Now some are awakening beneath and defend the Earth from the return of the old powers. The old gods banished by Man at the beginning of time sensed the balance of power turning towards them and their kind once more. Magic, demons and dragons are about to become very real as two dimensions collide.
Which side are you on?


As the Earth is invaded by darkness the race is on for the last humans to save their world. 


The Main Character:

Avery is a renegade of society: wanted and an outsider. Inoculated by her father before the virus struck she was orphaned at a very young age when a gang of mutants attacked her parents. They locked her in a free compartment amongst the others to wake after the virus died away. She was unfrozen alone and has since been living in and around the underground bunker, caring for the other frozen humans. 

She grew up with no friends, or people to talk to, so used to look at the frozen humans through their glass compartments, wondering what they were like if they were truly alive again. She is able to take care of herself and has the ability to scale tall buildings, jump huge distances and fight creatures bigger than her. She's out to avenge her parents' deaths and will stop at nothing to wipe out the last of the mutant tribes that have populated the Earth over the last thousand years.

Trouble is: they're after her too and they're mean. Over the last thousand years that has been named The Anarchy the mutants want the secrets of the pure-bred humans that Avery's father fought to protect. Now its Avery against hundreds of cannibalistic mutants. No pressure, eh?

The Frozen Faces:

When the virus was about to strike some music companies approached a group of ambitious scientists asking for their 'assets' to be frozen until the virus had passed and it would be safe for them to be released. These 'assets' were music idols considered to the perfect version of a human being. Unfortunately the music companies weren't betting on the virus being strong enough to wipe out the rest of the human race. The idols remained frozen, unknowing and unfeeling, within their compartments for a thousand years and, as time passed, they were forgotten.

Another unknown condition to their imprisonment was the scientists experimenting with genetic manipulation to improve their chances of survival. These experiments gave them powers that had only been seen on a movie screen.


The twelve member group who's concept had been built around each member having a magical power. What was once a fictional concept has been made real through centuries of experiments. Unfortunately they have no idea what power they possess or how to use it? They also don't realise that others know how of their powers and just how important they are to the future of the Earth.

Kris: Flight

Suho: Water

Baekhyun: Light

D.O: Earth

Chen: Lightning

Chanyeol: Fire

Lay: Healing

Kai: Teleportation

Luhan: Telepathy

Xiumin: Frost

Tao: Time Control

Sehun: Wind

The Old Powers (The Fallen Goddess):

Before the human race took control of the Earth it was ruled by magic, gods and demons. They were banished from this world during the last Ice Age and have been trapped in a separate dimension watching as the human race took over their world. Since then they've been trying to find a way back to the days when they were at the height of their power. These gods aren't benevolent or gracious towards humans. They want revenge. This Mother Earth or the 'Fallen Goddess' is NOT the gentle goddess depicted in paintings. She's cruel and so are her children. 


Eris is one of the Goddess's 'children'. Originally a human skilled in the art of assassination she was taken and trained by the goddess to kill. She has the power of Teleportation as well as immortality. She was taught to hate the human race and led the mutants into battle against her own kind. She has a slight frame with jet-black eyes and is very dangerous.


Shin is Eris' 'brother' even though they aren't related by blood. He is a mysterious figure and not much is known about his past though he has also been trained to kill without mercy. 

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This fanfic has been adapted from an old story I wrote earlier in the year. Hopefully I'll have the first chapters up in the next month as I'll be away next week without a computer to update either of my current fanfics. However I have made a "trailer" for this fanfic that I'm going to try and upload. If I don't manage it I'll just put the link below (behold my technical abilities - not - which are already looking shaky since most of this was supposed to be the foreword but AF doesn't want to play nicely today)! :)



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Chapter 21: OMG OMG OMG FINALLY THANK YOU! Can't wait for the next chapter, so much suspence! Please update soon! ★
happycake #2
Chapter 20: yay omigod I'm so happy you updated:D this is one of the best fanfics I've read so far!!! <333
Chapter 18: update author-nim~
Chapter 2: won't you update author-nim? ^^
Oh My God! Never expected that! :DD Kyaaahh! >.<
Wow, so exciting!! I really like your writing cant wait for more :)