“Regrets of the regretted”

"Regrets of the regretted"


One lunch break, rooms are empty, students went to canteen. Others just roam around outside the building just for chatting, or making some recreational activities. A boy named Kyu hyun who was inside his classroom, erasing some writings in the black board, when …

            He felt like an aloof but cozy aura that made him curious until, he stopped erasing because of a big shock he felt. His back was tightly embraced by a cold hand while he was still facing the blackboard.

            Until, he heard the voice of this person whom hugged him tightly saying in a soft anxious voice, “Please, give me just a minute to tell you something.”

“Please, don’t turn around. This is the first time and last. Please, don’t turn.”

“Since I was in my first year here in college, I admired you very very very much until now.”

 He was stunned. His mind was blank. He can’t think of a thing to do. And then, the girl like voice speaks again, saying, “Thank you for giving me happy thoughts and always making me feel cheerful and pleased every time I see your beautiful angelic face.”

“You give me at ease when my problems arouse. It is a big help to me.”

“Please, please, don’t turn around.  I don’t want you to look at me. Just think I’m one of your admirers or one of your fans of like artists have.” Saying these with a shaking hands embracing Kyu hyun’s back.

“If you respect someone whom liked you much, please don’t … don’t turn until I made exit in this room. Sorry for making this attempt.

“I just want to do it than making regrets forever.”

“ Thank you very much!”

“I liked you the way you are. I hope you won’t change.”

After that last sentence, she ran fast. After hearing those words, he suddenly sit down to the floor. He just didn’t incline. He was totally flattered. He probably doesn’t know what to do.

Starting from that day, he can’t forget what happen to him and he always remembered what happened. Until he had realized, he was in-love to the person whom he haven’t seen but felt and heard. This was the thing he regretted forever.

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