I'm just older

I'm just older

"I'm just older" Jessica says. "It's no big deal."

"No." Yuri says and Jessica doesn't know if she’s agreeing or disagreeing. There's a little box in Jessica's hands, but she doesn't hold it out to Yuri.

"You don't need to make a fuss about it." The box is wrapped in gold paper. It looks too special for just a meeting.

“Am a still the man in this relationship?”


"It looks wrong."

“Stop it”

Yuri steps closer.

“People might think-“

“It’s cute."

Yuri's face doesn't change, but Jessica can sense her smile.

"Fine.” She says and bends down to Jessica, luckily she’s taller.

is warm and gentle and it makes Jessica warm too, like she's waking up from a nap in the mid-day sun. Their lips cling for a moment, and then Yuri moves away.

Jessica doesn’t let go of Yuri's sleeve but adds the slight pout instead.

"Will you open your present now?"


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Chapter 1: Guaguayo
Chapter 1: i dont really get whats the fuss all about...
is this about Yuri protesting because she thought she's the man in the relationship and yet her she was being the one receiving gifts from her girlfriend when she thinks its only right if its the other way around?
then why did Jessica have to mention the fact that she's just older? >.<
Cliff Hanger!!!

We want a long story!!
ooh~ that's all? haha. kinda short dont you think? HAHA
but it's cute XD
kwonsooyeon #5
even the story is short, i liked it.
angeliana89 #6