A Collapse

Do dreams turn to dust?
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Kai’s Point of View

As I near the music room, I hear low voices from within and one of them cannot be mistaken for a woman’s.

“I thought I’d find you here.” It said. Should I take a look? Do I even want to know who it is? I aversely muster my courage and peer through the door’s crevices.

Inside, I see a stranger. And beneath his arms is a girl. And upon seeing her jet-black hair I know it’s none other than Rin. They’re talking in hushed tones and I feel as if I’m intruding. It obvious they’re close. I can feel their connection radiate to where I stand. And somehow, it’s heart-wrenching.

I watch them together and witness her glow in such a different manner. Something inside me lurches and a part of me dies a little. Seeing her like this, hurts. Then I catch myself wishing I were that guy. But no, I don’t deserve to be in his place yet.

I drag my head away and cease eavesdropping. I turn and leave. It’s about time you wish you didn’t leave Se Hun for nothing. My subconscious challenges me. I stop in the midst of my flight and answer him, I know I didn’t. But then, why do I walk away with reluctance and doubt?


I am back in my sanctuary. My haven. I stare at myself through the enormous mirror and snapping myself back to reality, I promptly switch off the lights, lock the doors and plug the headphones to my ears. I take out my iPod and skim through the song titles until I come across a song I like. When I do, I play it. Before losing myself, I swiftly remove my polo and discard it. Afterwards, I float.


With music blaring in my ears, sweat dripping from the strands of my hair, my breath growing short and shallow, I am unstoppable. Pain is starting to shoot up my legs, my back and my chest. What do you expect? It’s been years since the last time you danced. But this I ignore as I glide with the beat and rhythm, drinking in the music.

Adrenaline is rushing through my veins as I aim to move with fluidity. I briefly observe myself through the mirror, astonished and surprised. From the bobbing of my head to the lightness of my foot, it’s as if I never stopped dancing.

As the music reaches its crescendo, I feel like bursting into pieces. Fragments. Shards. My very senses are heightened. Enhanced even. I’ve never felt so alive.

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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 7: I just started reading this and i hv to say its got me hooked. Oh for future reference, names with"-sook" r kinda old fashioned in korea. Trust me, im korean lol. Like my grandma has sook in her name
Chapter 51: This story is so beautiful and amazing
PiKai_chu #3
Chapter 51: Ohh myy goatttt!!!! This story is sooooo!!" Errrhh I dunno how to describe my feeling.. *uglysobs
I'm crying..... Uwwaaaaaa :'(
This is sooooo beautiful!! Ommaaa yahh! I enjoyed every single thing in this story... I'm glad that I could finished reading this in a few hours *.*
And I'm soooo freaking happy for them!! +.+
nindelfs #4
nice start! i love this story :')
nindelfs #5
Chapter 1: nice start! i love this story :')
This one too!! hihi. ♥
Chapter 54: Hi! I've just finished reading this and it's really good!
But uh, did I probably missed a chapter or something?
I'm a little confuse about few things.. because uh suddenly they are boyfriend and girlfriend before the car accident?
And when the revelation unveiled, hanul is pregnant with hyerin first so hyerin is older than sehun right. but then there is hyebin whom is older than sehun? How could that be??
Starlights_XOXO #8
Chapter 19: NUHHHHHH! DONT LIE~ If her friends find out in the future, will they forgive her
exooxe #9
Chapter 54: Wow I'll need to check out your other stuff!