Chapter 3

Heart for Two

Nicole's POV

*he's back... he's back!!!*

I shouted for joy while Hara was pulling my hand to different places, looking for Shin. I can't believe he was back after a year. I really thought he forgot about me while he was in America... but then I stopped on my tracks since I realized something.

"Cole-ah, what's the problem? Aren't you excited?" Hara asked me with a weird look. I gave her a worried expression.

"Hara-yah... are you sure it was Shin?" She nodded her head.

"I'm pretty sure it was him, he even confirmed it himself" Hara said in a cool manner. 

"But... don't you think he would contact me if he was back?" I bit my lower lip while looking at Hara.

"Maybe, he changed numbers or something. We'll never know" Hara said. Well, maybe he did or something just came up.

"Thanks Hara-yah" I smiled at her.

"Cole-ah, we are best friends you know" Hara smiled in return. I grabbed Hara's hand and started running to find Shin but I was taken aback when she pulled me back.

"W-what's the problem?" I asked her with a confused look.

"This won't do" Hara said pointing from my head to my toe.

"What?" I asked her confused.

"You need to look beautiful you know? Let's go" She said smiling as she pulled me into the bathroom.

*After 5 minutes*

"There! you look really pretty" Hara said, proud of her creation.

"Thanks Hara-yah" I smiled and hugged her as she also did in return.

"Enough with the hugging and let's find Shin!" Hara said excitedly and pulled my hand to look for Shin. After a good 10 minuts of finding Shin, Hara suddenly stopped at her tracks in front of two men, being mobbed by lots of girls.

"Uhmmm, Hara-yah, what's the problem?" I waved my hand in front of her when she suddenly nudged me.

"Yah Yah Cole-ah, there's Shin" she said pointing at one of the men being mobbed by lots of girls.

"Eyyyy, no way" I said laughing while pulling her.

"Yah Cole-ah I'm serious! see for yourself!" Hara said as we squeezed our way in to get to that guy Hara claims as Shin. As we arrived in front of those men, I started fixing myself when Hara told me to look at them.

"S-Shin...?" shocked, I looked at the guy in front of me.

"See? it is him!" Hara said as she told all the girls to get away from them. 

"S-Shin..." I said as I walked towards him. He just stared at me coldly while smirking.

"S-Shin!" I shouted for joy as I hugged Shin. I was really happy since it has been a year since we last met. I was in my happy thoughts when he suddenly pushed me back, startling both Hara and I.

"What the heck were you doing?!" the guy said as he started fixing himself. I stood up immediately and stared at him.

"S-Shin-ah, w-what's wrong?" I asked him as tears were started to flow.

"Hey, let's go out right now! let's give them privacy" I heard Hara as she was whispering to the guy Shin was with earlier. They both went away, leaving me and Shin staring at each other.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked as I stared at the guy who was coldly staring at me.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" I went closer to him as tears were flowing from my eyes. The guy looked at me weirdly.

"What's wrong with you?" Shin coldy told me. I stopped at my tracks as I looked at him with a shock expression.


"Who the heck is Shin?!" The guy scoffed coldly while looking at me. I looked at him confused.

"Y-you are not Shin?" I asked him but there was no response from him but a cold stare.

"S-Shin... what's the problem?" I asked him.

"My name is Myungsoo" he simply answered. 

"M-Myungsoo? Stop playing with me! I'm your girlfriend for goodness sake Shin! Stop playing wih me!" I shouted as I saw him startle a bit.

"How many times do I have to tell you my name is Myungsoo?" he said, shouting back.

"Are you from America?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?" he simply answered, smirking.

"You are Shin!" I said while I saw him laughing.

"Since I'm from America does that mean that I'm that Shin guy already---"

"Do you remember me?" I asked him.

"NO! I DON'T KNOW YOU SO LEAVE ME ALONE!" he coldly said and started to walk away, not until I grabbed his hand.

"Amnesia...?" I whispered to myself while looking at him.

"You are one crazy girl" he smirked as he pushed my hand off and started walking off.

"S-Shin... has amnesia?!" 


Myungsoo's POV

"Shin-ah, what do you want to eat?" my friend Junhyung asked me. I just stared at him coldly as I saw him laughing.

"Suit yourself" he told me as he started walking to the table with his food. 

"Hmmm..." I stared at the food on display. I was about to go when I saw a pan of Pizza. I smirked as I went to the cashier to order.

"One pizza" I said as I took out my wallet to get my money but was shocked to see a group of girls beside me.

"Oppa, I'll pay for your pizza, so keep your money" one of the girls said while winking at me. I scoffed as I grabbed the pizza from the cashier and went to the table where Junhyung was.

"I see... you got that for free" Junhyung said laughing.

"They offered to pay" I smirked at Junhyung and started eating my pizza. Junhyung and I started to chat with each other about school life and stuff. Junhyung and I met when I was at aroung middle school in America. We were really good friends but then his mom had to settle in Korea because of work and so he went back to Korea.

"You have a girlfriend?" he suddenlty asked me.

"None" I coldly replied while eating my pizza.

"what?! I thought you and Krystal were dating" he said laughing.

"well then you're wrong" I laughed along with him.

"seriously, I thought you both were dating. So all along she was chasing you? up until now? wow Myungsoo, you are one luck man!" he said patting my shoulder.

"lucky my ! that girl is annoying" I rolled my eyes, not caring about the girls in front of us the whole time. We were chatting happily when two girls stood in front of us.

"S-shin...?" one of the girl said looking at me. I just stared at her coldly and went back to eating my pizza.

"See it is him!" one of the girl said. I recognize that girl from before... or not? I just shrugged my shoulders. Soon enough, all the girls in front of Junhyung and I were gone, thanks to that girl.

"S-Shin!" without noticing, one of the girl said and hugged me. I was really shocked at what she just did. Geez, don't tell me there's another version of Krystal in Korea. I pushed her off of me as she and her friend looked at me with shocked expressions. I juss stared at them coldly.

"S-Shin-ah... w-what's wrong?" the girl who hugged me asked me. I was about to walk away with Junhyung when I saw him and the other girl walking out as well. Great... I was left alone with a Korean version of Krystal.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" the girl said crying. Missed me? what the heck... was the only thing I could say.

"Who the heck is Shin?!" I replied coldly. Seriosuly, whoever this Shin guy is, needs to come back or I'll be misunderstood forever.

"Y-you are not Shin?" I gave out a long sigh in my mind before answering her.

"My name is Myungsoo" I told her. Then she suddenly told me she was my girlfriend and everything and I got really irritated and shouted back at her.

"are you from America?" she asked me. Wow, she really is a stalker of mine.


"then you're Shin!" what the heck?! if I was from America then I'm automatically that guy? wow... 

"do you remember me?"

"NO I DON'T KNOW YOU SO LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted irritatingly and started to walk off but then she followed me and held my hand.

"Amnesia...?!" My eyes widened with disbelief.

"You're one crazy girl" I said then left. Seriously, she's crazy! She does not believe I'm not her boyfriend. Love really does make people crazy.

"Tch" I irritatingly said as I walked off to the classroom but then...

*ring ring ring*

From: Krystal

Myungsoo-ah how's your day? :) Please reply I really miss you a lot :( See you soon my Myungsoo! I love you ;)

"There's the original one" I said as I went to our classroom. I started to sit at my chair when the phone of the person in front of me suddenly dropped. I was about to ignore it but then there's nothing to lose if I was to return it to her right?

"Classmate" I nudged her back when she just ignored me.

"Your phone..." 

"hmmm?" she replied sadly.

"here. You're phone droppped" I coldly told her as I was handing out her phone.

"Thanks---" Both our eyes widened as we stared at each other.



*Uh-oh... guess I was wrong*






I'm really sorry for not updating the past week! I'll do my best to update every now and then :) Thank you for the comments, I truly appreciate each and every one of them :) 


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Christie887 #1
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! It ended!!! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Chapter 5: shin should come back soon. ><
b1a4cnblueblockb #3
Chapter 5: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh~~~ I can't wait for the next update~~ I'm so curious yeaaaaaaaahh~~ Update soon. :D
Chapter 5: Yea! You came back! I understand that college is a busy life...we are in the same boat. I really liked this chapter, because Nicole finally realized that Myungsoo isn't Shin. I'm quite curious when Shin will enter into the story? And will Myungsoo slowly fall in love with Nicole? Will there be some tough competition between Myungsoo and Shin? Please update soon!
b1a4cnblueblockb #5
Chapter 4: please update soon. :D
Update please! I'm curious if Myungsoo will fall in love with Nicole.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the quick update! I'm so excited you came back! I'm in the same boat as you are. Going to college and trying to find time to update my stories. I wonder how Myungsoo is going to capture Nicole's heart? I bet you anything Krystal will enter the next chapter. I think Nicole will then realize that Myungsoo isn't Shin. (Most likely, she'll probably be embarrassed...I know I would be)! I wonder what Shin will do when he comes back? I'm sure Nicole will end up loving both guys, and if she were to choose one of them, the other one is bound to get hurt. I can't wait to read the next chpater. When you have time, please update. I'm curious how this story will turn out. :D
I can't wait to read the next chapter!
T^T please update soon. and please don't let shin come back soon! kkkkk
Poor Nicole! Poor myungsoo! I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter? Will myungsoo convince Nicole that he isn't shin? Will myungsoo start to fall in love with Nicole as time goes by? How will Nicole win myungsoo heart? When will Krystal enter the story? Ah...there will be some tough competition here. When will shin come back from the states? Will shin try his hardest to win Nicole back? Oh....there is so many questions running through my head right now! I love myungcole! Please update soon! I am a huge fan of this story! I hope there will be lots of myungcole moments!