Eh? What?

Careful What You Wish For


“OH MY GOD! He’s sleeping with a girl!!” The scream was cut with another scream from Donghae, “Where’s that filthy guy hiding?! HUH?! Leaving behind his girl like this?? He sure doesn’t know how to treat women!!” He instantly changed his state of mind, from scared to raging anger.

“Shut up!” Kyuhyun snapped on him. Donghae went quiet for a second, but continued his mumbles, ‘I got shouted twice tonight… What did I do wrong? I only state my opinion… And how dare he talk to me like that? I’ll make him pay for it later……’

Okay, back to the girl… In that short time of fuss going about, she already settled herself at the small space between the bed and the study desk. She was busy pulling her long black hair to cover her face. When there was no hair left on the back of her head, she used her hands to hide her face, just like a busted criminal trying to avoid the cameras.

“What? What? What happened?!” Leeteuk stammered to the room.

“Isn’t it a bit too late, hyung?” Kyuhyun said skeptically.

“Ah, sorry,” he said, scratching his head, “I fell asleep on the sofa… Never mind about that! Wait… Who’s she?”

“I don’t know myself…” Kyuhyun took a step forward, decreasing his distance to the girl.

“Who are you?” Kyuhyun asked.


No answer from the girl.


“What’s your name?”


Still, she didn’t answer.


He stretched his hand out, carefully trying to touch her. But before the hand could even graze her skin, she harshly slapped it away, leaving white lines of nail scratch on it.

From the back, Leeteuk who was watching anxiously let out a squeal. 

“Be careful…” Leeteuk whispered.

For a few moments, they remained just like that, static. Leeteuk was watching, and Kyuhyun was observing, the girl was there, at the corner, rolled up like a ball. Ah, well, Donghae was moving, but he was busy with himself.

Suddenly, the noise of doors creaking open could be heard from the distance. Footsteps slowly approached the room they were in.

“What’s with all the fuss?! You asked me to sleep this early and you are not sleeping?!” Heechul who was half asleep and annoyed showed up. Bad, bad combination.

“What’s wrong with Sungmin? is he okay?” Yesung, who was awakened by the loud noises asked while trying to peek through Leeteuk’s shoulders, “Wait… WHOA! Who’s that girl?!” His eyes suddenly shot open.

“Wait… Wait… Wait, what?! What did you say?!” Heechul’s eyes also shone brightly, “What’s with the ‘no girlfriend in the dorm’ policy? You’re being unfair here.” He folded his hand and shot a cynical look to Leeteuk.

“It’s not what you think it is! I don’t even know who she is! And more importantly, MORE IMPORTANTLY, SUNGMIN IS GONE!” A bit late, he realized the harsh truth that one of s had gone missing.

“Wait… Sungmin is gone? Where did he go? Isn’t he supposed to be sleeping because of his fever?” Yesung asked.

“I DON’T KNOW WHERE HE IS! Where?! Where is he Kyuhyun, where?! Look! His phone is here! HIS PHONE IS HERE! He won’t leave the house without a phone! WHERE IS HE???” Leeteuk started to walk around the room, shouting in frustration and flailing his arms all around.

“STOP IT!” Suddenly, unexpectedly, SHOCKINGLY, the girl screamed.

Leeteuk stopped shouting.

“Leave me alone.” She whispered, then knowing that nobody hadn’t move, she raised her voice, “Leave me alone!”

“What do you mean by leaving you alone? You’re the key of finding Sungmin okay?! Why are you here in the first place? What did you do to him? HUH?! WHAT???”

Kyuhyun stood up and held his hyung on his shoulders.

“Calm down hyung, I’ll handle this.”

“What do you know? Do you have an experience in interrogation? Do you know how women think?! HUH?!” Leeteuk kept blabbering.

Kyuhyun gestured Donghae, Yesung, and Heechul to take Leeteuk out from the room. Holding his waist, Heechul pulled Teuk away. Helping, Donghae pushed him on his shoulders.

“Hey! Wait! I’m not finished yet! I'm not finished yet!” And his blabbers were cut short when the door was closed.


Sighing, Kyuhyun squatted down, just in front of her.

She held up her head a bit, and took a peek from the small gaps in between her tangled hair. Their eyes met. She seemed to be a bit shocked from that brief encounter, and tried to push herself further to the back, "Didn't I say, leave me alone?" Her voice came out in a whisper.

"You're so impolite, you know that?" he procedeed in taking a more comfortable sitting position, "Now that I know you can talk, I have a few questions to ask."

She shook her head, "Please, just... Leave me alone. I can't answer you questions now. Not now."

"Why would you say that?"

"You won't believe me."

"I believe you or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is you to answer my question. Just relax, it's okay." He tried to make himself more friendly looking by giving a warm smile to the mysterious girl.

The girl sighed and nodded. But still, with a tad of unwillingness.

"But first, can you get rid of that hair? It's more comfortable if we could see each others' face when we talk." He giggled. 

Shyly, she parted her hair in the middle, putting on half behind her right ear, and the other half behind her left.

When her face was visible, a thought hit Kyuhyun, even though he tried to deny it for the next few hours.

'This girl looks A LOT like Sungmin.'

She blushed and covered her face again. As if she could read his thoughts.

'No, no, no!' Kyuhyun shook his head, 'That's NOT possible.'


"Who are you, miss?" He forced the words to came out from his mouth.

"I... I..."

"Who are you?"


"Miss, please. I can only help you if you answer my question. Please?"

She didn't answer.

"Miss, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you won't answer me, I have no other choice than to call the police and turn you over for trespassing."

The girl, for the second time, looked him right in the eye, and said, "You want to know the truth?"

'Yes! Finally! GAH.' Deep inside he's a little bit frustated, but he tried not to show it.

"I will tell you the truth. But the problem is, you won't believe me. You won't."

"Is the truth so harsh I might have a hard time believing it miss?"

There was a long silence going before surprisingly, she said, "Ask me your questions." with an assertiveness in her voice.

Kyuhyun sighed in relieve, "How can you get here miss?"

"This is my home."

That answer caught him off guard, "What? Are you kidding with me?!" His tone inclined. He regreted it for a second, afraid that it might make the girl refuse to talk more. But to his surprise, she didn't change her expression. 

"You said you'll believe me." For the first time, she talked above whispers.

"Yes, I did, I'm sorry." He was surpised with the amount of confidence this strange girl was giving him. It was as if she knows him. But he denied the thoughts. "Miss, can you please tell me who you are? And what's your relationship with Sungmin?"

There was a pause. She seemed to be thinking deeply, whether to tell or not to tell.

"This might not be the right time... I..."

"I can't accept that kind of answer miss," He cut her sentence and stood up, "I'm sorry but I have to call the police."

"Wait!" She suddenly screamed, "Wait, please, Kyuhyun, wait." 

'She... Called my name, informally. What? That's really weird.'


After a few seconds of stare-off between the two people, she finally opened and said, "I'm Sungmin."

There was like, 1 minute of silence before Kyuhyun said, "You're f***ing kidding me." 

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sujulove48 #1
Chapter 2: nice story!!!! :)
keep writing like this
Chapter 7: this is so interesting! it's different from all the other fanfics that i have read ;)
Chapter 7: Aha this is great xD Poor Minnie I feel bad for him/her :/
akxshi #4
Chapter 7: where is kyuhyun?i need my kyumin moment ;A but donghae ugh ;A
haha...min,even if he didn't change into a girl, he still looks like a girl..but, not deny that, this story make me smile all this day..thanks n update soon ^^
akxshi #6
Lol donghaeee XD
loveSungmin #7
haha LoL at donghae , he has a crush on Sungmin.
Bluecassy7 #8
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋOMG innocent Hae got nosebleed xD LOL. please update soon ^^
Aish! Update update update pretty pleaseeeeee!! :D
akxshi #10
Omgggggg XD im going crazyyyy XD you daebakk author-sii update soon! xD