Attempts to Talk to the Devil

The Devil Does Cry

      Chapter 3 - Attempts to Talk to the Devil

  The next two days, Seunghyun continued to be persistent in talking to Dara. After all, he wanted to get to know her better and the best way to do so is to talk to her.

  The moment he sat down in his seat, Dara immediately shut him out. She stared out the window for no particular reason and found Bom slowly walking towards the building. She was near the gates, but still strode gracefully down the path. Dara glared at her. She better hurry up! I don’t want to be alone with this boy for so long! Ah! I only she could hear me right now! Hurry up!

  “Good morning, Ssan- Dara…” Seunghyun greeted, almost calling her Ssantoki. If he did, he would know he had made a huge mistake.

  She still shut him out, watching Bom as she was halfway towards the entrance of the school. Ugh… Why does she always walk so slowly?

  “Uhm… How are you?” He continued.

  She doesn’t answer.

  Seunghyun pursed his lips, thinking. Should he continue talking to her or not? It wouldn’t hurt to try one last time. “Do you have plans for this weekend?” He didn’t mean to say that; it just came out of his mouth as if his brain was telling him to do so.

  This caught Dara’s attention. She flushed red as annoyance crept in. Is this guy flirting with me or what? I don’t want to associate with him! Why can’t he get it in that little brain of his? Oh wait, it’s because he has a small brain, he can’t comprehend anything! “Will you leave me alone? I have nothing this weekend, but I don’t plan on spending it with you.”

  It was the wrong thing to say. He knew it, but it was the only thing that was in his mind. “Well…”

  “Just. Just be quiet.” She said in a half whisper.

  He bowed his head in defeat. It’s best not to make her angry in the morning. It could probably affect her mood in the afternoon. Maybe after first period, he’ll try to talk to her again or maybe he could do it during class.


  During first period after their teacher explained their assignment, Seunghyun decided to act. While everyone was doing their work, he tore a page out of his notebook and wrote a note to her. He scribbled:

  Hey. – Tabi

  Being a bit friendly would hurt. People call him Tabi, but it was rare. Jiyong knew about it, but he didn’t like calling him that because it was “strange to his tongue.”

  He glanced at the front, seeing their teacher reading a book. Slowly, he slid the note towards Dara.

  She was paying attention to her work, twirling the pencil in her fingers. She couldn’t understand that one question and thought hard about it. All her attention was on that question to where she had no idea about the note.

  “Ah!” She muttered and flipped the pencil which flew out of her hands. With one hand reaching out for the pencil and the other on the desk, she picked it up. As she was getting up, she knocked the note off the desk.

  Seunghyun’s eyes widened as the note slipped in front of him. He didn’t want to bother Bom because that would cause her to reach over to the side and Dara would have noticed. The person in front of him wasn’t so reliable because he had no idea who that person is. He didn’t want anyone to see his failure. Seunghyun slouched in his chair, reaching for the note with his foot. He was only a couple of inches away. Even with his long legs, he couldn’t reach it. If he got up, everyone in the room would question.

  Time to call in Bom.

  “Pst! Pst!” Seunghyun called for Bom, covering the side of his face with his hands.

  “Do you need help, Mr. Choi?” His teacher asked suddenly as he looked up from his book.

  “Ah… Nothing…” He sunk in his chair from embarrassment and felt the paper under him. Really?!

  Most of the students giggled but stopped when their teacher glared at them.

  Seunghyun slid the paper under his desk and grabbed it. So much for using a note. I don’t want to try again… Not after this incident!


  During the breaks, he tried speaking to her, but she continued to ignore him. It seemed like lunch was the best option. Seunghyun stopped talking to her until lunch came. He didn’t walk with the two girls because they don’t head to the cafeteria right away. Instead, they head to the restroom and met the guys at the table.

  As Seunghyun was walking down the hall, he spotted Jiyong hiding behind a wall. “Hey!” He greeted.

  Jiyong jumped and stepped away from the wall. “Oh, hey, Seunghyun!”

  “Ready for lunch?”

  “Of course!” He jumped in front of him and strode to the cafeteria, heaving out a deep sigh.

  Along the way, Jiyong spoke to him, “Is Dara and Bom sitting with us again?”

  “They might be. They have been for the passed few days.” Seunghyun stated, looking at the ground.

  Jiyong sneered. Aish… Why do I have to be caught up in this mess! It’s supposed to just be Seunghyun and me! Why do girls have to suddenly pop out of nowhere in our lives? I can’t stand being judged because I’m hanging out with the Devil in Disguise. But I’m doing this for Seunghyun…

  “How are you doing in Class B?” Seunghyun asked when Jiyong stopped talking.

  “Ah… Fine… I guess? It’s not as exciting at in Class C, but it’s relaxing. How’s Class A.”

  He shrugged. “Interesting.” I wonder if Dara will speak to me by the end of the day. I want to at least hear her voice speaking to me without anger.

  Jiyong raised his eyebrows. Interesting?! What does he mean by that?! Ah! I’m going crazy!

  “Anyways, let’s grab some lunch.” Seunghyun headed to the nearest lunch line and waited patiently.

  Jiyong followed without a word. It’s time to experience another day with Bom and Dara sitting with them for lunch.


  During lunch, Jiyong kept glancing at Seunghyun as he noticed him not eating. Seunghyun was deep in thought and Jiyong wanted to know what it was even though he had an idea. “What are you thinking about, Seunghyun?” He asked curiously.

  Seunghyun snapped out of it and took his chopsticks. “Oh, nothing.” But it was a lie. He wondered why Bom and Dara isn’t sitting with them today. Was it all because of him? Did he do something wrong to cause them to hate him so much? He didn’t like that idea and felt very worried.

  Jiyong continued to stare at his friend with worry. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” he replied calmly.

  He shrugged it off and took a bite off his food. I’m so confused… What is this Dara girl like? What did she do to my best friend? He has never acted like this before! I need to find out what this girl truly is like whether I like it or not. He pouted. I hope I don’t get caught or else she might kill me!

  Seunghyun began poking his food while glancing up once and a while. Where is she?


  “Why don’t we just eat in the cafeteria?” Bom complained as she was being dragged by Dara outside. She wanted Dara to speak to Seunghyun and at least get to know him, but it’ll never happen if she keeps avoiding him!

  “I don’t want to!” Dara exclaimed, struggling to pull Bom.

  “Why not?!”

  “I just don’t want to!”

  “What’s wrong with sitting with Seunghyun and Jiyong? They’re not bad people! You need to learn how to be sociable like you used to be.”

  Dara stopped tugging on Bom’s arm and dropped her hands. “The old me is gone. Why would I talk to people who don’t even know me?”

  “That’s why you need to open up! Without opening up, no one will be able to know the real you. Please Dara, be friendlier with Seunghyun. I know he won’t be like the guys you believe guys are. He’s not like that.” Bom placed a shoulder on her friend. This was normal for Bom to be explaining things to Dara. She would always tell her to open up with people, but every time she would refuse.

  “No…” Dara muttered. “I don’t want to be friendly with him. Just leave me alone.” She jerked her shoulder and walked off. “If you don’t want to eat with me, just go. I am not going to sit with those guys ever again!”

  Bom caught up to Dara and pulled her arm, forcing Dara to face her. “Yah! I’m your friend for a reason! Without me, you would have no one! I’ve been helping you for years and this is how you treat me?”

  Dara avoided her gaze.

  “At least owe me one thing.”

  She bit her lip. Dara could never be mad at her friend no matter how many times they fight and disagree. They had that kind of relationship. Dara would get annoyed by her, but still be with her because she was the only one who knew everything about her.

  “Please, Dara. All I’m asking is for you to open up to Seunghyun.”

  Dara began chewing. “Fine…” She muttered.

  Bom grinned and took her into a hug. “Great! But for today, we’ll eat out here since we don’t have a lot of time and maybe other students have taken our seats. You better promise me you’ll at least try and open up to him.”

  Dara nodded. “I promise.

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I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...


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Chapter 14: my Tabisan!!! wae??? I fell sorry for dara, also for GD... love your story :xoxo
x0xlilpunkx0x #2
Chapter 16: I read the whole story in one sitting! It pulled me in from chapter one!
When Seunghyun died, I could hear my heart shatter >: So sad
yssassyla #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I didn't see that one coming! I'm crying. My Bingu TOP wae?!
jekomgarcia #4
My Tabisan heart! Why!?! Someone who looks exactly like Tabi needs to appear. Huhuhu… :( Oh well.
Nooooo!!!!! My tabisan...why?????
Felt sorry for dara...just when she about to find happiness in her life... :-((
TOP has to be reincarnated. A fallen angel. HE HAS TO BE! :(((
#7 killed my made me cry..but anyway..That's how the story goes..and base on your title it matches well..Good luck on your sequel..FIGHTING!..;)
ckenzieal #8
Really authornim, WTF!? Honestly, I didn't expect something like this would happen to tabi. :( I seriously cried a lot while reading the last chap. Huuwahhhh! *still can't get over* I thought this would be a happy ending with TABISAN. So that's why ji is always there for dara, 'cause he has a major role in dara's life! Tch. Poor tabi, is it really true he got into a hit and run? Hmmm...something is fishy here. Anyways, off to read your sequel! Kyahhh!!! PANDARA! So excited. Kekeke. Gomawo ^^
I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...
ellisd #10
Oh wow Seunghyun died. That's sad.