The Devil Feels Happiness

The Devil Does Cry

    Chapter 13 - The Devil Feels Happiness

  The day of the date, Dara was giddy for the first time. It was a strange feeling, but she liked it. She went through her wardrobe and managed to find something nice for their date. This time, she put light makeup compared to her dark makeup. She let her hair down and curled it a little bit. She was ready for today’s date.

  Dara hadn’t asked her aunt because she knew she would say no. Plus she wasn’t home at the moment. Dara didn’t care if she would get beaten the moment she steps inside her home. At least she could be free for that short time.

  When she finished dressing up, she sat in the living room, staring at the blank T.V. She was too excited to turn it on.

  As she sat there, she received a text message:

  I’m on my way. – Tabi

  Dara had changed his called ID to Tabi, but she still kept Jiyong’s as Idiot Lamb. She still thought of him as an idiot. “Once and idiot is always and idiot,” she told herself as she saw his ID.

  Minutes later, she received another text.

  I’m outside. – Tabi

  She stood up and ran outside to find Seunghyun in jeans and a regular T. She felt too dressed up and blushed.

  Seunghyun didn’t care because she truly lived up to her name or at least the name he gave her. She really looks like an angel like this. He held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Dara didn’t take it, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with being with him alone. Instead, she walked pass him and asked. “Where are we going?”

  “I’ll lead.” He went ahead and strode towards the city. “First, let’s get some breakfast. I didn’t get to eat breakfast.”

  “Me neither.”

  Seunghyun liked this side of Dara, but it felt too good to be true! How could someone like her open up so easily?

  He first brought Dara to a café. A waiter took them to their table and left the menus in front of them.

  Seunghyun skimmed the menu. “Did you find anything you like?” He asked when he knew what he was getting.

  Dara stared blankly at the menu. She didn’t know what to get. “What are you getting?”

  “A cappuccino and a blueberry muffin.”

  “I’ll get the same.”

  He chuckled. “Okay. I guess.”

  Dara stared at the menu. This was actually the first time she had gone to a café because she mainly saw couples going in there. She hated the lovey-dovey type of things, but since she was here with someone, she didn’t mind. Or did she?

  Her eyes turned to the side and found a couple sitting in a booth next to each other. The guy had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend’s shoulder as they laughed and giggled. Dara sneered and turned the other way, only finding a couple sharing drinks. Aish! They’re just going to get hurt in the end…

  Seunghyun saw Dara staring at the two couples and thought she was jealous. He was too shy to touch her and he wasn’t sure if Dara would actually like it. They’re not exactly dating just going on a date if you get my drift.

  The waiter came back and took their orders. As they waited, Seunghyun spoke to her. “Have you ever been on a date before?” Pabo! Of course she hasn’t!

  She shook her head. “Nope. And I wasn’t planning on it.” Until I met you. Dara sneered at the couples once more and rested her head on her hands as she propped her elbow up. Her eyes stared at the couple and she didn’t know why. Usually she would immediately look away, but this time her gaze remained.

  Seunghyun sighed. Ah… Then why did she want to go on a date today? He smiled. But I have a plan. A special one, too.

  When they received their order, Seunghyun kept the conversation going. “Since we’re on a ‘date’ we should get to know each other more.”

  Dara remained silent.

  “I’ll go first.”

  “We already know a lot about each other.” She cut in.

  Seunghyun raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. “Oh really? Tell me what do you know about me.”

  She sat straight as she got ready for a long speech. “First, you used to be in a gang and people used to call you TOP. You have a talent in rapping. Your best friend is Jiyong who never had a class with you except for the past. You’re stubborn and will do anything to obtain what you’re aiming for.” Dara paused, tapping her lips, “You don’t exactly have the best teeth but a flaw is attracted most of the time. You tend to stare out in space when you’re thinking.” Another pause and she realized how much she had to say. She cleared . “Yeah. I could go on but I’m not.” What am I saying?! It makes me seem like a stalker!

  Seunghyun chuckled. “Okay. My turn. Where should I start? Hm…” He stared at the ceiling. Then back to Dara when he thought of things. “You were known as the Devil in Disguised by everyone in the school, but it seems like that name is getting uncommon due to the fact you’re less scary. You’re living with your aunt whom you hate to death. You had a bad past so you turned cold towards everyone except Bom who is your best friend.” He paused.

  Dara realized he was saying all the negative aspects of her. Was she that of a horrible person?

  Seunghyun grinned. “But actually, I can see you have a kind heart, but you have pride that gets in the way of that. You’re really stubborn. You tend to purse your lips when you concentrate. You have never been on a date. You have beautiful eyes and charisma that could captivate anyone. You’re very tough in the outside but actually you’re vulnerable whenever it comes to family and close friends. And most of all, you’re not a Devil. You are actually an Angel.”

  Dara blushed and took a bit on her muffin. She didn’t know what to say. In fact, she was too embarrassed to say more. Silently, she ate and drunk till everything was gone.

  Seunghyun chuckled at the sight and did the same thing, glancing at Dara once in a while.

  After the café, they decided to walk around the city. It was a nice day, so why not? As they strolled, Seunghyun felt the urge to hold Dara’s hand. He swung his arm occasionally, letting his fingers brush against hers.

  Dara knew what he was doing and smirked to herself. Ah… This boy. He’s so shy. In a split second, she took Seunghyun’s hand.

  He blushed and jumped.

  She giggled.

  Seunghyun remained silent but smiled to himself.

  Their stroll lasted for a short time before Dara dragged him inside a clothing store. She needed new clothes since most of hers were old. She picked out the first item on her list which was a navy blue blazer. “Ah! I’ve always wanted this!”

  Seunghyun chuckled at her childishness and took it. “I’ll buy it for you if you want it.”

  “Ah!” She was about to protest, but he was already taking it to the register. “Wait! I need to try it on!”

  In the end, Dara ended up trying on different styles that could go with the blazer. Seunghyun didn’t mind but he did mind the fact he had to say yay or nay on certain styles. If only Jiyong was there… Jiyong was the fashionista of the group.

  It took them a couple of hours before Dara found they perfect outfit.

  “I’ll pay you back.” Dara said as she saw the price rising with each item.

  He shook his head and took out his wallet. “No. I don’t mind.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t mind.” He paid the cashier and handed Dara her clothes. “Just remember who bought it for you.”

  Dara half smiled which disappeared in an instant. She didn’t understand why such simple things could make her smile. It didn’t make sense!

  “Where to now?” Seunghyun asked, still waiting for the perfect moment.

  Dara looked around and saw a cinema. “Let’s watch a movie. I’m choosing and paying.”

  Seunghyun opened his mouth to protest, but Dara was already heading towards the ticket box. He shook his head and followed behind.

  Dara had picked a scary movie, not a romance one but a scary one. Of course she would. Seunghyun thought as he was sitting next to her. This was predictable since she didn’t seem like the type to watch the cheesy love stories.

  Throughout the movie, Seunghyun tried keeping his composure but still jumped once in a while and grabbed the armrest. As for Dara, she was watching intently, expecting something to pop up any moment. When something does, she would jump and laugh at the thrill. She was enjoying the movie compared to Seunghyun.

  “What do think?” Dara asked after the movie was over. She stretched, loosening up after being in a seat for nearly two hours.

  “Aha…” He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t much of a scary movie goer. He’d rather watch comedy or action. “It was…”

  Dara rolled her eyes and walked away.

  “Where are you going?!” Seunghyun caught up to her and followed her quick footsteps.

  “I feel like walking in the park.”

  His eyes brightened. Perfect!

  In the park, they strolled around, not even looking at each other. Dara was feeling nervous so she no longer held his hand. It was getting late. She never realized how she has been with Seunghyun for nearly a whole day. This was the longest she has been with someone except for Bom.

  Seunghyun’s heart beat quickly in his chest as his plan was soon going to come into action. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Just a couple of more steps and they’ll be at the spot where he wanted.

   He stopped under a tree and took Dara’s hand, preventing her from moving any further. “I have another confession.”

  Dara’s eyebrows rose.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  She continued to stare at him without a word.

  He gulped and leaned close.

  Dara’s eyes widened. Her mind told her to step back, but she stood frozen as Seunghyun towered over her. She closed her eyes expecting something in particular.

  Seunghyun stared down at her and chuckled lightly. Who knew this Devil could be so cute. He pecked her forehead and stepped back.

  Dara flushed. She couldn’t move and was lost for words.

  He chuckled and took her hand. “That’s not the only thing.”


  “It’s your birthday right?”

  “It is?” Her eyes widened as she realized it. How could she have forgotten! It must be because her aunt never celebrated her birthday with her so she had given up thinking about it. Bom was the only one who would invite her out for dinners and give her presents. No wonder she felt excited today. She was expecting to spend a day with Bom like usual but had Seunghyun instead.

  “Yeah.” He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a box. “And I have this for you.” He opened it, revealing a necklace with angel wings as its pendant.

  Her eyes widened.

  He took it out and went around her, putting the necklace around her neck. “I hope you like it,” he whispered.

  Dara touched the pendant and smiled. “Thank you, Seunghyun.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  She continued to feel the pendant. “I guess it’s time for me to answer, right?”

  Seunghyun stayed silent.

  “I’ll go out with you.” Her head dropped as she felt embarrassed for confessing to someone for the first time. “I’ll be your girlfriend.” She bit her lip.

  Seunghyun forced her to look into his eyes. She grinned and pecked her lips. “Do you really mean it?”

  Her body was burning now. Slowly, she nodded.

  He chuckled. “Great! Now, should we tell Bom and Jiyong on Monday?”

  She nodded her head.

  His smile brightened. “Awesome!” He jumped up and down while holding onto Dara’s hand. He was excited. Finally, he’s able to be by Dara’s side. How long has it been till he was able to break her barrier? Three months? Five months? He didn’t remember, but he did whatever it took to get her to treat him like this. He loved it.

  Dara was laughing inside her head as she saw Seunghyun’s childish self. Funny how he was the most annoying (other than Jiyong) guy she had ever met and now she’s his lover. But how come it felt too soon? How come she wasn’t as excited as Seunghyun? Should she have waited or what?

  But it didn’t matter because this was the first time she had felt true happiness.

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I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...


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Chapter 14: my Tabisan!!! wae??? I fell sorry for dara, also for GD... love your story :xoxo
x0xlilpunkx0x #2
Chapter 16: I read the whole story in one sitting! It pulled me in from chapter one!
When Seunghyun died, I could hear my heart shatter >: So sad
yssassyla #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I didn't see that one coming! I'm crying. My Bingu TOP wae?!
jekomgarcia #4
My Tabisan heart! Why!?! Someone who looks exactly like Tabi needs to appear. Huhuhu… :( Oh well.
Nooooo!!!!! My tabisan...why?????
Felt sorry for dara...just when she about to find happiness in her life... :-((
TOP has to be reincarnated. A fallen angel. HE HAS TO BE! :(((
#7 killed my made me cry..but anyway..That's how the story goes..and base on your title it matches well..Good luck on your sequel..FIGHTING!..;)
ckenzieal #8
Really authornim, WTF!? Honestly, I didn't expect something like this would happen to tabi. :( I seriously cried a lot while reading the last chap. Huuwahhhh! *still can't get over* I thought this would be a happy ending with TABISAN. So that's why ji is always there for dara, 'cause he has a major role in dara's life! Tch. Poor tabi, is it really true he got into a hit and run? Hmmm...something is fishy here. Anyways, off to read your sequel! Kyahhh!!! PANDARA! So excited. Kekeke. Gomawo ^^
I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...
ellisd #10
Oh wow Seunghyun died. That's sad.