The Devil Gets Comfortable

The Devil Does Cry

       Chapter 11 - The Devil Gets Comfortable

  During lunch, Seunghyun went ahead to meet up with Jiyong as usual, but he was unable to find him. Where could he have gone? Seunghyun thought to himself as he looked around.

  Dara and Bom on the other hand, headed straight to the cafeteria. As they were walking down the hallways, Dara spotted Jiyong walking the opposite of the cafeteria. Where’s he going? Is he not going to meet up with Seunghyun?

  She watched him until he went up the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” Bom asked.

  Dara shook her head. “Nothing.” Even though she said it, she couldn’t help but continually glance at the staircase. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Uhm… Okay?”

  Dara escaped and followed Jiyong. She found him going to the roof. Once there, she stood by the door, opening it just a crack. She stared at him as he fell to his knees.

  Jiyong looked at the sky and bit his lips. “It’s been a two years since we’ve split and I guess now I’m starting to forget about you.” He spoke to the sky. He dropped his head as a tear fell. “I still don’t understand why we broke up. I wish we could go back and be happy together once again.”

  Dara watched with intense eyes. She knew Jiyong was talking about Chae Rin since Seunghyun had explained she was his girlfriend in the past.

  He forced a smile. “But at the same time, I’m glad we broke up. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have left the group and be able to live a normal life.” Jiyong paused and scoffed. “Funny I’m trying to reach you by talking to the sky, but I know you can’t hear me.” Another scoff. “Also, if it weren’t for the break up, I wouldn’t have met someone else who could make my heart beat the same way as it did in the past.”

  Dara held her breath. Could he be talking about me?

  Jiyong shook his head as if answering Dara. “No actually two people: Seunghyun and Dara.”

  Her eyes widened. What did he mean by that?

  “Whenever I’m with them, I feel like myself once more.” Jiyong closed his eyes, feeling like an idiot. Even though he was talking to an invisible person, he wanted to get those words out. “I really hope I could be close to Dara just like Seunghyun. I know she’s just like him that why I-” He paused as he strained the next words, but he could no longer say it the sky. That’s why I like her.

  Jiyong closed his eyes and prayed silently to himself.

  Dara’s eyes dropped, knowing she wouldn’t hear the rest. She heaved a soft sigh and left the place without Jiyong noticing.

  As she was heading to the cafeteria, her heart beat fast as she thought about Jiyong’s words. That boy… I don’t know what goes on in his mind. He’s speaking to the sky for Pete’s sake! She sighed once more and found herself standing in front of the cafeteria door.

  “Hey Dara!” Bom exclaimed as Dara sat down in her usual seat. “I bought your food already.” She scooted Dara’s plate towards her and smiled.

  “Thanks, Bom.” Her gaze went to the food, then to Seunghyun who was staring intently at his food.

  “Where’s Jiyong?” Dara asked, pretending she hasn’t seen him.

  Seunghyun shrugged. “I couldn’t find him. He was here this morning. I guess he’s in the restroom or his teacher held him back. Who knows? But I’m sure he’ll come. He doesn’t deny food.”

  Dara managed a weak smile. “Ah…”

  “Are you okay? You look worried.” He asked, noticing her expression. It wasn’t the usual annoyed or irritated look. It was softer and sad.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Seunghyun poked his food. Was it something I did during class? I was just excited about her talking to me. I didn’t mean to ramble on and on during the breaks. He pursed his lips at the thought and kicked his feet.

  Dara bit her lip as she glanced at Seunghyun and nothing in particular. She was confused. She still didn’t understand why Seunghyun and Jiyong entered her life. It was perfect without them. Now, she had multiple feelings and she hated it. She hated this feeling because it made her feel weak. She didn’t want to be weak. At least not after that day.

  Bom felt the tension but didn’t say anything. She ate her food without a word.

  “What’s up?!” Jiyong exclaimed suddenly as he sat down in his usual seat.

  Dara’s eyes widened as she saw Idiot Lamb sitting in front of her.

  Seunghyun grinned. “Where were you?! I was looking all around the hall trying to find you!” He wrapped an arm around Jiyong and ruffled his hair.

  “Ai! Don’t do that!” Jiyong pushed Seunghyun off him and smoothed his hair. He sat straight before explaining, “I was on the roof, getting some fresh air.” He stretched. “Being in that tight room the whole day got me nauseous. My teacher wouldn’t let me go out because I-” He cut himself off as he remembered Seunghyun didn’t know he was late for class just to see Dara.


  “Aha…” His eyes trailed. “I’m going to get food!” He stood and escaped as quickly as he could.

  Seunghyun rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Jiyong…” He smiled and looked at Dara.

  She blushed as she found his smile attractive. She shook it off and turned her head away. “Hmph!”

  “What did I do?” Seunghyun asked.

  “Nothing…” She grumbled. Her eyes averted to him and she smiled. “You worry too much. You shouldn’t do that or else you’ll age faster.”

  Seunghyun held his breath. What did she say? Was she concerned about his looks? He chuckled. “Okay. Okay. I’ll lighten up.”

  Dara laughed with him. At first it was an awkward one but it soon became a whole hearted laugh.

  Seunghyun stopped as he was mesmerized by her soft laugh. It was definitely like an angel. He certainly didn’t make a mistake in falling for someone like her. He liked seeing Dara like this. Hopefully, the longer he’s with her, the more he’ll be able to see her smiles.

  Bom also watched the scene and laughed silently. Aw. They really are a cute couple! I hope it will be like this everyday!

  Jiyong was in the distance, watching the scene. He had gotten his lunch and was returning. He stopped halfway as he saw Dara laughing and smiling with Seunghyun. His eyes drooped. I shouldn’t be jealous. I’m not jealous! No! I can’t be jealous! Seunghyun is my friend, so I should be happy he’s able to smile with someone! I mean, if they get together, then she’ll be his first girlfriend! I should be happy about that idea, right?!

  Jiyong tried convincing himself, but he couldn’t help but feel hurt by the idea. This was the second time he had fallen in love with someone who would just break his heart. He took a deep breath and placed a smile on his face that was completely convincing. With his tray in his hands, he returned to the group and pretended to be shock. “Omo! Is Dara actually laughing?”

  Dara stopped laughing and glared at him.

  Jiyong laughed nervously. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that…

  She rolled her eyes and smiled but it was still an awkward one. After all, it’s been a while since she smiled.

  “Ah! So she did smile!”

  Again she stopped, frowning this time.

  Jiyong pouted. “Yah! How come when I’m around, you don’t want to smile! That’s not fair! You smiled around Seunghyun!”

  “Stop acting like a child!” She flicked his forehead.

  “That hurts you know! You have such strong fingers for a small girl…” He grumbled while rubbing his forehead.

  She sneered. Jiyong could make her feels several emotions, but she mainly felt anger towards him. She didn’t know why, but she does. “Aish! I could beat you to a pulp right now if I have to!”

  Jiyong cried inside. I always make her angry! No matter what I do! I’m getting scared again…

  Seunghyun’s smile faded. They fight like a married couple… Soon, his smile turned to a frown but before people could see, he bowed his head and ate. I’m going to fight for her no matter what. I don’t care who it is, but I will get her.

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I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...


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Chapter 14: my Tabisan!!! wae??? I fell sorry for dara, also for GD... love your story :xoxo
x0xlilpunkx0x #2
Chapter 16: I read the whole story in one sitting! It pulled me in from chapter one!
When Seunghyun died, I could hear my heart shatter >: So sad
yssassyla #3
Chapter 16: OMG! I didn't see that one coming! I'm crying. My Bingu TOP wae?!
jekomgarcia #4
My Tabisan heart! Why!?! Someone who looks exactly like Tabi needs to appear. Huhuhu… :( Oh well.
Nooooo!!!!! My tabisan...why?????
Felt sorry for dara...just when she about to find happiness in her life... :-((
TOP has to be reincarnated. A fallen angel. HE HAS TO BE! :(((
#7 killed my made me cry..but anyway..That's how the story goes..and base on your title it matches well..Good luck on your sequel..FIGHTING!..;)
ckenzieal #8
Really authornim, WTF!? Honestly, I didn't expect something like this would happen to tabi. :( I seriously cried a lot while reading the last chap. Huuwahhhh! *still can't get over* I thought this would be a happy ending with TABISAN. So that's why ji is always there for dara, 'cause he has a major role in dara's life! Tch. Poor tabi, is it really true he got into a hit and run? Hmmm...something is fishy here. Anyways, off to read your sequel! Kyahhh!!! PANDARA! So excited. Kekeke. Gomawo ^^
I bet you guys are like, WTF just happened?! But I'm serious, there's a reason why things are going on the way it should be...
ellisd #10
Oh wow Seunghyun died. That's sad.