
Dancing in a Downpour


“Miss Jung, you’re late.”

I rolled my eyes. Every morning since Monday, those are the words I hear when I open the classroom door. I wanted to talk back and say, “Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to say it every single time.” But of course, I won’t. So instead, I said,

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

I sank into a chair by the door and listened to the discussion, until the next class came, and the next class, and the next class, and the next class…

Until finally, it’s lunchtime. Finally I could get out of this hell-like room for just a couple of minutes. I quickly dashed out of the room and went straight to the cafeteria all by myself. I ordered some food and decided to go straight to a vacant table, until…

“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry!”

Okay, this is not okay. Some girl just bumped me and spilled her food all over my blouse. And now, almost half of the people inside the cafeteria was staring at me. This is not good.

“No, it’s okay.” I tried to smile even though I’m really pissed off.

The girl fixed her glasses and looked up at me. “Um, I have an extra shirt here, you can borrow it. I’m very willing to lend it to you.”

Before I could hesitate, the girl started rummaging in her bag and after a few seconds, she pulled a red shirt that had a really big smiley face on it. Talk about yuck.

“Here, take it.” She handed it to me with a big smile.

“Thanks.” Smiling was really hard to do.

I rushed to the comfort room and changed quickly. Great, now I’m going to look like a goof roaming around the school with a smiley face shirt.

I went out afterwards and went to my locker. As I opened it, a little note fell down and I picked it up. It read,

“Just like the symbol on your shirt…smile! There’s no reason to frown but there are a lot of reasons to smile. –A”

“A”? Wait, I don’t know someone whose name starts with the letter A. But one thing I know, this person happened to be really sweet. In fact, this person is the one who made me smile today. With that, I went back to the classroom. Two subjects passed and finally, dismissal time!

I quickly got my bag and took a cab.

“Miss, can I have your fare, please?” The driver asked, reaching his hand to me.

“Oh, yeah,” I muttered as I opened my bag and looked for my wallet.

Oops. My wallet wasn’t there.

I rechecked it but still, no wallet.

“Um, I think we have a problem here…”

“Problem? What problem?!” The driver’s voice got louder.

“I think I lost my wallet.”


Okay, so the driver threw me out of the cab and now I don’t know where I am.

I looked around and saw no one. I’m alone, oh no. Suddenly, I felt raindrops on my nose. And then it started to pour on my shoulders, and on my body, until the rain got harder and harder. I quickly ran to a small waiting shed.

“Ugh! Why do I have to be so unlucky?!” I asked myself.

“No, you just think that, but deep inside, you’re not.”

I almost jumped when I heard someone talk. I turned around and saw a girl from school. Wait, in fact she’s at the same age as me. “Who are you?” I asked.


I nodded. “And…why are you here?”

“I followed you.”

My eyes widened. She followed me? What for?!

“What…” I was in lack of words.

“Krystal, why are you being like this anyway?” she asked.

I’m confused. “Huh?”

“Krystal,” she walked a little closer to me. “Last year, you were that girl I knew who was very quirky. You always had that beautiful smile on your face.”

I blushed. No one has told me that before.

“But what happened? Your smile seemed to fade away.”

I sighed. “I know this sounds crazy, but it’s because of a boy. I loved him for all my life and eventually, her broke up with me with no particular reason.”

I saw her give me a shocked expression. “I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s okay. I could really use a hug right now.”

Just as I thought, she hugged me. “Don’t worry, Krystal, if you ever need someone, I’m here.”

I smiled, and tears streamed down my face. “Can I request you something?”

She broke the hug and held my shoulders, looking at me in the eyes. “Yeah?”

“Um, I really wanted to do this, so…can you dance in the rain with me?”

She tried to hold her laughter. “Oh, yeah, sure.”

Full of laughs and giggles, we went out of the shed and danced like little kids under the rain. Even though today was a very bad day, the end was perfect. Spending time with Amber even though I just met her was something I’m looking forward to every single day. I felt like when I’m with her, I’m safe. I’m thinking of what our friendship will be soon enough, but right now, I’m thinking about us, dancing in a downpour.


O M G guise. i loved how this came out lol. please do comment, thankyou. x)

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Chapter 1: i wanna try dance in the rain too^^
lilkjungie #2
so sweet <33
goddessliu #3
@max83263 @fxcrazy @musiclover16 so you guys really want a sequel welp. i'll try sob. ;~~; but thanks!
@AdventPhantom thanks lol. x)
@kaayou wuaaa~ i'll try. :DDD
@WhynterSnow omg your comment made me laugh. thanks, tho! :* >:D<
aww~ soo cute!! u should make a sequel! please!
Awww!!! That was so beautiful!!! I love! Never let anyone take your smile away, but I'm glad Amber fixed that.^_^
musiclover16 #6
sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!!
sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! sequel!!! ^___^

i also love H & Hr couple, i thought they will be together in the end but too bad they aren't. :(

awesome story by the way. :D
fxcrazy #7
max83262 #8
sequel pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)))))))))))))))