
A soft wind blows into my soul

As they're heading to the restaurant, Chanyeol breaks the laughter and says " Kris and Kai ah! There is something I need to tell you guys. I decided to not going to Harvard next year. I will stay."

Kai & Kris (surprise): WHAT? What did you say? You're not going? Why not? Did you tell your mom?

Chanyeol: Yeah I called her last night and she was ok with my decision.

Kris: How's about your dad? Was he mad?

Chanyeol: No, its surpring me also.

Kai: Wow, I can't believe it. Are you sure this is what you want Chanyeol?

Chanyeol: I think it doesn't matter which school I choose to go. The matter is whether I keep working hard or not, so I think I made the right decision. I will become a great doctor!

Kris: As I said before, whatever you want is fine with me, because I believe in you.Thanks for staying here with us

Chanyeol: Well I should thanks to you guys who always support me ! kekeke

It's about three more minutes away from the restaurant. The boys are fooling around on the sidewalk. They run and catch each other like the five year old boys. They didn't care if people call them crazy.

Finally they're in front of the store, they're about to get in, but Chanyeol saw a showdow like one of his friend..." Baekhyun??" Chanyeol said out loud. At the moment Baekhyun looks back, he falls down on the ground. The three boys run to him and tries to wake up Baekhyun, but Baekhyun is  motionless.

" Ya!! Baekyun ah! Wake up! Are you ok? What's wrong? Baekhyun ah!" Chanyeol's nervous. Baekhyun is so skinny, his face is so very pale. It seens like he didn't have time to sleep.

Chanyeol puts his hand on Baekhyun's forehead. " Omo! so hot!" Chanyeol said. Without thinking, Chanyeol puts baekhyun on his back and runs to his home. Kai and Kris follow Chanyeol.

Since Chanyeol's a medical student, so he has a medicine cabinet near his dining room. He puts Baekhyun on his bed. Then he takes out a big box with all kind of different medicines in it, while Kris puts a wet towel on Baekhyun's forehead. Kai is trying his best to cook a hot soup in the kitchen.

After 30 min, the high fever seens to drop down. Kris and Kai are in the living room waiting for Baekhyun to wake up. On the other hand, Chanyeol's sleeping on the chair next to Baekhyun. He looks tired and worried. Sudden, Baekhyun wakes up and doesn't know where he's at. But he sees Chanyeol who sits next to him, so he thinks that Chanyeol was the one who carried him while he was motionless on the sidewalk. He knows that Chanyeol is sleeping, he looks at Chanyeol for a while and he smiles. Baekhuyun moves his hand gently, so he won't wake Chanyeol up. He touches Chanyeol's face, then to his hair.

Through the door, Kris can see clearly all that. He's speechess and walks away. A tear falls down on his cheek.

" Chanyeol ah! Wake up !" Baekhyun said

From the sleep, Chanyeol wakes up and looks at Baekhyun who is smiling at him.

" Are you ok now? I was so nervous. Please don't do that next time or I will in shock again." Chanyeol said

" I'm sorry Chanyeol ah! I'm fine now. Thanks so much for taking care of me. I should go home now. I think it's late now" Baekhyun said as he was trying to get off the bed.

" Sure, but before you go, please eat some hot soup first. Kai tried his best to make it, so" Chanyeol said

" Omo! I don't know what to say now. I shouldn't bother all of you like this, so sorry" Baekhyun said

" What are you talking about? We're friends right? " Chanyeol said

" But..." Baekhyun answered

" Okie let's come out !"

They head out to the living room.

Kai: Omo Baekhyun ah! Are you ok now?

Kris: Let me get the soup for you

Baekhyun: I'm so sorry you guys

Kai: Don't say that. We were on the way to buy some food for our party tonight and we saw you. Omo that was scary. Thanks to Chanyeol..kekke

The boys wait for Baekhyun to finish his soup.

Kai: You want to stay over at Chanyeol's house tonight ?

Chanyeol: What?

Baekhyun: It's very nice, I need to go home soon ( smiles)

Chanyeol: As soon as you get your soup done. I will take you home

Baekhyun: I can go home by myself. Don't worry and thanks for the soup Kai. Its really good ( smiles)

Kris: Let Chanyeol take you home! ( smiles at Baekhyun). We need some food, so after taking you home, he will buy it

Baekhyun: Uhm okie


#### Okie I think this is good enough for this chapter. Today is a busy day for me as well as tomorrow ( July 4). I hope I will be able to write tomorrow since my family will go out all day to celebrate on Wednesday ( Independence Day). Thanks for reading !!! :) Hope you guys like it. Take care <3 Have a good holiday !!!



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i love it but i felt like my throat was burning i really wanted to cry but tears won't come out
i thought its still long way to ends! im shock! @_@ but.. im happy~~
its the ends of my story, then the ends of your story! daebak
glad that you didnt kill Kris~~ hoho.. he's mine xDD

im so loving an happy ending of BaekYeol~ woot3 *dancing around*
Aaah... It ends already.. :(
I like the idea of the whole story. I like the ending the best. I just think that it ends a bit too fast.. -,-
Aaah, it's alright. :)
Thanks for writing this beautiful BaekYeol fic.. :)
My ship is now fueled again.. ^^
you'll be so cruel if you let Kris die, my dear author-nim xD
even i didnt let him end up die in my ff although its was my first opinion.. huhutt~
dont left me in curious feeling.. update soon u_u
Aaaaaaaaaaaah... Why it become like this??? It's so saad... T.T
Omo, please make Kris alive. I'm sure Chanyeol will be so sad. >.< And that will break Baekhyun heart, too...
Ooow, please, please, please, please, make Kris OK... >.<
And make him tell everything so that Chanyeol and Baekhyun will get together again..
Don't you dare to make Kris get amnesia! Please doooon't!! >.<
5a8ina #6
no T___T can not die
tao have to go with kris
baekyeol then all together and happy forever :[
you're updating so fast! like F1 xD
i thought i dont have time to read your ff today but glad i finally free!
whoaa,, Baekhyun left Chanyeol too here~~ i really hoped that Kris will come explain the real situation, huh.. no more breaking BaekYeol :') ---update soon(?) lol~
Sorry for the late comment... >.<
I regret it so much because I found that the last chapter is so sad... >.<
Ow Baekhyun why didn't you just tell Chanyeol the truth? Ow... I hope Kris will do the right thing for the best.. :'(

Ow, please update soon... ><