The Letter


The Letter

Letters. Letters. Letters.

They always say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Yet will any picture bring as much pain as this letter?


Taemin-ah! Together, we will achieve our dreams, and be the best!

His lips formed a small smile, as he drew in a shaky breath for the last time, letting that warm, familiar voice drown out all other thoughts. With a soft thud, his heartbeat stopped forever. Yet the smile did not fade away, as if it were frozen on his face for eternity.


A/N: Man, I still don't know what the "Description" and the "Foreword" is for. ;___; I don't think I'm doing it right. Anyone care to explain?


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Chapter 1: you're so cruel authornim,
you makes me cry..
Thank you for this wonderful story.
How I wish Taemin still there with Kai..
seriously this is the best angst I've ever read so far.
Woah// Daebak!~^^
I cried :c
Im actually listening to Baby Good Night by Big Bang, and not Memories /: .
Cannot.Stop.Crying. Oh god why oh why so sad, my eyes are gonna dry out completely. ;__; So good tho, loved this !
@random1117, thank you so much! :) I'm glad you liked this story, and I'm sorry you cried >.<
no comments for this story?!?! wth?!?! this is a very well-written oneshot that i enjoyed a lot. (even though i started crying.. well, i am quite emotional. xD) its great and i will definitely recommend this to my friends that like angst. :) annyeong~~