The Demon Within - joycehhh

Lotus Blossom Graphics | closed

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Long,long ago, was the birth of a great world, Exo.

It was a small planet, and 3 cities were formed on the continent of EXO-A. Typically named Exo 1,2, and 3, a group of people decided to form Exo Light, whom wanted to preserve the good of Exo for generations to come.
Generations later, 4 trainees from the 3 great cities were prophesized to be the legends of Exo. It was 2 pairs of siblings Suho and Kyungsoo,Jessica and Krystal. Tragically, however, Suho was killed. his own brother.
Kyungsoo was never to be found after that. Jessica and Krystal, the other 2 legends, were the only ones remaining of Exo Light. Since then, weird things started happening on EXO-A. People from other continents stopped coming. There were an increased amount of robberies and murders.
The Exo Light disappeared.
Wait..but why is Darius(OC) after Kai and Luhan..?
Chaos is brewing, and no one is prepared to stop it.

Story Link


Designed by PerfectStranger


The Demon Within by joycehhh

Graphics posted on 10/1/2012



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important announcement in chapter 49!


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Chapter 53: Whoa! I felt like...OMG. xD I think that I had a hard time following your rules and I unexpectedly went on a hiatus that time. But if you wanted to ask me anything or spazz over something, do feel free to. And Thank you! :)) A lot of people has complimented me like that I like your graphics too. :) They're pretty awesome. And you have subscribed in my graphic stuff? How come I don't know that?! It has been my pleasure to be a part of your staffs. Hope to work with you again soon if I have the time to! And I'll try making you a little something too. I might be too busy to log in here and decide to deactivate my acct. :( Any, I also wish you the best. Hope you will be one of those great, popular designers! :D Jiayou!
Chapter 53: awww~i felt like to cry now TT______TT somebodyyy give me some tissue pleaseee~i'm about to cry now..uwaaaahhhh!!!!! you're so kind dongsaeng~for me to be a part of LBG,OKG and be your best firend is already enough for me as the best present from you~^^ i will miss this LBG...the first place that i'm showing my ability to do a poster to everyone and the place where a got a new friend!!!
Chapter 53: ....asdfghjkl;' *sobs in a corner*
(TT^TT) So sad...I LOVE YOU GUYS EVEN THOUGH WE'VE ACTUALLY NEVER REALLY TALKED BEFORE. *runs and hugs you* I'll keep supporting you and -white-! You guys are the best. FIGHTING!~ *sobs and walks away*
Chapter 53: aweeeee :') that's so sweeeeeet <3
Chapter 50: Thank you for awesome poster, character chart and background! :)
I already subscribed to your new shop :)~
Chapter 50: *sobs in a corner*
I actually got attached to this shop..Even though I don't make posters and I'm just a customer..But I loved going through all the requests and reading them. ^^ It made me smile how this shop was like a little family. I'm defiantly subscribing to the new shop. Hope it turns out well! Fighting!~
BlackPenguins #8
Chapter 48: It's amazing! Thank you again for making it! It is not fail, believe me. It isn't. This is perfect. I thank you again. :D I'll PM you the link once I post it. Thank so again so much!!
Chapter 48: *-* I'll thank you on the be half of my friend. WONDERFUL!
Great...-.- The poster is making me want to bother the crap out of my friend so she can start the story already..GREAT JOB! b(^__^)d