His Lips

His Lips

The EXO members slept in the living room on the floor and two members were awake, though they didnt know each other were. Kai tossed around trying to find a comfortable place to sleep but stopped when faced with Kyungsoo.

He was awake. I blinked a few times and looked at Kyungsoo's face. 


Kyungsoo's hair was a bit messy but it looked nice and his eyes were the same big doe eye. I looked lower and saw his lips. They were full and red. I gulped and looked away quickly.

Only a week ago I realized how much I liked Kyungsoo more than just a friend. I looked back at Kyungsoo and found him looking back at me.


"Your awake?" Kyungsoo asked quietly.


"Yeah." I answered softly.


We were just staring at each other for awhile. Kyungsoo smiled his breath taking smile.


"Why are you awake?" Kyungsoo said.


"I  just cant sleep. How about you?" I replied.




I just nodded silently. Theres a awkward silence between us in the air and all we could hear were soft snores and breaths. I looked around for alittle while but my eyes kept on going back to the beautiful face of Kyungsoo.

We started to stare at each other again. I felt my heartbeat speed up and adrenaline course though my veins making me feel more courageous.


My eyes locked on his red lips. I gulped and reached across to Kyungsoo, my fingers coming in contact with his bottom lip. I rubbed my fingers along his bottom lip savoring the feel of pure softness and I started to wonder what it would feel like to have my own lips on his.

Kyungsoo looked at my fingers touching his lips and looking at me; It looked like he was thinking the same thing.


From the lights it looked like he was blushing but I was unsure.


"J-Jongin?" Kyungsoo said so quietly I almost didn't catch it.


I didnt answer him because I was too entranced with his lips. I could feel the soft roundness. Just then Kyungsoo his lips and that done it.

I brought our heads together and kissed those lips that I wanted for so long. Kyungsoo replied back by kissing me.


I felt my heartswell and I felt content and happy. I ran my hands though Kyungsoo's hair and brought him closer. Kyungsoo had his hands on the back of my neck.

I Kyungsoo's lips and he parted slightly for me to enter and some how I kinda ended on top of Kyungsoo.


I grabbed Kyungsoo's clothes trying to lift his shirt to see what was under.




Me and Kyungsoo broke away from each other to see the other members staring at us wildly. We both hadnt noticed the lights had while we were kissing.

Suho was the one who turned the lights on and yelled. I forgot the other members were with us and I wished me and Kyungsoo was in the bedroom we shared.


Kyungsoo blushed and hid under the blankets, it was so cute! I stiffled a laugh and laid back down to where I was suppose to be sleeping. Suho turned the lights back off and went back to sleep.


I went under the blanket Kyungsoo was and started to kiss him again. I dont really care that our members saw us kissing.


It was worth it.




Im really sorry that its not longer >_<

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Exoloverforever444 #1
I like this it is cute and sweet i also liked the ending part.
Chapter 1: Kaisoo action when EVERYONE is there, shiyet, somehow that's just sooooo hot, even though you say they are under the blanket. XD
Chapter 1: This was just cuteeeee ^^ Short, simple yet awesome! this thing DEFINITELY deserves a sequel~ !!
eudaimonia #4
Chapter 1: suhooooo why you kaisoo ;A;
LMAO. Kai is so naughty naughty. And the rest of the EXO quite letargic. LOL. I liked it!
oh Suho you -block XD and cute kaisoo!
Xandra #7
so cute! ;~~~; <3 sequel please~~
I think you should make a sequela with the awkward "i like you, do you like me? xD it will be really good, since this one was :D
oohluhan #10
omg suho why?????????????