Chapter 3: Girl Talk

Seoul Academy for Boys and... One Girl: Senior Year


Chapter 3

Girl Talk


SO I was home sick. I concluded that with the whole drama in Japan and the whole drama here.. .I just wanted to go back to a regular life. Was being an heiress really what I wanted?? How would a kid know what she wanted to be when she was that young? Why didn’t my parents ever ask me if that’s what I wanted.

I know my uncle didn’t buy them out. My father refused to get money even though my mom really wanted it. However my uncle wanted to give them an easier life. And really my father mostly got his money from retirement but my uncle always gave him a little bit more.

Enough about money.

The thing was… I didn’t know if this was what I really wanted.

Did I want to go through all this torment and agony just to be a stressed grumpy old lady who has no idea what to spend so much money on? Why was I doing this.

I know my uncle wanted an heir he could trust yada yada yada… But really.. Was this what I wanted to do?

I loved piano.. I loved animals.. Couldn’t I be in the circus!? Do something crazy?? 

Why can’t I have a normal teenage life with driving lessons and dates and fun. I just felt I was working my off for something that I didn’t even think I’d do well in.

All my Uncle’s partners were old men.. Would they trust a girl like me?

Arg this was too hard.


I looked at the time. It was late. But I couldn’t sleep. 

I decided to call someone.

“Mmmm… MinYoung?” Amber questioned.

“Hi…Amber.” I replied. “Sorry to wake you.”

“Neee… What’s up?” She asked.

“Want to meet up?” 




So it was 1 in the morning and I was sitting at the corner of an empty street waiting for Amber… Probably not one of my smartest moves.. But I really wanted to just spend time with someone older and much wiser than I. 

“Hey MinYoung.” Amber said and then yawned.

“Thanks for coming out.” I said and smiled.

“Ne… I don’t have school for another week.. No biggie.” She replied.

“Right aren’t you in an art school.” I asked.

She nodded. “what’s the real problem Minyoung?” We started walking.

“I…. Don’t have a spark anymore.” I didn’t really know how else to explain it.

“Well you’ve had the crap beaten out of you.. People telling you that you don’t belong in that school Someone turning you into their personal slave.. An ex boyfriend that doesn’t know how to say no to other girls… And on top of that you’re an heiress to a big corporation.” Amber said bluntly. “I’d be feeling a bit.. Unsparky too.” 

“How… do you know everything.”

“I’m the presidents daughter.. I had to live many of the hardships you’re going through… Luckily my father separated his career from his family life… unfortunately you have to be apart of yours.” Amber reminded me. “If it isn’t what you want… You don’t have to go through with it.

“I just don’t think I would be good at it.”

“If you can handle this school of boys… You can handle anything.. You have one year left.. You can do it. I mean you got shot!” Amber chuckled.

She was so cool.

“But I need to find something to drive me again.” I shlumped onto a park swing.

“Hmm..” Amber leaned against the swing pole. “I can’t tell you what to do about that.”

“Mm…” I mumbled.

“But finding what makes you happy….. Like for me it’s dance.” Amber said. “Weren’t you good at piano?” She asked. I nodded, but it was different.. I really couldn’t use it as my drive.. It was a relaxation technique. 

“It’s not the same.” I replied. “I have a passion for music but it’s not that type of tool to me.” I explained.

“What drove you last year before ya know.. SP.” She asked.

“I had auntie who always inspired me to keep going.” I said and frowned.

Amber came and plopped on the swing next to me. “Is there anyone else who inspires you?”

Really the only person that popped into my mind was.

“Kyuhyun.” I blurted out… then blushed.

She smirked. “I’m not into the whole dating thing.” She said. “But if Kyuhyun was what drives you to want to be better then feel free to express it.”

“Eh?” I was a bit confused.

“Admit to yourself that you like or are fond of this kid.” She responded.


“No BUTS!” She yelled. “If hes better than you at math YOU GET BETTER AT MATH!”


“If hes better than you at singing… YOU GET BETTER AT SINGING!”


“If hes better than you at videogames.. YOU GET BETTER AT VIDEO GAMES!”




“If you want him to notice you.. Like what you failed to do last year.. Like waiting for hours in the rain taught you last year.. You make him come to you!” 


“All those boys in that school and you act like one of them. YOU’RE A GIRL MINYOUNG! YOURE THE HOTTEST THING IN THAT SCHOOL!”

“YEAH!” I was beginning to think she was getting like Luna…



“Yah.. Keep it down girls.” A by passer said.

As we were walking home I felt so much better. Amber was right.. I needed to admit to myself that I did have some sort of thing for Kyuhyun.. I didn’t know what it was but before I got transferred and things popped up I lost sight of what really drived me in that school… and it was him!

It was the whole concept of getting someone to notice me. Someone to chase me. I had been spending all of last year chasing my problems and getting so wrapped up in so many things. I had really lost sight.

“Yah… Those two look cute.” I heard some stranger said.

“….” Amber took my arm and pulled me to go faster. “Going this late at night was not a good idea.” She whispered. 

“Yah.. Where are you two cuties going.” An older man said and winked. I could smell the beer from where I was standing. He had blocked our path. Amber had her other hand balled into a fist. A few more guys surrounded us.

“Don’t worry MinYoung.” Amber said. “I can take them.”

And did she ever.. She punched the first guy and kicked another. However there were too many for just one person to handle and although I tried to push them away with my own strength another one had already got ahold of me.. And then I saw Amber get tangled up with two guys holding her down.

I though I had a body guard! 

“this one is feisty.” One of the guys holding her down said. “I like it.”

“Wait.. She looks familiar.”

“Ah.. Who cares…”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOONA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” I heard a yell in the background and WHAM! The guy holding amber fell straight to the ground. I stared shocked. And it wasn’t long before three younger guys came to the scene and beat up all the drunker men and had them running off.

“Noona!” I couldn’t really tell who it was because I was pushed to the ground in the whole thing. Although I did feel someone pull me up and then wrap their arms around me. “Noona are you okay?” He asked.

“Ahh! Look who this is!” I looked up and saw Chanyeol and Sehun helping amber back on her feet. She however pushed them off her and dusted herself off.

I looked up at the person still holding me and then noticed the strange hugging position we were in and I pushed myself out of Beakhyuns arms. 

“Noona???” He asked.

“Thank you.” I said with a soft smile.

“Noona you shouldn’t be out so late at night.” Sehun said to me. 

“How are you three always around?” I asked.

“Oh we went to late night karaoke!” Beakhyun said and laughed. 

“But are you okay noona?” Chanyeol asked I nodded.

“Again thank you.”

“ANYTHING FOR NOONA!” Sehun punched the air.

“Who…. Who are these kids?” Amber asked.

“We’re Minyoung’s biggest fan boys!” Beakhyun said with a  peace sign.

“Uhh.. No they arnt” I replied. “This is Chanyeol… Sehun.. And Beakhyun.. I met them at the beach house… and surprisingly they go to my school now as my juniors.” I explained.

Amber nodded. “Okay boys… Take Minyoung home.” 

“What about you Noona?” Beakhyun asked.

“Don’t call me Noona.” Amber replied and gave the scariest glare I had ever seen.

“Ahhh~” They whined.

“I’m calling my driver… I’m going to hideout in this café until he gets here.” She said. “I want coffee..” And with that she went into the nearby store.

“YAY DATE WITH NOONA~” Chanyeol said.

I sighed and face palmed.





So I guess thanks to the three guys I made it home safely… I don’t think I would be doing anymore late adventures for a while. I had a feeling of giddyness as I laid in my bed.

I was excited that I had something to drive for.. And maybe it might have been immature.. But to me it was more than just… ‘that cute guy’ it was beating him at his own game. Kyuhyun had such an easy life.. And I strived to be better now. I wanted to be number one in my class… and I wanted to …

I wanted to find a stupid subject for this essay.




“AAHHHHHHHHHHH P5! P5! P5!” I heard the regular chants as usual.

Arg I was tired and grumpy today. I walked to the back gate and came face to face with the same three little pests… I shouldn’t say that.. They did save me I was just not in the mood.

“Yay~ Noona looks pretty today!” One said.. I didn’t even bother to pay attention.

“Hey you three. “I said, “I’m very tired today..” I explained. “Please don’t mess around.”

“No worries Noona. We’re here to study~” Chanyeol said and saluted me. 

“And greet Noona!” Sehun explained and the three of them rand past me to the front gate… I presumed anyways… Back gates were forbidden for everyone expect me which I was thankful for.


As I got to the classroom I almost collapsed into my seat.. I was last to arrive.

“Today after school we have to get to work on the booth.” The teacher said. “So who wants to be team leader?” 

“Jonghun’s idea.. I think he should be it.” Eunhyuk said.

“NO~” I yelled. “I mean uh…”

“I’ll do it.” Hyungjoong raised his arm.

Jonghun chuckled in his corner. 

“Alright You may speak to the class directly then now.” The teacher said and sat down at his own desk.

HyungJong stood up in front of the class.

“So we have to construct a booth.” He said. “Any ideas on the design?”

So we all worked together on what we wanted the booth to look like.. Well.. Nickhun and Jonghun seemed to be the only one’s participating in the whole ordeal. Onew and Eunhyuk were also throwing in suggestions.

I just sighed and watched the whole scene un fold.

Sorry for the slow updates everyone.
I have been slightly busy,.... and have had writers block!
And Im very glad everyone is enjoying it.
ABOUT KEY He will be in this story at some point but not for a while (this is for everyone asking about him)
ABOUT BIGBANG They WILL be in this story but not for a while they have other missions to attend to ;) 
ABOUT KYUHYUN I wrote in part 1 what this love story was alll about it's bery slow processed so dont rush me! ;)
I think that about covers it. ^^


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It might be crazy to hope that you'll update but I truly wish you gain the motivation to update again ^^
JaeheePark #2
I had already finished reading your stories since last year and all i can say is that it made a huge impact in me so please update soon author nim.. ^_^ i miss this story already..
Mac206 #3
Chapter 4: Update. :) I loved your first story and so far I love this one too. So great job
qtasiangal #4
plz update!! i was a fan since winglin!! i thought u stopped uploading cuz for some odd reason i never thought of u uploading the rest of the story on aff! oh whatever whatever~ i literally found that u uploaded 2 days ago, and started from THE VERY BEGINNING! (hehe im a fast reader) PLZ UPDATE!! ur the reason im starting to like exo, but im heartbroken cuz the last update was last year. omg i noticed i was a silent reader all this time, but idk if i ever commented on winglin hehe..omg i read this story when i was in elemantary school!! im a high school student now...reading ur story made me feel nostalgic, and im sorry to other stories to say this but, ur story is the only one that makes me want to keep reading...main moral of this very late comment: PLZ UPDATE. ILLBEWAITING!!
Chapter 4: Hehehehehh... I like where this is going... I find Jonghun's annoying-ness charming in this story... It's quite strange.
Zoe_bug #6
Chapter 4: Uh oh! Poor Kyuhyun always having something happen to him! I also noticed, but where's Suho?
LuckyJune #7
When are you going to update? I miss this story so much *sniff