teaser four | girl four | you're different

~♡~ happily ever after | apply open
The crowds parted as a beautiful, pale skinned girl stepped down the hallway. An oversized tote bag was slung on one shoulder and a textbook was curled up in her arms; she look effortlessly perfectly put together. Her uniform skirt bounced up and down as she casually walked down the hall, ignoring the stares and whispers flying past her as she did. She already knew what they were talking about anyways—she had just dumped her boyfriend of three and a half weeks: Rockhyun and it was going to be the news for the ongoing weeks. 
Shr hurried to her locker and brushed by a couple of guys who winked at her. Rolling her eyes, she realized why none of her relationship ever worked out; all guys were so immature. Whoever said there were prince charmings and whatver were definitely high on soemthing. Can one of these guys actually step up and protect a girl? She didn't think so. 
"Hey ____-ah, I heard you just broke up with that pabo Rockhyun. You should go out with me." _____ shot an icy glare at the intruder and sighed.
"Look Sanghoon, I'm not interested right now." She answered in a polite yet firm tone, "Leave me alone."
Sanghoon frowned but said nothing more before turning away curtly and leaving. _____ shook her head as she watched him leave.
Boys were so pathetic—they all acted this same, idiotic way. She grabbed her needed books and clicked the lock to her locker shut before walking away to her favorite class — Literature. She was just a genius at it and there was no way to descibe the enjoyment she felt when she picked up another amazing her book or wrote a composition about a insightful topic.
____ was usually the first to arrive to Literature but today, she spotted an unfamiliar figure looming next to Professor Jung's desk. Curiously, she stepped to the two and Professor Jung smiled brightly.
"Ah, this is our ace student, ____. She never fails to disappoint me." Professor Jung said, "This is our new student,  ____ please make him feel welcome."
____ nodded at the student with a soft smile on her face. He wasn't definitely the most handsome boy at the school but there was a friendly and comforting aura about this boy. He seemed different, but she didn't let her hopes soar too high. 
The boy smiled back at her and offered her his ahnd to shake, "Please take care of me."
____ found herself chuckling softly at his old fashioned manners, "No worries, I'll be nice."
He smiled at this comment and shook her hand. She noticed he hadn't sent any winks her way or any smug smirks; she liked it. He was just trying to make friends and it somehow attracted her towards him. 
"It's nice to see two of my top students getting along." Professor Jung said brightly, "He's quite an ace too; remember the writing contest I had you enter last month? He is the writing prodigy that claimed firs place."
This certainly caught her attention and she stared with admiration at him, "You are that amazing writing I had been dreaming about?"
His cheeks tinited with pink and he nodded shyly.
___ grinned at this act of humblness; he didn't show off nor did he rub it in her face, "We'll be getting along really well then."
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07.08.12| status list is updated + please read the note at the end because there is something important!


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So youre not doing this anymore :c i was really hoping for this. Found my application when i accidentally opened my blog.haha. oh well :c
applied as Park Ji Ah~~~ engjoy~
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Hatsune Miyakozuka's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
Woah she more of the smart one ^^
Hahaha this is DAEBAK !!!
Totally DAEBAK ^^
I guess a smart play girl we have here XD
I'm so happy you updated !!
Anyway can't wait to see the rest of the teasers >.^
Girl four is great! :D
I was so happy to see you updated! I was starting to wonder where you went!
wow~ girl 4! I love your style XD
thelucifer #7
teehee - that always seems to happen lol when a girl who's been hit on a million times meets a guy who doesn't automatically start hitting on her - she's bound to notice him;)
Waah~ Teaser four was.. ;A; .. I have no words. I feel breathless. It's very beautiful and serene (Notice, I have no idea what that word means but I'm going to use it because it sounds cool. Jeah.)

Update soon~!
Awesome teaser 4 ^^
i started an aff profile making story
and my applications from you guys got washed out
so please pm me again if you do not see your name up there
and if you're wondering about chocostars
that's my other account ♥